The Rise of Plants

Chapter 852: The layout is complete, the trend of swallowing

"The Karan family has already contacted the other side, but their attitude seems not very good. Now the lord of the holy tree collar is very angry. I think we should contact the Karan family and can't let them go on like this."

"Well, then get in touch with the Karan family as soon as possible. If this continues, the Karan family may really be in danger."

The surrounding blockade of Karan Island is too in place, so Karan Island will have no way to get in and out for a while. If it weren't for their strong background, there was really no way to contact the current Karan family.

What they didn't know was that the Karan family was also arguing fiercely at this time. Some people think that it is necessary to fight all the way and fight Chinan to the end. Some people think that it is necessary to compromise. There are still others who are discussing how much benefit should be given. In short, the Karan family can now be said to be messy.

Because they all set their sights inside themselves, no one noticed the development of some remote places on Karan Island at all.

The two sides seemed to be in peace, Chinan just surrounded Karan Island, and then occupied a piece of land in some marginal areas, but these places were not important and desolate.

The Karan family didn't care about these places at all, even the other two families didn't care about it. In their view, this was originally Chi Nan's signal of goodwill.

Chi Nan didn't make the next contact in person, but handed it over to the people below. Anyway, the two sides are all kinds of wrangling, and no one can convince anyone. In this way, time passed day by day.

The desolate valley on the coast of Karan Island is no longer as desolate as before. The entire valley is full of golden flowers, and the surrounding lawns. These are not ordinary flowers and plants, but magic sun flowers.

The magic sun flower has now become a very important strategic plant in the territory, which can gather a large amount of sunlight power and turn it into the life magic power that supplements the energy pool. Then use these life magic powers to cooperate with the mother tree of the homeland to quickly spawn a large number of plant weapons, and at the same time unlock them step by step. No one will mess with the whole development process.

"We have now unlocked to the golden level and can finally build an airship mothership."

On top of a mothership floating in the air, a soldier stretched out and said with excitement.

"It's unlocked so quickly to the end, your development speed is really exaggerated, hurry up and show us." In the air, with the help of the small and miniature floating everywhere, everyone can check the situation of other people's bases at will.

"Who told you not to hurry up?" The soldier didn't care, and even showed his base proudly.

Those small and miniature floating in the air, the people of the Karan family don't know what they are, they can only let them float, and no one even dares to approach them, because these things are often protected by airships next to them.

The most important thing is that these things fly too high, and their flying units can't fly so high at all. Even with the magic light cannon, it is not certain whether it can lock an accurate hit. Who will attack these things that are not threatening.

"I don't have enough energy right now. I need your help to build an airship mothership."

"No, you really want to do it. The mothership doesn't need that many. Besides, if you want to build one, if you use the base, there is no way to install it with modules, so the construction speed will be very slow."

The soldier next to him immediately began to persuade. This person didn’t care: "It’s okay. As long as the energy is sufficient and the support is increased, one can be built in half a month. This is very valuable. When the time comes with some ordinary airships, this It's a new airship formation again."

"Yeah, maybe you can become the commander of this new formation so you don't have to huddle with us."

"What are you talking about, am I such a person? You are welcome to serve in my airship formation at that time."

A group of people laughed, but before they could discuss it, Olna's voice suddenly came from the side. "You all, that's fine. Now everyone uses energy channels to add life magic to my base."

"Master Commander, what are you doing? We are discussing the manufacture of an airship mothership."

"You don't need to make it. I'll do it. I'm going to build 20 airship motherships. The incubation workshop is already ready, and the energy is short. Now I will replenish it immediately."

Okay, the commander has spoken, what can they do, twenty boats at a time, it's really a big deal. This is the amount of five airship formations, and indeed the commander in chief has the strongest courage.

There was no way, the superior gave the order, and they had no choice but to do so. No matter what the soldiers think, the outside world is still wrangling. This kind of negotiation takes the most time, but fortunately, there is no action on the face of both parties.

As time went by, the Karan family gradually relaxed. This negotiation lasted a whole month. Even the residents of Karan Island are very calm in the production and planting, as if everything has not changed in peace. But on this day, the peace was finally broken.

"We are ready. Today the second batch of motherships has just taken Overseas we already have 25 airship formations, and now there is no problem in crushing overseas. We ask for war."

Hearing this, Chi Nan nodded in satisfaction: "The war fortress, how has it been formed?"

"The layout of the war fortresses around our Sacred Tree Island has been completed. There are a total of 28 war fortresses on Karan Island, scattered around Karan Island. When the war begins, we can quickly occupy their important passages."

Chi Nan smiled happily: "Now that we are ready, let's prepare to go to war, and strive to take down Karan Island at one time. But we have to fight without declaring it. At the same time, the strategic department, find a reason. ."

There was a faint laughter from the other side. Everyone was not illiterate who knew nothing. Of course, they knew that when war was declared, there was a reason. After the armistice for such a long time, they can't come here without reason.

But why is this thing hard to find? During this time, they have been preparing for this day all the time. In less than two hours, the reason for the war has been found, and it has been advertised everywhere. Even the residents of Karan Island know that the next war is not something that Karan Island can stop. Up.

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