The Rise of Plants

Chapter 853: What reason is this

"No, Holy Tree Island suddenly launched a campaign against us, what should we do now."

The Karan family, who had been calm for a long time, became nervous again. Those senior members of the Karan family who have been at the family headquarters for this period of time have now all come to the family conference hall.

"Why, isn't it a good idea? Haven't they all entered the final negotiation stage? Why did they suddenly launch an attack." An elder slapped the table and roared.

"Reason, I need a reason, who provokes these people." Others were also angry.

"Report to the patriarch, report to the sirs. The Sacred Tree Island said that many people have attacked their plant weapons during this period, but they did not fight back. They also said it was a provocation to them."

The patriarch frowned: "What's going on? Who actually attacked their plant weapons."

The people below you look at me, I look at you, and finally the soldier who sent the order said: “According to the materials provided over there, when they were first attacked, it was a farmer who attacked their spider tank with a hoe.”

"What? How could this happen? What kind of reason is this."

The patriarch pressed his hands: "Then what about them, how did they do it? Did they fight back?"

"My patriarch, their spider tank didn't counterattack, and the farmer's attack had no effect. However, because the plants never counterattack, many soldiers have privately attacked those plant weapons."

"What! Who asked them to do it, didn't they keep them safe and sound."

An elder frowned and sighed: "Hey, after all, they are all soldiers. They will inevitably be a little angry if their comrades die. However, this kind of thing has developed to such a degree, I am afraid that the holy tree leader deliberately guided of."

"What do you mean..." Everyone has an idea.

"Yes, it's just to leave an excuse to start the war. I think they probably didn't want to negotiate with us from the beginning. After such a long time, we don't know what arrangements they have made."

In fact, they had done a lot of similar things before, so they immediately understood Chi Nan's approach. But the problem is that they have always been in a strong position before, and now they are completely reversed.

The opponent's strength is stronger than them, and the opponent has the absolute initiative.

"Hmph, do they have arrangements, we also have them, they will die as many as they come."

"It's not good, it's not good, our border area has been continuously lost, there are too many enemies, and the number of their airships is not the number in the previous data." Another soldier ran in in a panic.

No way, they don't have something as useful as a plant brain board, and they don't dare to let this thing into the family, worrying that the other party will do anything on it, so they can't see what's happening outside.

"How is it possible? Where did they come from so many airships." Seeing the report on the data, the exaggerated number made them crazy. "These **** trash exaggerated the number of enemies so much in order to cover up their failure."

"I'm afraid not. Looking at these reports, their generals have already died on the battlefield. There is no need to exaggerate. Maybe, there are so many. Those airships are all plants, maybe they were planted during this time. We. I have forgotten that the sacred tree collar is not a weapon of war developed by alchemy power at all."

The patriarch and several elders laughed bitterly. What can they do if things have developed to such a point.

At this moment, there were already a large number of airships rising into the sky in some valleys and desolate places. On those airship motherships, soldiers were also reassigned to become new fleet commanders.

The assembled new airship formation began to fly toward the surroundings as planned.

"Haha, this is the important hurdle in the data, really we arrived first, attack me."

On an airship mothership, the two newly arranged captains almost jumped up. There are only these two people on this airship mothership. Because the airship developed too fast during this period, the number of soldiers was not enough.

If this kind of thing is known to the people of the major empires, then it is not known whether it is envy or other feelings.

A large number of airships swarmed up, and various missiles directly hit below. After such a long delay, the weapons and resources in their hands are extremely sufficient. This is the advantage of the farming army.

The people in the fortress below also found the airship in the sky, and they had no choice but to fight back desperately. Rays of light came straight into the air, these are magic light cannons. A set of fire can often cause an airship to be shot down.

Unfortunately, there are too many airships, and there are not many opportunities to gather fire. Most of the attacks are blocked by the airship's defensive barrier.

"Hey, the power is so high, the power of this magic light cannon may threaten our mothership. We are a little farther away, but don't be shot down, otherwise it would be a shame."

A blue light flickered below, and a beam of light that was much thicker than the usual magic light gun rose into the sky, actually piercing three airships on the same line in succession. This power is enough to threaten them.

"What are you afraid of? We are still far away from here. Look at the bottom. The war fortress has come Not far away, the war fortress is slowly floating towards this side, and there is a lot of land beside it Plant weapons approached mightily, and the location of this fortress was the area that this war fortress needed to occupy.

After getting close to a certain extent, the war fortress directly opened the top door, and the huge gun barrel was aimed at this side. Countless shells were shot, and the defense barrier of the fortress violently oscillated, and even the city wall was collapsed.

"Damn it, how come the firepower is so powerful all of a sudden, tell me what happened."

"It's not good, Lord City Lord, over there, there is a fortress over there approaching us."

"Dare to lie to me, what fortress can move?" Just when the city lord drew his sword to kill the soldier who deceived him, he finally saw the war fortress approaching him. The anger in my heart suddenly seemed to be extinguished by cold water. Once upon a time, the fortress could actually run on the ground.

"What to do, what to do, their fortress will move, how can we fight it. Can we really win a war like this." Suddenly, with the sound of an explosion, the fortress defense barrier was shattered by a single shot.

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