The Rise of Plants

Chapter 862: Are you willing to surrender now?

I just finished studying the kapok, and the next day the senior leaders of the Karan family have been sent to Chinan...lā

"You are the lord of Chinan, it is wrong for you to do so. Let us go quickly, otherwise the Island Alliance will never let you go." An old man from the Karan family who had just seen Chinan shouted.

"Our Karan family is definitely not as simple as you think. Everyone on Karan Island will not accept your rule. If you continue to persevere, your power can only be dragged to death on Karan Island."

Chi Nan smiled slightly: "You are the Patriarch of the Karan family, it seems to make sense. Unfortunately, our overseas power is nothing at all, it is established separately. In addition, if the people on Karan Island are really real If you’re not obedient, you’ll just be able to kill them clean. But, don’t they really listen to us.”

Chi Nan calmly pointed to the land under his feet: "The original people here are the same as you, but we have given them a more prosperous life. For the common people, as long as they can live better, they will ignore the ruler. who is it."

"No, our Karan family is orthodox. We have ruled Karan Island for countless years. The people on Karan Island will only obey the orders of our family, and they will not obey the orders of others."

Suddenly Chi Nan felt like he didn't want to talk, and these guys were all too self-righteous. These are all problems that have been accustomed to since childhood, they can't see the real situation at all.

Maybe some people can see it, but they also turn a blind eye. Chi Nan no longer had the idea of ​​talking to them, and simply arrested someone directly. Of course, it's not to catch it by yourself, but to control the plants.

An elderly man who seemed to be the oldest was caught by Chi Nan and placed on a chair.

"What do you want to do, let him go quickly. Is that how your holy tree collar treats the captives? We are the Karan family and we are the royal family. You can't treat us like this." Seeing that Chi Nan was so rude, someone immediately couldn't stand it. .

Chi Nan didn't care, but controlled the plants to grow. A helmet-like thing grows out, which is made up of countless patches. This helmet is directly placed on the old man's head, and then countless tentacles penetrate deep into the scalp, pierce the skull, and come into contact with the brain. The old man was very painful, his face was distorted, and he looked very hideous.

Chi Nan didn't care about this, and continued to control a thin vine to reach the old man's ears. Then, countless stickers were attached to this person's body. The vine fixed the whole body of the old man.

Next, the old man's body began to tremble constantly. "Hehe, use plants to stimulate the whole body and stimulate the brain at the same time, so that the brain is always in an active state, so that he will be cranky. All kinds of thinking are stimulated, and with the help of the capture and calculation capabilities of the plant brain, they can quickly restore their statistics. I'm really a genius to use this method to get the other's memory."

What Chi Nan said to himself could not be understood by other people, but it did not prevent the last sentence from being able to obtain their memory. Damn, there are many precious things in their memory.

"Pretending to be a fool, I really thought we would believe it." A discordant voice came.

It's just that Chi Nan was indifferent. The old man had been trembling for ten minutes, and finally stopped, only his eyes were blank. "What did you do to him, you bastard, you are against the rules."

Chi Nan waved his hand: "You said Elder Garol, it's just too much stimulation. After using this method, even if you can survive, you will still be a vegetative." Chi Nan didn't care, making them cold all over.

At this time, Chi Nan had already contacted the front-line commander Orna. "Orna, here is a piece of information that has been sent to you. There is also a team called the secret guards. The contact signal for them is this symbol, a combination of two to a triangle, find opportunities to contact them, and then catch them all in one go. There are also places where these treasures are collected, ha ha, there are so many."

A map appeared in front of Chi Nan and began to mark quickly. Although the people around don't know if this is true, the family secret guards know that this is a secret force belonging to the family.

Because this team was used for assassination and was useless on the frontal battlefield, it never appeared. The leader is the Elder Galol, and he didn't expect such a secret thing to be discovered.

At this time, they finally believed that Chi Nan's method could get their memory. Thinking that there are no secrets in their own memories, and that they will eventually be transformed into the kind of appearance that is worse than death, everyone feels terrified.

There are a few more, and even feel the heat in the crotch, and they are incontinent. It's just that at this time, no one will despise them, everyone's life is in the hands of this demon-like person in front of them.

"I I surrendered, you can do whatever you want me, as long as you don't do this to me."

Chi Nan was taken aback, and then smiled: "Now you want to surrender? Yes, but we have to ensure that you are absolutely loyal."

In fact, the reason why Chi Nan did this in front of them was to deter them and make some of them surrender. As they said, the Karan family has been operating on Karan Island for too long.

Although I had beaten it down, it was not easy to swallow it in a short time and digest it. Even if there is a better life, many civilians still have no bottom in their hearts.

Add some people with ulterior motives and it will be even more troublesome. Now that someone from the Karan family can stand up, it is very helpful for them to rule the entire Karan Island. Only when Chi Nan noticed the speaker, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Huh, others can, but you can't." It was Miso who spoke just now.

"Why? I am the son of the previous patriarch, and my identity is more useful to you."

Chi Nan nodded and did not deny: "Indeed, you are more useful, but I remember that it was you who assassinated me for the first time. You don't need to deny it, I don't know the specifics, but I just know it. Don't worry, Next, I will use a more gentle method. If you find that you really did it, then there are many good things waiting for you."

Chi Nan's expression at this moment seemed like a devil in Misso's eyes. Miso regretted it, why he wanted to provoke such a terrifying enemy in the first place, now he can't even die.

In the horrifying gaze of the others, Chi Nan sent Miso onto a new wooden platform. Next, Misso's screams and wailing continued, and did not stop for fifteen minutes.

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