The Rise of Plants

Chapter 863: Completely pacify Karan Island

Chi Nan kept his promise. Fifteen minutes later, Miso's screams finally stopped. His eyes were absent, but after all, he did not completely lose his consciousness and breath. Instead, he treated Δ『kge』 with Chi Nan’s help.

"Hehe, it really was the two of you. You and your father have a share. It turns out that your father is here, send it to me." The last sentence was addressed to the people on the front line.

It turns out that his father did not disappear, but was secretly hidden by the Karan family. In the last battle, for safety, the previous family escaped back into the family.

It's just because of his identity, plus the cause of this time is him. Therefore, the previous Patriarch was directly imprisoned, and did not go to the battlefield until the end. At this time, Chi Nan knew that the previous Patriarch, who was suspected to be dead, was actually pretended to be, and even himself was fooled.

But now I found this guy, so don't both of them want to run. There is a group of psychopaths in the territory who specializes in various torture and interrogation, and it happened to be given to them. This is a good test material.

"Furthermore, this guy actually hid two troops secretly. He is indeed the owner of the family. He just found out and killed them secretly." The biggest problem left by the Karan family was found by Chi Nan one by one. Out.

As more and more people were tortured to death or made vegetative by Chi Nan on the spot, all of them gradually fell apart. If it weren't for moving, many people would kneel down and beg Chi Nan for forgiveness.

Feeling almost done, Chi Nan stopped: "You guys, report your identities. If it works, I will keep you. If it doesn’t work, then forget it. However, you need to speak under the supervision of the plant brain. Out all the secrets."

The so-called vegetative brain monitoring is actually what Chi Nan frightened them. When the vegetative brain is not in contact with the enemy's brain, it can only roughly detect whether they are lying. But even so, they would never dare to talk nonsense or hide anything after being frightened. Several people who had been let go were suddenly lying on the ground.

He climbed up desperately and kowped his head hard, and kept saying words that made Chi Nan forgive him. "It turns out that these are the so-called noble people. When facing torture, they are inferior to ordinary people."

Chi Nan despised this even more in his heart. He squinted at the crowd, but there were a few guys who were still straight and upright, Chi Nan curled his lips, and really regarded himself as a good person.

But their spine is indeed good, but Chi Nan doesn't care, anyway, they will soon become dead. After hearing about the identity of these people, Chi Nan nodded slightly: "Very well, you will be the subordinates of our Holy Tree Leader. We will temporarily impose a small restriction on you, as long as you don’t betray. There is no problem."

After a pause, Chi Nan said again: "Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to betray. There are still many people here who can use it. Anyway, not everyone on Karan Island knows you, right?"

"Yes, yes, your lord is right, we will definitely become your loyal servants."

"Trash, you surrendered like this. Although I knew you were the scum of the family, I just didn't expect you to be traitors." Someone behind shouted insults, making several people's heads even lower.

"Very well, since you are so righteous, you will be the next one to receive memory reading."

Chi Nan's words made the face of the person just pale. "Hmph, even if you can suppress our Karan family, I don't believe that you can suppress the entire world. Sooner or later someone will make you pay."

Chi Nan didn't bother to listen to this guy's nonsense, and after a while, this guy's screams rang. As for the few who surrendered, Chi Nan gave them the same restrictions as Puliji and others, and then asked the airship to take them back.

When they return to Karan Island, they will become their biggest weapon to put down Karan Island.

In less than a day, Chi Nan cleaned up all the Karan family members. In the end, only 30 people were accepted by Chi Nan. The others either did not surrender or Chi Nan was too lazy to bother.

There are already a lot of thirty people, Chi Nan thought in his heart. These people returned to Karan Island a day later and began to speak out actively to appease the people. With these high-level words from the Karan family, although the people felt very confused and strange, they gradually calmed down. Didn't you see that all the Karan family surrendered?

The pillar of faith in the heart collapses, so the next step is much easier. With the information sent by Chi Nan, the teams that were secretly hidden by the Karan family have been found out and then eliminated one by Some of the problems that were hidden secretly that may cause trouble have all been found out. Cleaned up. Among them, many of them have even taken refuge in the Sacred Tree Leader, but they didn't expect that they were all taking refuge in a fake refuge.

"Hehe, I'm not interested in playing a spy war game with you, it's better to find out." Chi Nan thought in his heart.

The enemies in the open and secret were eliminated one after another, and the people were comforted, some of the hidden treasures of the Karan family were also found, and the entire Karan Island quickly entered a stable transition.

In addition to the large number of jujube trees planted in Chinan and other infrastructure, after the people felt that their lives were better, their hearts gradually began to lean towards the sacred tree collar.

Only the nobles are left who are still stubbornly resisting. They don't want to be deprived of their territories, and they don't want to lose their superior life, so they are constantly looking for trouble, both overtly and secretly.

But these people, Chi Nan doesn't care. The airship was flying across the sky, and plant weapons directly surrounded them, quickly wiping out these territories one by one. As long as the noble family who participated in the rebellion, Chi Nan was merciless and uprooted, as long as it was a member of the direct line, not a single person remained. At this moment, the overbearing and cold blood displayed by the Holy Tree Leader made the entire Karan Island tremble.

For half a month, many places on Karan Island were bleeding all over the ground. Pieces of corpses were made, and then these corpses became fertilizer, and even ordinary people on the road did not dare to speak much.

When the last noble who rebelled openly was eliminated, the entire Karan Island was completely calm. During this period, the two families of Sea King and Beast King had been protesting, but their words had no effect after all. When they saw that Karan Island was completely controlled, the two families finally stopped the boring protest game and completely ceased.

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