The Rise of Plants

Chapter 901: Why are they so happy

The entire sacred tree collar has become a sea of ​​joy. A legendary master fell at the feet of his army, and from the beginning to the end, no one in his territory had lost, only some plants.

This huge victory has raised the spirit of the entire Sacred Tree Leader's officials to a level.

The army is holding a celebration banquet, but this is secret and unknown to the outside world. Although the officials knew it, they couldn't disclose it casually, but there was no way to curb such excitement.

So the officials of the sacred tree collar began to find their own friends, and began to hold banquet **** and the like. There are also some people who simply celebrate in their own homes, with various names.

This one said to celebrate the birthday in advance, the other said that today is in a good mood, and there are even more outrageous, because the old hen in my family has laid eggs, so I have to entertain my friends. But regardless of the reason, a banquet is a banquet.

The collective convulsions of the upper-level officials were celebrated everywhere, and the lower-level officials were also infected.

A group of lower-level officials gathered together, preparing for the lights and festivities. "Hey, what do you want to celebrate? It seems that there is nothing to celebrate today." A fellow with the title of nobility, who had disappeared, walked in.

"It's you, Jeff, I actually don't know what to celebrate, but the top officials in our territory are celebrating. I heard that people on the military side are also celebrating, so I'm going to celebrate."

"No, you don't even know what to celebrate. You just come here, are you okay."

Everyone looked at this guy as if they were looking at a fool, and it was all right to call themselves to celebrate the celebration they didn't know what it was.

"Huh, I really don't know how you achieved this position. Didn't you find out? The high-level officials are celebrating. A few days ago, something happened and all the high-level officials were resting, as if something was going on. Think about it, something good must have happened, that's why they are like this."

"What's the good thing? Don't you know." None of them had news.

The speaker looked at them with an idiotic look: "It's all about the people above, how would I know. It must be confidential and cannot be publicized. However, since this matter is good for the territory, why don't we celebrate? ."

Well, it turned out to be flattering. Although I don't know what it is, the people above are so happy. They are also happy and happy. This guy is really smart.

"You are right, we should also prepare for it, just to find a name, and let the people under our name celebrate it. Although I don't know what it is, the celebrations in our territory seem to be less."

Jeff's eyes lit up: "It turns out that this is the case, this is a good thing. By the way, I just got a batch of good babies a few days ago, and I just took them out to share with you."

It is true that he used to be a nobleman, although he has no territory, but his mind is still much more flexible than those of ordinary people like them. With the help of this moment of celebration, it is not easy for others to buy something. If it works well, it will make a lot of money this time.

In Chinan's territory, the officials are not poor people without much money. On the contrary, the officials of the territory not only have high welfare, but also have no shortage of everything because of the easy management of plants and the large yield.

The most important thing is that the officials of the territory are under the supervision of Chi Nan. Although they are not allowed to do some illegal things, it is possible to make money by themselves. Every official has a lot of caravans.

Even some chambers of commerce have internal shares. Some are similar to capital society, where everyone is not short of money.

And as long as these people have nerves in their bodies for a day, Chi Nan doesn't need to worry about what these people will do to the detriment of the territory. With a single thought, Chi Nan can make adjustments at any time.

With the participation of lower-level officials, more and more businessmen and ordinary civilians also joined this celebration. An inexplicable celebration, but it is getting hotter and hotter.

Because people don't know what they are celebrating, they have to go crazy and show that they are not ignorant. Regarding this situation, those who know are silent and think it's good, and those who don't know think everyone else knows. So if you can't find out, it's better to have a crazy carnival than them.

This kind of thing quickly affected the entire sacred tree collar, and even radiated outside from the sacred tree collar.

Even the spies who were monitoring the Sacred Tree Collar were at a loss at this time. "Strange, what are they happy about? It's been a whole day of carnival. Isn't it a holiday today?"

"No, I found out. It seems that many people don't know why they want to party. It seems to be news from above."

Above? That was the officials of the Holy Tree Leader, and their abilities hadn't been able to penetrate. "Since you don't know, report it to see what the adults mean."

So these news soon reached the hands of high-level nations, including those from the Sacred Dragon Empire.

"What the Sacred Tree is doing? This kind of thing seems to have something to do with overseas. But overseas, we seem to be progressing very smoothly. It doesn't make sense to revel in the war over So far , The news of the overseas war has not been leaked out. "Could it be that they have developed any new weapons that can have a direct impact on us." The weapon last time seemed to have a certain effect on some of the above. "

Thinking of that kind of self-explosive airship, all the faces became ugly. Attacks that can surpass the ordinary golden level and have a certain impact on the legendary masters, they now feel terrible thinking about it.

"Anyway, the performance of the holy tree collar is a bit weird this time, so we should increase the exploration efforts. If it is not possible, let some people transplant the neurological brain, and then mix in. I don't believe that a small plant can reveal their identity. ."

"Well, it seems that this can only be the case. Just remind them overseas, and let them be careful, especially to keep an eye on those plant bases. I suspect that some new weapons have been developed inside. Hey, I really don’t know when they are heads. Ah. It is becoming more and more difficult to advance overseas wars, but our side cannot increase support."

"Don't say it, we don't know how strong the power of the sacred tree collar is. In order to prevent them from taking the opportunity to attack us, we can only do this now. With the weapon of the last time, even those big people dare not act rashly. "

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