The Rise of Plants

Chapter 902: Found something good

Even Chi Nan himself did not expect that an internal celebration would result in an inexplicable development to this point. Many civilians didn't know, and thought that today was the birthday of their lord.

Chi Nan didn't explain, so let them guess by themselves. Since I came into this world, to be honest, I haven't had a birthday yet. Speaking of it, Chi Nan didn't know whether he was born that day in this world.

Because of the continuous expansion of the celebration, Chi Nan was caught off guard, and it was too late when he wanted to stop it. Then let it continue to expand. What other people think has nothing to do with yourself.

Because of Chi Nan's indulgence, this celebration did not end in one day at all, but went on for three whole days.

For the past three days, Chi Nan has been hiding in his secret room and has not gone out. Chi Nan is worried that once he comes out, he will be seen by Slinka at night, and will pull to practice bow and arrow skills.

In order to avoid Slinka Ye, Chi Nan finally compromised and gave Slinka the permission to study plants. At this time, Slinka finally had something to do, staying with a group of elves all day, as if studying what was delicious, how to improve the taste, and so on. But that's okay, I'm finally safer.

The way that elves train their bow and arrow skills is simply beyond the reach of normal people.

In the past few days, the Undead World is also progressing smoothly. Even if everyone is celebrating, but under the control of the plant brain, the general expansion is still very smooth, and there will be no problems at all.

Several golden-level white giant elephants just appeared, they were directly blown to pieces by bat missiles. Before reaching the legendary level, any creature has a very big weakness. For example, ground creatures are not so easy to deal with against flying opponents.

It is really easy and pleasant to solve it with a few missiles. Once upon a time, the golden master was still a terrifying enemy to him, but now it is almost nothing. With the development of power, more and more former opponents are no longer opponents. After solving these golden-level white giant elephants, it will be easier next.

The army of plants swarmed up, carrying a strong holy light, and easily cleaned up the undead on the giant elephant plateau, and then established a base on it, planted the home tree, and the purification tree.

In just a few days, the territory of Chinan in the world of undead has expanded several times. Even though it will take a long time for these places to be thoroughly cleaned up, it has already begun to develop into a better place, isn't it?

On the third day, the outside celebration hadn't completely ended, but the bald father suddenly contacted himself.

"Daddy Bald? Is there anything going on? There won't be any strong opponents there anymore."

On the side of the undead world, the bald father is still in charge. However, as long as you don't meet a legendary master, nothing will generally happen. Even if you encounter it, just follow the response method this time.

Encircled by a large army, after probing, explode the airship to consume power, and then encircle and suppress. From Chi Nan's point of view, as long as there is no special ability, ordinary legendary undead can be eliminated by this method.

The head of the old bald head appeared on the screen, not nervous at all, but with a smile on his face.

"Lord Lord, we didn't encounter anything dangerous, but we encountered a kind of magical plant, which may be useful to adults." The smile of the bald father became even brighter.

What plant? It's worth telling yourself in person. To know how many new plants are found every day in today's territory. Under normal circumstances, these plants will not alarm themselves, but will first be given to other people to test.

Only after discovering that plants have special abilities, and the special abilities are more useful, will they be reported layer by layer, and finally in their own hands. Plants without special power can't let the bald father alarm him.

Following the words of the bald father, the picture changed again. "This is what we discovered when we were clearing the Giant Elephant Plateau. This plant is very powerful and may improve the situation of our army."

Everyone knows that Chi Nan has always wanted to change the state of the army. It is only because of the plant itself that these plant weapons are powerful for long-range attacks, and with the ability to fly, the army is getting worse and worse. Even if it is classified as a war fortress in the army, it can actually fly.

In the picture, a group of giant bone elephants are escaping, and an army of plants is chasing after them. But these panicked giant elephants made a turn when they encountered a weird forest.

This is very rare in the woods that appear in the world of the undead. It looks like some kind of huge fern, with huge leaves, basically no rhizomes, the leaves are pitch black, with some jagged edges.

Of course, the ordinary undead were not afraid of this kind of emotion. What really feared was the leader of the giant elephant, which was a golden-level white bone giant. The golden-level undead had a clear mind. When they found out that they were not opponents, they had already started to escape with his subordinates, and he ordered the undead not to approach the woods.

But the team was too big, and the ordinary undead had no thinking. After all, some colossal bone elephants ran there.

Originally, Chi Nan thought that these plants would actively attack. But then Chi Nan found out that he was wrong. When the giant bone elephant ran in, a faint red light suddenly appeared on the edges of some plant leaves near

But these plants still didn't move at all. When the giant bone elephant ran to the edge of the plant and collided with the leaves of the plant. A magical scene happened, the red leaf blades easily cut into the bones of the giant elephant.

The giant white bone elephant ran forward without any feeling, until the bone broke, and then it fell down. Some of the giant white bone elephants rushing towards the inside, when they came up with it, they had already become fragments.

"What's going on here, so powerful cutting ability. Look at the giant white bone elephant over there, it seems that there are still several silver levels."

"Yes, there is a silver level. The skeleton bones of the silver level are very hard, not to mention the giant white bones, the bones are harder. But in front of this kind of leaves, there is no resistance at all."

Chi Nan nodded slightly: "If this ability can be used in close combat, it can indeed bring our plant army to a new peak. At that time, close combat will definitely not be weaker than long range."

The most powerful in close combat is naturally the army, and the spring of the army may be coming.

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