The Rise of Plants

Chapter 906: Sneak in to fight

"Yes, that's it, come quietly, don't be discovered. Humph, if it's not for the urgency behind, we must be fully prepared to start the war." A group of people are quietly running from a small road.

"Don't talk so much nonsense. The front is their base. Our task today is to eliminate a hundred bases. Speed ​​up while they haven't found it, otherwise it would be bad to be discovered. Look, it's already here."

Ahead, a plant base under development appeared. In the middle of the team, a man covered in blue robe, wrapped himself like a zongzi, walked out. Stretching out the old arm, there is also a transparent crystal ball on it. The crystal ball burst out with a bright blue light in an instant, and a layer of waves in the void instantly condensed.

No, this is not a sea wave, but a ripple like a sea wave. Where the blue ripples passed, everything in front of them began to melt silently. A plant base disappeared without a trace in a moment.

"Go, continue to the next one." The old voice sounded, and the person put away the crystal ball, whispering the incantation while regaining the magic power, and did not continue to talk to other people.

The people around couldn't help taking a sip of water, watching the scene that had completely melted, like heated butter, and they were full of fear. This is the power of the mage, it is terrible.

The first time this base was destroyed, Chi Nan had already received the news. The people of the Sacred Dragon Empire only knew that the message of the Sacred Tree Collar was delivered quickly, but they didn't know how fast it was.

"I didn't expect that they would go together with me. Now it's too late to attack. It just so happens that we are ready too, let's do it." Chi Nan waved his hand and told the back to be ready. Almost at the same time, the airships that had already secretly approached the three port cities, suddenly all took off and surrounded here.

"No, quickly raise the alarm, raise the alarm, it's an enemy attack, there are many airships coming."

The alarms were sounded at the three ports almost at the same time, and the whole port instantly became chaotic. The civilians and craftsmen ran toward the shelter, and the soldiers maintained order by the side of the road.

There are also those flying troops, even more directly into the air. Some other flying boat soldiers are quickly rushing towards their flying boats. The scene was extremely chaotic, and they did not expect that the port city where they had taken root and stabilized would suddenly be attacked.

At this time, Duke Bruce who was in the harbor couldn't help throwing down the document, his face was incredible. "The people from the Sacred Tree Leader actually reacted so quickly. We just started to do it. They actually already...No, so many airships are definitely not a temporary motive. They have already arranged them around. They are just in time for today's hands-on. , Or because we shot first."

"Master Duke, now is not the time to talk about this, what should we do in this situation now?"

Duke Bruce lowered his head and frowned, thinking quickly, and soon raised his head and said: "Now there is no other way. Our defense measures have been deployed to protect the airship from launching. I will go to the Dragonman."

"Sir, do you want to use the Dragon Head Flying Boat, but will they take action last time?"

"I personally said that they will definitely be allowed to take action. Now we are surrounded, if they don't take action, they will also die. Besides, with such a dense airship formation, how could they use that kind of weapon here."

The entire port was completely messed up, and there were airships everywhere in the air. The airship and the flying troops ran into the airship when part of the airlift, and then fierce battle broke out.

Those flying boats are too few in number. Just take off, they will often be attacked by countless bat missiles, and they will be shot down almost instantly. And their attacks are so weak that they can't consume much defensive barriers at all.

In the distance, there is a large airship mothership floating in the air, constantly supplementing the combat effectiveness of the airship. Farther away, Olna stayed on her special airship mothership, observing this side.

"Notify the other headquarters, be careful, the Holy Dragon Empire must have the means to counterattack, don't lose your life."

"Don't worry, sir, most of our airships here have no one on them. Those people can't tell which of our airships are the command troops." After such a long battle, even recruits are slowly training. come out. They know how to protect themselves from the exploration of the Holy Dragon Empire.

There is no one on the airship mothership that surrounds those port cities in the front.

Although it is a kind of glory to die on the battlefield, who wants to die on the battlefield if nothing happens.

At the same time, the other two teams of the Sacred Dragon Empire led people along the route they had already explored, advancing all the way. They themselves don't know why those bases have no combat effectiveness.

Along the way, many bases have been destroyed in the hands of these two teams.

"Huh, it's just the strength developed by the hillbilly. It's really weak. It seems very powerful, but in fact, as long as you don't get close to them, they are useless."

"That is, we have a direct and devastating blow far away, so what can they do. It's not just a base. When these bases are destroyed, no one in the entire Karan Island can stop us."

A soldier squinted at the old mage behind and whispered, "Hey, what if I could become a mage too."

"Hmph, don't think too much about becoming a mage? Do you have this talent. Besides, even if you have the talent, do you know how much golden dragons it takes for a mage to cultivate? This is not something ordinary people like us can spend. Yes. Even a little nobleman can’t afford to support a powerful mage, so it’s better to cultivate our grudge."

"You have a high-level fighting spirit. We only have a silver-level fighting spirit. Don't talk about it. If you want to become a powerful fighter, it is impossible without a high-level fighting spirit secret method.

"At least it's easier than becoming a mage, it consumes less resources, and at most it just eats more."

The surrounding guards kept rolling their eyelids. Warriors can indeed consume very little in cultivation, but it is absolutely impossible to become a true master without some precious medicines, and the resources of soldiers in cultivation are also a lot.

Why there are so few masters is not the control of knowledge and resources. Later, the old mage still didn't talk to these people, and chanted the spell on his own. Such a powerful large-scale magic can't be done smoothly without preparing it in advance.

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