The Rise of Plants

Chapter 907: This is our home court

The two teams were advancing very fast, because the distance was too far, they could only send messages unilaterally to the rear, without knowing that the rear was in a mess. Otherwise, would they still travel so well?

At this time, every team had destroyed at least ten bases. "It's really weird. There seem to be very few airships in these bases."

A guard next to him whispered: "Maybe they are all hidden underground."

"They won't know that we are coming, so let's move away in advance." There is also a pessimistic tone.

The team leader said angrily: "Nonsense, if they knew we were coming, do you think we could walk here intact. With so many airships, even if...we are also going to die." The team leader was careful. Looking back, his eyes were exactly the old master of the gold rank.

He knew that, facing so many gold-class missile attacks from airships, the Golden Mage couldn't stop it for long.

The power of the mage is very strong, but it is a person after all, the power cannot be infinite, and the mage itself is too fragile. For such a long time, they already knew that the Sacred Tree Collar was not without gold masters.

Although they are all fighters, there are really a lot of them. It's a pity that in such a large-scale battlefield, the golden warrior can play too small a role, and in the end we have to look at the division.

Advancing this way, the two golden mages in the team are basically useless, all relying on the mages. If the soldiers do, the greatest possibility is to be besieged in this place. Only the mage can use large-scale weird magic to wipe out the entire base instantly, so that they don't even have a chance to spread the news.

The mages are a group of mysterious and dangerous guys. It's just that the news really didn't spread, these people didn't know.

"Before, it's another base. This base is really not small this time. There are also two docked airship motherships. Old man, when you're ready, do it quickly, and you can't let them run away."

The mage nodded, stepped forward, released the crystal ball, a ripple flashed, and the next moment, the base began to melt. At the same time, Chi Nan was also staring at the screen, and the high-altitude satellite was already staring at them.

"Hmph, you outsiders, don't you forget that this is our home court now. Now, let's send you to the west."

Chi Nan has already been monitoring these people, but it hasn't been easy to get started. Therefore, Chi Nan deliberately stayed two airship motherships in this place, as bait, they will surely be able to attract them.

The terrain around this base is special, so based on their previous attack distance calculations, there are only three places that are most suitable for launching sneak attacks. And these three places have been remodeled in a short period of time before.

Nothing can be seen on the surface, but the underground is already densely packed with bat missiles.

When the people of this team launched an attack, Chi Nan had already locked their position. "Although the two airship motherships are precious, they are still far behind the real gold masters. There are only a few bases, and it is a good deal to get a gold mage." Chi Nan still doesn't pay much attention to his plant base. .

From Chinan's point of view, there is no cost at all to grow plants that can be rapidly expanded. At the next moment, Chi Nan had already ordered the detonation of the Bat missiles.

"It's not good, it's dangerous." The mage who was chanting and preparing to regain the magic power of the crystal ball suddenly interrupted his spellcasting and shouted loudly, fighting to be backlashed by magic. It's a pity that he said it too late, and his speed is not fast enough.

After almost instinctively propped up the magic shield, the underground explosion expanded. I don't know how many bat missiles were buried, and they exploded almost simultaneously. The terrifying power of the explosion even vaporized everything around it. From a distance, a huge mushroom cloud slowly lifted into the sky. As if there was an earthquake around, a small mountain was collapsed.

After the explosion, everything was calm. The scene, like melted butter, was the bait left by Chi Nan, and it was completely destroyed at this time. Another place not far away is earth-shaking.

The entire ground was opened, the ground was still smoking, and the fire element was extremely strong. In such an explosion, this team had no special defenses, and the entire army was wiped out at once, not even a single message was sent.

A team on the other side, they didn't even know what happened. As a result, I encountered the same thing here soon after. After the same explosion, they died together with the bait.

At this point, the two golden mages sent overseas by the Holy Dragon Empire have all been wiped out. The gold-level mage has a high status even in the Sacred Dragon Empire, and it is also a very rare top talent.

In the seaside port city, the sky has become increasingly chaotic. All the civilians were moved to the air-raid shelter. From time to time, debris fell over the city, and many fires had been burning in the city. If it hadn't been prepared for war from the very beginning, perhaps the fire had already spread.

But now, the situation in these port cities is not good. On the ground, the magic crystal artillery continuously attacked the air, and the flying boat and the airship in the sky were entangled into one piece, fighting each other, as if they were desperate.

"What's going on outside." Duke Bruce said frowning in an air-raid shelter.

"Master Duke, our flying boats have all been lifted off, but the number is far less than them. Haven't the two adults shot? If this continues, we may not be Another liaison officer is also He opened his mouth and said: "Since ten minutes ago, the two teams we started have lost contact. I don't know if they were disturbed or in trouble. "

"Ten minutes, **** it, it seems that they have been prepared." Duke Bruce's heart moved, knowing that the two teams might be too bad. The reaction speed of this sacred tree collar far exceeded his imagination.

Suddenly, Duke Bruce whispered: "Our escape route is ready."

A nobleman next to him nodded cautiously: "It's ready, sir, are you going to leave now."

"No, we can't leave faster than the dragon people, otherwise we won't end well. Those dragon people's temperament, huh, we will leave when they start to escape. This can also relieve us some pressure."

The surrounding nobles nodded gently, and did not continue on this topic. Now that this is said, once it leaks out, it will be very dangerous, and everyone except the Duke will have no good end.

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