The Rise of Plants

Chapter 913: 2 big families want to surrender

Silinkaye also knew that Chi Nan's bow and arrow training was not very useful, but as an elf, Silinkaye really couldn't stand a half-elf like Chi Nan who could not bow and arrow, so he forced him to learn.

With the passage of time, practicing bow and arrow skills now seems to be a joke. When Chi Nan was idle, he was happy to play with them. With continuous exercise, Chi Nan gradually felt the joy of archery.

To be honest, if it weren't for refusing to admit defeat now, Chi Nan himself would also like to practice his bow and arrow skills. Think about it. As Erye archer, if he is among the human archers, he can definitely be regarded as a sharp archer. There are not many human beings that can compare with himself.

Continuing to improve, I am afraid that except for a few people, the bow and arrow skills of human beings are invincible.

That sense of accomplishment made Chi Nan feel the joy of acting hard. That's why Chi Nan didn't sneak away during this period, but continued to exercise here instead.

The distance from Sanye Sagittarius is actually not very far.

The speed of other improvements is not slow. Although they are working out while dealing with things, in front of Chi Nan, Hemila and the others seem to be more motivated, plus a lot of resources.

Hermilla is now very close to the golden level, it's just an opportunity. Sophia's strength is not very far from the golden level, and Weiweisi can be a bit worse. After all, the time to come to the Sacred Tree is relatively short.

But Weiweisi had a better foundation, and he was still cultivating grudge, so it has been at the silver level for several days now. Even if there are no special circumstances, Pico Silk may enter the golden level faster than the other two.

The thing that made Chi Nan most puzzled was Slinka Yee. Because Silinkaye has always been studying how to eat and what is delicious, but it is so unimaginable that Silinkaye has entered the golden level not long ago.

With bow and arrow skills coupled with mutated natural magic, Slinka Ye’s combat effectiveness at the golden level is not weak. After a trial in private, even Horn, who had broken through the golden level for a long time, admitted that he was not Slinkaye's opponent.

Sure enough, after reaching the gold level, the advantages of the wizard over the fighters are really much, and they are already too much to the point that there is no way to surpass them. As the level of strength increases, this gap will continue to grow. This is what Chi Nan has seen in another world record. The scene of the masters fighting in that world, but left a lot of them.

With the passage of time, the twin trees that Chi Nan planted and spawned by himself have almost grown. It won’t be long before you reach the point where you can transform yourself.

This is the reason why Chi Nan has to take a few days to rest. Slinka also knew about it, so there was no blocking.

Everything in Chinan is thriving, and there are even more and more airship formations overseas. Relying on the speed of construction, the need for professional pilots, and the lack of logistics support, the airship develops the same every day.

The more airships, the more stable overseas, no one dared to move Chinan. However, the two huge families overseas were about to be unable to support them at this time. On the bright side, everyone will be very kind.

But privately, the two families' actions are increasing. From the initial initiative, there was only one way to go to the dark, because more and more people were secretly working on the two families, and they became worse and worse.

The two families could have relied on their own local advantages to fight against other big forces. But with the passage of time, the two families discovered that the number of masters themselves is not an opponent at all, and various weapons are not good. After the other party got acquainted with some overseas environments, their last advantage disappeared without a trace.

In the recent period, even important members of the two families have lost several consecutively.

On the island, at least three-quarters of the area was out of control, leaving only the middle family residence and a nearby area. But according to this situation, I am afraid it will not last long.

"Damn it, why, why do they have to be scorching."

A member of the Sea King family collapsed, and the others looked like fools. Isn’t it normal for the weak to eat strong? When the two families developed, didn't they also persecuted other forces like this? Everyone is the same.

Of course, now they are victims, so no one will tell even if they want to understand.

"Our methods, they have already seen clearly, we have no retreat, and we are not opponents, now we can only think about how to protect our family to continue to survive."

"Blame you, if you didn't share all the information of the family, how could we lose to them. Now, we haven't even made the flying boat, don't you say it will be done soon."

Everyone bowed their heads and fell silent. At first, their confirmation was that it was easy to know that flying boat. But who would have thought that some of the core technologies in Feizhou, as well as the processing base of materials, and some alchemy bases, they simply don't have it. Even some special materials are only available on the mainland. Where can they find substitutes in a short time?

As a result, until now, they have not made a flying boat, otherwise it would not be so miserable.

"There is only one way, let's surrender."

"Surrender? Do you think in this situation ~ who dares to accept our surrender, who will accept our surrender. We dare to surrender now, then all of our family will die in their hands."

"Is it going to be so lingering? How long can we hold on? A month or a week."

"Enough, shut up." A fellow in the Beast King family roared with hair like a lion. "Old man, you are the smartest. Tell me what to do at this time." This person said to the old patriarch of the Sea King family.

The closed eyes of the sea king's old patriarch slowly opened: "surrender, give up everything, we still have a way to survive. We first apply for the protection of the sacred dragon empire, there is a contract between us. Taking advantage of this time, we want the sacred tree Lead the surrender. Only they are the least aggressive. They still have a way of surrendering."

"Sacred tree collar? They don't attack us because they already have two large islands. If they continue to attack, they will become the target of hatred by everyone else. This does not mean that they are good people."

"But we only have no hatred with the Sacred Tree Leader. This is also true. Moreover, the Sacred Tree Leader only listens to one person's orders. As long as we can get in touch, there is still hope to save our family."

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