The Rise of Plants

Chapter 914: We know the whereabouts of Hailing 1

Seeing that the twin trees he planted were about to mature, Chi Nan was preparing to transform. But at this time, Hermilla suddenly said to Chi Nan: "My lord, someone from overseas has requested a call."

"Is something wrong? Who is the person requesting the call?" Chi Nan was curious.

For a long time, in fact, very few people will actively ask to find themselves. They just watch what they want, and talk to whoever they want to talk to. Generally, if you have any problems, you will find your boss or the local chief.

No matter how big the matter is, it is usually solved by Hermilla and the others, there is no need to find yourself. Those who usually contact me are just a few familiar people, nothing more. If local people are looking for themselves, it is probably because something has happened or a major discovery has been made. That's why Chi Nan would be interested.

"The people from the Sea King Family and the Beast King Family are looking for you over there, it seems they want to surrender."

"What? These two families are going to surrender. Didn't they do what they did last time? It's unacceptable." Silken Kaye directly vetoed it. As an elf, she still held a lot of grudges.

Maybe the half-elf's vengeful character was inherited from the elves. After all, Chi Nan was not a true half-elf. For humans, it seemed that he could let go of any hatred in front of his interests.

"If I remember correctly, didn't the two families have applied for protection before, and the object was the Holy Dragon Empire."

Wei Weisi touched her hair and nodded gently: "Yes, she applied for protection from the Sacred Dragon Empire. They divided the land they can still control in half and gave it to the Sacred Dragon Empire, requesting the protection of the Sacred Dragon Empire. The Sacred Dragon Empire also publicly issued a statement, which caused other forces to temporarily cease for a while."

"But judging from the greedy faces of the Holy Dragon Empire, it won't be long before they will find a way to devour the remaining land. The upper aristocracy may not, but the lower aristocracy is very eager."

Territory is very important to the lower nobles, and there is no more territory for them to allocate on the road. Now that there are so many territories overseas, it's strange that they don't fight for life and death.

"Interesting, it seems they can see it too."

"During this period, the two families had frequent activities. It seemed that they were transferring family wealth. They were very secretive. They could only be discovered under the surveillance of our plant network. It should be difficult for others to detect. Now it seems that they are ready."

Chi Nan lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally said: "Connect, let me see what they want to say."

Suddenly a spar slab was erected in front of him, and the light on the spar flickered, and the picture on the other side appeared. Chi Nan could tell at a glance, wasn't that guy the top of the Sea King family who had met him before.

I just don't know who this person is. At this time, the person opposite has already started to introduce: "Hello, Lord Lord of the Sacred Tree, next is the Great Elder of the Sea King family, and now I propose to surrender to you on behalf of the Sea King and Beast King families."

Chi Nan smiled slightly. For these two families, there may be a little favor at the beginning. But since they recruited the Holy Dragon Empire to deal with them, that good feeling has disappeared without a trace.

In essence, they are no different from the Karan family, but they are not as crazy and overbearing as the Karan family. The ultimate goal is to completely get rid of myself from overseas. It's just that they didn't expect that it would be easy to ask God to send it away, and their plan made them completely enter the countdown to destruction.

"Surrender to me? What are my benefits, and what are your conditions." Chi Nan's style of directly entering the theme makes Elder Neptune a little uncomfortable, but now the situation is better than others, and he can only bite the bullet. .

"We know the whereabouts of the Hailing clan. I heard that you have been looking for the Hailing clan. We can provide them with news."

"Hailing clan? This is very interesting. You can say that if you are valuable, I can protect you, but if you don't have it, I won't talk about it." Chi Nan said indifferently.

In the past, I wanted to deal with the Hailing clan, but I didn't want any unstable factors to cause trouble for myself. But now it's different. I already have a lot of submarines, and there are so many forces on the road to go overseas to share the pressure on myself. There was a Hailing clan who didn't really care if Chi Nan found out.

Elder Sea King looked at Chi Nan deeply, and in the end he could only speak: "The Sea Spirits were originally a race on the ground. It is said that they entered the sea a long time ago to survive. This is the way it is now. They have always hoped to return to it. ashore."

"Now the Hailing clan occupies the Black Spot Trench. That place is the largest source of the Black Spotted Stone here. You can hardly find the Black Spotted Stone in other places. That place is very secretive, and most people can't find it."

Now, Chi Nan is finally a little interested. Isn't that the black porphyrite the main material used to make the magic light cannon? The general black spot spar is relatively small and can only be used as the main body of a magic light cannon, that is, a small magic light cannon. But the powerful power of the magic light gun depends on the size of the condenser. The larger the condenser, the stronger the power.

The general melanite is not enough, and Chi Nan has not found other substitutes.

I have been trying to find a large porphyrite without I didn't expect to be on the side of the Hailing clan.

Sea King Grand Elder continued: "Moreover, the Beast King family has a secret method that can create bloodline warriors and bloodline warlocks. The blood of beasts can be transplanted into the human body, so that humans have the same powerful physique as beasts, and what the beasts have. The talented magic ability can cultivate a strong team in the shortest time."

I have heard of the bloodline warrior, but I didn't expect it to be here. "Why don't you use it yourself."

"To create bloodline warriors and bloodline warlocks, the human body is very demanding. We don't have enough resources. We can only rely on the physical stamina of the person. Therefore, people in the sea beast family usually choose this path by themselves. "

Speaking of this place, Elder Sea King's eyes were also full of bitterness. "The reason why we have been so eager for the stamina beans of the Sacred Tree Collar before is to increase the success rate of bloodline warriors and bloodline warlocks, which is of great benefit to the Sacred Tree Collar."

Chi Nan nodded slightly. If what they said was true, it was indeed suitable for him. However, this thing itself is not so urgent. Chi Nan knew that they would definitely not dare to lie, but this could be used for research.

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