The Rise of Plants

Chapter 934: Super large porphyrite

The combination of wind and fire has always been a very common match among elemental wizards. This type of magic is simple and powerful.

At this time, Chi Nan also used this method, fusing the magic patterns of the two element types of wind and fire. This time it was a complete fusion. Using the wind cannon as the principle, launch a wind cannon with fire elements.

This kind of power is far from comparable to that of wind cannons, and consumes less, so the launch speed is faster. But what Chi Nan didn't expect was that such a combination also made the structure of the wind artillery more unstable. The result is a longer range.

"Damn it, how could this happen? How can I increase the range? It is too difficult for ordinary magic to increase the range." Magic and alchemy cannons are not the same after all. Before the magic controlled by manpower reached the legendary level, the range of the magic would never compare to the distance of the magic crystal cannon.

The magician is at best suppressing warriors and ordinary armies, and the army with powerful alchemy items, even the magician can't have any effect. Now Chinan is facing the same problem.

What he wants is to increase the range, so that the wind gun is no longer a tasteless. But the end result is that the range is closer. Such a range cannot even be placed on ground troops, but it takes a long time to spawn.

There is no way, then continue to study. It has been a long time since Miria left. The weather is getting warmer and hotter, but the lives of the people of the territories are getting better and better.

Since the plants spread, the leaders have never worried about food anymore. Of course, the current leaders have not developed the habit of wasting food. As a result, a lot of food grows on the trees, and no one is going to harvest it because they can't use so much. The granaries everywhere are filled, and the people's livelihood of the holy tree is getting higher and higher.

Chi Nan can now proudly say that his territory now has the best livelihood among all the territories on the entire continent.

The second and third floating cities have also been completed recently. One is a place above the sea, between the inland and Sacred Tree Island, which can be used as a transit point. At this time, quite a few people are already living in it.

The last one was just established, and it is still located overseas, which is the middle of Sacred Tree Island and Karan Island, connecting the two islands in a line. The two islands forming a whole have brought greater pressure to other forces.

This is equivalent to creating a piece of land directly in the air that allows people to survive. This kind of power is even jealous of the Mage Association. Unfortunately, although they were jealous, no one dared to buy such a floating city.

And the main weapon on the floating city recently, in addition to the bat missiles and airships, is the newly installed magic light cannon. After having the entire Black Spot Trench, Black Spot Stone is very sufficient.

The two magic crystal veins on the northern plateau also provide sufficient magic crystals for the territory. Now that the magic light cannon manufacturing technology has been restored, many magic light cannons have been installed in several floating cities.

After experimentation, as long as the diameter of the magic light cannon exceeds half a meter, its power will not be worse than the latest type of magic crystal cannon of the Holy Dragon Empire. The most important thing is that this thing has a far range, fast speed and precise attack. It was like a beam of light, there was no way to dodge it at all, but to choose hard resistance.

When the various experimental data of Moguang Cannon leaked out, the major forces became more vigilant.

At this moment, even the Sacred Dragon Empire had to admit that the Sacred Tree Leader already had the power that could barely be equal to the Sacred Dragon Empire. In terms of power under the legend, the Sacred Tree Collar is no worse than the Sacred Dragon Empire.

Even if many people don't want to admit it, they have to accept it. Because of this, the Sacred Dragon Empire recently began to publicize the legendary level masters, hoping to use this to enhance the confidence of the people and attack the people's hearts of the Sacred Tree Leader.

As for the effect, no one knows. The Holy Dragon Empire is simply the most inspirational existence in the eyes of major kingdoms today. The major kingdoms have regarded the sacred tree leader as the most powerful kingdom, although this title is only private. Because the Holy Tree Neck is only a territory, not a nation.

Similarly, it is also because the leader of the holy tree leader is only Chi Nan. Now not only there is no heir, but even the development of the territory relies on Chinan's own plant control ability, and other aspects of the foundation are insufficient.

Otherwise, the prestige of the sacred tree collar will be even higher. On this day, Chi Nan suddenly received a message.

This news came directly from overseas. In the picture, there is a super huge spar, which Chi Nan knows, it is a black porphyrite. If it weren't for someone standing next to him, I'm afraid Chi Nan would think it was just the spar approaching the screen.

"This is melanite? Why is it so Look at this size, it's as big as a hill of ten meters or so."

A guard on the opposite side respectfully said: "Lord Lord, we have already measured it. After measuring, this huge porphyrite can open three condensers, each of which will exceed ten meters in diameter. According to calculations, such a magic Once the light cannon is successfully established, the magic spar required to fire once is enough to activate one or two legendary-level magic."

"The consumption of legendary level magic? It seems to have reached that level with its own power. Just like our self-explosive airship, it may really be a threat to the legendary master."

Chi Nan's mind turned his mind, and his own self-explosive airship could theoretically affect the legendary master. It's just because the speed is too slow and it is too fragile. If you are prepared, those legendary masters may not be affected.

But this magic light gun is different, the launch speed is too fast, as long as you aim, I believe that even a legendary master can't hide it. If you can really achieve the effect you imagined, this is definitely a powerful deterrent that can threaten the legendary master. With this, I am afraid I can really be on an equal footing with the empire.

Because even if it is an empire, there are absolutely not many legendary masters, maybe even only one or two.

"Very good, I will do my best to polish it and make it for me as quickly as possible. Just apply for whatever resources are needed, and I will give whatever I want." Chi Nan directly supported it with the greatest strength.

"Thank you Lord Lord, we will start processing now." A local official next to him said excitedly. As long as this thing is done, he can definitely be promoted continuously, and he will be registered with Lord Lord.

Others are also very excited, especially the senior level, who know what this means.

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