The Rise of Plants

Chapter 935: Happy events come and go

After Chi Nan gave the order to tilt resources, polishing of large condensers overseas was on the right track. Because of this incident, the work of excavating mesoporite in the Black Spot Trench has been in full swing.

Unfortunately, after a few days, everyone did not see such a large natural porphyrite. The Magic Light Cannon is too limited by the black porphyrite. Of course, there are also many mages who are studying the structure of black porphyrite, hoping to make it artificially. Not only is the Holy Tree Leader doing this, other forces are also doing this now.

In the Black Spot Trench, the underwater palace that was under construction was postponed because of this incident.

Due to the full excavation, the water quality on the Black Spot Trench began to become turbid, and the environment was not very good. Perhaps, this is also the reason why everyone knows that this palace is basically not used.

Now, whether it is Chi Nan or a few others, they don't care much about the underwater palace.

At this time, Chi Nan had a flash of light in his mind. "Yes, melanite can condense scattered water elements, and can make the water elements form a laser-like thing that bursts out in an instant, producing powerful destructive power. Then, if my wind and fire elements are condensed, it may be possible to succeed. Right."

Doing what you think is a habit that Chi Nan gradually formed. There was no way to make black porphyrite, but the black porphyrite made Chi Nan feel that the markings on it were somewhat similar to natural magic patterns.

So Chi Nan began to experiment and imitate slowly. Thanks to Chi Nan's ability to transform magic lines, he can now modify the magic lines at will, otherwise it would not be easy to imitate them like this.

Of course, it is impossible to imitate it in a comprehensive way. However, it took Chinan more than a month to complete a rough imitation. Different from melanite, the markings can only condense the water element. The magic pattern that Chi Nan imitated could condense the elements of wind and fire. Of course, this kind of condensation is far inferior to the effect of melanite.

But with a little compression, it can still be done. And what Chi Nan needs is to compress it a little bit like this.

The newly manufactured wind cannon gradually took shape in Chi Nan's hands. The final formed wind cannon looked very similar to the previous wind cannon, and the main body was also a stick-like thing. But behind, there is an extra structure.

Not the lens structure of the condenser, but something like a pot lid. On the whole, this thing looks like a deformed satellite dish. In the lid-like thing behind, there are still gleams of light.

If you look closely at this light, it is somewhat similar to a natural rune, and it also looks like a black spar.

"Fortunately, there is a plant like the light pattern tree that can form runes by itself. Without this as a reference, there is really no way to design this thing out of thin air. Now, it is time to test the ability of the final shape."

I have tried it many times before, but when it finally takes shape, Chi Nan is still looking forward to it.

"Injecting magic power into ordinary silver magic magic power, it's a pity that there is no way to withstand the magical power of the golden level. This thing cannot be replaced by dragon perches. We can only see if we can upgrade to the golden level in the future."

Chi Nan has some regrets, but there is no alternative. With sufficient magic power, the elements condense very fast, and it doesn't take ten minutes at all. In less than two seconds, the entire wooden stick glowed red.

In an instant, a red ball of light the size of a fist was launched. I saw a flash of red light in the sky, as if forming a red beam of light, which looked unusually similar to a laser cannon.

Just under Chi Nan's eyes, he could still see the essence of this red ball of light clearly.

The ball of light hit a small island in the distance, yes, it was an island. This small island was about ten kilometers away from him, but it could still hit it in the air at such a distance. Chi Nan couldn't help holding his fist, which showed that the range problem had been solved.

Unexpectedly, just a little compression can make the range reach this level, the natural markings in this black porphyrite are really special. If you can fully comprehend it and apply it to your elemental weapons, God knows how much you can increase the power of the elements, but now you can only think about it.

With a "bang", the small island in the distance exploded, not the entire island, but a square in the middle of the island. "Test it and calculate the power and scope of the damage."

The plant brain uses satellites to quickly calculate. "The effective range is ten meters, and the maximum range is one hundred meters in diameter."

Chi Nan nodded in satisfaction. After compression, the damage range of this thing was larger than that of a wind cannon.

"The destructive effect is mainly elemental airflow, which is increased by 50% compared to the wind blade airflow effect. Within the range of the power is equivalent to the magical destructive power of Silver Peak, and the range exceeds the standard silver magic by at least five times. "

The calculation results made Chi Nan even more satisfied: "Not bad, the tasteless wind cannons can finally be replaced in the future. All of our wind cannons will start to be replaced, hey, there are so many airships that need to be replaced. The wind on an airship There is no longer one cannon. When it is replaced with a wind cannon, at least ten must be added. Our Sky Heart can support it."

Thinking that so many airships need to be remodeled, Chi Nan smiled bitterly unknowingly. This is really a blessing trouble. "Forget it, look at the transformation, maybe this kind of airship will be eliminated someday."

Thinking that he would soon break through the legendary level, to what extent would he be able to develop plant weapons at that time, even Chi Nan himself didn't know. But if you haven't reached that point yet, let's prepare first.

After all, no one knew what was going on at that time. After studying the wind and artillery, Chi Nan finally calmed down. At this time, the twin trees had also been spawned, and Chi Nan had already begun to transform the magic patterns on it.

The next step is to complete the transformation of the first legendary plant and strive to break through to the legendary level. That level is really desirable. I don't know what kind of field I will have at that time. Will it be like that giant white bone elephant that can easily fight an entire army? That is simply not a power that humans can possess.

Even if I think about it, Chi Nan will feel excited all over, and he is about to tremble with excitement. Forget it, don't think about those useless, what you need to do now is to do the things in front of you first.

In order to make a breakthrough, Chi Nan directly declared a retreat internally, and now even Hemilla and the others could not see Chi Nan.

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