The Rise of Plants

Chapter 945: Deterrence of the legendary powerhouse

A legend, which just appeared, forced the arrogant Holy Dragon Empire to lower its head and come to negotiate with the Holy Tree Leader. Even if the holy tree leader only has a legend, in their eyes it is already an empire-level power.

At the same time, the Holy Light Empire also made this decision. It's just that from the perspective of the Holy Light Empire, mission is more important. It is best if it can preach within the scope of the holy tree collar.

The half-elf nobles who had been cooperating with the holy tree leader before suddenly changed their attitudes.

In the first place, he didn't think much of the remote place of Shengshuling, and he didn't think much of the so-called compatriot of Chi Nan. Now as Chi Nan broke through to the legend, all of them suddenly changed their faces.

All kinds of things such as expanding discussions and in-depth cooperation were brought up by these half-elves one after another. Every legendary master is worthy of them wholeheartedly wooing or even relying on. What if it is a remote place, a legend itself represents a huge backing, which no one can ignore.

Among the four great empires, only the Cthulhu Empire had no idea of ​​diplomacy with the Holy Tree Leader.

Everyone also understands that the Cthulhu Empire itself is composed of a group of evil beings, and its thinking is different from that of normal people. These people are enemies of almost any other force, so how can they engage in diplomacy.

As for the inside of the Cthulhu Empire, it has always been a mystery in everyone's eyes. Although it was an empire, the Cthulhu Empire did not have any affiliated kingdoms. If you want to be attached, then be annexed.

It has a good relationship with the Cthulhu Empire, and there is only one place in the Plains of Undead. And these two existences are not really close, but a relationship of mutual use. When encountering a strong foreign enemy, they will cooperate with each other. But in the absence of enemies, wars between these two forces have often broken out.

At this moment, a group of people in the Mage Association started to have a headache. The Holy Tree Leader had just left Remas and began to expand on a large scale, and had a very poor relationship with their Mage Association.

The Mage Association violated its long-standing neutral attitude and used customary rules to deal with the sacred tree collar. I have dealt with many other territories before, but everyone didn't say anything, only the Sacred Tree collar headed head-on.

Since then, their relationship has become very bad. When the sacred tree leader attacked the kingdom of Maro, the Mage Association secretly supported it, which also caused considerable damage to the sacred tree leader. Including those puppets later, they were also made out. Originally, the mages were noble, and looked down upon other forces that were unable to cast spells.

As a sacred tree leader that grew from the magical desert, the Wizards Association really didn't look very attractive. They believe that as long as they develop and grow, the mere sacred tree leader will never be their opponent.

But when they had a legendary master, everything changed and everyone became nervous.

"What to do, Lord Chinan has broken through the legend, even if it is just a natural mage, we can't contend to reach the legend. Should we continue to hide." An old mage finally said.

"Haha, is it useful to hide? Before we could hide, but now. We need territory to develop, we need a piece of land that belongs to us, and this place is on the overseas islands. With our own territory, we don’t have The way is hidden, unless we give up, will you agree to it?"

No one speaks, a piece of land of its own is indispensable for the Mage Association to develop and grow. They can't give up, but if they don't give up, it is equivalent to having a foundation and can't hide it anymore.

But if head-to-head, they are definitely not a legendary master, they know this very well.

And given up the territory, then they will definitely fall from the four major guilds first, and even be knocked down in the future. How could the mages who have tasted the sweetness finally make such a decision.

"We, and the Sacred Tree Leader did not completely tear our skin. Although we have fought with each other, they were all privately, and we still retained a little face. So I think we can work together again."

"Cooperate again? You don't know the character of that person. You must report it. Do you think he will let us go?"

The headed old mage gently raised his head: "Of course I know, but Chinan's favorite is also a variety of powerful plants. Other forces don't have as many collections as ours, as long as they produce enough benefits, it's no problem."

Enough benefits? Maybe it's really possible. As they have always put interests first, they certainly believe that interests can solve everything. "We still have legendary plant seeds, enough."

"Then let me take care of this matter." An old man from the rear took the initiative to stand up.

Everyone nodded, and did not take the credit. No matter who goes, the greatest credit is always the one who produced the seeds.

Not only the Mage Association, at this moment, the other three guilds have also made the same decision to establish diplomacy with the Holy Tree Leader. Others can use it, but they can't, because their roots are overseas.

Part of the territory of the Sacred Tree is right next to them, no matter what the reason, this time a cooperative relationship will be concluded. They have not been involved in the sacred tree collar in their battles overseas, which is quite fortunate.

As for why they dare to attack the Sacred Dragon Empire, it is because they know that the legendary masters of the Sacred Dragon Empire will definitely not be interested in overseas and will not come to us. As long as it is not involved in the interior, there is no problem. But Chi Nan has just broken through. Who knows what his personality is? It's not like Chi Nan comes overseas in person once or twice.

As the major forces made decisions one after another, the holy tree leader began to get busy. As a lord and legendary master, Chi Nan no longer needs to personally receive these people. Even the imperial royal family is not qualified to let Chi Nan come forward.

But the Sacred Tree leader needs to receive enough weight to receive these people. So those high-level officials were taken out one after another, especially Hermilla and others, who had the identity of the lord's wife, and many heavyweights needed them to receive.

Even some people who didn't show up in the Lord's Mansion before were also taken out. Romigaara, a muscular girl, is now also taken to the official post of a diplomat, who comes out to receive these people.

As for the people from the small kingdoms and principalities around, it would be nice to have a lower-level official to receive them now. If you can't indulge in high-level staff, is it good to be able to indulge in a lower-level person now?

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