The Rise of Plants

Chapter 946: It's finally not a weak chicken

A series of explosions sounded in the training ground, and the surrounding protection personnel did not look squinted. Obviously, they had been used to it. At this time, in the training ground, Chi Nan was shining with green light, like a big green light bulb.

There are also several figures with cyan or white grudges shining around, and they are attacking each other frantically. The figure is as fast as lightning, like a entangled thread, and the sound erupts from the middle.

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion, the figure stopped, Chi Nan stayed in place with a green light, while several other figures were knocked out. If an outsider sees this kind of scene, he will definitely open his mouth in surprise.

"Lord Lord, your fighting skills are getting stronger and stronger. It seems that it won't take long for you to truly fight like a fighter." After a sigh of relief, Horn said with a look of admiration. Horn was also one of the people who had just participated in the siege. In this hot day, a white mist appeared on his body.

"Haha, that's of course, I learn everything very quickly. Okay, you guys have a rest, too, the exercise these few days is tiring enough." Chi Nan has a bright smile on his face.

"My lord, we are not tired." The guards cleaned up, standing beside them like Qing Song.

Chi Nan ignored them, and I have to say that Chi Nan is indeed in a very good mood now. Although there is no domain, Chi Nan has recognized this after trying for a long time, and no longer struggles with it.

But at this time, Chi Nan is no longer completely lacking in combat effectiveness. One's own magic power can finally be used like a grudge. When he discovered this, Chi Nan was taken aback.

This is not the new ability that he added after breaking through the legendary level, but the effect produced by the improvement of his magical quality. For a long time, Chi Nan named the energy in his body the life magic, but now it seems that this thing is different from the general magic. I have never heard of anyone who can use magic power as a grudge.

After the breakthrough, Chi Nan not only had his physical fitness reached the level of a legendary fighter. Chi Nan could clearly feel that as the magic power in his body was circulating, all aspects of himself were improving.

Both power and speed have risen to a great extent. This is the same as the feeling when the fighters use fighting qi. Chi Nan didn't know how much he had improved, but he felt that he was definitely not weak.

Before fighting with his own guards, Chi Nan only used about 10% of his power, but a dozen or so gold-level fighters were besieged and he could win. Perhaps because the guards dare not start, but gold is gold after all.

Chi Nan can still see this point. His own magic power was condensed on his body, forming a protective layer like armor, which wrapped himself firmly. Even if Horn used his fighting energy to attack with all his strength, he could only leave a faint ripple on this layer of fighting energy defense, and he would have recovered in the next moment.

You know, this is caused by only using 10% of his power. If you go all out, the golden warrior won't even have the qualifications to injure himself, and even the golden mage might be the same.

Is this your own field? Chi Nan thought inexplicably. But forget it, anyway, he is no longer a weak chicken. Facing a master of the same level before, he was at a disadvantage.

But now, Chi Nan is sure that even if he meets a legendary master, he can still entangle for a long time if he can't beat him. Well, if you look at it this way, the self without a domain is indeed very weak.

Pulling out a long sword, Chi Nan yelled: "Feiyan cut." The long sword in his hand was cut out facing the front, and the magic power that was not very pleasing in color was surging, turning the long sword in his hand into green. But the next moment Chi Nan was embarrassed, because his attack had no effect at all, and the magic did not leave the sword at all.

"How could this be?" Chi Nan was a little confused, the surrounding guards either lowered their heads or raised their heads, seemingly still holding back a smile. Chi Nan rolled his eyes and ignored these people.

After repeated attempts, Chi Nan was finally appointed. "I knew how magical power could be the same as grudge."

I have been practicing fighting skills these days. Chi Nan is worried about hurting others, so he has never tried to use fighting skills. The first time I used it now, Chi Nan suddenly realized that there was no way to release his magic power.

Or it should be said that there is no way to release it like a grudge. One's own magic power can only be concentrated on one's body, close-range attacks are okay, but if you want to attack from the air, it's completely impossible.

It seems that if you disguise this soldier, you can only disguise as a half-hearted soldier. When they were at the Black Iron level, they had the ability to put out although not very far, although not very strong.

But he has reached the legendary level, but he can still only get into close combat, which is really depressing.

"My lord, your magic power can be blessed on the weapon, how about trying the bow and arrow." Horn reminded.

Chi Nan was taken aback, and then nodded somewhat entangledly: "Okay, I'll try." Bring the bow and arrow next to him. In terms of bow and arrow skills, Chi Nan is better than using a long sword. I don't know how much.

Pulling the bowstring, the green magic power covers the arrow. Chi Nan let go of his hand lightly, and the arrow turned into a flash of lightning and flew out quickly. Instantly pierced through the target and walls of the training ground, I don't know where I flew to.

"It's really okay. So, the bow and arrow skills I have practiced during this period are not in vain?" Chi Nan was stunned, what is the matter, if this is to let Slinka know about it, she will have no leisure time. pass.

When it's useless, you can pull yourself to exercise frantically, especially if it's useful. However, in any case, he finally had his own way of fighting. The bow that covered one's own magic power was obviously much stronger, otherwise the arrow would not be able to fly out in such a nearly straight manner.

The same is true for arrows covered with magical power, their penetration and lethality are too powerful. The decay of his own magic power is still very slow, enough to make his arrows fly far away without weakening the power.

Even if the arrow falls, the magic power on it will last for a long time. It seems that I am looking for a balance. When I usually shoot arrows, I can't use too much magic power. Although this waste is not a big deal, Chi Nan, who is accustomed to saving, still instinctively wants to find the best scale of use.

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