The Rise of Plants

Chapter 967: A portal to a new world

All the personnel avoided, and the surrounding square was protected by a dense army of plants. In the air, more than a dozen low-altitude satellites constantly search everything around to prevent any existence from approaching this area.

Not only is there not a single person here, there is not even a monster animal. Any living creatures who dare to approach will be killed in the first place. Even if the birds flying in the air just approached, a beam of light directly shot out from the ground, breaking them into pieces. Even with the corpse, it will be caught and cleaned by the plants when it falls.

The light on the ground is not a magic light cannon, but a kind of anti-aircraft cannon made by Chi Nan using the fifth-generation pea cannon. Although it is a physical state, it has the terrifying destructive power of laser bonuses, and its range is good.

At this moment, the air-cracking cannon like a large drill began to move. The body of the entire Rift Cannon moved slowly, adjusting little by little, as if it was a proofreader or something.

His own light flickered, and strange lines ran across the streamer, exuding a mysterious and unknown aura.

A coordinate tree next to it was also shining with white light, flashing and flashing, as if talking to something. This kind of light bursts out when the power of space flows.

Although it seems simple, for people with strong perception, the terrible feeling contained in that power can make people collapse. Even Chi Nan felt very depressed when he felt this power.

Everyone knows that this is the rift cannon using the coordinate tree to align the coordinates on the opposite side. It is not so easy to proofread the spatial coordinates. If this plant is not born with this ability, there is no way to do it easily.

Ten minutes later, the Split Air Cannon suddenly stopped, and instantly became motionless, giving people a weird feeling.

At this moment, the light on the Rift Air Cannon was dimly lit, and the brightness became stronger and stronger. On the ground, it seemed like a small sun appeared, and the huge light reflected everything around it.

Fortunately, there are no other people around here, so no one can see the vision that appears here.

"It's terrible, does it take so much energy to open the space channel?"

The surrounding energy pool is constantly evaporating. With such a huge energy consumption, everyone watching is beating vigorously. You know, today's energy pools are the second-generation energy pools that have been transformed.

The energy stored in each energy pool is about ten times as much as before. But in such a short time, nearly ten energy pools were evaporated, and the number is still increasing.

Chi Nan is not surprised at all: "This is not about opening a channel between two connected coordinates, but finding a coordinate position, which needs to be locked, and then forcibly tearing up the space and forcibly stabilizing a temporary channel. To open up a channel in this way, the energy consumed is more than a hundred times the normal consumption."

Then Chi Nan said with a sad face: "But even so, this kind of consumption is far less than maintaining an energy channel. Our energy pool here seems to be insufficient to maintain the permanent existence of this channel."

Fortunately, there is no need to maintain the space channel now, so when the time comes, continue to increase the energy pool and the surrounding magic sun flowers. It seems that in order to increase the recovery speed of the energy pool, the magic sun flower must also be transformed and upgraded.

Sophia nodded slightly: "That's it, but compared to the benefits of a plane, a small amount of energy consumption is really nothing." Yes, that is a plane, a plane that represents infinite possibilities. .

"When it stabilizes over there, I will also go over and have a look." It was Miria who spoke.

Hermilla knocked Miria irritably: "Have you forgotten the danger you encountered last time? We can't protect you when we encounter danger in the alien plane, and no one knows anything over there."

Milia stuck her tongue out, and under the influence of curiosity, she couldn't help but yearn for unknown places.

Finally, when the energy of more than twenty energy pools was evaporated, the Split Air Cannon seemed to have met the conditions, and finally stopped absorbing it. A bright light lit up on the Rift Air Cannon.

Suddenly, the huge drill bit turned away, and suddenly there were countless cracks in the void where there was nothing. The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, as if there is something in the air.

Everyone stared at the screen closely, because they all knew that the space was torn apart.

Suddenly, the air-split cannon stopped abruptly, and the white light was shot out. The light disappeared in an instant, and the original crack was completely shattered, and a dark passage appeared. The passage is dark and deep, and I don't know where it leads to. After a long time, white light appeared in the black and in this moment, countless energy was evaporated. The more than one hundred energy pools originally prepared have been evaporated by more than half at this time. "It seems that the energy consumption is more than I thought."

Then Chi Nan shook his head: "No matter how much it is, it just needs to be successful anyway."

The spatial channel was established, and soon the constantly fluctuating edge tended to stabilize. At this time, the surrounding plant weapons were also waiting in full battle, for fear that something dangerous would appear on the opposite side.

"The calculation results come out. This channel can last for five days, and we only have five days to prepare. It seems that the opposite plane is not very far away from our side, and the spatial similarity is also high."

For some knowledge of space, Chi Nan had specially unlocked it for a long time, and these were all in the things that plane consciousness gave him. The passage is completely stable, and the plant weapons are still fully guarded, and there is no intention for anyone to enter the passage. And many wooden puppets around began to operate various instruments to experiment.

"There is no special energy, no corrosive rules, no toxic gas found. The air content has been tested, and it is not much different from the standard plane, and it fully meets the requirements of biological survival..."

Each piece of information was transmitted through the plant brain, and as various tests proceeded, everyone became more and more happy.

It seems that the opposite side is really suitable for people living here. Once stabilized on the opposite side, even if there is a problem in his own world, he will finally have a way out.

At this moment, everyone cheered, and many people screamed in excitement. It's a pity that only these people know that the large number of residents in the territory can't notify them of this situation for the time being, so only they celebrate themselves.

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