The Rise of Plants

Chapter 968: Leave it to me next

Celebrate celebration, but work still has to go on. There are only five days, and there is no time to rest during these five days.

While testing, some tiny plants that mimic insects and birds flew to the opposite side through the passage. Before long, some tiny plant insects came back here, and a lot of information appeared.

"The test on the other side is similar to this one. If there is no problem, the other side should be able to survive. There is no problem with animals, and there is no problem with plants. The environment over there seems to be in the middle of a big mountain."

After receiving the news, Chi Nan pondered for a while, and then waved his hand: "Then prepare to set off. Since there is a big mountain over there, no intelligent creatures have been found, so we just need to be careful not to be discovered by the locals. "

After a pause, Chi Nan said again: "In addition, I brought the twin tree seeds that I newly made to me, and when I am there, I will plant them, and we will open a permanent channel."

On the other side, a person who looked exactly like Chi Nan appeared on the square.

"The spatial distance is not very far, no matter whether you control it yourself or use a vegetable brain to control it independently, there is no problem, and then leave it to me." This person who looks like Chi Nan waved and said.

Fortunately, everyone already knows that this is the natural incarnation of Chi Nan, otherwise it would be strange to not be shocked the first time I saw it.

When seeing the incarnation of nature for the first time, Hermilla and the others were not less scared. When Wei Wei Si discovered that this avatar was not Chi Nan, she even pulled out her weapon and almost cut the avatar. So this time seeing this incarnation of nature, the three women rolled their eyes in unison, seeming to blame Chi Nan for frightening them.

On the surface, except for the spar on the neck, the natural incarnation is basically the same as Chi Nan. Even the spar was deliberately picked up by Chi Nan to let him distinguish his identity.

A large number of plant weapons slowly entered the passage, and the natural incarnation also passed to the other side.

Soon, the low-altitude satellite on the opposite side was lifted off, and the signal connection device was opened. From here, you can directly see the scene of another plane through the screen. Everything seems to be no different from your own plane.

With the green mountains and green waters, the scenery looks really good. It's just that it looks a bit desolate here, and there are not many animals nearby, let alone beasts. It seems that this is a barren mountain.

It's just that the range of this mountain is not small, and by visual inspection, the entire mountain range has reached several thousand kilometers in length, and may even be longer. There are countless branches, forming a large undulating special terrain. This kind of terrain is good, at least it develops here, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by others in a short time.

"It's very suitable for manufacturing bases. It just happens that the distance is not very far. Let's start development here."

The clone, or Chi Nan himself at this time, slowly spoke. Raising his hands, Chi Nan felt very miraculous: "Across a plane, it's almost the same as coming by myself, and it feels a little different."

"The signal is good. Even if the space channel is closed, it can be controlled so easily. It's amazing."

After Chi Nan sighed, the base airship at the rear had also slowly flown over. After finding a clearing, the airship landed on the ground, and then the airship quickly unfolded.

At the same time, some auxiliary construction airships also flew over. After these construction airships were opened, all kinds of plant buildings were exposed. Even the mother tree of the homeland was planted in an unfolding airship. At the same time, the purification tree was planted, which is very important to Chi Nan.

"Huh? The purification tree reacted a little. The negative power in this world seems to be higher than we thought."

The purification tree absorbs a lot of negative forces and then transforms them into natural forces to radiate out, but this phenomenon has caught their attention. This shows that there are more negative forces in this world.

Since there are more negative forces, there will be more evil creatures or intelligent creatures that cultivate evil forces. Chi Nan doesn't know whether there are humans in this world, but Chi Nan knows that most of the world where there are living creatures should have humans. This is what plane consciousness and himself have said.

I don't know why, the adaptability of human beings is too strong, and it will exist in many places. If you find a human being, I believe it will be easier after you integrate into it.

There is no need to consider these for the time being. After the base is deployed, there are still about fifty energy pools left behind, and the energy begins to evaporate continuously. The base here has also begun to tell the state of development.

Because of the arrival of a large number of plant weapons in the rear, there is no need to build some low-level weapons in this place. Chi Nan directly controlled remotely, unlocked all the blockades of the base, and directly began to build the airship formation. There are also several huge battle fortresses, which have also begun to be built. As for the floating city, the consumption of this thing is really too great.

Moreover, the floating city flying in the air is too eye-catching, and Chi Nan doesn't want to build it temporarily.

Underground, some plants dedicated to building underground spaces also began to move, and huge holes were dug out. Below, it is usually used to store things to grow mushrooms, and when necessary, it can also produce some underground weapons.

Around, all kinds of defensive measures are unfolding layer by layer. The entire base is continuously expanding at a rapid rate. The entire mountain range was constantly occupied and completely controlled by his own hands.

"This place is indeed very strange. There are so few animals. There is not even a monster. With such a large mountain range, the energy here is so rich. It is impossible that there will be no monsters."

Looking at the messages, Chi Nan's eyes flashed with strange light. Is this place strange, or is it due to other reasons? "Make a batch of exploration-type aircraft, and let them go out and explore the surroundings."

Coming to a new world, the most important thing is of course not force, but knowledge and intelligence about this world.

With sufficient energy, an exploration-type plant flying vehicle was quickly manufactured. These aircraft look like little birds, but they can stay suspended in the air and never fall.

As long as it is not being attacked, from the outside, it is impossible to tell that this thing is not an animal. This type of aircraft can be used very well in his own world, and Chi Nan has long released it everywhere.

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