The Rise of Plants

Chapter 969: There are people in this world

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With the exploratory type of plants, the scope of exploration has been expanded a lot. Soon, many exploring birds flew out, monitoring everything around them within their sight range.

At the same time, a large number of low-altitude satellites have begun to be built, but it will take some time.

The plant weapons that came here began to spread out towards the surroundings. When Chi Nan found that there was no danger here and that the surrounding area was very suitable for developing his own base, Chi Nan let go of its development strategy.

Both base airships were used, and even the two surrounding base airships were urgently mobilized, and they were placed in this mountain range at the same time. In the mountains, five places suitable for the initial base for development have been built one after another. The five bases began to develop at the same time, I believe it will be much easier to completely control this mountain range.

As for the continued development, shouldn't it be enough to create a new base at that time? The energy pool at the back burned continuously, and the recovery speed could not keep up at all. Only in the morning of the third day, the energy pool here was exhausted.

At this time, the energy pool and magic sun flower carpet on the Alien plane had been established, basically satisfying a certain degree of self-sufficiency. In addition to the large number of special plant weapons sent in the past, the airship formation has gradually taken shape.

Within a short period of time, three airship formations had already formed on the opposite side. You know, ordinary airships can also fly to the other side through space channels. But the airship mothership is so big that it is impossible to fly past it. If it weren't for Chi Nan's promotion, the airship mothership would be spawned faster than before, and Chi Nan had sent the mothership semi-finished products.

It is impossible to build three airship formations within three days. With the formation of airships and a large number of high-grade plant weapons on the ground, there is no need to worry about safety issues.

As long as there is no legendary master, even if a team of golden masters is dispatched at once, this mountain range cannot be broken by the opponent. But then, I can only rely on the opposite myself.

The seed of the twin tree was not planted by Chinan, after all, they didn't know where it was.

If it is too dangerous or there are other problems, even if this place is occupied, it may be abandoned at any time in the future. The seeds of twin trees are not other plants, they are very precious.

"It's a pity that the wood spirit hasn't been completed yet, otherwise I will create a fake wood spirit, and I don't need to arrange it by myself here."

Although other people can explore and command here through the space, after all, there is a world across, and many things are inconvenient to do. Most of the things here can only be handled by Chi Nan's clone.

In the last two days, there was basically no help from the local people. Fortunately, the development here has entered a virtuous circle, so the development speed is still steadily increasing.

Until the fifth day, the space channel was slowly closed, except for some unrepaired space cracks in the air, nothing else could be seen. At this time, Chi Nan raised his hands.

"There is a little stagnation to control your own clone, but there is no big problem, as long as you don't encounter too powerful enemies. You don't have to be afraid of enemies of the golden level, even at the peak. Unfortunately, there is still no domain. When encountering a legendary level Master, I’m afraid I can’t even support a single move."

Chi Nan said to himself that from now on, Chi Nan has entered a period where people in the rear cooperate with him to expand the world's power. This is the initial development in the early stage, and it is quite smooth. It is a good beginning.

"Patriarch, how about giving me the main things in this world?" Miria said suddenly, licking her face.

Chi Nan looked strange: "Why are you interested in this place? Haven't you been exploring the sea all the time?"

Miria's mouth curled: "What is there to explore in the sea, it's so dark, there is nothing to look at, it's something a little bit more alien." Miria's performance made Chi Nan a little strange.

"Hehe, Miria has lost interest because she has explored the general situation in the sea recently." Sophia smiled and said Miria's real situation. There are indeed many unknowns in the ocean, but if you have to discover a little, you don't know how much time it will take. Miria's temperament, but not so good patience.

"It turned out to be like this, Chi Nan said a little funny."

"Patriarch, just say you agree or disagree." Miria stared at Chi Nan with some annoyance.

"Okay, I agree, but don't mess around." Anyway, there are a lot of people to help. Miria is not a real child, but she is more curious, and Chi Nan is not worried about Miria's troubles. Come. Besides, don’t you still have your own avatar? Just like yourself, you don’t have the final say when you need to make a Oh, that’s great, I’ll be here next. "Milia took over the second command of the Alien Plane with a happily face, and then began to explore the great cause, of course, they were all strange little things.

Chi Nan and the others looked at each other, shook their heads, and continued to develop. Development is boring, without a certain amount of patience, this kind of development is actually very meaningless.

However, on the sixth day, the exploration vehicle suddenly heard news that interested Chi Nan. "Have you found a humanoid creature? I don't know what it is, and there are language and writing. It's great, continue to explore."

Chi Nan shifted his gaze, through the gaze of the plant, he finally saw the situation there. Several humanoid creatures were running on the ground, holding various weapons in their hands, and their armor wrapped themselves tightly.

This armor is red and black, very weird, like the outer shell of some kind of crustacean, the workmanship looks rough. But the densely dissatisfied with the traces of various battles above shows that this armor is not just for good-looking. Even this rough-worked armor is definitely not a ragged thing, it's very hard.

Finally, when these people stopped, one by one took off their helmets.

"Huh? Humans, and what are these creatures with blue-faced fangs like wild orcs. They seem to be much smarter than wild orcs, and they're just a bit taller than normal humans, far inferior to them."

"The language they speak is a little familiar, it seems, it seems to be very similar to the ancient Elvish language, but there are some variants. Now they start to collect each other's language with all their strength, analyze it for me, and then give it to me through the plant brain." Chi Nan commanded. .

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