The Rise of Plants

Chapter 992: Why didn't you follow the command?

When the battle became more intense, it was finally time for the airship to come in handy. With the long-distance communication, the command's overall grasp of the military is quicker and simpler than before.

The troops sent by Chi Nan were all under the command of the commander, and no one else had the right to use them.

When Commander Rice saw another wave of insects in the distance, he hurriedly said loudly: "The second and third plant army is ready, the airship lifts into the sky, and I will wipe out those insects in the distance."

The two commanders sat together, looked at each other and raised their glasses at the same time. "Hehe, it seems that the commander-in-chief is in a hurry, let's start too, just to give them a surprise." The two people did not have much respect for the Commander Les. After all, they all came from the sacred tree leader, and only their lord is the only one worthy of respect.

Soon, the airships in the two teams lifted off, but it was not only their airships that were launched at the same time, but also the airships belonging to the front-line command. And those airships were dispatched faster, flying in front of others.

"Is this to grab the credit? It's a pity, I'll make you regret it later." The two people didn't care at all. They had the permission to open Chinan and could use the low-altitude satellites above the battlefield.

With these satellites staring at them, the scene they saw was much clearer than that of the commander. The commander didn't know until now that the neuro-brain in their hands was not only as simple as what they saw now.

After the airship flew up, no one noticed that the airships behind them had a little more. On both sides, there was a small thing more, like a shrinking deformed wing, very inconspicuous. Maybe someone saw it, maybe they thought it was just a decoration. After all, it is a little better than a monotonous airship.

Ahead, those military airships have begun to throw bombs downwards. These are special toxin bombs. This speed was originally designed to target those beetles.

Of course, because there is no improvement, their airships still use manpower to drop bombs. After aiming roughly in the sky, the bomb was lifted and dropped. They didn't know that the airships of the Plant Army were actually no one on them.

Not to mention that it was a bomb thrower, not even a driver. Before the battle, all the processes were carried out inside the plant army, so no one could see what was done. There are not many soldiers brought from the sacred tree, and each one is very precious. Chi Nan didn't want to waste the lives of his soldiers in this kind of battle.

It didn't take long for the airship behind to also start dropping bombs. Commander Les looked at the airship in the sky, frowning involuntarily. Because he discovered that these airships did not throw bombs from the side door beside them.

Instead, a window was opened directly below, and bombs were dropped directly from below. "Could it be that the airship of the Plant Lord has been improved again? It seems that we have to communicate with them after this time."

Every time Chinan’s plant weapons are increased and improved, they start with their own plant army. Only after they use it and prove the effect, the military that sees the effect will take the initiative to communicate with them.

Just like the high-level bush warriors before, as well as those scorpion tanks and little tree spirit warriors. After showing a certain degree of power, they began to contact Chi Nan. For specific matters, it is no longer necessary for Chi Nan to come forward in person. This place has also established its own set of systems dedicated to handling matters.

Just copy the set made by my own sacred tree leader, anyway, it's my own person, so I'm very relieved.

Just before the communication, Chi Nan gradually sold these things to the military, and it took a certain amount of time for the rear personnel to purchase. And all of a sudden, it seemed that a new airship mode appeared.

This situation makes the command and the high-level alliance members very depressed. On the one hand, I feel happy because of the rapid development of Chinan, and on the other hand, they are bored and headache because of the constant tossing of them due to the rapid development.

But under the pressure of the insects, they can only accept it, because this is a good change. If you want to continue to develop and truly regain lost ground, you can only accept those plant weapons from Chinan. No way, who makes them incapable of this ability. As long as they have this ability, they don't want to be restricted by Chi Nan.

The bombing soon took effect, and large green fog rose up on the battlefield. A large number of beetles have been wiped out one after another. As if insecticides killed ants, one by one fell to the ground.

People who haven't seen it with their own eyes can hardly imagine the magnificence of such a scene. Only these soldiers who have been fighting on the front lines all the year round know the meaning of this scene best ~ ~ no one is afraid, some just cheers.

The cheers of victory soon began to spread, and the soldiers cheered loudly on the entire wall, whether they saw this scene or not. This means that another huge victory has arrived.

It's just that the victory this time is different from what they thought. Because of the heavy casualties of the ground forces, the bugs began to use other methods. The figure of the flying beetle appeared in the distance. Seeing this scene, Commander Rice's face became a little solemn. "It's a flying beetle. Damn it. I knew there must be flying insects on such a large scale."

Without even thinking about it, Les immediately adjusted the call channel and said: "The airship team is ready, and the flying beetle is about to come over, ready to take off and fight. Pay attention, first of all to ensure the safety of the airship."

The airship is very sturdy, but an airship without combat effectiveness can only be used as a rampage target in the air, and the speed is not very fast. There is no lethality to beetles, only protection.

Since the first flying beetle attacked the airship, the military has no idea how many airships have been lost. These were all purchased by them and Chi Nan. Such a good weapon, such a loss, who can not feel sorry for it.

"Pay attention to the airship formation ahead, start to retreat, and the flying beetle has lifted off." Rice said this to the airship formation. It's just that no one thought that the military airship was retreating, but the airships in the Chinan Plant Army not only did not retreat, but instead rushed forward on their own initiative, as if they were about to commit suicide.

Seeing this scene, Commander Rice became angry on the spot. "What are you doing, go back quickly, don't you want to die? I will communicate with your lord if I don't obey the command." These people are not their own men after all.

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