The Rise of Plants

Chapter 993: Sudden change of air combat mode

"Your Excellency Commander, don't worry, we are a new airship, capable of air combat."

"Damn, what kind of air combat capability can such a big airship have? Give me retreat, and our strength will not tolerate loss." Les roared, but there was no answer from the other side.

"Damn bastard, Lord Chinan won't make a good selection no matter how he chooses his subordinates, so he will look for someone who does not care about the overall situation. The Air Force is prepared to take off immediately once the beetle gets into position. Try to save more airships." In his eyes, every airship is their precious treasure against the beetles, how can it be wasted casually.

Even if those people do not obey the command, they still have to protect the airship and the pilot. After the incident, he must make those who did not obey the instructions regret it. He believed that Chi Nan would enforce the law impartially.

It's a pity that people like them saw the beginning, but didn't think of the end. When the flying beetle took off, Les was almost desperate. Because the number of these flying beetles is too much.

Even if the air force he arranged there would fight these flying beetles once, he would be maimed after winning. "Damn beetles, how can there be so many, are they hiding something before."

Les and the other members of the command team looked at the distant sky dullly. From their position, they can only see a little trace that is not clear, but even so, the flying beetle team like dark clouds can roughly estimate how many enemies there are. At this scale, it is no longer easy to win.

It seemed that those airships could not be saved by themselves. What needs to be considered now is how to save as many flying troops as possible. After all, these flying units need time to train.

As for those airships, it seems that the rear can be planted for a period of time. In terms of speed, it seems to be fast. They didn't understand it at first, but when so many airships appeared all at once, they had some ideas.

"Quick, look, those airships are amazing." Suddenly, a commander yelled. Les is a little irritable, what's so great about the airship. But when he turned his head and looked at the airship formation, everyone's eyes widened.

Just now, the airship has approached the overwhelming beetle. Because there is no one on the airship, the airship has no sense of fear at all, even if the airship is sent to death, it will not care. In any case, the airship can guarantee the calmest and most sensible emotions, and exert its combat ability to the greatest possible extent.

Like a cold machine, when it reached the range, the airship began to attack.

"Haha, the cannon attack, ready to launch. I haven't used this familiar cannon for a long time, and finally I can use it again."

The machine gun, like high-altitude bombing, was the original airship combat method. In this way, the airship was able to compete with the air ace Griffin Knights at that time, and was able to defeat it.

However, as various weapons became more and more numerous, the cannon was eliminated. Unexpectedly, in this new world, it can be used again. Sometimes, it's not that the more powerful the weapon, the better it can be used, only appropriate.

Just like now, only step by step improvement will not give people a sense of abruptness. The development of Chinan in the alien plane has not aroused the suspicion of the indigenous people, and it relies on this step by step improvement.

The machine gun sounded, and the flanks on both sides of the airship suddenly heard continuous explosions. Every explosion is accompanied by a fist-sized bullet. The bullet is made of wood, with a little green light. Rotating at high speed in the air, the target is the beetle troops in the distance.

Large shells similar to the pea cannon are not the strength of the original pea cannon. As long as it is hit, even the shell of the beetle will be cracked. The fragile wings were torn to pieces on the spot.

Countless machine gun shells were shot out, and the flying beetles in the air began to fall like dumplings. At such a high place, even if the beetle falls, it is basically difficult to survive.

Besides, if you don't fall to death, you will also be poisoned to death. The reason why these cannons are green is that they have been soaked with beetle toxin in the pill chamber. When the beetle is injured by the machine gun, toxins will infiltrate along the wound. Falling from a high altitude plus a specially targeted toxin, this lethality can be foolproof.

Seeing that a large number of beetles kept falling, not only the headquarters, but also the airship legions that were about to take off, were stunned at this time. This kind of effective lethality is really terrible.

"Those things seem to be an application of pneumatic guns. Although the shells used are a little less effective, if you add toxins at high altitude, those flying beetles happen to be the most effective against them."

Les nodded slightly: "Yeah, I can actually come up with this kind of attack. If this is formed on a scale, the flying beetle may not be a threat to us in the future. Who came up with this? It's really amazing. ."

"Your commander-in-chief, isn't this bad? With the new airship, we can definitely suppress bugs easily in the future. There are only two kinds of bugs that are most troublesome, one is flying and the other is underground. As long as it can By solving those underground, we can continue to advance and truly regain lost ground."

Les finally came back to his senses and looked at the air with a sigh: "Yes, you are right. I am a little worried now. I am worried that with the airship, our airship legion will lose its function in the future."

This worry is not fake. Ever since the airship came into existence, the Griffin Legion of the Holy Tree Collar can only be reduced to a tool for being handsome and sending letters. Maybe in the future, there will be competitions like Griffin Rider.

Had it not been for the flying boats on the plane at that time, Chi Nan would have been able to ramp up the entire plane with the airships long ago. In this world, there are no alchemy weapons such as flying boats, only a powerful flying team.

"So, do our flying units still have to take off? Seeing them, it seems that they don't need our protection."

"No, it's still necessary. Although this attack is good, there are too many bugs. Once the bugs get close to a certain distance, the effect of this weapon will not work, so we still need to work together to protect the airship."

Rice's vision is very accurate. However, this is based on the premise that the airship has no other combat methods. Once there are other ways of fighting, can Rice's idea be realized?

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