Su Pingnan told Yang Qianli that the Stars and Stripes Country was the biggest gangster under the rules, and he had to communicate with Aston Dell when encountering problems.

Yang Qianli dialed Aston Dell's phone number on the way.

After listening to the description, Aston's lawyer on the phone immediately discovered something was wrong.

This veteran gangster did not hide his contempt for black people on the phone at all."Dear Yang, a few niggas who steal things cannot think of such a trick. There must be something else behind it."

Yang Qianli's words were as consistent as ever. Cruel:"The boss said, reach out and chop off their claws. I don't need to know who is behind them. What I need is for you to help me solve other problems.""


The establishment of a law firm and the joining of several famous lawyers gave Aston confidence when he spoke. In this country where money is paramount, with his BSS financial resources, he will not be afraid of anyone, not even the guy in the White Palace. He dares to go to court

"Some of my friends are very well-informed and should know something. Dear Yang, we will keep in touch."

Aston Dale hung up......

Word quickly spread back that Aston Dell was very efficient.

There is a shadow of Chicago's dark forces behind racial discrimination.

Things are not complicated.

The Corleone family has relied on decades of brutal methods and good friendships in all aspects to make them almost unique in the gambling industry.

What Corleone Sr. did was smart.

First of all, he will not go against the Federation, nor will he be greedy. This is reflected in the gaming industry. The family headed by Corleone is very cautious about money laundering and does not evade taxes. This allows his control of gaming in California to be officially recognized.

The dark forces in Chicago once tried to get involved in the gambling business, and their purpose was very simple. They needed to launder a large amount of white powder funds and stolen banknotes, and gambling was undoubtedly the best choice for the entire money laundering industry.

The cost is low and the method is hidden.

The elder Corleone rejected the Chicagoans' proposal out of caution, because in his view, the illegal sources of the Mafia family all over the Stars and Stripes were enough to keep the Corleone family strong, and there was no need to cause dissatisfaction with taxation and other relevant departments..

Behind Chicago's power is the white powder owl of the Cactus Kingdom, which is naturally not a fuel-efficient lamp. After several secret contests, the two sides found that they could not subdue each other and then all activities ceased.

But the seeds of mutual hatred had been sown. Therefore, Chicago has never given up on joining Las Vegas. They have been waiting for the opportunity.

The change of power in the Corleone family originally set them on fire, but after the new godfather Michael came to power, New York's series of revengeful acts have shown that this new godfather is no less cruel and cruel than the old godfather.

Don't mess with a lion who has just become the Lion King, because he urgently needs a series of victories to consolidate his prestige.

So the Chicagoans were smart and acted rashly, but Xia Guoren's sudden entry made them stunned.

The yellow-skinned monkeys on the other side of the ocean got what they wanted easily, which made Chicagoans angry.

The three people who happened to be fired by Jinxiu Group were inextricably related to them, and Lin Huaifa's calming approach to handling the situation made them think that the other party was a bit weak. So there is such a tentative scene today.

They have deep-rooted arrogance towards the Xia people. There are many Xia descendants in the Stars and Stripes country, and there are also many gray forces in Xia people street, but they have never been convincing in a big scene, so they did not let Jinxiu Group go. In his eyes, he believed that the other party was nothing more than a transaction product of the Corleone family......

When Yang Qianli rushed back, the situation was relatively calm.

About a hundred black people held up various protest slogans and banners and shouted loudly in bird language that Yang Qianli could not understand. There were even several performance artists doing various actions that stunned Jinxiu employees.

""I X" the driver Zhu Lin said loudly,"What are you doing?""

Yang Qianli followed Zhu Lin's line of sight and saw a naked black man standing on the brazier and dancing wildly.

Yang Qianli was also stunned. If it weren't for the waving banner, he even thought these people were There were some weird dances.

There were not many policemen at the scene, only about five or six, lazily maintaining order.

Yang Qianli cast a cold glance. He knew that if it weren’t for the generosity of the Jinxiu Group these days, this The number will be reduced by more than half.

The Stars and Stripes Kingdom has never been a friendly country to the people of the Xia Kingdom....

"Qianli, you are finally back."

Yang Qianli's car was not blocked. After entering the construction site and getting out of the car, Lin Huaifa immediately rushed over, his face turned pale with nervousness.


Yang Qianli glanced around the subordinates and nodded,"Let's talk inside.""


Lin Huaifa walked in a hurry, his steps staggering a little. Yang Qianli, who was striding ahead, frowned.

Far away in a foreign land, this Haojiang native is very good at doing things, but it would be too irresponsible for him to shrink back when something happens.

Lin Huaifa's face was anxious. It could be said that something big happened to the stall he was in charge of, which made Shenxianfa, who had pinned his whole life's hopes on it, extremely worried.

Entering the simple office, Yang Qianli waved Zhu Lin out, and Zhu Lin bowed. , then gently closed the door and stood upright outside.

"Manager Yang...?"

Before Lin Huai finished speaking, Yang Qianli had strangled Lin Huai's neck with one hand like a leopard.


Lin Huaifa, whose back was hit hard against the wall of the office, looked up in shock. In his somewhat frightened eyes, Yang Qianli's calm face became ferocious and fierce:"Look at your collar, how can you lead the team if you are not stable?!"

The hand on his neck was pinched extremely hard. Lin Huaifa gasped hard and looked at his collar. The two-clawed Xia Guolong was extremely well made and lifelike as if he wanted to choose someone to devour._Feilu reminds you

: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection ,push

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