After Yang Qianli pinched his neck and pushed him hard, and then saw the mark on his collar, Shenxianfa suddenly understood what he had done wrong.

Yes, he is no longer the pony who sees the high rollers doing everything they can to please them, and he is no longer the little guy caught between the casino and the guests.

He is a member of the Jinxiu Group, and he is one of the people who was personally embroidered with dragons by the boss Su Pingnan.

Jinxiu Group has a kind of confidence in everyone, even arrogance. Deep down, they will not be afraid of anyone. This is the kind of confidence that comes from a super power. This is also the brand that Su Pingnan has put on his kingdom over the years.

Panting heavily, Lin Huaifa patted the thick arm that was holding his neck, and uttered a few words with difficulty:"I understand."

Yang Qianli snorted coldly, and suddenly let go of Lin Huaifa, who immediately covered his throat. He coughed violently,"The other party wants to talk, cough, and it's before the union arrives." Lin Huaifa stuttered a little because of the discomfort in his neck.

"What to talk about? Is it useful?"

Yang Qianli's tone was very calm. After receiving the news from Aston Dale, he had made up his mind to be tough to the end.


As soon as Lin Huaifa said this, he saw the eyes of the man in front of him became sharp again, and he hurriedly explained:"At least we can know what they want specifically. Yang

Qianli pondered for a few minutes and nodded slowly,"Okay, but you have to remember one thing. The boss will not compromise, and neither will I.""

Lin Huaifa nodded.

Yang Qianli's words were somewhat meaningful:"In Jinxiu, the big boss will take care of everything. We just need to do what we have to do.".....

Robert Matthew is a middle-aged man with a strong build and some balding hair. He has a brilliant resume. He is a global senior intelligence expert and a former top expert in the Central Intelligence Agency's Senior Espionage and Investigation Bureau. He is famous for his decisiveness and efficiency.

When he found that he could not satisfy his desires with a salary that seemed rich but was actually extremely meager, he decided to go it alone and resigned to open a firm with the same few capable men who had the same demands.

The firm's service targets are very clear, multi-millionaires or tycoons of a higher level, and then according to the requirements of the clients, Robert Ma and his team help people in need solve some problems.

"Ring ring."

The clear phone call rang in the office. When Matthew answered the phone, Aston Dale's harsh voice rang,"Dear Mr. Matthew, I think you should have figured out who I am."

"Yes, a gangster with no bottom line."

Matthew's tone was unceremonious. The two cases he had been responsible for were turned into ordinary civil disputes by this lawsuit stickman in court. This made him lose face and understand the power of money.

"Mr. Matthew. Aston

Dale smiled knowingly,"You are a businessman now. As a businessman, you will find that I am not that disgusting to you.""

"Yes, otherwise I would have hung up."

Robert Matthew agrees very much with what Aton Dale said. This rogue lawyer has a good reputation in many circles. At least many rich people are willing to believe in him more than themselves."

"My boss ran into a little trouble, and he wanted to handle it his way, so I recommended you to him."

Aston's words aroused Robert Matthew's interest. The person who can make this greedy guy call him BOSS is definitely a top-notch rich man who spends a lot of money. His firm does not have many customers. Although his special background allows him to handle many things very well, it is undeniable that it also gives him an inherent disadvantage in gaining the trust of some wealthy people with complex backgrounds.

"good. I am now a pure business person."

Robert Matthew immediately realized that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come....

"The boss needs you to deal with media public opinion, labor unions and relevant departments. If you do this well, I think you and your team will have the opportunity you have dreamed of."After communicating for twenty minutes, Aston Dale hung up the phone.

"BOSS is definitely a genius. Aston stood up as he spoke, his tone full of admiration for Su Pingnan,"If it weren't for his skin and experience that I know very well, his knowledge of this country would make me suspect that he has always lived in this dirty but great country."

"Listening to what you said, I am becoming more and more curious about the BOSS I have not met yet."Boles, another famous litigation lawyer sitting in the corner, put down the coffee in his hand and said with a smile.

Boles is a black man. He once worked as the deputy prosecutor general of the Los Angeles County Prosecutor's Office, and later went to work alone. , this person is extremely talented in strategizing, and has extensive connections in the judicial circles of the Star-Spangled Kingdom. His strong logical thinking makes him known as the top cross-examination expert.

Aston paid a huge price to let him join. The share allocation second only to oneself and the fixed salary of three million US dollars a year are enough to make many Wall Street bankers ashamed.

"It seems that I need to perform well to make BOSS think that I am worthy of this salary."Bolson's expression is full of confidence, and his skin color makes him even more powerful in dealing with racial discrimination.

For the mysterious Eastern boss, these top talents who later joined are very concerned about it. They all have a consensus that a person who is willing to do this A big shot lawyer who spends money must have a strong personality and be in constant trouble......

The confrontation continued, but the scene became much quieter. Especially when Vegas arrived, several niggas who were still making crazy body movements stopped involuntarily.

Tony Vegas, who grew up among the dark forces in Chicago, is notorious.

He is less than thirty years old, but he has been suspected of more murders than his age, and the methods used in each case were extremely cruel.

"Tony, if I come out without a hat later, then I need you to teach these yellow-skinned monkeys a lesson in your own way."

Wharton looked up at his subordinate, who was a head taller than him, with a sinister tone.


The tall and tall Tony Gass showed a cruel smile to a Xia man not far away.

Zhang Jun crossed his arms and stared at the niggas outside the cordon. He only believed Yang Qianli's words, that is, unless he died, he would not be able to retreat from this line.

A strong black man whose height was even comparable to that of Brother Dujiu stood in front of him, grinning at him and showing his strong white teeth.

Zhang Jun understood this provocative look, so he moved a few steps, and the two of them just stared at each other. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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