The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 703 702 [The head of state’s appreciation]

When the celebration ball was about to begin, Prince Albert finally showed up.

There was a handsome young man who came with him. Prince Albert introduced with a smile on his face: "Ladies, first...gentlemen, standing next to me...this person is a good friend of Mr. Hitler and the most talented young architect in Germany...Germany. Berthold Hermann Speer!"

Hitler's friend?

Zhou Hexuan was extremely surprised and instantly remembered this guy's identity.

Berthold Speer, Hitler's friend and architect, served as Germany's Minister of Arms and War Production during World War II.

Many historians believe that Speer was to some extent more important to Germany during the war than Hitler, Hillem, Goering, Goebbels and other generals and marshals, because it was Speer who actually operated the war. A huge war machine.

Among the core leadership of the Nazis, Speer was the youngest, even 7 years younger than Zhou Hexuan. He was just a civilian architect, but he quickly stood out in German politics because he gained Hitler's friendship.

This is a very strange and contradictory person. He has no experience in factory management. After serving as the German Minister of Arms, he greatly improved the productivity of German armaments factories through a series of reform measures and provided important materials for Hitler's expansion plan. Assure. When Hitler went militaristically and went crazy, Speer tried to assassinate Hitler and blocked Hitler's order to destroy German infrastructure at the end of the war. But when Hitler was at the end of his rope, he risked his life and flew to Berlin to visit Hitler, who was about to fall, and encouraged Hitler not to give up and to persevere to the end.

Even historians who specialize in World War II are not sure whether Speer was an innocent and good Nazi, or the biggest accomplice of Hitler.

At this moment, what surprised Zhou Hexuan the most was that all the British politicians, nobles and scholars who attended the ball actually shook hands with Speer enthusiastically. They unabashedly expressed their respect and admiration for Nazi Germany and Hitler, and just a moment ago, they were chanting slogans for world peace.

Even George Bernard Shaw and Toynbee were extremely enthusiastic about Speer's arrival and praised Hitler's series of policies after he came to power.

Zhou Hexuan suddenly couldn't understand. How sick is Britain at this time?

But one thing is certain, in the future Edward will lose his position as king, definitely not because he supports the Nazis, because the entire British ruling class supports the Nazis.

Bernard Shaw even publicly expressed this statement: "Some men are useless animals in the world... I call on the chemists to invent a humane gas that will kill quickly and painlessly. In this way death will become Be humane, not cruel.”

Isn’t that very Nazi? It was completely consistent with Hitler's approach to the Jews.

It is hard to imagine that Bernard Shaw was actually an anti-war activist who took the initiative to condemn Japan's attack on China.

Accompanied by Prince Albert, Speer walked up to Zhou Hexuan and said respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Zhou, I salute you on behalf of the head of state!"

Zhou Hexuan joked: "Then should I raise my right arm and say: Hi, Hitler!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhou is really humorous," Speer laughed. "If you have time, Mr. Zhou can go to Germany. Your Excellency the Head of State will be happy to meet you. There is no doubt that you are his second favorite writer. .”

Zhou Hexuan was a little flattered and asked: "Who is Mr. Hitler's favorite writer?"

"Karl Mai, a German adventure novelist," Speer said, "had a collection of more than 10,000 books in the Führer's Berlin study room. Two of them were kept on his desk for a long time for convenience. Read it at any time. One is "Desert Track" by Karl Mai, and the other is "The Rise of the Great Powers" by Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Hexuan smiled strangely and said, "That's really my...honor."

"This is how the Führer commented on the two works," Speer imitated Hitler's tone: "I read "Desert Track" and was completely stunned. I was immediately immersed in Karl Mai's novel world. He also said, I My favorite historical book is The Rise of the Great Powers, which makes my blood boil and inspires me to fight for Germany."

"..." Zhou Hexuan was completely speechless. It turns out that "The Rise of Great Powers" is also inspirational literature.

Hitler was a person who loved reading and collecting books. He read a wide variety of books, including classic novels, military works, architectural design, modern art, nutrition, astrology, etc. He made annotations while reading, and often yelled at his mistress Eva who interrupted his reading: "Get out! Keep absolutely quiet!"

The reason why Hitler liked "Desert Track" is simple, because this book shows an unknown vast world, and Hitler was keen to conquer this unknown. He also likes "The Rise of the Great Powers". The rise and decline of the great powers in the book gave Hitler various imaginations. He wanted to build Germany into the most powerful empire.

"Doesn't your head of state know that I am anti-Nazi?" Zhou Hexuan couldn't help but ask.

"Of course he knows," Speer said in an enthusiastic tone. "Mr. Zhou predicted the emergence of the German Third Reich in "The Rise of a Great Power: Germany," and the Head of State liked it very much. But he did not agree with the book. Germany is bound to be defeated, and he believes that victory ultimately belongs to Germany. The head of state is great, and he has the ambition to overcome some difficulties. Under his leadership, Germany will move towards a more glorious future! The head of state also said that he would like to talk to you Let's talk and let you revise the last part of "Germany". If you don't revise it, he will prove it to you with facts."

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "I am suddenly interested in meeting Mr. Hitler."

"That would be best," Speer said. "If Mr. Zhou is willing to go to Berlin, the Führer will award you a Reich Chancellor Medal. This is what he said to me personally."

"That's getting more and more interesting." Zhou Hexuan laughed.

Proms are always so boring. Zhou Hexuan is injured and can't dance yet, so he can only sit on the sofa and drink. The people around him chatting with him came and went, and the topics were always related to literature.

There were even a few nobles who talked about Shakespeare's plays in front of Zhou Hexuan, just to show off their literary heritage and artistic taste.

After Prince Albert drank a few glasses of red wine, he chatted with Zhou Hexuan side by side. At first they talked about literature and art, but gradually they talked about the old king's illness, and said that his brother was careless and was fascinated by a married woman.

A crowd of people gathered at Bernard Shaw's side, chatting freely about the art of drama with the Nobel Prize winner in physics, making everyone laugh with his humorous remarks from time to time.

After Toynbee danced two dances, he ran over to Zhou Hexuan and told him that he was going to Germany to receive a medal and hoped that Zhou Hexuan would accompany him because "Historical Research" was a work co-authored by the two of them.

"I'll go take a look. That head of state is very interesting." Zhou Hexuan said while drinking red wine.

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