The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 704 703 [Daily life at home]

For the next two months, Zhou Hexuan stayed in the UK, spending time with his wife and children enjoying themselves.

At this time, London should be the most polluted city in the world. The air is filled with the smell of sulfur, the sky is always foggy, the Thames River is colorful, and no one dares to eat the fish caught from the river.

Fortunately, it rains a lot in London, which greatly reduces air pollution. If it is sunny for a week, even the rain will be black, which will be extremely scary.

However, this is a symbol of industrial civilization. China wants this kind of pollution but cannot get it.

For the health of his wife and children, Zhou Hexuan has been living in the suburbs of London, and occasionally takes his family for walks in central and northern England. On the other hand, "Legend of the Galaxy Heroes" was serialized much faster, making British science fiction fans very happy. Some people even suggested that Zhou Hexuan simply immigrate to the UK.

During Zhou Hexuan's stay in the UK, many major events happened.

On December 2, Chang Kaishen reorganized the Nanjing National Government and appointed himself President of the Executive Council, completing the last step of dictatorship, while Wang Zhaoming completely lost power.

On December 9, the "December 9 Movement" led by the Communist Party of China broke out, setting off a wave of nationwide resistance against Japan.

On January 2, students from Beijing and Tianjin went south to carry out large-scale anti-Japanese propaganda.

On January 28, the Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance was established, with Yang Jingyu, Zhou Baozhong, and Li Zhaolin serving as commanders-in-chief of the Third Route Army respectively.

On February 17, the Chinese Anti-Japanese Vanguard Army composed of the Red Army issued the "Declaration of the Eastern Expedition."

On February 20, the Chinese Anti-Japanese Vanguard Army forcibly crossed the Yellow River and began the Red Army's Eastern Expedition.

On February 26, young Japanese military officers launched the "226 Coup", which failed, and the Japanese government became completely militarized.

By the way, the King of England has also changed. Prince Albert's brother was crowned successfully and was called "Edward VIII". He planned to marry a woman who had been married twice as his queen, and embarked on a legendary journey in which he did not love the country but the beauty.

Country house outside London.

Ruan Lingyu and Zhou Xuan lived in the hotel for two and a half months and were finally allowed to move into the villa.

At this moment, four women, Zhang Leyi, Wan Rong, Liao Yaquan and Ruan Lingyu, were sitting together playing mahjong.

Zhang Leyi's poker playing went smoothly, she had won a lot of money, and she was beaming with joy.

Liao Yaquan was anxious to lose. Money was a trivial matter, but she felt that she was losing face, so she secretly hid her cards and cheated.

Wanrong is a little absent-minded. She has recently become obsessed with oil paintings, and they are romantic landscape paintings that have become outdated. She often went to the Courtauld Institute of Art to communicate and learn with the painters and professors there, and even had the idea of ​​​​enrolling in school.

The romantic "ink stain paintings" and "watercolor paintings" created by Wanrong amazed London painters. In fact, it is similar to Chinese freehand splash-ink painting. Western painters excitedly created so-called "ink stain paintings" 100 years ago, but little did they know that China already had more advanced "splash-ink paintings."

At this moment, although Wanrong was sitting on the mahjong table, she was imagining a new game in her heart, and sometimes she didn't know when she was playing tricks.

Ruan Lingyu faced her three sisters and played cards with caution and trepidation. Fortunately, her poker skills are not very high, so she doesn't need to deliberately give up cards, she just needs to play to her true level.

"Bump! Three pieces." Zhang Leyi shouted with great momentum.

"Haha, what a fool!" Liao Yaquan smiled and pushed the cards. When he opened his hands to collect the money, he took the opportunity to put back the two mahjong pieces he had replaced.

Zhang Leyi glanced at Liao Yaquan's cards, frowned and said, "All of them so soon?"

Liao Yaquan said proudly: "I can't help it, my luck is back."

This senior spy sent by the Japanese military has completely degenerated. He actually plays mahjong every day and always enjoys it.

Ruan Lingyu timidly flattered, "Sister Liao plays cards really well."

After saying this, Ruan Lingyu was afraid of offending Zhang Leyi, so she quickly added: "Eldest sister also plays well and wins every time."

Zhang Leyi rolled her eyes helplessly. Ruan Lingyu's cowardly look made her angry and funny, and she really couldn't hate it. If someone is a little stronger, like Liao Yaquan, Zhang Leyi will never let her into the house again.

In the garden outside the house, Xiao Lingjun stood in front of a small blackboard, holding a branch in his hand as a pointer, and said to his two younger brothers: "This is the word 'country', read it with me... country, the country of China!"

"Country, China's country!"

Two brothers, Shuoming and Yang Pei, who just turned 3 last month, were learning to read from their elder sister while quietly playing with their toys.

On the other side of the garden, Vivien Leigh was competing with Meng Xiaodong in Peking Opera. Several British servants who had finished their work were standing at a distance, enjoying the wonderful performances of the two hostesses for free.

"You broke my pistol, please pay me back!"

"No compensation, you broke it yourself."

"It's you who broke it, please pay for it immediately."

"I don't have a pistol, only a sword."

"Then give me your sword."

"No compensation, this is the sword dad made for me."

"Give it to me quickly!"

“UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuBrother, grab my sword.”

The two little guys suddenly started fighting. Liao Yaquan's son Yang Bi was pushed to the ground by Wan Rong's son Shuoming. He was crying and shouting, clutching a wooden sword and refusing to let go.

Xiao Lingjun is 6 and a half years old, and she looks like a teacher. She waved her pointer and said, "No crying, no fighting. Listen carefully!"

Shuoming and Yang Chen were immediately frightened, and sat down obediently. When their sister wasn't paying attention, they suddenly kicked each other's legs and feet.

Xiao Lingjun wrote a new word on the blackboard, turned around and saw that the two brothers were fighting again. He immediately threw away his pointer and rushed into the house to complain.

In the study, Zhou Hexuan is writing a novel.

Ma Jue, who was on weekend vacation, sat next to him, sometimes reading and sometimes looking at people, with a faint smile on his face.


The door was suddenly pushed open, and Xiao Lingjun threw herself on Zhou Hexuan's lap, crying aggrievedly: "Dad, dad. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!""My brothers are disobedient. I teach them how to read, but they still fight."

Zhou Hexuan, dumbfounded, picked up his daughter, wiped her tears and said, "Our little drama queen is unhappy again?"

Xiao Lingjun pursed her lips and cried harder, shouting outside: "Mom, dad bullied me too! Wow, wow, wow... I'm not a drama queen, I'm not a drama queen, wow, wow, wow!"


Ma Jue was amused and said with a smile: "Lingjun is so cute."

Zhou Hexuan hugged his daughter and smiled: "How old are you and you still cry? Go play with brother Wei Lie."

"No," Xiao Lingjun's mouth pursed higher and higher, "Wei Lie is just a nerd. He only knows how to read books all day long. It's not fun at all."

At this moment, Xiao Yang'an ran in holding a broken wooden sword, crying and complaining: "Dad, dad, brother broke my sword!"

Xiao Shuoming followed behind and said righteously: "Huh, cheapskate, you even broke my pistol."

Liao Yaquan, who had been cheating while playing cards just now, suddenly ran into the study, carrying her son Yang's clothes and scolding her harshly: "How many times have I told you, a man, don't cry!"

"Wow wow wow wow!" Xiao Yang'an was frightened by his mother and cried even louder.

When Xiao Shuoming saw this, he immediately ran away and ran to Xiao Wei Lie's room. He said with a smile: "Brother, I'm here to read with you."


Little Wei Lie cherished words like gold and never took his eyes off the book. He was still checking calculations with a pencil in his hand. He was reading the "Third Grade Arithmetic Workbook" published by the Commercial Press.

This is an ordinary day in the Zhou family.

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