Alice naturally knew that Fang Yuan had been attacking the Sanlian Group in the past few days. Although she did not fully agree with this high-profile approach that caused a lot of collateral damage, in terms of attacking the Sanlian Group, she was Extremely agree.

Having experienced the Raccoon City Incident and having been a member of the Umbrella Company herself, she was very aware of the urinal nature of such large monopoly pharmaceutical companies. Since Fang Yuan had attacked them so harshly and decisively, it must have been something they had done. Things that violate the bottom line.

However, she never expected that she would actually have a part in it! "...This is...I..." Looking at the faces that were exactly the same as hers, Alice was speechless.

"They are all clones based on your genes, and they have been modified with LasP-lagas from the embryonic stage."

Fang Yuan took out a tablet and showed Alice the documents he had found earlier.

Alice flipped through the documents page by page, her expressions changing as she saw more and more cruel truths - anger, sadness, hatred, self-blame... "They have powerful powers just like you. , even more powerful than you! But similarly, because they are highly integrated with LasP-lagas, they are very susceptible to manipulation by superior individuals, and their personality integrity is also very problematic.

To be honest, I still dare not wake them up, for fear that they will start fighting as soon as they open their eyes - there are so many powerful versions of you, and I can't beat them! "Hearing Fang Yuan's words, Alice paused while flipping through the documents: "Have you... ever fought against them? "One of them was awakened by the person behind the Sanlian Group to deal with me. I had no choice but to kill her... Sorry!" "Fang Yuan said to Alice.

"...Don't be sorry!" Alice shook her head and said, "I should thank you for saving them from the fate of becoming experimental subjects and biological weapons..." "..." Fang Yuan did not dare to say. The clone's soul had become his experiment, and he could only change the subject: "So, what should you do next?" "..." Alice lowered her head and was silent for a while, then raised her head and said: "I will wake them up!" "Are you sure?" "I'm sure!" Alice's answer was clear and firm.

"...Then now is how to ensure that they don't lose control when they wake up...Do you have any ideas?" Fang Yuan knew that there was some kind of connection between Alice and the clones in the movie. Judging from her performance just now, This was indeed the case, so he guessed that Alice should be able to effectively control these clones that might go berserk at any time.

"...I don't know how to describe..." Alice's expression was a little confused, as if she didn't know how to formulate words: "...I can feel them, as if we are one, I am them, They are me... Maybe I can control... That's not right, it's not control, it's... I don't know how to say it!" After hearing Alice's somewhat confusing description, Fang Yuan understood that the relationship between the original body and the clone body was different. Psychopathy indeed exists. Even though the brain structures of these Alice clones are very different from Alice due to their high integration with Las P-lagas, the core connection still exists.

"Don't worry, I'll try waking one up first, and you do your best to keep the other one from losing control - I can still handle it if there's only one!" Alice considered Fang Yuan's proposal for a few seconds. Queen Zhong nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan asked [Ether] to control the sleep cabin closest to them and start the wake-up procedure.

"Beep--" After a beep, you can see through the transparent sleep hatch cover that the transparent liquid filled inside is being discharged.

When all the liquid is drained, there is only a "click" sound and the sleep hatch cover opens.

A few seconds later, the Alice clone that looked like Sleeping Beauty suddenly opened its eyes.

Fang Yuan: "..." Alice: "..." Clone: ​​"..." The three looked at each other, and after a long silence, the naked clone suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, I won't Like the sisters before her, she was violent and hurtful.

Also, can you give me a piece of clothing? Being naked doesn't always feel good - although I don't mind showing off my figure! " As she said this, she deliberately puffed out her chest, causing the pair of murderous weapons that were much larger than her body to sway. The waves were turbulent and the whitecaps were rolling, making Alice's brows jump.

"...Here, your clothes..." Although he was a little surprised by the behavior of this clone, Fang Yuan was still very gentlemanly and casually made a dress and handed it to this "Sister Alice", and at the same time said something interesting. Turn around - even though you have already seen what you should see and what you shouldn't see.

While waiting for the lady to change, Fang Yuan breathed a huge sigh of relief in his heart.

It seemed that his guess was correct, Alice could indeed have some positive influence on the clones.

With the first successful example, the next step will naturally be easier to handle. Fang Yuan opened the hibernation chambers one after another, while Alice tried her best to use her telepathic superpower to connect herself with these clones. Have the deepest spiritual communication.

After waking up, all Alice clones showed no hostility, and their speech and behavior were normal. At this time, they even gathered in twos and threes, curiously observing the various facilities in the spacecraft while discussing something with each other. Everything seemed normal.

But it was a little too normal!   Fang Yuan had read all the information about the Alice Project and knew that these clones were cultivated as experimental subjects and biological weapons. The people of the Tri-Union Group did not intend to instill complete personality memories into them - what they needed was a weapon that was easy to use, not a time bomb that had its own thoughts and might rebel at any time.

Therefore, these clones should be like the first one, a silent killing machine!   But what is the situation now?   Everyone seemed to have become a replica of Alice. No, in terms of personality, these clones were even more lively and cheerful than Alice herself, and could even be called naughty...   Perhaps, this was because of their special soul structure.

Fang Yuan had some guesses.

It had been two days since he had acquired the soul of the previous Alice clone, so he had naturally observed and studied her soul condition.

Unlike the complete and integrated souls of ordinary people, and also unlike the extremely shattered soul residues of those zombie-like humans, the soul state of Alice's clone was extremely special.

On the one hand, her soul maintained its overall integrity in a macro sense, so when she woke up, she had enough reason and wisdom, could speak, understand commands, and even create the most appropriate fighting method in response to circumstances in battle.

However, on the other hand, her soul had a certain discreteness - part of her soul could be easily separated from the main body and transformed into another wave-like form.

And this separated part was not just consumed. When the process was reversed, it could be restored to its original appearance, making the soul complete again.

This separability gave the soul of Alice's clone another property - extremely high plasticity.

')088'\u003eChapter 87 The Birth of Alice's Army

Just like the artificial intelligence [Ether] created by Fang Yuan using the zombie soul residue, the soul of Alice's clone can be easily changed by external forces to change its own form, memory, emotion, and even thinking mode.

Of course, the "external force" here is not just any kind of force, but only certain specific homologous forces - for example, the soul fluctuations of other clones; for example, the orders issued by the superior individual of Las P-lagas; for example, the power from the source of all clones, the real Alice.

Theoretically, when Alice connects her mind and thoughts with these clones, it is indeed possible to influence or even cover the consciousness of these clones with her mature personality and thinking mode.

From the behavior of these clones as soon as they wake up, it is indeed happening.

Fang Yuan even speculated that if Alice is willing, she can further transform all these clones into her clones, share the same memory, the same emotion, the same thinking, and even the same consciousness with her, and finally completely merge into one individual on the spiritual level.

In fact, this influence and fusion should be two-way. Alice, who also perfectly merged with the T virus and was once infected by Las P-lagas, should have a soul state similar to that of the clones. When the minds are connected, they will also be infected by the consciousness of these clones.

However, there is a huge gap between the two in terms of personality and maturity of thinking. One has been an experimental animal since birth and does not even know common sense; the other has experienced many battles, has a perfect personality and sufficient life experience. In the end, who influences whom and who covers whom is self-evident.

However, looking at the behavior of these "Alice sisters" now, it is obvious that they have not developed to this point.

Perhaps Alice herself is unwilling to do this subconsciously, or perhaps she does not realize that she can do this. In short, at present, all "Alice" are still independent individuals, but if they maintain a mental connection, Fang Yuan is not sure what they will eventually develop into.

...  Because there were hundreds of people at once, the cabin of the entire spaceship suddenly became crowded, and Fang Yuan had to disassemble all the hibernation capsules that took up too much space into raw materials to supplement other parts of the spaceship.

Afterwards——  "Ladies!"  Fang Yuan clapped his hands to attract the attention of all the "Alices".

"Now that everyone has woken up, the next question is how to place you——" Fang Yuan looked around at everyone: "Do you have any ideas? Should we follow Alice, or go somewhere else according to your own wishes?"  "...Follow me...How should I conceal their identities?"  Although Alice was willing to let all the "selves" stay together, she had to consider the practical issues-hundreds of beautiful girls who looked exactly the same appeared together, and no one would believe that they were not clones!   "How about I help all of you make some minor adjustments to your appearance?"  Fang Yuan made such a suggestion, and was unexpectedly opposed by all the "Alice sisters".

"I don't want to be anything else!" "That's right, this face is the proof that we are 'Alice', how can we throw it away casually!" "We and Alice are one, we don't need to Become someone else!”……These are the words of the “Alice sisters”. It seems that they are not willing to give up the identity of “Alice” - or in other words, in their consciousness, all of them add Alice's identity is a unified individual! It seems that the previous judgment was wrong. These Alices seem to have a somewhat unusual sense of identity and are very persistent in the identity of "Alice".

Perhaps, Alice's assimilation and fusion of the clones had already happened unknowingly, and she might even have unknowingly integrated into this group of "Alices"... He didn't know what this was all about. Is it a good thing or a bad thing, but at least one thing is clear to him. It is impossible for these Alices to change their faces and identities.

"What should we do? Or you can go to different cities in different countries around the world. If you are careful, you won't be recognized..." Fang Yuan first made a suggestion, and then rejected it the next moment: "No, Forget it, Alice, you are already under the radar of many forces. Organizations like Umbrella and Sanlian Group are not the same. Doing this will expose you faster..." "..." "... …” “…” Many Alices looked at each other, and then one of them said: “Why don’t we simply form a force and directly fight against those organizations that covet our power?” Fang Yuan: “…! "How dare you say that! Does this mean that we will directly start a war with half of the world? This is not an exaggeration. If all the Alices are really formed into an army and go to war head-on with those large pharmaceutical companies that are engaged in illegal research and human experiments, it will definitely alarm the governments of various countries.

And with the urinary attitude of those politicians, seeing the situation of Alice, you can imagine what will happen next with your knees! But... Judging from the fighting power of the previous clone, it's not really impossible... Fang Yuan, who was almost kicked in two, knew very well how strong these Alice's fighting powers were.

If they are given a period of training to master telekinesis to the point where they can do whatever they want, no army except nuclear weapons can stop them—hundreds of them can fly, are not afraid of conventional weapons, have a strength measured in kilotons, and a speed exceeding With the speed of sound, a tank can be twisted into knots with a single thought, and a superwoman can lift a destroyer at full power. Which country can stop her? ! Of course, the Alices are not without their weaknesses.

For example, T-virus inhibitors. Although only Fang Yuan currently knows how to prepare this kind of thing, there is no guarantee that someone will develop it in a while. This is a threat to Alice, whose superpowers basically rely entirely on the T-virus. Bigger than a nuclear bomb.

Another example is the unknown Las P-lagas parasite that still exists. For all Alice clones, this power that can control them from a spiritual level is also a huge threat, even more threatening than a simple T-virus inhibitor. Even worse.

Perhaps, we need to spend some time in the future to help them solve these hidden dangers... Of course, it is still too far to think about this now. After carefully considering the Alices' proposals, Fang Yuan had to admit this. Quite feasible.

He turned to look at Alice, who was looking down in deep thought: "What do you think?" "...I think..." Alice raised her head, her eyes sharp, and a cold smile on her lips: "I think this proposal is good! In other words, it couldn't be better!" Fang Yuan saw the burning anger and fighting spirit in Alice's eyes at this time - it seemed that what the Sanlian Group had done had completely angered her.

After provoking such a, no, more than a hundred superwomen, it's time to give those with evil intentions some warning...')089'\u003eChapter 88 The Nature of Telekinesis \u0026 The Beginning of the War

It is certainly not an easy task to form an Alice Army.

First, they need a secret base.

After all, this is not the end of the world in the movie. The entire world is still maintaining order. Without a sufficiently secretive base, it is difficult to hide such a large group of identical clones.

This is a very difficult thing for Alice, who has no money, power or power. After all, opening a secret base these days is not something you can just find a cave and dig a cellar.

They needed a piece of land, land entirely their own.

This place must be secretive enough, and the terrain must meet all the requirements for building a base, such as a vast area, stable foundation, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and easy evacuation.

Then, they also need to have enough money and manpower to help them build the base.

After all, Alice and the others are not cavemen and cannot live in an original cave. It is necessary to invest a lot of money and resources to build a modern base.

Then, they must have stable sources of income from funds and materials.

After all, guns and ammunition don't grow out of the ground, and food and medicine also need to be purchased from somewhere... In short, it is not that easy to build a standing base that can be used by hundreds of people.

Of course, the above is all without Fang Yuan.

If an alchemist who can make any substance at will is added, the situation will be completely different.

Yes, Fang Yuan, who has long been an international wanted criminal, also joined the newly established Alice Corps and became the most important logistical supporter and chief researcher.

He directly took many Alices across the Atlantic Ocean by boat and came to the chaotic West African region. He found a country where warlords were fighting each other, and easily built an underground base that should have taken hundreds of construction teams several years to build by opening mountains and moving stones, transferring water veins, and turning the ground into steel.

First of all, it should be stated that Fang Yuan joined the action of Alices not because there are hundreds of D-cup blonde beauties here.

In fact, it is not just him, including Jill, Carlos, Nicola, and Chris. After learning about the cloning, they all joined this Corps indignantly.

Because they found out that the B.S.A.A., where they have been serving, is actually the mastermind behind the research and development of biological weapons, which immediately reduced their trust in this organization to the lowest level.

It can be said that they are now even wary of unfamiliar teammates behind them every time they perform a mission, and almost everyone looks like a spy or a ghost sent in by the pharmaceutical consortium with bad intentions.

At this time, the Alice Legion, an extralegal organization that is absolutely incompatible with those large pharmaceutical companies, is a force that makes them absolutely at ease.

Of course, for Fang Yuan, he joined this organization for another purpose, that is, to thoroughly study the true nature of telekinesis! Although it is very pleasing to the eye to have beautiful young ladies with great figures walking in front of him every day, Fang Yuan still remembers his job. He is an alchemist whose primary goal is to explore the truth! It is impossible for Fang Yuan not to be curious about telekinesis, an ability that can seriously interfere with or even block his alchemy.

Moreover, after fighting with the Alice clone who was killed by him in an unsavory way, Fang Yuan became more and more jealous of telekinesis, a convenient and easy-to-use superpower that is almost like cheating.

In fact, when studying the soul of this Alice clone, Fang Yuan has discovered some clues.

As mentioned before, the soul of Alice's clones presents a unique discreteness, which can arbitrarily separate part of the soul and transform it into a special "wave", and can also arbitrarily reverse this process to restore the integrity of the soul.

This makes the souls of these clones have a unique high plasticity, which is also the main reason why the Alice Legion was born.

However, in addition to this, Fang Yuan also discovered that it is this soul material transformed into a wave form that gives Alice and her clones powerful superpowers.

There is no need to say much about abilities such as telepathy. The wave-state soul itself is easier to spread in space, just like Fang Yuan transformed his mental power into a wave state, which is roughly the same in principle.

But the more critical thing is the telekinesis that can interfere with reality with thoughts and block mental power from penetrating at the same time. This is also the direction that Fang Yuan is most concerned about.

A pure wave-state soul does not have the ability to directly interfere with reality, nor does it have the characteristics of blocking mental power.

Fang Yuan has already experimented with the soul of Alice's clone-even if the part of the soul transformed into a wave state is released to the outside world, there will still be no observable physical force.

As for the latter, in fact, when the soul is transformed into a wave state, it is easier to be guided and operated by Fang Yuan's mental power, just like the powdered soul that constitutes [ether].

However, when this wave state soul comes into contact with the cells that perfectly integrate the T virus, a miracle happens!   A real force field appears in the material world - the nature of this force field is very, very strange. It can not only exert physical force in any direction on matter out of thin air, but also serve as a special medium to block the penetration of mental power. It has both materiality and spirituality. Fang Yuan's current knowledge is still unable to analyze it thoroughly.

Moreover, more importantly, Fang Yuan discovered that when this change occurred, this part of the wave state soul was also completely consumed - this shows that the process of launching telekinesis is essentially no different from the consumption of souls to create matter in alchemy. It is also a special transformation between soul and matter, but one is the transformation from soul to material mass, and the other is the transformation from soul to force field that can affect matter.

But if telekinesis is a special ability to consume souls and affect matter, then in theory Alice and her clones should lose more and more souls after using their superpowers many times, which will eventually affect their sanity and self, and eventually become unconscious zombies.

According to Fang Yuan's calculations, this process will not take too long - because even with Alice's soul strength far exceeding that of ordinary people by more than a hundred times, each time a part of the soul is consumed and converted into telekinesis, the loss of soul mass is not much, but the cumulative number is also a considerable number.

According to the frequency of Alice's use of superpowers since she awakened, even if she did not become a zombie, she should have had some mental problems.

However, in fact, this did not happen.

Fang Yuan knew that the damaged soul could recover naturally in a healthy body, but the recovery speed was actually very slow.

He once conducted an experiment on an employee of Sanlian Group: after refining a person's soul into the Philosopher's Stone, he used this single drop of Philosopher's Stone to start a very small-scale refining, which consumed about half of the soul, and then stuffed the remaining half of the soul back into the still active body to revive it.

As a result, the person turned into an idiot and showed no signs of improvement.

After a while, he took out the person's soul and re-observed it, and found that it was not that there was no recovery, but that the recovery was too small - probably only about one ten-thousandth of a person's soul.

Therefore, there must be another reason why Alice and others squandered their souls so much but were safe and sound.

Fang Yuan guessed that this might be because after their bodies were perfectly integrated with the T virus, they could efficiently replenish the souls that were lost time and time again from another level, just like the so-called "refining essence into qi, refining qi into spirit" in Taoist practice, but here it was probably the transformation step of "body-T virus-soul".

In order to verify the above speculation, Fang Yuan even invited several Alices to participate in the experiment in person.

First, before and after they used their superpowers continuously, their souls were briefly taken out, and the soul quality was measured before being put back. After a while, they were allowed to rest fully before being measured again.

Sure enough, Fang Yuan discovered that the soul quality first decreased and then recovered, and the recovery speed was unusually fast!   ——Their superpowers were indeed fueled by souls, and the damaged souls could indeed be quickly recovered. Even in this recovery process, Fang Yuan observed the additional consumption of body substances.

The deeper secrets between the soul and the body gradually revealed themselves to Fang Yuan!   …  Of course, exploring some of the essence of telekinesis does not mean that Fang Yuan can use telekinesis directly.

Fang Yuan is still confused about why the wave-state soul will undergo such changes when it comes into contact with cells fused with the T virus. It is not known how long it will take to study it thoroughly.

However, let's put these research matters aside for the time being and turn our attention back to the newly established Alice Corps.

Because she was cloned and her clones were used for human experiments, Alice's anger can be said to have never been extinguished.

Therefore, when the Alice Army was dispatched for the first time, their target was the Sanlian Group, which had been half-crippled by Fang Yuan.

Yes, even though Fang Yuan destroyed two-thirds of its North American assets, and the most important heir and a behind-the-scenes controller died, this monopoly consortium comparable to the Umbrella Company in its heyday still did not fall.

Unlike the Umbrella Company, which was abandoned by consumers and liquidated by the government due to scandals, the Sanlian Group at least did not have any shocking scandals on the surface.

Even because of Fang Yuan's brutal slaughter of employees of Sanlian's subordinate companies, ordinary people who were unaware of the situation even felt sympathy for the company's situation.

Therefore, when those behind-the-scenes masters who were lucky enough not to be discovered by Fang Yuan did their best to inject capital to hold on, the entire Sanlian Group suffered heavy losses, but actually survived tenaciously.

However, when the revenge-minded Alice Corps joined the game, the situation became completely different...')090'\u003eChapter 89 Full of Confidence

This is a dimly lit office with no windows. There is also a dampness that seems to have lasted for years. It looks like it should be underground.

"Sir, regarding the action against the White House, do we still want to continue?" A fully armed elite soldier with a gun in hand asked his employer.

"... Pause first! Now our primary target is still the group of experimental subjects that are out of control!" The person who answered was none other than the future boss, Simmons, who had escaped Fang Yuan's first round of attacks.

He was really lucky. Although he was not summoned by the boss behind the scenes because he was not a real core in the Sanlian Group, he also escaped Fang Yuan's beheading attack and did not die in a nuclear explosion like Excella.

Moreover, he was even luckier because he was mainly responsible for external public relations in Sanlian, so he would hardly stay in any of Sanlian Group's subsidiaries for too long, so he miraculously escaped every mass killing by Fang Yuan, and even escaped the Alice Army that joined the killing feast later. It can be said that he was extremely lucky.

In fact, until now, except for those old immortals who are still hiding in some corner of the world, Simmons is already the one with the highest status among the living people in the entire Sanlian Group.

Therefore, he was very honored to be selected by several other old people hiding behind the scenes and became the new leader of Sanlian Group.

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