The first thing he did after taking office was to immediately stop the assassination plan against the President of the United States.

At this time, when the entire group is in turmoil, it is even more necessary to have a more conspicuous and more capable human shield in front of it.

After all, after that mushroom was planted, the US government had to respond no matter how unwilling it was to get involved in the personal grudges between Sanlian Group and Fang Yuan and others.

At this time, the center of this country must not be in chaos. Even if the President of the United States is not of the same mind as them, his life is much more valuable than his death.

Therefore, when our Mr. President didn't know anything, he just walked around in front of the gate of hell. I have to say that he was very lucky.

However, for Simmons, who first took up the position of head of the group, although the U.S. military served as a powerful foreign aid, what he faced was still a mess that couldn't be worse.

——When the Alice Legion, which consisted of hundreds of people, was dispatched collectively, their attack efficiency on the Sanlian Group's industries was far higher than that of Fang Yuan alone.

In less than a month, all the physical enterprises in the world that were officially owned by the Sanlian Group had been completely destroyed. In addition, more than 70% of the hidden bases were hunted down by Fang Yuan and others following clues. It was also completely destroyed.

It can be said that the reason why the entire Sanlian Group is still standing is entirely because the bosses behind the group are trying their best to support it at all costs.

"How is the progress of the modulation of the upper Las P-lagas individuals?" Simmons asked the head of the research department.

"The progress is not very ideal."

The person in charge shook his head helplessly: "The lack of data is too serious. It is difficult to create a perfectly controllable upper-level individual based on the incomplete experimental records in our hands."

"...It doesn't need to be perfect, I just need it to work!" Simmons is not a researcher, so he doesn't consider perfection. He only needs qualified products that can solve the current dilemma.

"Then, we can do it now. In about seventy-two hours, the first high-level commander-type individual will be able to walk out of the culture tank."

The person in charge gave a fairly satisfactory answer, and Simmons finally looked better.

"Very good, prepare as many high-level individuals as possible. This is a matter of life and death for all of us!" "Yes!" When the person in charge withdrew, Simmons slumped down heavily on the large chair. His face was full of exhaustion.

In order to deal with the group of attackers who are staring at them, especially those clones with powerful supernatural powers, the existence of Las P-lagas upper-level infected bodies that can carry out targeted restraint is necessary.

However, given that the previous killings and sweeps by Fang Yuan and the Alice Legion had caused too serious damage, and many important experimental data had been severely damaged, the research and development progress on Simmons' side has always been unsatisfactory, and it was only now that it finally became available. A bit of good news finally allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief temporarily.

"Really, those old men who want to become gods...what did they do with Alice's plan? They created such a lot of monsters, but you didn't really become gods!" Because there was no one else around, Simmons finally You can complain as much as you like about the people behind the scenes who dare not show their faces.

To be honest, he was actually very dissatisfied with those old men.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to become a god. In fact, if given the chance, Simmons himself would also like to become a god above humans.

But can’t these people do things more cleanly? Why create such a large number of clones with powerful supernatural powers? And come on, why did you let them lose control? If it’s out of control, then it’s out of control. Why can’t we set up more countermeasures? It doesn't matter if there are no other countermeasures, as long as there are...but why not make more copies of important research data? As a result, the matter has become too big and can't be settled anymore, so he pushed this young man out of the tank, while she hid behind the scenes and watched him fight and fight in the front... In short, for this group of indifferent old immortals , Simmons is really full of resentment.

But this is also his opportunity. If the old immortal dare not come forward, then he will have the opportunity to seize more resources and power into his own hands. As long as he can seize and even control those out-of-control experimental subjects... "Hmph! Come on, come on! I will let you experiments know that your fate is always in our hands!" Simmons showed a confident smile.

...At the same time, Alice Corps.

"Okay, after adjusting like this, you should not be affected by the mind control of the upper-level individuals of Las P-lagas."

After sending away the last Alice who was undergoing physical adjustments, Fang Yuan rubbed his brows tiredly.

Continuously helping more than a hundred people perform ultra-high-precision central nervous system adjustments and transformations is no small undertaking even for Fang Yuan.

But there's nothing we can do about it.

After all, almost all clones were fused and symbiotic with Las P-lagas during the embryonic stage. The parasite has become an important part of their central nervous system. They want to attack their central nervous system without harming them. To make adjustments, the alchemist Fang Yuan really had to take action.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Alice (full body) handed a glass of water to the side and thanked Fang Yuan: "Thank you very much for everything you have done for us."

"You're welcome. I've also learned a lot from you. Let's treat it as an equal exchange!" Fang Yuan took the water glass and drank it in one gulp.

…Hmm, I wonder what Simmons’ expression will be like when he discovers that the trump card he worked so hard to come up with is completely useless… PS: The third update will be posted a little later.

')091'\u003eChapter 90 The Real Enemy

"Is this the weapon they created to deal with us?" This is an underground battlefield that has become a ruin. An Alice is using her feet wearing high-heeled boots to pull the one on the ground that looks like a sea anemone at first glance. Look carefully. The corpse of an ugly monster that looked like a brain covered with tentacles.

Looking at the surrounding ground, you will find that there is not only one such corpse, but at least hundreds of them.

These are the killer "commanders" that Simmons once had high hopes for.

Brain-like organs composed almost entirely of Las P-lagas do not have overly complex thinking abilities. They have only one ability, which is to hypnotize and even control subordinates within a certain range by relying on the mental interference between upper-level individuals and lower-level infected bodies. individual.

Tsk tsk, hypnosis, control... coupled with their appearance that resembles tentacle monsters... Fang Yuan would not believe that the designer was not a certain type of book lover.

But it's a pity that because someone patched it in advance, this kind of mental control has disappeared from the Alices, so... the consequences are like this now.

"This... this is impossible!" At this time, Simmons had an expression full of doubts about life. He slumped in his boss chair in horror, watching a dozen Alices approaching him step by step.

And there was no one around him who could protect him.

All the private soldiers and mercenaries hired by the Sanlian Group were dead, and all the biological and chemical weapons released from the laboratory were dead. In the entire underground base, he was the only one who could still breathe. People.

"Don't...don't come over!" After all, Simmons at this time is not more than ten years later. At that time, he was in his forties and had completely transformed into a qualified behind-the-scenes Boss. Even in the face of the most dangerous situation, he would not To act so cowardly - you are still too young after all.

The Alices originally wanted to torture and interrogate Simmons, but after seeing his useless reaction, they suddenly lost interest.

They looked at each other, and then one Alice put down the long knife in her hand, shrugged and said: "...Okay, I won't go."

"Huh -" Simmons didn't know why they let him go, but his life should have been saved... He just thought this, and suddenly, a voice different from all Alice's came from behind him. : "It doesn't matter, leave it to me!" Turning around suddenly, he suddenly realized that a tall figure wearing black armor had appeared behind him.

"Fxck!" This was the last word Simmons said. At the last moment before losing consciousness, all he saw was a big black hand with blue lightning flashing, covering his face. .

... "How is it? Do you have any more detailed information?" Alice (full body) was wearing the same style as other Alices, except that some parts were a few sizes too small. She cut her hands into curls. He discarded his sword casually and walked towards this side.

"Quite a few!" Fang Yuan responded, but most of his energy was focused on the virtual light screen in front of him. [Ether] was sorting out all the important memories of Simmons into categories, allowing Fang Yuan to review the Sanlian The man behind the group has a clearer picture.

"Huh..." After a long time, he put down the hand that had been pressing Simmons' head. The unsupported body just fell on the seat, and then slid to the ground along with gravity, making a "bang" sound. There was a muffled sound.

Putting away the drop of Philosopher's Stone he had harvested, Fang Yuan put away the mask on his armor and took a breath of the moist air in the underground base.

"We all underestimated the Sanlian Group!" His first sentence attracted all Alice's attention.

"What do you mean?" Alice was a little confused.

"Sanlian Group is not just the companies we see on the surface, nor just the bases we destroyed - it is actually a super-giant interest rooted within all the wealthy classes in North America and Europe. Community!" Fang Yuan explained the information he had just obtained from Simmons' mind in as concise a voice as possible.

“Although we have now destroyed almost all of Sanlian Group’s industries around the world, these are actually just the parts of a huge iceberg floating on the water.

Behind this old group that has existed for hundreds of years are actually more than 90% of the financial group leaders and military and political officials in Europe and the United States. "

Yes, although Sanlian Group is a complex international enterprise with a long history on the surface, due to various cross-shareholdings, equity transfers, indirect shareholdings and other complex operations of large listed companies, the entire Sanlian Group is almost the same as that of European and American companies. All major consortiums are connected.

This connection is not just a simple financial connection, but also because Sanlian Group has something that all wealthy people, no, all human beings want to get - the secret of immortality! Yes, unlike the Umbrella Company, which develops the Progenitor virus series more as biological and chemical weapons, Sanlian Group, as an enterprise that came into contact with the Sun Staircase earlier and started laying out its layout in this area earlier, its focus has always been on how to On the matter of using the ancestor virus to promote the evolution of the human body.

At least, that's true for those behind the scenes and those behind the scenes.

For these upper-class people who control more than 99% of the wealth of the entire society, the little money they can earn from selling biological and chemical weapons is simply not worth risking their reputation by participating in various inhumane and illegal experiments.

But if this is to allow yourself and your family to gain a healthier body, a stronger body, a longer lifespan, and even strength that truly surpasses that of mortals, then this investment is naturally very worthwhile! Well, as for the Mr. President who almost received a "special gift"... To be honest, his background is not very high, so for this kind of secret that only the real "blue-blooded aristocrats" can know, he Almost nothing.

"...In other words, our the whole world?" Alice closed her eyes with a depressed expression. Although she had thought that there must be a mastermind behind the Sanlian Group, she never thought that this mastermind was actually It's so big that it can cover the sky with one hand.

"So, are you going to stop here, or are you going to stand up and fight to the end?" Fang Yuan looked at Alice, quietly waiting for her decision.

... "I have decided! I will fight to the end!" Alice opened her eyes, and what shone in her eyes was the fighting will visible to the naked eye.

Turning to look at the other Alices, their eyes also shone with the light of will.

It seems that the world is really going to be turned upside down! ')092'\u003eChapter 91: War of Public Opinion

Although they say they want to fight the whole world, in fact both Fang Yuan and Alice know that their real enemies are only a small group of people who account for less than one ten thousandth of the total population of society.

And just such a small group of people directly occupy more than 99% of the world's wealth and resources, and the power they control through various means is equivalent to the country itself.

Therefore, even if you want to fight against these people, you cannot do it directly.

They need to separate the enemy from the entire social system! "So, we need to launch a public opinion war!" This is in a large conference room in the base. Fang Yuan is explaining the next course of action to the Alices.

"A war of public opinion?" The Alices looked at each other.

"We...should be considered wanted criminals now, right? How to fight a public opinion war?" This is a very practical question.

Because of the previous battle with the Sanlian Group, the existence of the Alice Corps has been exposed to the government.

Although they all wore full-covering masks during the operation and did not leave any clear faces, it is certain that they have become wanted criminals.

"...You forgot one thing."

Fang Yuan pushed up the glasses he had put on at some point, and two strange rays of light were reflected.

"Forgot something?" Alice and others were a little confused.

"Yes, that is, your status as clones!" "What do you mean?" They still couldn't understand Fang Yuan's words.

"...How stupid!" Fang Yuan shook his head with an expression of hatred, and then pointed to a TV in the conference room and said: "Once your clone identity is exposed, what a big shock will it cause in society. The uproar? Cloning human beings, an act that violates human ethics, is more topical than the production of biological and chemical weapons, and the evidence is easier to identify - you only need to stand publicly in front of the media lens! "Yes, Fang Yuan had thought differently before, why was he obsessed with concealing the identity of Alice's clones? The Alices were asked to hide their identities before, just because Alice took the initiative, and he himself was also out of the remaining ordinary people's thinking in his heart, and he was instinctively unwilling to expose such things and cause social unrest.

But actually thinking about it, what does it matter if the Alice clone reveals its identity? He is not a national leader who wants to maintain social stability. He is an outlaw who is not bound by the law! Social unrest has nothing to do with him! Moreover, from another perspective, it is safer for them to stand openly in front of the media lens - even a shameless government such as the United States will not be able to attack the Alices unscrupulously in the face of turbulent public opinion. .

"""...!""" After listening to Fang Yuan's explanation, the Alices suddenly realized that, indeed, this was indeed a very good idea! As long as the Alices don't mind the identities of their clones becoming known, exposing them to the media is indeed a very sharp move.

This is evidence that cannot be denied at all - as long as more than ten Alice clones appear in front of the camera, no one else can deny the existence of human cloning. They are the best and most Irrefutable evidence! "Can this bring down the masterminds behind Sanlian?" Alice asked this key question.

"Yes, although our personal appearance can indeed drive Sanlian Group into the dust, but this does not guarantee that those behind the scenes will be punished, right? Just like the Umbrella Company, when it collapsed, so many members who should have been arrested and convicted were They were successfully acquitted in various ways, so this should also happen to Sanlian Group, right?" Another Alice said this through the interface. It seems that they have not considered solving the problem of Sanlian Group through legal means. But reality told them that this was simply impossible.

"So, this requires us to take action ourselves, either to collect all the fatal evidence of those behind the scenes, or to send those guys on the road directly!" Fang Yuan gave his solution.

Very simple, but also very practical.

Indeed, since we can't easily punish them with the law, then we need to find evidence that can punish them. If that doesn't work, just sanction them ourselves - the Alice Corps is not a legal business organization that abides by laws and regulations. They are wanted criminals. ! Even more seriously, there is no problem in calling them a terrorist organization - if you look at the buildings they destroyed around the world and the number of people they killed, they are even more powerful than Al Qaeda, which created 911 in the main world! "Okay, you convinced me."

Alice (positive body) nodded, indicating that she agreed with the proposal, and then turned to look at the other Alices, who all nodded in agreement.

Fang Yuan nodded happily: "Very good, then, you just select some people, dress them up, and get ready to go on TV!" "Wait!" At this time, an Alice stopped those who were about to leave. Fang Yuan: "Fang, which media are you going to ask to expose our matter? You must know that this is not a trivial matter. The ordinary media may not dare to report it at all. Even those who are capable of reporting may be influenced by those behind the scenes to remain silent." Don't say anything..." "Don't worry!" Fang Yuan gave a thumbs up to all Alice, then pointed at himself and said, "I have special persuasion skills!"..."Okay, what Fang Yuan calls " Anyone who has read the previous article must know what "special persuasion skills" are.

Do you still remember what he did when the umbrella company collapsed? At that time, Fang Yuan approached the media bosses one by one and threatened them with mini bombs in their heads to cooperate in the public opinion war.

The same thing happened this time. Those media bosses who had just lived a stable life for two years woke up to find that the devil from a few years ago had appeared again! What they want to do this time is the same thing, except that the attack target is changed from the protective umbrella to the Sanlian - and even with the black materials sent by Fang Yuan, they don't need to deliberately smear it, which itself is already as black as It’s like charcoal! People in the media industry, especially those in the American media industry, basically have no such thing as moral integrity. Faced with the naked threat of life, everyone cooperated obediently.

Anyway, the Sanlian Group has been almost wiped out, and they are not afraid of retaliation if they step on it a few more times. This kind of thing that adds insult to injury is really exciting for these unscrupulous media! What’s more, what’s the topic this time? It’s a clone! This is the big news of the century! After the Raccoon City incident, mankind finally broke through its moral bottom line again! The mere gimmick of "human cloning" is enough to bring a huge wave of radio ratings and newspaper sales to these media. They have no choice but to work hard! ……')093'\u003eChapter 92 Press Conference

So, on a sunny day, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX...all the famous national radio stations in the United States gathered together to start this live broadcast that was destined to go down in history. .

This kind of thing where many heavyweight media get together for live broadcast usually only happens at important official press conferences of the government in the United States, but this time it is different.

The person who convened many media was not the President of the United States, nor the Secretary of State, nor the White House spokesperson, but a terrorist who claimed to be responsible for all attacks on the Triple Group! Fang Yuan, who appeared as he was, first spent more than an hour listing and displaying all the black materials they had collected about the Sanlian Group, including experimental records, experimental videos, call recordings, confessions of relevant personnel, etc., and combined the entire Sanlian Group The group hacked everything from beginning to end, and by the way, they also popularized the ins and outs of the T-virus and the current development of biological and chemical weapons to the ignorant masses.

Then, the big news came on the scene - when more than 20 Alice clones appeared on the screen, the entire United States, no, all the viewers watching the news around the world were shocked.

... "Okay, gentlemen, how should we end it now?" Mr. President, who was also watching the live broadcast, already understood that this matter could not be suppressed after seeing more than 20 Alices appear.

He looked at the people sitting in a circle in the office, but no one dared to speak.

"Why, no one is talking?" The president's face darkened: "I'm asking you, how should we deal with this mess?!" The president almost roared.

"... We should freeze the assets of the Tri-Union Group, arrest those directly involved, and deal with them according to the law, just like we did with the Umbrella Corporation, and react faster and more decisively than the previous government. This should be able to shut up the people..." A staff member expressed his opinion, but soon someone expressed his objection: "This won't work! These news were released by that terrorist, and there is no credibility at all! And those clones... I don't know if they are clones, maybe 20 twins? But they must be terrorists too, and those masked female terrorists before must be them! We should arrest them immediately!" The man said hoarsely, with an appearance of "the US government will never compromise and negotiate with terrorists."

"Okay, you can leave this office, and you don't have to come to work tomorrow-you are fired!" The president interrupted the staff member and asked him to leave without any hesitation-another paid traitor! "Mr. President, this... I... wait..." Before he could say anything, the presidential bodyguard next to him had dragged him out of the office.

"Okay, let's continue talking!" Mr. President looked at the first staff member who spoke and said, "Your opinion is good. We should indeed respond faster and more decisively than the previous government.

But there is still a problem now, that is, these terrorists-" He paused, and then continued: "Although that guy just forgot his job, there is one thing he said that is right-these people are all terrorists, and our US government has never compromised with terrorists. I personally don't want to be the first to break the precedent. We must take measures against this group of people!" "But, they, I mean those girls, they are all clones, and they are inherently in a sympathetic position in public opinion. In addition, we have no concrete evidence to prove that they are those masked gangsters. This is difficult to deal with..." The FBI director expressed his concerns.

Indeed, anyone with a discerning eye can see that these clones who regard themselves as victims are actually the group of masked female warriors who participated in the destruction of the Sanlian Group some time ago.

But they never showed their faces in front of the camera, nor did they leave any evidence to prove their identities at the scene. From a legal point of view, it is impossible to do anything to them - not to mention that they are now being watched by the media and the public, which makes things even more difficult.

"Then catch the man first, the Asian man, called... what was his name?" Mr. President obviously couldn't remember the name of the Oriental.

"It's Fang Yuan, or according to his registered name, Louis Fang."

The person next to him whispered.

"Oh, yes, that Louis Fang, we have been looking for him for a long time. This time he took the initiative to stand up, and he should be arrested immediately!" Mr. President said.

"In fact, we have already started.

But it is difficult to determine the place where they held the press conference. The background environment is not shown in the camera at all, and our technical department cannot lock their location through the live broadcast signal.

Now we are checking the movements of the news vehicles of major media to determine their location, but it will take some time..." The speaker is the director of the CIA. Since Fang Yuan started to make trouble all over the world, the search and arrest mission for him has been taken over by the CIA.

"I say... are they on that spaceship?" A staff member asked hesitantly.

"..." "..." "..." "..." "... If so, then it's troublesome!" The CIA director frowned, making the wrinkles on his forehead look deeper.

They all still remember the spaceship that appeared in a flash, and they can even say that they remember it clearly - this creation that far exceeds the level of contemporary human technology makes people think of aliens, extraterrestrial civilizations and other words.

At first, everyone thought that the Sanlian Group had obtained the technology of extraterrestrial civilization from somewhere, and built this spaceship underground. In the end, it could no longer hide after the explosion comparable to a small nuclear explosion, so it hurriedly took off and fled.

In fact, they didn't connect this ship with Fang Yuan at all - they all thought he had died in the explosion.

But when Fang Yuan appeared again and confronted the Sanlian Group again, they were shocked to find that this guy was not dead!   So, who owns that spaceship?   The answer is self-evident.

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