After hearing Fang Yuan's words, Alice also remembered this point. She asked curiously: "Although I don't know if this is appropriate... but how did you do it?"  "What?"  "It's your telekinesis! I thought you used the T virus on yourself, but you said no, and that Elizabeth also said that you don't have the virus in your body... So how did you do it, or did you rely on magic?"  Alice's face was full of curiosity, and the other Alices who came from behind also showed the same look on their faces.

"..." Fang Yuan looked around, shrugged and said: "There's nothing to say.

In fact, the matter is very simple. I just discovered the real process of the T virus converting human spirit into telekinesis, and copied this process on myself with a bionic device.

This is not magic, but real science!"  Considering Alice and the others' ability to understand, Fang Yuan briefly talked about his method. Of course, the content about the soul was hidden in this process-using the human soul as fuel to activate the ability or something, it still sounds too evil.

"Bionic device... a magician who talks about science..." Alice was less and less convinced of Fang Yuan's self-proclaimed "magician". She was more and more convinced that Fang Yuan was definitely an alien who invaded the earth!   ...  Not to mention Alice's complaints, for Fang Yuan, the newly acquired telekinesis was very useful, and this was the best news.

Of course, as he explained to Alice, in fact Fang Yuan himself did not obtain telekinesis, and it was [Ether] that really possessed telekinesis.

The Philosopher's Stone that constitutes [Ether] is essentially a highly pulverized soul, and this high degree of pulverization gives it extremely superior plasticity and variability - even the wave-state soul unique to Alice's soul, this powdered soul can be simulated.

With the wave-state soul, under the guidance of Fang Yuan's mental power and the auxiliary control of [Ether], and with an external device that can play a role in soul-force field conversion, Fang Yuan can stimulate telekinesis autonomously.

Of course, the real focus of this series of practices lies in this external device - how to make it achieve the same effect as cells infected with the T virus.

This starts with Alice's cell structure that can perfectly integrate with the T virus.

He needs to analyze every DNA and every protein in Alice's living cells to determine which substance and which structure can produce this "soul-force field" conversion effect.

This is a very huge project.

You know, the human genome contains about 3.16 billion DNA base pairs, some of which constitute about 20,000 to 25,000 genes.

But these genes that can be transcribed and translated into proteins only account for 1.5% of the total length of DNA, and most of the DNA structure is still full of unknown black boxes for humans.

In addition, Fang Yuan needs to measure not only the base sequence of the DNA fragment, but also the actual three-dimensional structure of these DNA and the transcribed and translated proteins.

He needs to detect one by one what reaction will occur when a specific DNA fragment and a specific protein in a living environment come into contact with the wave state soul. If any single DNA fragment or any protein does not react, then it is necessary to consider the new structure produced by the folding combination of different DNA fragments or different proteins.

In short, the whole process is very complicated and tedious, and there is no room for tricks.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan has alchemy that can go deep into the subatomic level, and has far superior conditions than ordinary scientists in observing cell activities. Directly using mental power to observe live bodies can save him a lot of repetitive work time.

But even so, he only completed all the detection work a few days ago, and finally found the structure related to telekinesis in Alice's cells.

- A special redundant gene fragment unique to Alice, entangled and folded with several T virus proteins on the chromosome to form a complex three-dimensional structure.

PS: DNA/fragment, this harmonious vocabulary is really speechless! ')098'\u003eChapter 97: Eliminate the mastermind

This nano-sized three-dimensional structure is like an extremely tiny natural magic array or alchemy array, which can convert the wave-state soul into a special force field with both physical and spiritual attributes when it comes into contact with it - that is, the telekinetic field.

Although the total amount of wave-state souls that can be accepted by a single structure of this kind is very limited, and the strength of the force field fed back is even more negligible.

But if this almost imperceptible force is multiplied by a number of 50 trillion, the resulting force is naturally an unrivaled and huge force.

By replicating this three-dimensional structure like a three-dimensional magic circle on the basic bionic unit that constitutes the armor, Fang Yuan can use the [ether] as a medium to use real telekinesis.

This roundabout approach seems a bit redundant, and because it uses the philosopher's stone stored in the [ether], these souls cannot be restored by themselves after being consumed like Alice and others, but Fang Yuan dare not directly apply this unknown thing to himself.

——Although the power of telekinesis seems to have nothing to do with Abhos, they are alien gods. Human beings’ understanding of them is very little. Fang Yuan does not dare to gamble with himself——So he still let [Ether ] Take the blame... Fang Yuan and Alice's operation can be said to be very successful. They solved Elizabeth Travis without causing much turmoil and removed it from her mind. Get an accurate list of all the real people behind this.

As the previous controller of the Sanlian Group, she knew too many secrets, which was why Fang Yuan and the others were the first to find her.

With an accurate list, the next thing to do is to find them one by one, find them all, and then give them justice! However, of course, this process cannot be smooth sailing.

Just like Elizabeth who transformed into the goddess of fire, these old guys who long to become gods each have their own trump cards.

For example, one of the elders in the Travis family, Benjamin Travis, who according to the genealogy should be Elizabeth's biological brother, turned himself into a complete monster.

Unlike Elizabeth and her father, who strengthened themselves while retaining their human form as much as possible, this old man who was said to have lost to his sister when competing with Elizabeth for family inheritance, gave up completely. human identity.

He turned into a super giant amoeba! Yes, it is a super giant amoeba that is covered with tentacles and eyes, can change its shape at will, and is as huge as a hill! If the color of this thing wasn't asphalt color, Fang Yuan would have almost thought it was a Shoggoth! In fact, his abilities are very close to those of the Shoggoths - his amorphous body is not afraid of ordinary physical damage, has extremely high resistance to fire, freezing, electric shock, explosion and other attacks, and can use any part of the body at will. Transform the form and mimic any kind of thing, animals, plants, weapons, houses, human bodies... all changes as desired.

Moreover, the reality of this kind of mimicry is very real. Even the fine structure and even the microscopic structure of the object can be simulated. When it becomes a stone, it has the texture and hardness of a stone. When it becomes a tree, it can perform photosynthesis normally. When it becomes a human, it can Normally communicating with people, eating, socializing, and even having sex with others... This is no longer a fake and real thing, but a completely real change! He even directly disguised his huge body into a hill. Every plant and tree on it and even the villa on the mountain were transformed from his body tissue, and even deceived Fang Yuan's mental scanning for a time.

When Fang Yuan and the others found this place, if Alice's dangerous instincts that surpassed those of beasts hadn't called the police, Fang Yuan and the others might have stepped into a trap without even realizing it.

Think about it, fighting such a huge amorphous monster inside its body, the difficulty, the scene... However, even if Fang Yuan and Alice did not step into the trap, when they saw the entire mountain in front of them came alive When they came over and turned into an endless wave of tentacles, they were still shocked beyond measure.

Fortunately, they can fly... And in the battle, this monster also showed a completely different fighting method from other virus enhancers.

Other virus-infected bodies, after mutation, either possess physical changes such as stronger physical strength, faster speed, poisonous body fluids, keen perception, etc., or acquire telekinesis, fire physique, control other infected bodies, etc. Special abilities such as those are basically dependent on physical talent.

But this Benjamin, who transformed into a copycat version of Shoggoth, was completely different. He actually played with technology! It can mimic the limbs of any object, and of course it can also mimic various weapons, from swords, guns, swords and halberds to meteor hammers to trebuchets to modern guns, from chainsaws to flamethrowers to stun guns to plasma cannons to high-energy lasers. Weapons... To be honest, if the opponent against it is not Fang Yuan, who can also refine countless weapons at will, the Alices alone may not be its opponents! Fortunately, this old man who has completely ceased to be a human being seems to have completely given up on spiritual and soul-side abilities such as telekinesis because the strengthening he has done to himself is extremely biased towards physical mutation. Therefore, it cannot stop Fang Yuan. After being decomposed and refined, Fang Yuan finally decomposed the entire wave of tentacles on the mountain top into fly ash at once, and completely disappeared from this world.

Of course, the one mentioned above can be said to be the most exaggerated of all the behind-the-scenes villains.

Although the other behind-the-scenes masterminds on the list also have signs of strengthening themselves with various viruses, none of them can do this - the vast majority of them still want to evolve into higher life forms in human form. Yes, not just anyone has the courage to completely give up the human form.

Therefore, these guys who have not realized the true meaning of "human beings have limits" naturally have far less fighting power than the man above who is more unrestrained than Mr. DIO. They are easily defeated by Fang Yuan and The Alices were defeated and killed.

However, just killing these masterminds cannot fundamentally solve the problem of the proliferation of biological and chemical weapons in the world.

Both Fang Yuan and Alice knew that what was truly terrifying was not the ferocious-looking biological weapons, but the greedy human heart that was invisible to the human eye.

As long as there is still an ambitious person in this world who dreams of immortality or even evolving into a god, the research on biological weapons will not stop.

Yes, the war is not over yet! ')099'\u003eChapter 98 The expected fall

"So, they appear again?" The President put down the satellite photo in his hand - it was a before-and-after comparison of the same place in two different periods. If you look closely, you can find that a mountain that once existed suddenly disappeared on a certain day.

"Yes, the agents went there to investigate on the spot. There are obvious traces of fighting, and the scale of that kind of fighting, apart from the army, there is only that group of people."

The answer was from the CIA director, who also brought the satellite photo.

"Why did you report it half a month later?" The President's expression was a little unhappy. He noticed the date on the photo. The latter photo was taken two weeks ago. It was unexpectedly not in his sight until now. The President had to wonder if the CIA people had neglected their duties.

"I'm sorry, our military satellites didn't pay special attention to this kind of terrain change before... In fact, it was the commercial satellites of private enterprises that first discovered it and then reported it to us. This process did take some time..." The CIA director said so, indicating that it was really not their fault, but there were some minor problems in the system process.

"This is not some time!" The president emphasized the word "some": "It took half a month to discover it, what's the use for us? They have already taken that spaceship and hid in some corner of the earth!" "I'm sorry... We will improve the intelligence sorting process in the future and save as much time as possible for intelligence reporting..." "Have you figured out why they destroyed this mountain? I don't believe that group of terrorists just want to kill time!" The president temporarily exposed the CIA's dereliction of duty and asked about the cause of the incident.

"In fact, we did find something..." The CIA director said as he took out another file from the folder in his hand: "Although this destroyed mountain is ostensibly the property of a forestry company, it is actually the private territory of Benjamin Travis. Our intelligence officers believe that this group of terrorists is going after him."

The president opened the file and saw a photo on it, which was a middle-aged white male who looked about 30 or 40 years old.

But looking at the date of birth of the man in the file, he was an old man over 80 years old, and he couldn't help but feel strange: "Why is there no recent photo of him? This should be an old photo from decades ago, right?" "No, Mr. President, this is his recent photo!" The CIA director shook his head and gave an answer that surprised the president: "This is another thing I want to report to you.

When we conducted a comprehensive investigation of the terrorist group, we also conducted a further thorough investigation of the Trinity Group that they have been targeting, and found that some members of the Travis family who have controlled the Trinity Group for generations are very unusual."

"Very unusual?" Mr. President heard the words of the CIA director, looked at the photo in his hand, and realized something.

"Yes, many of the older generation of Travis, although they claim to be dead, are actually still alive, and almost all of them have become younger!" At this point, the CIA director lowered his voice involuntarily.

"...Are they studying immortality?" The president finally understood why the Sanlian Group, a large consortium that started in the transportation industry, would step into the pit of biological and chemical weapons research. It turned out that it was for this!   "Yes, biological and chemical weapons should only be a by-product of their research. Their real research should be to delay aging and increase lifespan... and even immortality! They seem to have really touched God's forbidden zone..."  The CIA director's tone could not hear any emotion, but his enthusiastic and eager eyes betrayed him-he was moved by the research results of the Sanlian Group.

"...Yes, this is God's forbidden zone, but it is also a symbol of our human conquest of the laws of nature..." The president said this, and his eyes revealed the same eagerness as the director. The two looked at each other and smiled at the corners of their mouths.

… … “This is our country, our government?” Alice’s face was full of resentment after listening to the recording of the conversation.

“Don’t get excited, didn’t we expect this?” Fang Yuan comforted her.

That’s right, the conversation between the President and the CIA director was completely monitored by Fang Yuan and Alice from beginning to end!   In fact, this kind of monitoring of the White House has been going on for a long time.

Ever since Fang Yuan discovered that someone was communicating with the mastermind behind the Sanlian Group in the White House, he has been keeping an eye on it and has asked [Ether] to pay close attention to all information exchanges around the White House. He even sneaked in and left eavesdropping devices in the President’s Office and other important departments.

Moreover, Fang Yuan was very cunning and used alchemy to directly implant the eavesdropping devices into the walls and furniture, leaving no traces on the outside. Unless someone used professional instruments to detect it at close range with prejudice, it would hardly be discovered.

This was originally a measure he used just in case. For example, if there was something wrong with their actions and their whereabouts were discovered, and then the president suddenly had a seizure and planned to attack them directly with nuclear bombs, in this case, it would be better to know the relevant information as early as possible. Can avoid danger a moment earlier.

But unexpectedly, this time I heard that the highest level of the country was plotting to join the research of biological weapons.

This was indeed a big blow to Alice, who considered herself a pure American.

"So, what should we do?" After the initial anger and sadness, Alice calmed down and looked at Fang Yuan with a determined face.

Judging from her expression, even if he was asked to attack the White House at this time, she might immediately do it.

"No need to make such an expression!" Fang Yuan waved his hand and said, "It's much easier to deal with the government people than those old immortals!" He pointed to the computer that had just played the recording, and then continued: "We just need to continue to monitor these key figures in the government, and then hold another press conference after collecting enough evidence!" The effect of the last press conference was very good, not only knocking out the struggling Sanlian Group in one fell swoop Going to hell has made the Alices gain great sympathy from the public, and at the same time made many actions of the U.S. government constraint.

Fang Yuan felt that this method of coercing public opinion was very good, and he wanted to do it again! ')100'\u003eChapter 99 Secret Conversation in the Cafe

"Sir, what service do you need?" "Hmm - a latte."

"Okay, please wait..." This is a high-end coffee shop in a prosperous area of ​​Manhattan, New York. People who come here are usually the well-dressed white-collar elites from Wall Street. However, sitting in a seat near the corner, There was a young man wearing a leather jacket, who seemed out of place with the atmosphere here.

Just when the man was thinking about something absentmindedly, a figure suddenly came and sat opposite him.

He raised his head and found that it was not the person he was waiting for, so he said with some displeasure: "There is already someone here!" "Ha! I think it's me you are waiting for!" A familiar voice came from the visitor's mouth. At the same time, his face squirmed and changed into something else, leaving the man stunned.

"Fang?" "It's me, long time no see, Leon!" Yes, it was Fang Yuan who met in this cafe, and an important protagonist in the Resident Evil series of games, with nicknames such as Vehicle Destroyer and Li Sanguang. Leon Scott Kennedy.

Fang Yuan and Leon knew each other. After all, they were both survivors of the Raccoon City Incident. They had met several times through the help of Jill and others.

However, Leon later became an agent of the CIA, Jill and the others joined B.S.A.A., and Fang Yuan was immersed in research. Therefore, the relationship between the two was not very close. At most, they could only be regarded as acquaintances.

Later, after Fang Yuan publicly changed his job to become a terrorist, it became even more impossible for Leon to have anything to do with him. This time, it was Fang Yuan who actively invited him to meet here.

"...You...have also become..." Leon originally wanted to say the word "monster", but he felt it was inappropriate before he said it.

"No, this is just an adjustment to the facial muscles and has nothing to do with the T virus."

Fang Yuan knew what he wanted to say, and while changing his face back to the passerby's face just now, he shook his head to deny his guess.

"Okay, then why did our Mr. Terrorist invite me out?" Leon shook his head and no longer struggled with the title, but asked about the business.

When Fang Yuan heard this, he did not speak directly, but asked: "Have you been watching the news recently?" "Looking at it... Why, you have brought the director of the CIA and the current President of the United States to the point where they are about to step down. Who do you want to expose now? Is there any dirty information?" Speaking of this, Leon's tone was full of schadenfreude, and it didn't look like he was an elite CIA agent at all.

In fact, this is not surprising. He was originally coerced by the CIA to join this organization, so naturally he would not have a good impression of those high-ranking officials.

Um? What? Isn't that the point? Okay, indeed, I have to mention here that as Fang Yuan told Alice before, the second wave of public opinion war has already begun.

Just a week ago, Fang Yuan once again invited many news media to release all the black materials about the White House that had been accumulated through monitoring for several months. He successfully sent the person sitting in the White House into dire straits. By the way, He even caught up with a CIA director.

The highest levels of the U.S. government actually conspired to take over illegal human experimentation and biochemical weapons research! This blockbuster news is no less popular than the previous human cloning incident, and because the current president of the United States is involved this time, it has attracted the attention of all classes in the United States. Many melon-eaters have already prepared Cokes. The potato chips are waiting for the show to begin.

And now, a week later, even though the White House spokesperson has repeatedly refuted the rumors and even secretly told the news media to stop their activities, for some reason these news media ignored the threats and coercion from the White House and continued to fuel the flames.

At this time, the President of the United States, his approval rating has dropped to single digits for the first time. Some members have proposed a presidential impeachment proposal, and the House Judiciary Committee has also accepted this proposal. Our Mr. President is about to be kicked out. rhythm.

"No, I mean, the issue of running for the next president of the United States."

Fang Yuan took out a newspaper in his hand, turned to a page and placed it in front of Lyon - the photo printed on this page was the photo of the congressman who proposed impeachment of the president.

"Adam Benford, I remember he is your friend?" Fang Yuan said.

"...Yes, he is one of my few friends. Among the top government officials full of politicians and speculators, he is one of the rare good people!" Leon nodded, speaking highly of Adam.

"Very good. I have also investigated him. As you said, he is a rare good man and a staunch opponent of biological and chemical weapons research."

Fang Yuan pushed the newspaper aside, then leaned forward and lowered his voice and said, "Then why not let him become the next president of the United States?" Leon: "...!!!" He raised his head and opened his eyes wide, The expression was very shocked.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Leon's voice rose involuntarily: "Do you think running for president is that simple? Moreover, what level of people are we, how can we possibly decide who can be president of a country! "What's more, you are still an internationally wanted terrorist - Leon didn't say this in his heart, but Fang Yuan read it from his expression.

"Haha——" Fang Yuan chuckled and said something that surprised Leon even more: "Why do you think those news media are clinging to the White House?" "...You did it?" Leon's There was full of disbelief in his voice: "How did you do it? Will those news media with no lower limit be at your mercy like this?" "Ahem!" Fang Yuan pretended to cough, and then said seriously: "I He has special persuasion skills!" "..." Leon thought of the lawless actions the guy in front of him had done before, and probably understood what he meant by "persuasion skills."

"...Then why did you come to see me? I am just a small CIA agent, the kind who is not trusted by my superiors."

Leon shrugged and explained his current dilemma - indeed, because he had known Fang Yuan, Alice and others, he had received some unfair treatment within the CIA, and he himself was not interested in this. The spy organization is not very popular, so one can imagine his current situation.

"In order for me to gain the trust of Mr. Adam - although I can't use some means that no one wants to see to forcefully control someone, and then use some means to push him to the position of President of the United States. Go up, but this method is not the right way to do things, and I don’t want to use this method on this good man.”

He reached out and patted Leon on the shoulder: "So, your friendship with Mr. Adam is very important!"')101'\u003eChapter 100 What is digging one's own grave?

"I will only do what I think is right!" This is what Adam Benford said in a conversation with Fang Yuan.

Through Lyon's relationship, Fang Yuan finally had a peaceful conversation with this rare good man in American politics.

Although Mr. Adam, an upright man, has some complaints about Fang Yuan's terrorist-like behavior, he also has a clear understanding of reality.

He knew that without someone like Fang Yuan who broke all the rules, it would be almost impossible to prevent the proliferation of biological and chemical weapons. Strictly speaking, everything Fang Yuan did should be regarded as good people and good deeds - although these "good people" "Good thing" I don't know how many laws were violated.

However, the law was originally designed by the ruling class to protect its own interests. In the current situation, when the entire ruling class is at risk of collective degeneration, as an ideal and ambitious politician, Mr. Adam feels that he has this It is our responsibility to carry the banner of anti-biochemical weapons and fight for the position that represents the highest power in the Western world.

No one else knows what they talked about specifically, but since then, Adam Benford's activity in parliament has increased to a new level, and there are also some powerful supporters behind him. .

At a time when the current president is clearly on the pill, he is rising as a political star.

But for Fang Yuan, after he provided some basic help and financial assistance, the rest of the matter had little to do with him - no matter whether it could be done or not, he had always made an effort. If the American people are willing to After seeing the ugly face of two consecutive US governments, he has not woken up, so he will no longer be careless.

Now, for Fang Yuan, the most important thing is to deal with the final struggle of the current US president.

... "Have you informed Gil and Carlos?" "Have you informed them? They are already on guard, and I have sent most of 'me' to them to hide and protect them. There will be no problem!" This is The conversation between Fang Yuan and Alice a day ago.

It can be seen from the conversation that someone wants to take action against Jill, Carlos and others.

There is no doubt that this is the President of the United States and the Director of the CIA who have been driven to the extreme.

As the main force behind this wave of public opinion offensive, Fang Yuan has been completely hated by these two.

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