But because the whereabouts of him and the Alice Corps were too difficult to pin down, the furious President finally came up with a bad idea - to operate on their acquaintances and friends! This is not only a way to vent anger, but also a counterattack against Fang Yuan and the others - if these people can be caught, these terrorists will definitely be put into action... This is what Mr. President was thinking at the time.

However, the results told him that sometimes, stepping over the bottom line will result in retribution.

For example, right now, the President, who has become increasingly bald due to the constant bad news recently, received a phone call in his office: "Is the call safe? There won't be any more wiretapping, right?" The President seems to have been This time the media exposed the internal conversations in the White House, which made him a little nervous. Although the entire White House had been fully investigated and some bugs were indeed found, he still felt that he was being "watched". Feel.

"Don't worry, Mr. President, our phone call is absolutely safe... But what I want to say is another thing..." Half a minute later, Mr. President's voice suddenly rose: "What? You said that our phone calls throughout Europe and Asia are The intelligence network has been removed?!" On the other end of the phone was the director of the CIA who had the same problem as him. At this time, he conveyed the worst news through the phone.

"Yes... all the operations against those B.S.A.A. members failed, and then the next day, our entire Eurasian intelligence network was completely removed... Our thirty years of efforts were all in vain!" The CIA director's tone was very low, He overestimated himself and underestimated his opponents. In the end, it was the country that suffered. He believed that he had become a sinner. Although he had his own selfish motives, Mr. Director really regarded himself as a patriot.

"...Are they all dead, or were they arrested by the local government?" Mr. President did not know what the CIA director was thinking. He only cared about what he should care about.

"...All are dead..." the CIA director replied, with regret in his tone.

Those are elite agents trained by the CIA who spent a lot of resources... "It would be great if they were all dead!" Mr. President breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the bad news, and then continued: "If they are all alive, and If you are arrested by the local government, then the matter will be really troublesome!" "...That's right, we can't let ourselves get into more trouble..." Even so, both the CIA Director and the President understand that they His political career has entered a countdown, and everything he does now is just a desperate struggle before his death.

... ... ... "I just can't believe that this is the president elected by the voters of our country?" This is Jill who was almost kidnapped by a group of armed men. After being rescued by Alice, she has arrived at the base in West Africa. At this time, I was listening to [Ether] live broadcast of the telephone communication from the President's Office.

"This is the head of state elected by the country of Biyudan..." Fang Yuan said sarcastically.

"...Forget it, I've seen it clearly since they conspired to carry out research on biological and chemical weapons. None of these political bastards are good people!" Gill, who was extremely disappointed with the upper levels of the government, shook his head and stopped talking.

"It doesn't matter. It's true that most politicians and bureaucrats are bastards, but there are always a handful of officials who are good people who really want to benefit the people..." "Just like the Adam Benford you support?" " Yes, just like him."

Fang Yuan nodded.

"What if he also falls?" Gil doesn't seem to think that a person who sits in a high position will always be a good person.

"Then we will take action to correct everything!" The answer was not Fang Yuan, but Alice who walked in from the door. Behind her were several other BSAA members who were rescued.

She looked around for a week, and then said to everyone: "This is the purpose of our organization's existence!"... When another new recording was exposed through major news media, the president and the CIA director fell into an even bigger dilemma. in the whirlpool of public opinion.

This time, it's not just the civil forces that are opposing them, but even the government itself is expressing various dissatisfaction with these two guys who are doomed.

You know, the U.S. intelligence network around the world is not the private property of the president and the CIA director, but a valuable asset that belongs to the entire United States of America. Now, most of it has been destroyed because of the retaliatory actions of these two people? And at the end, he actually said, "It's better if they all die"? ! ! Countless mid-level and low-level federal officials have angrily expressed their dissatisfaction with the top government on various occasions. In some states, there has even been a wave of spontaneous strikes and protests by government officials. Coupled with the unquenched public demonstrations and protests, the atmosphere in the entire United States has become Very nervous.

This country seems to be sitting on a huge powder keg, with only one fuse left to completely explode and turn everything upside down! ')102'\u003eChapter 101 Ending and Leaving

Faced with a wave of opposition from across the country and within the system, no matter how hard our president struggles, he is ultimately unable to make a comeback.

A month later, the current president, who had not even completed his first term, resigned sadly, and the CIA director who was also involved in this series of scandals also submitted his resignation.

They will face a series of judicial proceedings. Although it is not known whether they will be convicted or even prosecuted for the former president, at least one thing is certain, they will no longer appear in the political center of this country. .

Because the president stepped down before his term was over, the vice president who took over the presidential power in an emergency was once a close political ally of the previous president, but now in order to distance himself from that mess, he had to raise his voice against biochemical Under the banner of weapons research, a thorough investigation was conducted on the institutions and personnel involved within the government.

It seems that the temporarily promoted vice president is quite clear-headed and knows that there are some things that cannot be touched at this time.

‘It seems that Mr. Adam has a strong opponent... I hope he can win the general election in a few years! ’ Fang Yuan thought.

...But these political matters have little to do with Fang Yuan.

Now, for Fang Yuan, the most important thing is another thing.

——He is going home! Yes, it's not the rental house in this world that can't even be called a "home", but where Fang Yuan really comes from, the main world that he has lived in for more than twenty years but has just begun to truly understand.

Because, unknowingly, Fang Yuan finally collected all the Philosopher's Stones needed to open the door! Calculating carefully, he has actually been in this world for several years! Fang Yuan was a little worried about his situation in that world - he seemed to have traveled through the space gate explosion, and it must have been several years since he returned to the main world... If he didn't show up for such a long time, what could the government do? Don't treat him like a missing person! Moreover, if he goes back, in what form will he appear? Fang Yuan remembered that his body seemed to have been destroyed, and the only remaining resurrected hand was buried in the desert. It must have lost its activity after so many years... Could it be possible that he would have to use the Philosopher's Stone to reshape it? Body? There seems to be no problem. He specially collected some more Philosopher's Stones, which should be enough... But there won't be any hidden dangers in this kind of body... - Fang Yuan was a little concerned about the gains and losses, thinking about whether these are available. .

But no matter what, he must go back. Although this world is interesting, there are also many hidden dangers. The terror of the higher-level world behind the Sun Staircase and the Palace of Flesh is not something he can provoke now. After all, this world is not a world. Suitable for long-term residence.

Although he has made many friends here, it is not his real home after all, and his roots are not here.

Find a time to say goodbye to everyone! "Fang, are you...really leaving this world?" It was not Alice who spoke, but Jill.

In fact, it's not just them, including Carlos, Nicola, and even Angela and his daughter, a group of people who escaped from Raccoon City together again.

The reason was because Fang Yuan told them that he was about to leave this world.

"Yes, I have been away from my hometown for too long..." Fang Yuan said to everyone.

Before that, Fang Yuan had roughly explained his origin to them, and after a period of digestion, everyone understood what he meant.

"I didn't expect that you are actually a visitor from another universe. This science fiction-like unfolding can actually happen in reality..." Carlos sighed, while stepping forward to say his final farewell to Fang Yuan: "I wish you a safe journey. , my friend!” “Thank you!” Fang Yuan also said goodbye to this outstanding warrior.

Then came Nicholas. This warrior who usually talked a lot didn't say much at this time. He just gave Fang Yuan a strong hug.

"So, goodbye, my friend!" "...Goodbye!" "I really wonder what the other world will be like... Are there all magicians like you there?" Next is Jill, she is very Clearly interested in the landscapes of another world.

"No, there is actually the same as here, it's just that there are more special people and things..." Fang Yuan also gave this female warrior with a sunny personality a big hug, and felt her tenderness by the way. Her heart - well, it feels good... "Brother, don't forget Angela!" The little girl back then has grown up a bit now, but she still looks cute. Fang Yuan bent down and hugged her. He hugged her, then touched her head, shook hands with the father beside her, then looked into the eyes of the little girl, and said with certainty: "We will never forget our little angel!" Finally, it was Alice. , as the companion who has been with her for the longest time, she didn’t have much to say. She just stepped forward and gave her a farewell hug - well, this touch was much worse than Jill’s... "Oh! That’s right!" Fang Yuan suddenly thought. He stood up and took out something that looked like a remote control from his trouser pocket: "This is the controller for the bomb in the brains of those media giants. The red number key is for detonation, and the blue key is for deactivation. It can be controlled in real time within the scope of the earth. .

I have engraved the specific number corresponding to which person on the back of the remote control, and I will leave this to you. "

Well, he has not forgotten the good deeds he did to those media people. If he just left without caring about it, they would no longer be able to oppose biological and chemical weapons research as clearly as they did in the past, so he left a control Collars are still very necessary.

"...Okay, I finally understand what your 'special persuasion skills' are..." Alice accepted this special gift with a speechless expression.

"Also, I left a backup set of [Ether]. From now on, it will take over the daily maintenance of the entire base. I will hand over the highest authority to you.

By the way, please pay more attention to the affairs of Leon and Mr. Adam. No matter whether the presidential election is successful or not, at least don't let that good man be killed by someone with ulterior motives! " Fang Yuan finally reminded him with a hint.

"...I understand!" Alice nodded solemnly.

Finally, Fang Yuan looked around and looked at the friends he knew in this world.

Although this journey through another world was an accident, he also gained a lot - knowledge, strength, friendship... These are precious memories that he will never forget.

"Then, everyone, see you again when we are destined!" After the words fell, Fang Yuan in everyone's eyes gradually turned into countless luminous particles and disintegrated, and traveled to the other end of unknown time and space in little ripples of space, completely disappearing from this world.

Alice and others looked at the place where he disappeared and were speechless for a long time.

He just walked away so gracefully... After Fang Yuan said the last word, he pushed open the door to thousands of worlds in his consciousness.

Following his wishes, the Gate of Truth directly took away his body in the Resident Evil world as part of the toll. Only Fang Yuan's soul was left, wrapped in the Philosopher's Stone that had also been transformed into soul, and rushed into the gate together. In the endless darkness behind.

...')103'\u003eChapter 102 Long time no see

What is behind the door of truth? Fang Yuan, who had entered it many times, originally thought he knew.

Aren't they just countless blood-red eyes staring at me in the darkness? Although it looked scary, you would get used to it after seeing it a few times... But this time, when Fang Yuan traveled to another world through the Gate of Truth with a clear will for the first time, he realized that what he had seen What we have reached is only the outermost layer of the door of truth.

Yes, when Fang Yuan's spirit body burst into the door carrying the Philosopher's Stone that turned into soul essence, he found that he seemed to have entered a strange and bizarre world.

In the first moment, even shorter than a moment, he felt as if he had come to the dark void full of eyeballs that he had seen before, but in the next moment, he had already transcended it. A darkness that penetrated into unknown territory that he had never entered before.

It is light, it is time, it is countless times in an infinite world.

At every moment, Fang Yuan's spirit can "see" endless scenes.

There is the scene of creation when the universe first opened, there is the darkness and terror after the destruction of the world, there are historical events that happened in a certain world in a certain era, and there is also an ordinary day spent by an ordinary life in an ordinary life... ... He rushed forward in the tunnel of light composed of countless times. He could see countless scenes from countless worlds and time periods at every moment, and this kind of "seeing" was not something he could actively control. , whether he wants it or not, this information will be automatically poured into his consciousness, and he can't do it even if he wants to close his eyes.

The excessive flow of information shut down Fang Yuan's consciousness in an instant. His mind was trapped in the endless ocean of information. His thoughts could not move, his thoughts could not break free, and he could not even have the idea of ​​breaking free.

If he still had consciousness, he would have discovered that during this process, the Philosopher's Stone he carried was decomposing and dissolving, while countless pitch black smoke and dust emitted from it. Then in the next moment, these smoke and dust were washed away by the endless torrent of light. To nowhere in the world.

The most serious change was the Philosopher's Stone that he stored alone, which was used to build [Ether].

The originally red Philosopher's Stone seemed to have been exposed after being swept by the stream of light. The entire stone turned black, and the black smoke coming out of it even condensed into shapes because it was so rich, turning into countless shapes. Like a real tentacle monster, it wants to wash back into the carrier against the flow of light again and again.

——God knows what the souls in this Philosopher's Stone are! Next is the Philosopher's Stone, which is composed of the soul of Alice's clone. When the light flow sweeps through it, it turns directly into dark red! The black smoke coming out of this Philosopher's Stone is second only to the one that builds [Ether]. Although it has not reached the point of condensing into a form, it still lingers around like it has spiritual intelligence and refuses to disperse, allowing the light to flow. The torrent of water can only peel it off bit by bit.

If Fang Yuan saw this scene, he would probably be worried about Alice's condition... Moreover, not only was the Philosopher's Stone on his body, but even traces of darkness emerged from Fang Yuan's own soul. The smoke was then carried away by the light that washed through his spirit body.

Along with the black smoke that was washed out, there was also a wailing sound that was so shrill and crazy that it could drive people crazy. This sound was filled with malice towards the other party, humanity, and even the entire world.

If Fang Yuan is still awake at this time, just hearing this kind of voice will cause his spirit to be polluted and his personality to be distorted. When the time comes, it will no longer be him who returns to the earth, but another person wearing a mask. He looks like a monster.

Fortunately, these black smokes, which are obviously not good things at first glance, are not endless. In other words, even if they are truly infinite, they can still only be completely stripped away and annihilated in the face of a broader and vast infinity... … The endless tunnel of light has no idea how long it is, and the world behind the door has no concept of time. When Fang Yuan woke up from the immobilization of his thoughts, he found that his soul body and the remaining Philosopher's Stone were all gone. Something has changed.

It seems to be cleaner? But if you look closely, there doesn't seem to be any difference.

No, there are still changes! Fang Yuan could feel that for some reason, he was able to have a direct spiritual connection with [Ether].

It's as if he has a more superior thinking organ, the entire [ether] has become a part of him, and the huge computing power and excellent memory comparable to a super computer have become his abilities. As long as he has a thought, He can think millions of times faster than before.

But at the same time, he can feel that he and [Ether] are still two independent individuals. He can still think alone without the power of [Ether]. [Ether]'s somewhat mechanical and dull virtual personality still exists. He even You can communicate with [Ether] in the spirit beyond language and words, which is very mysterious.

Fang Yuan didn't know why this change happened, but it seemed that this change was a good thing for him, so he didn't go into it further - he just regarded it as a benefit given to him by Big Bubble... When he turned his attention to the tunnel of light outside his soul, he felt something - the end of this strange journey was coming. This seemingly endless tunnel of light was coming to an end. He could even In his consciousness, he could vaguely feel the fixed formation of his soul that he had left behind.

Finally, he saw it, and saw the huge portal made of infinite light in front of him.

His world is coming! ……When Fang Yuan’s consciousness rushed through the portal made of light, he found that he seemed to have turned into a finger! Well, it was the finger he cut off and buried in the ground to use as a resurrection phylactery.

Miraculously, the tissue cells in this finger are still active! It seems that either this finger was discovered and properly preserved, or that the time in the main world has not passed at all.

Then he used his spiritual power and looked around - well, this is actually the camp where he was before crossing over, and it seemed that a big explosion had just occurred, and the whole camp was in chaos - could it be... ...He has returned directly to the moment he just traveled through time! Fang Yuan thought of a certain nickname of the big boss behind the Gate of Truth, the ruler of time and space... This is really... should I say he is really a big boss... Fang Yuan sighed for a while, and then remembered the business—— He is still just a finger and must be "resurrected" quickly! It just so happened that the tissue cells of his finger still maintained good activity. Fang Yuan did not need to shape the body out of thin air. He directly used the remaining body cells as a model, used the body to restore and refine it, and used the surrounding sand and air as raw materials, and then Supplemented by the Philosopher's Stone to speed up the refining process, in just ten seconds, another Fang Yuan appeared in the world.

After making a suit of clothes for himself, Fang Yuan was looking around at the surrounding situation when he suddenly heard a voice coming from the distance - "Has anyone seen the magician?" "...No..." "I don't have one here either... "...Fang Yuan finally remembered that he seemed to have a group of temporary teammates before he traveled through time. At that time, he seemed to have used a disguise? Fang Yuan tried hard to recall the memories from several years ago, and finally even mobilized the power of [ether] that was almost integrated with him, and finally found the disguise he used in the corner of his memory.

As Fang Yuan walked towards the group of former teammates, he restored his appearance, body, and clothing to his original appearance. As he got closer, he heard more of their conversation: "...We don't even know his true identity. I know... I don’t even know how to talk about it during a condolence meeting..." "I don’t know if he has any family members, ugh~ I don’t know who to talk to about this..." Fang Yuan: "..." They really thought he was dead! Seeing this, Fang Yuan had to stand up and show that he was still alive: "Oh~! It's been a long time... Ahem! Hello everyone!" PS: Another wave of PL transactions, promoting the book "Eastern Redemption: The Endless Tomorrow" ", has more than 1.7 million words, and the author is Jie Dao.

According to TA himself, this book has a "serious writing style and is a breath of fresh air among dirty readers." Anyone who is interested can read it.

The following is the introduction: There is nothing left... But there is still no way to escape... All that is left is full of hatred and anger... Then... let me embrace the spiral of contradiction until destruction... - Neo Avilux ( Oriental Fantasyland works) Well, I don’t understand this introduction either...')104'\u003eChapter 103 Inner Alchemy and Alchemy

Time passed like water. Since returning from another world, six months had passed without realizing it.

Fang Yuan finally returned to his favorite research routine—but this time the things he studied changed.

… "So, this is what the so-called Qi is…" Sitting cross-legged in a secret room in the belly of the mountain with his five hearts facing the sky, Fang Yuan felt a certain energy cycle that had just been activated or discovered in his body, and his expression was quite surprised.

While distracting himself to run the inner alchemy technique obtained from the "Taoist", while feeling the energy cycle in his body growing stronger and stronger in the circulation of the heavens, Fang Yuan felt a completely different pleasure from studying alchemy.

No wonder the Qi-refining masters in the legends of immortals and gods have been in seclusion for 1,800 years. This feeling of seeing that every bit of their efforts can be transformed into real power is probably the strongest motivation for the act of "cultivation"... Yes, that's right, Fang Yuan started to practice the inner alchemy technique, and it was the cultivation method obtained from the "Taoist" who showed a protagonist style in his personality.

Speaking of Fang Yuan's meeting with the Taoist priest, it was so funny.

At that time, Fang Yuan had just finished the three-month quarantine observation period, and he immediately asked to meet with the Taoist priest. The official side didn't think much about it and agreed directly.

As a result, when Fang Yuan personally came to the door, the Taoist priest, who was slacking off in the name of recuperating, almost escaped on the spot - he thought that he had made a rash guess about the boss... I won't say much about what happened afterwards. In short, after the misunderstanding was resolved, the two became "Daoists", or even good friends. They naturally exchanged knowledge about mysticism with each other - Fang Yuan sent out the introductory textbooks on alchemy, and the Taoist priest gave back a complete set of real and effective Taoist practice books he sorted out.

Yes, it was not just the inner alchemy that Fang Yuan was practicing now. The Taoist priest gave a complete set of introductory textbooks on Taoist practice, including guiding, breathing, breathing, inner cultivation, alchemy, talismans, swordsmanship, fasting and offering rituals, etc.

It's no wonder that this "Taoist priest" with real magic power was so generous and just casually passed on the true practice method.

In fact, these introductory contents of Taoism are already everywhere on the Internet. Anyone who can surf the Internet can search for them. However, many people cannot distinguish between true scriptures and false scriptures due to their limited knowledge, and are often confused by those fabricated novels.

After all, all the magic spells that the Taoist himself knows, except for a small part of them from Taoist temples and Taoist books, are mostly found on the Internet and tested one by one.

And it is not the first time that he has given away these things that should be considered "magic secrets" in ancient times.

In fact, when he was recruited by the country, he immediately compiled all the magic spells he learned into a book and presented it to the government.

At that time, there were quite a few people arranged by the government to study, including those real Taoists in the major Taoist temples across the country, and those supernatural people in the national security department who were interested in Taoism. They all tried to practice something from this set of teaching materials.

But the result... Those Taoist spells such as talismans, divination, etc. that require the power of the gods and ancestors of heaven and earth, needless to say, no one can use them.

Even if they draw the talismans accurately and perform all the steps of the rituals perfectly, there is still no magic at all, as if the forces in the world only recognize the "Taoist priest", and no matter how hard others try, they can only wander outside the door.

Even if it is pure personal practice such as guiding, breathing, and internal cultivation, few people can gain anything.

Because the young Taoist priests are too complicated, they can't even pass the most basic level of entering into a state of concentration. And those old Taoist priests who are getting older and have already practiced some sexual skills are old and weak, and their body vitality is declining. Even if they get started, they can't practice anything. The Taoist internal cultivation method is different from the magic of talismans and gods. If you don't practice the Yin God, there will be no magic at all. Even if you practice the Yin God, you can only use some small tricks of hypnosis. And if you want to have great magic power that can interfere with the material world, you can't even think about it if you haven't reached the Yang God realm.

As for those with various powers, it is even more miserable. Because of their powers, their bodies are more or less infected by the alien vitality. Regardless of whether they can pass the threshold of meditation, the first step of cultivation is to cleanse and remove the alien vitality in the body one by one. Those who can't do it don't think about the next step of internal cultivation. Those who can do it will have to pay the price of serious damage to their body vitality and weakened abilities. Few people are willing to do it.

The only ones that have some practical value are swordsmanship and external alchemy, but the former is actually a kind of martial arts. Not to mention that the Taoist himself is not very proficient in it. Even if it is a real ancient Taoist swordsmanship, it may not be much better than contemporary swordsmanship.

The latter is essentially no different from traditional Chinese medicine, at least that's the case in the classics collected by the Taoist.

As for the legendary elixir and magic medicine... Even if there is a recipe for refining extraordinary elixir, there must be the medicinal materials to refine it! It's already the 21st century, and even hundred-year-old ginseng is almost extinct. How can there be so many precious medicinal materials that are hundreds or thousands of years old to make pills for you?   In short, according to the Taoists, the real Taoist teachings in this world are in such an embarrassing situation - among all the Taoist sects, he is the only one who can possess real magical powers. Even if other people really have Taoist nature and have achieved success in internal cultivation, they can only strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives. At most, their spirits are much stronger than ordinary people. As for wanting to display magical powers... the Taoists have never seen anyone do it anyway.

However, for Fang Yuan, who is already a transcendent, those talismans and spells that seem to require special qualifications to use are fine, but he should be able to handle the method of inner alchemy that relies purely on his own life.

In fact, it is true. Fang Yuan's practice of inner alchemy can be said to be very smooth.

With experience in meditation, he has no obstacles in getting started, and the subsequent operations such as sensing the circulation of inner qi are not difficult for him, an alchemy master who is already very proficient in using mental power.

"And, alchemy, it turns out that I already know it!" As he said this, Fang Yuan raised his hand slightly, and an ordinary rock on the rock wall dozens of meters away from his body was refined into gold.

This is not the remote refining that Fang Yuan used to forcibly drive with external mental power, but he used the power of the earth veins flowing in the earth as a carrier to project his own mental power to the target area for refining.

Yes, Fang Yuan sensed the earth's qi, that is, the flow of dragon veins, with his own qi during the process of practicing inner alchemy. Only then did he realize that the so-called alchemy was just like this, and in fact he had been able to perform it for a long time.

The key to alchemy is to remotely project one's own mental power through the flow of dragon veins, and to convert the energy of the alchemy reaction from crustal energy to dragon vein power.

For Fang Yuan, who can skillfully use mental power and even project mental power with light as a carrier, these two points are not difficult.

Moreover, Fang Yuan found that learning alchemy without a teacher was not all he gained...')105'\u003eChapter 104 New Alchemy (Part 1)

"So, you came here today just to show off that your ability has improved?"  This is a Taoist temple in Zhongnan Mountain, and the one who spoke was a Taoist priest.

At this moment, he was holding a pot of hot tea and drinking it by himself. However, Fang Yuan, who had just come uninvited, transformed the high-quality purple clay teapot in his hand into an iron teapot that cost five yuan on the street stall with his hands, which immediately made him lose interest in continuing to drink.

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