As protective umbrella loyal warriors who have followed Wesker all the way around the world but still never abandon him, although there are some problems in choosing loyal objects, their judgment and survivability on the battlefield are very guaranteed.

They know very well that an enemy that can paralyze the entire laboratory and all the personnel stationed inside it in a short period of time is not an ordinary intruder and must be treated with caution! However, what they did not expect was that the enemy's attack did not come from inside the laboratory, but from their rear! I saw a soldier who looked like a commander giving orders to the soldiers with tactical gestures, and suddenly felt something falling on the back of his neck.

He stretched out his hand and touched it back. When he put it in front of his eyes, he saw it was a metal sphere slightly larger than a grape.

"Not good!" The captain, who immediately realized something was wrong, just wanted to throw the thing in his hand out, but it was too late after all.

The detonator inside the ball has been activated, the countdown in the microchip has counted down to zero, and the non-nuclear material with the strongest unit explosion yield in the world has been detonated! Boom——! ! ! The scorching fireball more than half a meter directly swallowed up the loyal captain, but the comrades around him had no time to mourn his death in battle.

Boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom! ! ! Dozens and hundreds of explosions sounded continuously, and the entire large area outside the laboratory had completely turned into a scorching hell. Corpses, guns, and gravel were all continuously ignited, charred, crushed, and finally destroyed in the continuous ultra-high-intensity explosions. A wisp of fly ash in the scorching air.

Hundreds of people, whether he is a veteran with superb fighting skills and has survived many battlefields, or a poor farmer who has worked diligently in the land for a lifetime and was finally transformed into a zombie by an evil lord, are all fighting indiscriminately. An equal death was obtained under fire and force.

This is the glory of equality among all living beings! Fang Yuan, who saw the tragic scene outside through the perspective of the drone, sighed with compassion on his face, just like the Buddha sitting on the top of the spiritual mountain to save all sentient beings into the bliss of the West.

Well, to a certain extent this is true. For local farmers who are controlled by viruses and parasitic infections, it is better to return to dust in the flames than to continue to live in confusion as zombie puppets. , Fang Yuan’s approach was just to help them escape! If they have spirits in heaven, they will definitely thank themselves! A certain explosive maniac and arsonist thought so.

... "..." Seeing the fireball and small mushroom cloud rising in the direction of the laboratory in the castle, Wesker was silent for a long time, but his increasingly gloomy expression and the increasingly condensed aura around him made people feel You know, he was really angry! "You, go, kill the intruders in the laboratory!" He ordered behind no one, but saw a tall figure wearing a robe whose face could not be seen walking out of the dark shadows of the room, slowly He nodded and walked out of the door without saying a word.

Although this figure looks like a humanoid, it can be seen from the non-human limbs that are occasionally exposed when walking that it is not human! Since human soldiers and ordinary zombies can't deal with the invaders, let's use real biological weapons (B.O.W.)! After arranging the killer just now, Wesker dialed the internal phone in the castle and issued the order with murderous intent: "Salazar, mobilize your people, all go to the laboratory and kill the intruders! Also, tell Sadler, stop hiding underground, and come out too!”… “The plan is good, but I heard it all!” Because the drone released by Fang Yuan is too small to fly! It was too quiet when they got up. Wesker and the others had not discovered the existence of the drone swarm yet, so Fang Yuan, who had not yet left the underground laboratory, directly listened to Wesker's orders through the drone.

But he was not worried about the other party gathering manpower.

After all, for drones that use self-destruction as an attack method, the denser the enemies gather, the easier it is to maximize the explosion effect. Therefore, Fang Yuan is also happy to see his opponent arrange a large number of manpower to gather in the laboratory, which is just right. Let him catch them all in one go! Moreover, from what Wesker said, it seems that the cult leader is also underground? Fang Yuan is somewhat interested in this cult leader who has a "secret" in Wesker's mouth. Judging from what Wesker said before, it seems that he has some special powers that are different from the T-virus and Las P-lagas! However, it seems that the current state is not suitable for fighting... Fang Yuan looked at Alice, who was still unconscious in his arms, and felt that holding her like this was a bit too disturbing, so he simply used the stones on the ground to refine her. Deputy coffin, put her in and seal the coffin, leaving a few ventilation holes for the people inside, then throw it on the back and carry it away - this level of load is not suitable for Fang Yuan who has the armor increase. It's not really a burden at all.

This is much more convenient! Well, I hope Alice won't wake up in the coffin, otherwise it will probably leave a psychological shadow...')060'\u003eChapter 60 I'll do it myself!

Just a few minutes after Fang Yuan put Alice to rest in a coffin, a new enemy appeared in front of Fang Yuan.

No, to be precise, it's not in front of him. The enemy is at least dozens of meters away from his current position, and there are more than a dozen walls and an unknown number of pipelines in between. Theoretically, it is impossible for Fang Yuan to be unable to use mental scanning. See each other.

But Fang Yuan can't see it, but his armor can see it! Although the line of sight was blocked and thermal imaging induction and electromagnetic induction were useless in this underground environment where steam pipelines and electronic equipment were everywhere, Fang Yuan's ultrasonic scanning and positioning system, which had been turned on by default, discovered the opponent's existence.

Through the image projected from the visor, Fang Yuan could see the figure of the other party. The insect-like head and arthropod-like limbs did not look like what humans could have.

Sure enough, it was the biochemical weapon sent by Wesker before! Fang Yuan vaguely remembered that this monster seemed to have appeared in the game. It seemed to be able to become invisible or something, and its favorite attack method was sneak attack.

Fang Yuan saw the opponent's movements through the super sensory system. He obviously wanted to ambush Fang Yuan on the path he was walking on. It looked like it was indeed that kind of monster.

However, the key to an ambush and sneak attack is that the enemy cannot know about it. Once someone knows about it, it will be easy to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

Just like now, Fang Yuanyuan, who was directly cheating, discovered the ambushing enemy dozens of meters away. Whether he took a detour, used a trick to lure him back, or went directly to kill the opponent, the initiative was in his hands.

Just as it happened, the group of crooked melons and jujubes transformed from ordinary farmers and women outside had also gathered, and Fang Yuan planned to clear out all the miscellaneous soldiers at once! The outside ones were solved by drones, but the inside ones required his own hands.

Due to the limited release of mental power, the range of the decomposition ray has also been seriously affected, so Fang Yuan does not plan to use this trick, he will use other means.

"Change the right-hand armed component, the electromagnetic gun module!" Following his order, the intelligent core of the suit immediately retrieved the electromagnetic gun design drawing in the database, and completed the process in an instant, inserting it into the armor of Fang Yuan's right arm. The monomolecule knife assembly is replaced with an electromagnetic gun assembly.

Although it is said that the individual handheld electromagnetic sniper rifle that will be truly used in the military in this world will not appear until more than ten years later, the concept of electromagnetic gun has already appeared. However, in reality, there is no way to use this concept weapon The key to practical application still lies in the issues of materials and energy.

These two points are not a problem for Fang Yuan who can use alchemy and has the Philosopher's Stone.

As a result, a super individual weapon that was at least ten years ahead of the world appeared in Fang Yuan's hands in just a few seconds.

Fang Yuan stretched his right hand forward, and the muzzle parallel to his arm was pointed directly at the target in front. The reality augmentation system in the visor also projected the calculated ballistic trajectory and impact point in Fang Yuan's eyes. He only had to move slightly. Arm, align the trajectory of the solid red line in the field of vision with the position of the distant target, and the target can be locked immediately.

"Sniper Stable Mode!" In order to prevent his arm from shaking when shooting and deviating from the target, Fang Yuan directly let the armor fix all the joints on the right half of his body, making his shooting line of sight as stable as a machine, without even a micron of shaking. .

"AI, pay attention to my password. When I launch an attack, the drone swarm will launch an attack at the same time!" [Command Acceptance——] Such a line flashed in the field of vision.

"Very good... listen to my command, 3, 2, 1, Fire!" To suit the occasion, Fang Yuan also shouted out the firing order in English.

Ultra-high voltage is connected between the metal guide rail and the tungsten alloy warhead. The strong current generates a strong magnetic field. Under the action of Lorentz force, the square warhead, which is about the same size as a conventional bullet, is accelerated to 5 times in a few microseconds. At the speed of sound, he escaped from the muzzle in an instant.

At the same time, under the control of the artificial intelligence core, a group of drones already in place outside the laboratory also launched a suicide attack at the same moment.

I saw a faint flash of light from the muzzle of my wrist, followed by the sonic boom produced when a supersonic object broke through the sound barrier, accompanied by that flash in the dim underground space but lingered in my retina for a long time. With unfading traces of heat, a red-rimmed passage appeared in front of Fang Yuan's eyes. The diameter was only the size of a coin, but it led directly to a passage hundreds of meters away.

Almost at the next second, there was a continuous rumbling explosion sound above the ground, and the entire underground space was shaking. This was the target of the self-destructing drones on the ground that were enthusiastically receiving them.

[Target has been completely annihilated] Seeing the words that appeared in his sight, and then looking at the scorched earth in the remaining drone's view, Fang Yuan nodded, very satisfied with the results of this wave of battles.

"The next step is to see the effect of the handheld electromagnetic gun."

It was also the first time for Fang Yuan to use this kind of weapon in actual combat. He didn't know what kind of effect it would have if it hit the actual target.

After unlocking half of his body, Fang Yuan continued to move forward. After walking through several corners, he finally saw with his own eyes the result of the shot.

The monster was hiding in the shadow of a pipe crack. Its head and most of its body had completely disappeared, leaving only a limb full of scorch marks on its cross section that occasionally twitched twice under the remaining nerve impulses. It was already dead. Very clean.

Looking behind it, the electromagnetic gun did not stop even after it penetrated it. It continued to advance forward and destroyed all objects passing along the way. It did not completely lose kinetic energy until it hit a thick rock formation hundreds of meters away.

Very good, this is powerful enough! …… Let’s turn the camera to the other side for a moment.

When Wesker saw larger, more dense, explosive fireballs rising in all directions outside the castle, he couldn't sit still. Even the advanced biological weapon sent out before had completely lost its signal. Didn't notice.

He only cares about one thing now - "Fxck! Where did so much firepower come from?!" Just looking at the scale of the continuous explosions, Wesker almost thought there was an artillery unit launching an attack! But he knew this was impossible.

Although Wesker is currently in a bit of a downturn and is being hunted by B.S.A.A. all over the world, there are still three points left in the rotten ship. The remnants of the Umbrella Corporation around the world have not been completely eradicated. He also has many informants within this country. If there is really It is absolutely impossible for him to mobilize his troops without receiving any news.

However, the reality is that the forces and cannon fodder he worked so hard to cultivate at the branch base were almost completely wiped out in the round of explosions just now! "Salazar, what happened? And Sadler, what on earth is he doing?" "I, I don't know... there was an explosion suddenly. Fortunately, I didn't go there in person..." Facing the other end of the communication When asked, the short city lord said something incoherent, looking frightened.

"...Okay, they're all a bunch of trash, I'll do it myself!" Wesker pushed the full magazine into the grip of the pistol with a click, and his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses lit up with a scarlet light. , it can be seen from this light that it is a pair of ferocious beast pupils that do not look like humans.

……')061'\u003eChapter 61 I have to admit that you are stronger now

At the same time, Fang Yuan was rushing to the exit from the surface while listening to the explosion outside the laboratory, when he suddenly saw Wesker's movements from the drone.

"Oh? He actually went out in person? It seems that Wesker really has no one left!" Indeed, in Fang Yuan's impression, whether in the game or in the movie, Wesker, the boss, is The biggest feature is that the little brother will never take action personally until he is dead, and he is also very good at running. He has escaped from certain death situations time and time again. He is simply more of a protagonist than the protagonist.

Unexpectedly, in this world, he has been forced to such a desperate situation, and he has just begun to take action himself! And he didn't retreat directly. Did he think he had a chance of winning, or was there really no other place to escape? Fang Yuan thought about it, it was probably the former.

After all, in the entire Resident Evil series, there are really few people with stronger combat capabilities than Wesker. It is quite normal for him to have such confidence.

But just when Fang Yuan was about to let the drone continue to track Wesker, suddenly, Wesker on the screen suddenly turned his head, and then the screen went black, and the drone had lost its signal.

Well, it was discovered... Fang Yuan was not surprised by this. In fact, he had already prepared for the drone to be discovered, and being able to monitor it all the time was actually far beyond his expectation.

In any case, this kind of drone flies with propellers. Even if it is silent, the slightest trace of air disturbance cannot be completely eliminated.

It is not surprising that Wesker, who was injected with a certain mutant strain of the Progenitor Virus, has five senses far beyond those of ordinary people.

... On the other side, Wesker put down the pistol with the muzzle still smoking, took a few steps forward, and saw what he had just shot down on the ground.

Picking up the severely deformed metal sphere from the ground and seeing the remaining propeller structure on it, Wesker understood: "It's actually a drone...were the previous calls monitored? And those explosions..." He probably understood What happened to those explosions that looked like heavy artillery bombing? If it was a group of drones carrying explosives, it could indeed achieve the same effect.

"Interesting, it seems that this time the opponent is not an ordinary B.S.A.A.!" As the target of being hunted, Wesker is very aware of B.S.A.A.'s equipment level.

Although the guys who chased them all over the world had superb fighting skills and sophisticated weapons and equipment, they were only at the level of active special forces in major countries. Their weapons and equipment were all mainstream weapons on the market. I had never seen them use such weapons. At first glance, it looks like a high-precision micro drone that can only be made in a laboratory.

However, Wesker will not feel afraid of this. On the contrary, after knowing the details of his opponent, his last remaining scruples disappeared completely. They are just some drones—— Now let that It's time for the intruders to pay the price! …… Having lost the trace of Wesker, Fang Yuan had no time to send another drone to continue tracking.

And judging from Wesker's previous reaction, he would still be discovered if he sent him there again.

The airflow disturbed by the drone's rotor is still too obvious. Now that Wesker has noticed the existence of the drone, it is almost impossible to hide it from his senses.

Therefore, Fang Yuan no longer wastes his limited combat power in this area, but continues to move towards the exit.

Although he was carrying a coffin, Fang Yuan's speed was not much slower. Two minutes later, the exit was right in front of him, and Fang Yuan could not help but speed up his pace.

Before Wesker arrived, he would send Alice to a safe place first...  "Are you the intruder? It looks like you are not one of my old friends!"  Before the thought just disappeared from his mind, Wesker's voice rang out around him.

——Fuck, what kind of flags are you setting!   Fang Yuan complained to himself secretly and immediately began to search for the enemy's traces.

The reconnaissance module in the armor suddenly found a target on the reconnaissance boundary, but found that the opponent had appeared silently behind Fang Yuan the next second.

What the hell is this speed!   Fang Yuan was shocked, but he still fought back calmly. He threw his hand back without looking back, and the single-molecule knife in his left arm popped out instantly. The blade fell like thunder, pointing directly at Wesker's head and neck.

But Wesker is worthy of being the most popular super villain in the Resident Evil series. His super-speed movement, like teleportation, even exceeded Fang Yuan's fastest speed under the armor. His ghost-like movement allowed him to easily dodge Fang Yuan's back-and-forth knife.

Although his knife was ineffective, Fang Yuan did not give up and continued to move forward with his knife.

His left hand was fierce, and every blow was aimed at the opponent's head, neck, heart and other fatal parts.

At the same time, his footwork was not slow. Even with a coffin on his back, he still exerted the extreme speed when he broke into the laboratory before.

Every move and every attack was like a hurricane, stirring up violent airflow and knife wind, hitting the ground and walls in the narrow underground space, bringing bursts of deafening roars.

But Fang Yuan was fast, and Wesker was even faster! He was seen dodging Fang Yuan's tornado-like blade storm like teleportation, but he always avoided Fang Yuan's blade by a hair's breadth, with a faint contemptuous smile on his face, looking completely at ease.

Damn, this is unscientific! This Wesker must have been strengthened! ! !   Fang Yuan cursed in his heart.

You know, Fang Yuan's movement speed has reached two-thirds of the speed of sound under the blessing of the armor, and his attack speed has even exceeded the speed of sound, but Wesker is still one point faster than him!   According to the calculation of the artificial intelligence in the armor, the opponent's speed has completely exceeded the speed of sound, but there is strangely no sonic boom shock wave generated by supersonic movement, which is completely against common sense!   Well, although the ancestor virus itself is something that goes against common sense, Fang Yuan has always thought that its extraordinary characteristics are only reflected in the process of soul transformation into matter, but it cannot be ruled out that it has other characteristics, such as allowing the host to silently perform supersonic maneuvers.

However, if Wesker is really that scary, how did Chris kill him in the game? ! ! After a long period of fruitless attack, Fang Yuan had no choice but to stop, and Wesker also stopped at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding, standing a few meters away and looking at Fang Yuan with interest, no, looking at the armor on his body.

"Exoskeleton armor, is this what you rely on? A good toy, but compared with the real human evolution, it is still far from it!" Wesker obviously thought that Fang Yuan's ability to fight in close combat just now was entirely due to the armor on his body, and for a big boss who has the goal of evolving himself for his whole life, this way of improvement with the help of external objects made him particularly disdainful, so he directly mocked.

"...I have to admit that in terms of close combat, you are stronger now!" Fang Yuan's voice distorted by the voice changer was revealed from behind the armor. He bluntly admitted that he could not do anything to the opponent with a knife.

But he was definitely not admitting defeat, because his means were not just the knife in his hand! ')062'\u003eChapter 62 AOE is not always usable

"Sonic Cannon!" Boom--! ! ! A huge sound wave came from in front of Fang Yuan, or more precisely, from his respirator.

It was as if the power of the actual sound wave in the underground space was amplified to an unprecedented degree.

Within a few seconds, all the glass products within hundreds of meters in front of Fang Yuan were shattered almost at the same time, and even those steel products with relatively thin thickness shook violently in the resonance of the sound wave, and even some pipes that were not particularly firmly connected fell off and broke.

As the direct recipient of the sound wave, Wesker was the first to bear the brunt.

Although he could move at supersonic speed, he was still hit when facing the all-round sound wave attack without dead angles.

As if he was kicked in the face, Wesker fell back heavily, and blood flowed from his face, and he vomited blood from his mouth. It seemed that he was seriously injured.

However, although he looked very miserable, Wesker still had the strength to resist.

Before Fang Yuan could point the gun in his right hand at him, Wesker immediately flashed and left Fang Yuan's sight.

On the way here, he had seen the result of Fang Yuan's previous shot, and knew that the opponent had a gun with very strong penetration. Although he had a certain degree of immortality, if he was hit in the head by such a weapon, he would still die.

After leaving the maximum effect area of ​​the sonic attack, the ancestor virus in Wesker's body immediately began to repair his injuries. The serious internal injuries that would be fatal to ordinary people would be healed in a dozen seconds.

After Fang Yuan succeeded in one blow, he originally planned to turn around and leave immediately, sending Alice out first, but he didn't expect that just before he turned around and took two steps, Wesker was found on the detection radar again.

This guy is not finished, right? Fang Yuan understood that unless Wesker was dealt with, he and Alice would not be able to leave here easily.

Therefore, he no longer considered retreating and turned around to kill in the direction of Wesker.

After fighting again, Wesker seemed to have adapted to the sonic damage, and planned to attack at close range with the sonic cannon. However, it seemed that the sound waves interfered with his movement speed, and he was almost shot in the head by Fang Yuan, so he was unable to see the situation. Miao immediately turned around and left.

But now Fang Yuan is unwilling to let him go! Chasing him all the way with the ultrasonic positioning scanner, no matter which direction Wesker took or which secret passage, Fang Yuan could follow him closely and couldn't get away - he finally knew how Wesker killed him from behind. It's out. I didn't expect there to be so many secret passages in this laboratory! However, Fang Yuan's pursuit also exposed one of his flaws, that is, he was unable to use sonic attacks when using ultrasonic positioning.

The echo noise caused by the sonic cannon hitting the surface of the object is too serious for the interference of the ultrasonic receiving device. Fang Yuan currently has no way to make both of them work at the same time.

For this reason, Wesker would often turn around and counterattack after being chased for a period of time when Fang Yuan could not react, but would be quickly repelled by Fang Yuan's multiple attacks.

The two sides just chased and fled, entangled all the way to the depths of the ground.

boom--! ! ! Rumble——! ! ! When Fang Yuan used the sonic cannon again, the sound of landslides suddenly came from above his head. Fang Yuan looked up and saw that countless landslides were falling! He immediately knew something was wrong. He quickly calculated the trajectory of the collapsed rock formation in his mind, determined the direction of dodge, and finally flew forward, just in time to avoid a tens-ton boulder falling from behind.

Then hundreds of square meters of earth and rocks fell from above, blocking Fang Yuan's escape for a while.

"Hell, it's actually a landslide! AI, scan the rock structure!" Fang Yuan's field of vision immediately jumped out of the ultrasonic tomography results of the surrounding rock formations, and found that the rock structure in this area is not dense. Once it encounters a strong external force or vibration, it will easily collapse. Causing landslide accidents - such as Fang Yuan's sonic cannon.

It turns out that Wesker led him here for this! Fang Yuan understood the opponent's strategy, which was to take advantage of the easy collapse of the rock formations here to make Fang Yuan's sonic cannon unusable, directly eliminating one of his major means.

Moreover, whether it was a coincidence or something, the falling rocks actually blocked the passage behind Fang Yuan, and with a strong enemy on the side, Fang Yuan had no time to clear these roadblocks.

If this was really planned by the other party, then Fang Yuan would have to say something convincing! "Ha! It seems that God is on my side!" At this time, Wesker appeared again. He obviously felt that the situation in front of him was very lucky. Luck was really on his side! "You don't think that I can't do anything to you because I can't use the sonic cannon, do you?" Fang Yuan's tone was very unhappy. He was indeed affected by his bad luck - what's going on? The protagonist's halo is on the opponent? ! ! "Then let me open my eyes! Mr. Unknown Intruder!" As soon as he finished speaking, Wesker transformed into a ghostly shadow again, approaching at a speed that almost exceeded Fang Yuan's reaction.

With the help of his highly concentrated spirit and the dark light vision provided by the armor, Fang Yuan could see that the opponent was holding a sharp dagger in his hand.

If it were an ordinary person who was slashing and stabbing him with a dagger, Fang Yuan would not care.

After all, the defensive power of the armor he is wearing is not fake. It can even prevent armor-piercing bullets. Are you just trying to scratch his itch with a mere dagger? But if it were a dagger stabbed at him at supersonic speed, things would be completely different.

No matter what object, when its speed reaches a certain level, it will have huge destructive power and lethality.

What's more, this is a dagger that looks very sharp. Its armor-piercing ability definitely surpasses ordinary armor-piercing bullets. Fang Yuan will never risk his own life to test whether this dagger is sharper or the defensive power of his suit. Stronger.

[Decompose the shield! 】 It was too late to use voice commands to command the suit to operate. Fang Yuan directly stepped over the suit and personally activated the composite formation created on the spot.

... At the moment when the dagger was about to hit Fang Yuan, the extremely enhanced sixth sense enhanced by the virus told Wesker, run away! Escape this location immediately! The instinct of survival almost bypassed reason, allowing Wesker to complete the actions of slowing down, changing direction, and retreating in this short moment.

But it's still too late.

A bright white light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Wesker, instantly engulfing his right hand holding the knife and half of his right foot. But Wesker was worthy of being Wesker, and despite being severely injured, he remained silent and continued to use his intact body. Use your left leg to fly back, as far away from the light curtain as possible.

No, that was not actually a light curtain, but an egg-shaped shield made of white light that completely enveloped Fang Yuan and the coffin behind him.

"Energy shield?!" Wesker said through gritted teeth.

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