')063'\u003eChapter 63 Don't talk too much when killing the Boss!

"Energy shield?!" Wesker gritted his teeth and said word by word.

Not only because of the pain of the broken arm and limbs, but also because the guy in front of him hid too deep. He had such a powerful weapon but he had waited until now to use it!   After seeing the circle of white light two meters away from his body, Fang Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief - it seemed that he had successfully used it.

As mentioned earlier, Fang Yuan's mental power could hardly leave his body in this area. Even if it was released, it could only spread two or three meters in the air. Therefore, he could not use most large-scale alchemy, including decomposition rays.

Especially the decomposition ray, which was originally Fang Yuan's main means of attack, but it was completely sealed in this action.

However, not being able to attack does not mean that you cannot defend! The principle of decomposition rays is that the refining array emits complex light waves in a specific order and wavelength, and reconstructs extremely small decomposition refining arrays with light quanta of different wavelengths in the nanometer scale. Fang Yuan's mental power uses light as a medium, and together with the nanometer-level refining array, it shines on the target surface to initiate decomposition and refining.

In this mountainous area, Fang Yuan's mental power cannot reach far for unknown reasons, so there is no need to project his mental power too far. He can directly expand and scatter the decomposition beam as much as possible within the reach of his mental power, turning it into a conical decomposition light cone, and then decompose and refine it within the limit distance of the mental power from the body, turning the active attack decomposition ray into a defensive decomposition light curtain.

If it is performed at the same time in front, behind, left and right of the body, it can form a 360-degree absolute defense without dead angles around the body.

Therefore, when this defensive alchemy array is truly activated, it can be seen that there is an alchemy array on Fang Yuan's chest, the surface of the coffin on his back, and the outside of his left and right arms, each emitting a cone-shaped decomposition beam. The emitted decomposition white light is interlocked at a distance ranging from tens of centimeters to two meters outside Fang Yuan's body, forming an almost perfect sphere.

On this sphere, the decomposition alchemy that has been activated will annihilate any physical attack, and after crossing this sphere, the special beam without Fang Yuan's mental power is just an ordinary electromagnetic wave, and has no other use except lighting.

However, such defense cannot last.

Just a few seconds after Wesker was injured and retreated, this egg-shaped shield composed of light flickered and extinguished.

This is because Fang Yuan really couldn't hold on.

You know, when the light beam does not hit any object, launching decomposition and refining in the air requires precise control of each light beam: when the out-of-body mental power moves forward with the light quantum moving at the speed of light, when should the nano-scale refining array associated with it be activated, how can the activated refining arrays be constructed into a continuous arc surface, and how can the arc surfaces be constructed into a sphere... This operation, which is extremely demanding on computing power and micro-control power, almost drained Fang Yuan's brain power in an instant, and he could no longer maintain such high-intensity calculations. Therefore, this "energy shield" only existed for a few seconds before it went out.

But even if it was only a few seconds, it was enough. After all, this was originally an unconventional means for emergency.

Moreover, even if Fang Yuan himself could not activate this "invincible" shield for a long time, his armor could! In just a few seconds, the AI ​​core has recorded all the information when Fang Yuan started the refining. Next time when it is needed, Fang Yuan will not need to spend his brainpower to build this complex spherical shield. The Philosopher's Stone computer with computing power far exceeding that of humans can take care of everything.

Even with the support of more computing power, Fang Yuan can continue to shape and transform this shield, expanding from the standard spherical shape to square, fan-shaped, shield-shaped, and even close-fitting shields and other variants to suit various possible occasions.

However, Wesker didn't know this. When he saw that the "energy shield" around Fang Yuan only existed for a few seconds and then disappeared, he thought it was an unstable test product that had just been developed in a laboratory, so the fear that had just risen was reduced a lot.

"It seems that the quality of your toys is not very good?" While waiting for his own self-healing ability to restore the missing limbs, Wesker used words to delay time.

"..." Although Fang Yuan had a headache and weakness due to excessive brain power consumption, his will was still clear. He knew that the other party was delaying time, so he didn't intend to reply and waste time.

Although his condition was not very good, he was not fighting alone now! "Automatic attack mode, electromagnetic gun at minimum power, continuous fire!" He whispered to the intelligent core, and the artificial intelligence automatically took over all the control of the battle suit. Fang Yuan suddenly raised his right hand and aimed at Wesker, who was somewhat inconvenient to move. The electromagnetic gun, which had switched to continuous fire mode, fired kinetic bullets at 1.5 times the speed of sound at the lowest power.

Although due to the problem of structural volume, the micro-electromagnetic gun in Fang Yuan's arm armor could not be loaded with too many spare warheads, 10 spare bullets were all fired before the second hand even passed one tenth of a grid.

But now is not the time to be stingy with that little soul reserve. The intelligent core, which is essentially a philosopher's stone, automatically started alchemy, consuming the energy that constituted it. Every time it fired one, it immediately refined one. In just a few seconds, hundreds of warheads were fired, and instantly turned into a continuous rain of bullets covering the direction where Wesker was.

"Damn it!" Wesker didn't expect the guy on the other side to be so straightforward. He didn't even say a word. He just raised his hand and wanted to beat him to death. He was so scared that he immediately dragged his injured leg, regardless of the pain every step he took, and turned into a ghostly shadow to avoid the rain of bullets.

However, the injury on his foot did have a great impact on his movements.

After all, he was missing half of his foot. Although the symbiotic virus in his body has been trying to recover, this kind of limb loss is obviously not the internal injury that can be recovered in more than ten seconds.

And without the important force point under his feet, Wesker's movements were also severely deformed, and both the speed and the accuracy of the movements declined by more than one level.

Therefore, even if Wesker tried his best to avoid it, he still took more than a dozen bullets, with dozens of blood holes all over his body, and fell to the ground in a mess.

Such a serious injury would naturally be basically irreparable on an ordinary person, but for Wesker, who has an immortal body, it can only be regarded as a minor injury.

After all, Fang Yuan used a tungsten alloy bullet, which has a hardness and toughness far exceeding that of ordinary steel. When it hits a person, it basically creates a hole with two transparent ends. It will not roll in the wound and cause greater trauma like a dum-dum bullet due to deformation and breakage of the bullet.

Therefore, it is visible to the naked eye that the bullet holes on Wesker's body quickly closed and stopped bleeding.

Even through the enhanced vision of the armor, Fang Yuan can see how the granulations in the wounds that twisted and wriggled like living things are little by little filling and suturing those penetrating wounds.

But this does not mean that Wesker is safe - the artificial intelligence that always keeps the target firmly locked faithfully executes the master's orders and will not stop attacking before Fang Yuan speaks.

So, the fierce firepower that closely follows Wesker's figure once again covers him, making him drowned in the rain of bullets without even a little room to struggle - this time the target is fixed, and the accuracy is much more accurate, and every shot is aimed at Wesker's head.

As expected, this time Wesker no longer had the aura of a villain. His head was blown up like a watermelon, and red and white were scattered all over the ground. Several tentacles stretched out from his damaged skull and waved in vain, trying to save the host's life, but they were torn apart by more dense bullets in the next moment... -- Wesker, dead! ')064'\u003eChapter 64 The taken away corpse \u0026 the resurrection of Sleeping Beauty

When the unique gunshot of the electromagnetic weapon stopped, Fang Yuan turned off the automatic attack mode and took back the control of the armor.

Feeling the gun parts in the right arm armor that were severely damaged due to continuous firing, Fang Yuan asked the armor to activate alchemy to repair it while walking towards Wesker's body.

Even if it seemed that he had killed this boss, Fang Yuan still did not dare to be careless. He would not let down his guard until he had crushed the opponent to ashes and destroyed every cell! After all, this is one of the most difficult bosses to kill in the Resident Evil series! Not to mention the multiple transformations in the game that could not be killed no matter how hard he tried after being injected with the Ouroboros virus, even in the movie series, Wesker faced super explosions that were close to small nuclear explosions more than once and survived.

Fang Yuan couldn't guarantee that a simple headshot could completely kill this guy.

Although his head still hurt a little now, he still had the strength to launch a close-range decomposition and refining. Fang Yuan planned to personally decompose this most important villain in the Resident Evil series into atoms and see how he would revive!   However, just as Fang Yuan was about to approach Wesker, the detection system of the armor sent a warning - there was a moving object approaching at a high speed from above!   Fang Yuan subconsciously jumped up and retreated, just avoiding the sharp blade that attacked from the top of his head - no, that was not a sharp blade, but a biological limb similar to the forelimbs of a mantis! Fang Yuan saw the attacker's appearance clearly. The same insect-like head, the trunk and limbs with obvious arthropod characteristics, looked like an oversized mutant humanoid mantis, waving its sharp limbs like blades, blocking Fang Yuan and Wesker in a vigilant posture.

Is it to save Wesker?   Fang Yuan was a little surprised by the monster's actions.

Could it be that Wesker was not dead?   Thinking of this, Fang Yuan was even more unwilling to let the other party go, and immediately raised the muzzle.

But the monster's reaction was faster than he thought. The moment it saw Fang Yuan move, it immediately turned around and grabbed Wesker's body, and ran into the depths of the tunnel without looking back. After a few corners, it disappeared.

Fang Yuan tried to fire a few shots but didn't hit. He intended to continue chasing, but then he thought of the Sleeping Beauty on his back, and hesitated for a moment. Should he send Alice to the ground first?   However, soon, he didn't need to worry about this.

Dong, dong, dong—There were knocking sounds coming from the coffin behind him, and it was obvious that the person inside had woken up.

That's right, it had been more than ten minutes since the rescue, and Fang Yuan had used so many deafening sonic cannons before, even the most deeply asleep person should have been awakened.

Fang Yuan hurriedly put the coffin down, but before he could open it, with a bang, the coffin board made of high-strength material was blown open from the inside, and the flying fragments hit the ground and Fang Yuan's battle suit, making a tinkling sound.

"Ahem! Damn it! Who threw me into the coffin? Do you want to bury me alive?!" Alice, who had just woken up, obviously didn't know the current situation. She felt that she was locked in the coffin before, and she punched the coffin reflexively.

"...Alice, you are really irritable when you wake up!" Fang Yuan looked at the sleeping beauty who sat up from the coffin in silence. If he had put the coffin down a little slower, Alice's punch would have hit him directly! Moreover, seeing the miserable result of the coffin made of high-strength bulletproof armor material under this punch, Fang Yuan didn't want to think about what would happen if he really took this punch.

This is really a female Tyrannosaurus!   "Are you... Fang?" Although his whole body was covered with armor of a model he had never seen before, Fang Yuan's voice, which was not deliberately concealed, still made Alice recognize him.

"This is..." She turned her head and looked around again, but found that she seemed to be in an underground space now. What happened? "Do you remember? You were captured by Wesker and others, and then used as a research sample for human experiments..." Fang Yuan reminded.

"I... I remember that I found a castle through clues, and then a dwarf castle lord jumped out, and finally Wesker, who attacked me..." It seems that Alice's memory should be fine, but she found this castle by herself? It's really amazing that she can do it! Fang Yuan relied on cheating to find this place! "So, did you save me?" Alice's thoughts finally sorted out from the confusion of just waking up, and at the same time she also understood that she was rescued by Fang Yuan.

"Yes, Carlos told me about your disappearance, and then I rushed here day and night, and finally found this place, another secret base of Wesker.

After rescuing you, Wesker appeared and kept pestering us not to leave - what a pity, I almost killed him completely just now!" Fang Yuan explained a few words, and at the same time expressed great regret for his slowness just now.

"...Thank you! If it weren't for you, I can't imagine what would happen to me!" Alice thanked sincerely.

"You're welcome! We are friends!" Fang Yuan waved his hand to indicate that he didn't care about it, and then said: "Now that you are awake, let's leave here first. There will be plenty of opportunities to solve Wesker's problem later!" Fang Yuan decided to take Alice out first. After all, this was the real goal of his action this time. Hunting down Wesker was only a side task, and it didn't matter if it was not completed - although he was indeed very interested in what was hidden deep underground.

"No, we can't leave!" However, Alice obviously did not agree with Fang Yuan's choice and directly raised objections.

"Why?"  "You just said that Wesker was here, and you almost killed him?"  "To be precise, he was killed, but it is not clear whether he can be resurrected-because his body was taken away."

"Then we can't miss this opportunity. You know, we have been chasing him for a whole year. Even if he can be resurrected, he must be at his weakest. This is the best opportunity ever!"  Alice is not the kind of delicate and weak little girl, but a real female warrior. She has just been rescued from the hands of the big devil, and she is going to continue fighting before she can catch her breath!  This woman may have Spartan blood...  After complaining in his heart, Fang Yuan said: "...Okay, but even if you want to fight, you must have clothes first!"  Yes, Alice is still the same as she was just rescued, that is, naked, with only a blanket made by Fang Yuan on her body. This look is obviously not what a warrior should look like, but more like a stripper.

Alice just noticed this after Fang Yuan reminded her, and she was embarrassed. She couldn't help but tighten the blanket that had slipped off her body and hugged it tightly to her chest.

"...You're right..."')065'\u003eChapter 65 The Unsettling Cave

A full set of special forces combat uniforms was made for Alice, plus a bulletproof vest, night vision goggles, guns, ammunition and tactical daggers.

A few minutes later, the one who appeared in front of Fang Yuan was no longer the naked sleeping beauty before, but a fully armed and heroic female warrior.

"To be honest, I really think you should leave now and leave the matter to me. You just woke up from a coma..." Fang Yuan finally advised. He didn't want to rescue someone with great effort, but let her fall into it again because of greed and recklessness.

"Don't worry, I'm not an ordinary person. You forgot that I have the T virus perfectly integrated in my body!" As she said this, the female warrior stretched out her hand towards the pile of fallen rocks behind her, and then squeezed them hard. An invisible force acted on the boulders weighing tens or hundreds of tons, instantly crushing them into pieces.

"..." "..." "...Wow!" Fang Yuan was really surprised: "I know you have superpowers... but are they so exaggerated?" Yes, after the Raccoon City incident, Alice, who joined B.S.A.A., was found to have superpowers, including high-speed self-healing, super physical strength, telekinesis, telepathy, ultra-long-distance remote sensing, etc.

But at that time, even at her maximum strength, she could only lift a motorcycle with her mind. She couldn't even lift a slightly heavier car. How could she have evolved to this level all of a sudden? ! "...To be honest, I was surprised too!" As for Alice, who was involved, it was obvious that she would not be any better than Fang Yuan. She looked at her hands, and then at the pile of pieces that were about to be broken into pieces. The rubble is broken, and the face is full of confusion.

"...Accident? Don't you know how far you can do it?" Fang Yuan asked.

"I just wanted to crush these stones into several pieces, but I didn't expect that I would crush them into pieces as soon as I used them..." Fang Yuan: "..." Alice: "..." "It seems like something happened to you. Some changes... I should tell you that you were infected by Wesker with a parasite before. I removed it from your body, but obviously its parasitism still left an impact in your body! " Fang Yuan! After telling the information that he had not mentioned before, he thought that the problem would be solved if the parasite was solved before. It seemed that he would have to check her carefully after he went out.

"Parasite?" Alice didn't seem to know this, so Fang Yuan explained his discovery to her: "Las P-lagas, a parasitic organism that appears in this mountainous area, can cause people to develop parasites just like the T virus. Mutation is another system of biochemical weapons.

Wesker combined it with the T-series virus. I don't know what experiments he did on you, but this is obviously the only explanation for the change in your abilities. "

"Maybe..." Although it is a good thing to have enhanced abilities, Alice does not seem too happy about it.

Fang Yuan knew that this was because she felt that she was getting further and further away from the word "human" and felt that she had become a monster.

Well, for this kind of people, Fang Yuan can only give them one evaluation - hypocritical! This is a super power that many people have been looking forward to, and yet they still dislike this and that... But they are friends after all, and Fang Yuan obviously cannot say these words openly, so he just changed the topic.

"Well, since you have the ability to protect yourself, let's continue the pursuit. Don't wait until Wesker is really resurrected!" "...That's right!" Alice recovered from the tangle and nodded.

… Tracking Wesker is much more troublesome than imagined.

Fang Yuan and the others discovered that almost all of the underground in this mountainous area had been hollowed out. Various railway tracks, tunnels, secret passages, and trestles were intertwined with each other, forming a very complex underground world.

Especially after entering an area full of railroad tracks, the tracks and tunnels extending in all directions gave Fang Yuan and the others the feeling of being in a maze.

Alice asked: "Is this... a mining area?" "Yes, the castle on the ground belongs to the Salazar family, and this mountainous area is the mine that their family has been operating since ancient times. It is said that Las P -Lagas are dug out from deep underground.”

While talking about the information he learned while playing the game, Fang Yuan used various detection equipment to detect Wesker's whereabouts.

"Found it, go this way!" Fang Yuan pointed in the direction of a tunnel and motioned for Alice to follow.

Thanks to Wesker's previous severe physical injuries, which probably never healed, he left very obvious blood-smell molecules along the way. Fang Yuan's armor could easily detect these traces.

Although the biochemical weapon seemed to have a high IQ and knew anti-tracking methods such as detours and camouflage traces, Fang Yuan and the others were still superior and tracked it without any deviation.

However, this underground mine was unexpectedly large, and the destination of the biochemical weapon was also unexpectedly far away. Fang Yuan and Alice had been tracking the complex underground tunnel network for two hours, and still did not see the threat. Sk and the trace of the biochemical weapon.

"We...did we follow the wrong person?" Alice couldn't catch her target and didn't even see her back. Alice had to doubt this.

"No, that's right. The odor molecules emitted by the human blood in front are getting stronger and stronger. We are already very close!" Fang Yuan was very confident in the performance of his armor. He didn't think they were really following the wrong direction. .

Sure enough, after continuing forward, bypassing an unknown deep rift abyss, crossing three almost collapsed wooden rope bridges, and climbing down a rock wall, they finally saw their target. .

It was an artificially dug cave.

Outside the entrance of the cave, which was carved like a gate to hell, two braziers were burning with high flames. Although it looked very warm, Fang Yuan and Alice could not feel the warmth of the flames when they got closer. Instead, a chill began to spread in his heart.

"Something's wrong here!" Alice whispered through gritted teeth.

The powerful spiritual power made her feel the terror and ominousness of this place even more, and even gave her the urge to turn around and run away regardless of anything.

"Something is wrong... You look bad. Let's move away first. We can use the drone to explore the path."

Fang Yuan noticed something was wrong with Alice and immediately suggested to step back a little before talking.

Although he also felt some kind of psychological pressure, maybe it was because he was not as good as Alice in terms of pure mental sensitivity, or maybe it was the door of truth in his mind that protected him. He just felt a little chest tight and anxious, not like Alice. Silk was like that, her face was pale, her head was covered in cold sweat, and her body even started to tremble uncontrollably.

')066'\u003eChapter 66 The Palace of Flesh and Blood

After retreating a little further, Alice's condition finally improved.

Although Fang Yuan didn't say anything, Alice obviously knew that she was holding him back, so she had a look of shame on her face - luckily she had vowed to hunt down Wesker before, but now she doesn't even dare to get close. Getting closer... "There is no need to have too much psychological burden. This is not the place where you people should come - or in other words, as long as you are a normal person, you should not come here."

Through the situation just now, Fang Yuan has understood that this must be like the Stairway to the Sun in Africa, or it may be a relic related to some unnameable existence. The emergence of the Las P-lagas parasite may be related to this place. related.

Moreover, from the previous conversation between Wesker and Salazar, we can guess that there should be an altar in this cave, and the cult leader named Sadler has been staying there to perform some kind of ritual - I am afraid he has really discovered something extraordinary. Something, and then changed his job from a liar leader to a true cult believer! Fang Yuan was worried and a little uneasy. Don't wait until something indescribable appears... A few minutes later, Fang Yuan refined several more drones, but this time It's not a flying version, but a version that crawls on the ground like an insect, making it even harder to detect.

After entering the cave, the first thing you see is a long corridor. Although this corridor is not long, it is extremely winding. It is just over thirty meters long but has several twists and turns.

Through the perspective of the drone, Fang Yuan could see countless ferocious reliefs carved on these rock walls.

It was a monster that countless Fang Yuan had never seen before, such as upper and lower limbs without a body, a stomach-like thing with fins, a heart with countless sharp teeth, and a human centipede composed of countless human limbs. Humanoid shapes with countless eyes and mouthparts, like giant lumps of meat mixed with starfish, octopuses, worms and other random things.

Twisted, grotesque, terrifying, and indescribable. Watching it once will give you nightmares at night.

However, Fang Yuan's mental toughness was pretty good, and since he was watching from the perspective of a drone, he was not greatly affected, so he just shook his head to get rid of the discomfort.

Ignoring these weird and grotesque reliefs, Fang Yuan continued to control the drone deeper into the cave, until finally, the drone entered an even larger cave.

Then, what caught Fang Yuan's eyes was an even more terrifying scene.

It was a palace of flesh and blood that was like a Zerg carpet and an alien nest.

A fleshy carpet made of unknown creatures covered all the surfaces of the cave. Whether it was the floor, rock walls, dome, or the hanging stalactites, every inch of space was covered with creepy flesh and blood.

Moreover, these flesh and blood are not dead things, but alive! There is no need to use a life detector. You can see through the camera that those things that are trembling and squirming like blood vessels are spread all over the surface of the flesh and blood cave, seeming to be transporting water to this living palace. Nutrition.

There were countless cyst-like lumps taking root and growing in these flesh-and-blood networks. Through the translucent fleshy films, Fang Yuan could see that something seemed to be pregnant inside.

Occasionally, a few lumps burst, and some indescribably ugly monsters crawled out from them, just like the monsters carved in relief outside. They were twisted, mutilated, chaotic, and indescribable. They could be called synonymous with error and horror.

As soon as these monsters appeared, they bit and devoured the flesh on the ground, and then grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. As they grew, they continued to undergo various abominable mutations. New limbs replaced the old limbs, and new organs swallowed up the old ones. organ, and eventually turns into something completely different.

But the monster that reached the end of the mutation was quickly wrapped and devoured by the tentacles protruding from the meat. Amidst a creepy chewing sound, after a while, new lumps grew again in that place... Pregnancy, birth, growth, mutation, recycling, and rebirth... Although ferocious, terrifying, evil, and twisted, when this scene was displayed in front of Fang Yuan's eyes, it strangely presented an alternative beauty, as if it was attracting people. As he threw himself into this endless cycle of mutation and evolution - "...Fang, Fang! Wake up! What's wrong with you?" It was as if a voice from the horizon awakened Fang who had fallen into sluggishness. Yuan.

"...I'm fine!" Fang Yuan gasped for air as he woke up from a dream.

Even though she couldn't see his expression through his suit, Alice could tell that Fang Yuan's mood was very unstable.

"What did you see?" She understood that Fang Yuan must have seen something from the drone's picture.

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