The original author of this work is not Nasu Mushroom or Urobuchi Gen, but Higashide Yuichiro, who is nicknamed the magical Higashide. In addition to the original novel, there are also related comics and adapted animations, which can be seen in the plot. It is a parallel timeline branching off from the Third Holy Grail War in the main work's timeline, that is, the Fourth Holy Grail War on another world line that is completely different from the main work.

Well, this work is also known as the worst of all Fate animated works. I won’t go into detail here about how bad it is. Anyone who has watched it knows it.

However, for Yuzuka Satsuki now, this anime with a stupid plot and lazy animation is not just an anime - "Animation has become a reality... No, it should be said that the reality of our world lies with you. There are just animations there, which is really hard to laugh at..." The vampire girl said with a complicated mood.

"It seems that letting you watch more dramas is the right decision. I don't need to explain it anymore!" Fang Yuan saw the girl's reaction and nodded with relief.

That's good. He doesn't need to say much about the information. He can understand his situation immediately. It's so comfortable to lead teammates like this! If he brings a newbie who doesn't know anything and wants to ask questions about everything, then he will really collapse.

" did you know that this is the F/A world? Logically speaking, things in the other world shouldn't be published in newspapers, right? Could it be the agent just now?" The girl had been staying with Fang Yuan before. Together, in the past few hours, she had seen the other party buying several local newspapers, but in her opinion, it was impossible to obtain information about the magic world from these daily media, except for the unlucky reminder just now. There is no other possibility except to hit the agent on the edge of the knife.

"Oh~ You're so smart! I really can't tell that your brain can actually be put to good use one day?" Fang Yuan was very impressed that the girl could think of this on her own.

"Who...whose brain is not working well?! Although...although my academic performance is a bit average, it is still above the average! Don't treat me as a fool!" "Hey! You are not Idiot..." In response to the girl's strong reaction, Fang Yuan responded perfunctorily.

But what she just said was right. Fang Yuan was able to learn the information about the other world through the representative of the Holy Church.

As the first monster that Fang Yuan and others encountered after coming to this world, this agent generously gave his life and soul, which not only allowed Fang Yuan to accumulate the Philosopher's Stone again, It also provided Fang Yuan with a lot of key information about this world.

——Thanks to the aftereffects of the information bombing that lasted for more than a month, Fang Yuan's understanding of the nature of the soul has unknowingly reached a higher level, and he has learned to read and even read the soul's memory without any teacher. Ability to rewrite.

From the soul memory of this agent, we learned that among the group of mysterious messengers in this world, the Holy Grail War is no longer a little-known secret, but a special spiritual magic ritual that is about to become widespread.

Since the Third Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City 60 years ago, the Great Holy Grail was captured by the Nazis, and the information about the Holy Grail War was made public. Various subspecies of Holy Grail Wars have blossomed in various countries around the world, and summoning heroic spirits has become commonplace.

Of course, most of the heroic spirits summoned in the Holy Grail War of these subspecies are incomplete in number and class, and the summoned Holy Grail does not have the ability to connect to the source. Therefore, this ritual has gradually ceased to be valued by the Magic Association, and has gradually been reduced to that of those family members. A means used by superficial "wild" magicians to strengthen their power and achieve their wishes.

However, this alone does not allow Fang Yuan to be sure that this world is the F/A world.

However, if coupled with the information that "the Yggdmirenia clan has officially declared independence from the Magic Association and uses the Great Holy Grail as its symbol," Fang Yuan can be sure that this is indeed where the plot of Fate/Apocrypha takes place. world.

Red and black, 7vs7, plus a Ruler class judge, and a former Ruler who survived the last Holy Grail War, a total of sixteen knights participating in the Holy Grail War are about to begin! ... "Uncle, um... we are outsiders, why do we want to participate in this Holy Grail War?" Although Yuzuka Satsuki also wanted to see what kind of spectacular scene a real war of heroes would be. La, but she still remembered that her original purpose was to go home.

What does this Holy Grail War, which is filled with shady secrets, both sides compete to cheat, and the referee openly blows the whistle, have to do with her goal? "First of all, the Great Holy Grail is a good thing!" Fang Yuan glanced at the vampire girl sitting in the back seat and explained patiently: "If it is like in the original work, it is taken to the inner sea of ​​stars by an evil dragon and becomes... "The evil dragon's treasure, that's too much of a waste of natural resources, you might as well let me keep it and use it."

Yuzuka Satsuki: "..." Such an upright gangster declared, could this guy's ancestors be thieves? "Then what?" The girl knew that the other person's words would have consequences, so she asked calmly.

"Then, I was very interested in the existence form of heroic spirits, and wanted to study them up close."

Fang Yuan's answer was not beyond Yumatsuka Satsuki's expectations. Sure enough, this guy's research addiction has come back... And, research one or two... I'm afraid it's not research in that area! The girl immediately thought of the big sister Jeanne d'Arc who appeared in the F/A plot. Even though they were both girls, Yumatsuka Satsuki had to admit that a figure of that level was indeed quite attractive.

Remember what this guy said, he didn't like girls with skinny figures, and he also mocked her. Could it be... For a moment, the girl's mind was full of imagination.

After a long time, the vampire girl who had been performing the 18X brain-hole theater for half a day came back to her senses and realized what she had just been fantasizing about. She immediately blushed and shook her head fiercely, and didn't speak for a long time.

... "But... can the two of us really fight against the legendary heroes? You should have read the plot, right? Those heaven-destroying treasures... can humans really resist them?" Looking at the silhouette of the city getting closer and closer in front of her, the girl asked uneasily.

Although she knew Fang Yuan was indeed very strong, Fang Yuan had never shown his true strength in front of her. Compared with those heroes in the anime who fired light cannons at the slightest disagreement... she had no confidence at all! ')201'\u003eChapter 200 Girl, witness the miracle!

However, although they were going to participate in the Holy Grail War, Fang Yuan and Yuzuka Mayu did not directly enter the city of Tulifas, but stopped more than ten kilometers away from the city.

"Sure enough, the ground veins near here have been controlled by someone!" After getting off the car, Fang Yuan sensed the direction of the spirit veins flowing under the Guangbao land in front of him, and easily found traces of artificial distortion and control.

Obviously, this is the method left by the Yugdomrenia clan, who has been operating in this country for many years, in the underground spirit veins. Magicians who have mastered the spirit veins will gain great convenience and bonuses when performing magic on this land, and will have greater geographical advantages when facing outsiders without any foundation.

Not to mention, most of these spiritual vein networks are equipped with corresponding magic barriers, which can not only serve as a warning when foreign enemies invade, but some can even be used to suppress enemy forces.

However, in this land belonging to the Yugdomrenia clan, things are a little different.

——The earth veins here also have the additional function of providing energy for the Holy Grail.

Fang Yuan even found some heterogeneous energy with different properties from the earth veins in the underground spiritual veins around this city. Like a network, it covers the surface of the spiritual veins and conducts another completely different power cycle.

And the center of this network is the castle located on the outskirts of Tulifas, which is where the Holy Grail was taken away by Danic 60 years ago.

Although he wanted to just rush in and grab the Holy Grail and leave, Fang Yuan knew that the other party had summoned at least one heroic spirit - the protector of Romania in history, the shield of Christianity, but because of the fabrication of later writers, he had the devilish title of vampire Dracula - Romanian hero - Vlad III.

His power as a servant can only be regarded as second-rate, but in the land of Romania, he has been strengthened to the point that he is not inferior to any top servant with the reputation correction. He can be said to be a very powerful opponent.

"Has the plot developed to this point..." Using mental power to sense the entire city and the surrounding large forests, Fang Yuan "saw" the forest of spears piercing corpses in the forest.

It seems that the first wave of crusade personnel from the Magic Association has come and paid the price of their lives. According to the plot, the survivors of the Magic Association should have activated the "emergency mechanism" of the Holy Grail at this time, opening up the summoning quota for another seven servants, that is, the 7vs7 Holy Grail War has begun! With Fang Yuan's current strength, he would not be afraid to face a Servant alone, but if the opponent has summoned several Servants, it would be unrealistic for him to take the Holy Grail alone.

...  "In other words, we can only choose to join the Red Side now?"  The vampire girl listened to Fang Yuan's explanation and roughly understood the current situation.

In her opinion, since the Black Side, that is, the side of Yugdomirenia, has summoned all 7 Servants, the only way for Fang Yuan to participate in the war is to join the Red Side.

However, Fang Yuan told her that this was impossible.

"Are you stupid? We are neither magicians affiliated with the Magic Association, nor powerful magicians with a wide reputation in the dark world, nor are we members of the church. How can we be qualified to participate in the war so easily!" "Eh? Then what are you going to do? What to do? If you are not qualified to participate in the war, you can't even summon the heroic spirit?" The girl couldn't understand. Could it be that Fang Yuan was giving up? But the look on his face doesn't look like it... "Hmph! Who said that you have to summon servants to participate in the Holy Grail War?" Fang Yuan snorted coldly: "These heroic spirits who are bragging to the sky are just a group of mere humans in the final analysis. The ancient bastards who can run rampant in the planet, this time, I will let them experience the technological power from the interstellar era!" "...Really..." Yuzuka Satsuki had a premonition before, and now when he heard it, She was finally convinced that Fang Yuan was going to make big news! "Okay... what do you want to do?" Yuzuka Satsuki asked resignedly.

Having already boarded the pirate ship, the vampire girl couldn't escape alone - besides, she had no place to run. In this foreign country where she didn't even understand the language, it would be difficult for her to survive... Oh, no, She is now a vampire. When she is hungry, she only needs to find a homeless man to suck his blood. When she is sleepy, she can find a bridge to sleep. She is not afraid of the sun during the day, as long as she avoids those Church representatives with noses that are sharper than dogs. Or, she should be able to survive... "First, we must have a base that is easy to defend but difficult to attack!" Fang Yuan said.

"Yeah!" The girl nodded, indicating that this was reasonable.

"Then what? Where should we look for as a base?" "Looking? Why are we looking? Have you forgotten my job?" Fang Yuan looked sideways at the vampire girl.

"My job..." The girl bit her finger and pondered for a while, then said, "Mad scientist?" Bang!  (\u003e﹏ ↑Yumizuka Satsuki holding his head and squatting in defense.

"It hurts!" Well, in order to make the memory of this vampire who shines brightly (in every sense of the word) with a little sunshine more profound, Fang Yuan deliberately turned off the space shield on her body when using the hand knife attack.

"It's an alchemist!" Fang Yuan once again solemnly reiterated his true position.

"Hmm~ Alchemist... What does this have to do with the question just now?" The girl rubbed her head and asked with an unhappy look on her face.

"Hmph! It seems you haven't watched enough episodes! Remember, the most powerful thing about an alchemist is never his combat power and destructive power, but his creative ability!" ... "So, you don't want to show off your The creative ability? Why did you turn around and come so far away?" The girl was led by Fang Yuan all the way away from Tulifas City and into a deserted mountain.

"Just watch!" Fang Yuan said, and then ignored the vampire girl beside him, closed his eyes, and contacted his other self in another time and space deep in his consciousness.

In a few moments, an extremely large and complex piece of information was transmitted from the other side of time and space. Fang Yuan calmly received it one after another and transferred it to the nanomachinery computing network connected to his consciousness in real time.

Opening his eyes, Fang Yuan took out the only drop of the Philosopher's Stone in his hand and used it without hesitation. He saw the azure refined lightning rushing from Fang Yuan's feet to all directions like a violent wave, covering the surrounding area in an instant. A vast area of ​​thousands of meters.

The next moment, Yuzuka Satsuki witnessed a miracle! ')202'\u003eChapter 201 The metal city rising into the starry sky

"This... this, this, this... this can also be done by alchemy?!" The vampire girl looked at the scene in front of her and was so shocked that she opened her mouth from ear to ear. At the same time, her understanding of Fang Yuan was once again refreshed.

In the blue lightning, the rocks, sand, soil, trees, flowers and grass were all decomposed into particles invisible to the naked eye by some kind of force, and then reassembled in the next moment, transformed into a new substance and form, following someone's will, a steel building. The city rises from the ground! The metal outer wall exuding silver-gray luster, the majestic building full of geometric lines, and the huge body the size of a small mountain... Yuzuka Satsuki couldn't believe it, all of this happened just now Created within ten seconds! "...This is...the alchemist's creative ability you mentioned?" The girl murmured.

"Huh, are you surprised?" After completing such a huge project, Fang Yuan looked as relaxed as if he had just done a small thing.

He snapped his fingers, and a passage made of space distortion appeared in front of the two of them. Through the passage, Yuzuka Satsuki could see the scene on the opposite side - it was a huge round hall full of science fiction style. It was a room in the steel city in front of me.

Only then did she realize that this city of steel, which had sprung up out of thin air, had no physical doors or windows! "Could it be...that this is the entrance?" The girl looked at the space passage that looked like ripples in the water, and hesitated to enter.

"That's right, didn't I say that? The base must be easy to defend but difficult to attack!" ...So it's easy to defend but difficult to attack? Think about it carefully, indeed! There isn't even a door, so it's really difficult for the enemy to break in.

But... can a wall made of metal alone stop those heroic spirits who casually greet them with light cannons? Following Fang Yuan into the space passage, and entering this huge circular hall filled with all kinds of unknown advanced instruments and projection screens, the girl looked around, and for a moment she felt like she had stepped into the future.

The girl walked to the middle of the hall, where a huge circular platform was placed.

I accidentally put my hand on the platform, and suddenly, beams of light shot out from all corners of the platform, projecting a three-dimensional projection in mid-air that looked full of science fiction.

"This is..." She saw the uppermost structure of this projection, with an umbrella-shaped base, which seemed to be very close to the shape of the Steel City she had seen outside before.

"Could it be that..." She turned her attention to the lower part of the three-dimensional projection. It was a complex structure composed of multiple layers of gradually deformed cones. In terms of volume alone, it was even several times the size of the umbrella-shaped superstructure.

"Is the main part of this base underground?" "Underground? No, not underground, but in the sky!" Fang Yuan shook his head to deny the girl's statement.

"Heaven?" The girl didn't know why.

In response, Fang Yuan showed a mysterious smile.

"[Friday], activate full-band invisibility, activate the space shield, activate the anti-gravity system, let's fly to the stars!" He gave the order to the second-generation AI written by [Ether] himself and then transmitted from the main body, Accompanied by a slight sense of weightlessness, the girl turned her head and looked around.

At this time, the floor, ceiling, and surrounding walls in the hall, which originally had a silver-gray metallic color, seemed to have become transparent, reflecting the outside world.

The earth... is falling? No! It's her who's rising! It’s this city of steel... no, it’s this entire giant metal artifact that I don’t know what to call rising! As if he thought this was not intuitive enough, Fang Yuan snapped his fingers, and [Friday] projected a picture in front of the girl very sensibly. It was a super giant "flying aircraft" with a height of several thousand meters from the perspective of the ground. "City" lifts itself out of the ground and gradually disappears into the air.

"Is this... your real power?" At this moment, the vampire girl finally understood what kind of power the self-proclaimed alchemist in front of her possessed - the power to create all things like a god! Of course, Fang Yuan, who unknowingly has a little fan girl, knows his own affairs. The power he has now is far from being called a "god". When will he be able to pinch a star out of the vacuum? Maybe he can get a little closer to the real God in his mind if he comes to the planet.

No matter how the girl's thoughts changed, or Fang Yuan's fantasies (delusions) about his future, the giant metal city controlled by AI and the anti-gravity device left the atmosphere in just a few minutes and reached the geosynchronous orbit. , and accurately avoided all satellites and spacecraft, and was fixed at this position.

"At this time, our base can be called 'impregnable'!" Looking down from space at the earth's surface 36,000 kilometers below, under the joint imaging of high-definition synthetic aperture radar, optical lenses and energy detection radar, Tuli Fasi, all the movements in this ancient Eastern European city were clearly presented in the eyes of Fang Yuan and the two of them, like looking at lines on the palm of their hands.

"...Indeed, in outer space, those magicians and heroic spirits cannot threaten us...But, this is the same for us, right? We are already in outer space, how can we interfere in the Holy Grail War and seize the Great Holy Grail? Huh?" Although she always felt uneasy about Fang Yuan's decision to join the war at first, after witnessing this miraculous scene, she no longer had any doubts about Fang Yuan's strength.

But the crux of the matter is that they seem to be further away from the Great Holy Grail now, right? ! ! "You! You're still broken!" Fang Yuan shook his head and said in an elder's tone: "Did you forget the space passage we used when we came in?" "Uh - you mean... we Can we return directly to the surface in that way? " Yuzuka Satsuki has no idea how much black technology the Uncle Fang in front of him possesses. Is he not a Zenith star? "Naturally, the space-time teleportation system of this space city can not only teleport any person or object to any space coordinate in the solar system, but can also teleport people or objects from any location back."

"That is to say..." The girl seemed to have thought of something.

"In other words, we already have the super strategic maneuverability of zero-day strikes across the map. Coupled with the fact that we are far away in outer space, we can clearly see everything happening on the surface, and we have the strongest information. Advantages... Huh! Let those anti-intellectual and anti-technology primitive people see the true power of technology!" Fang Yuan stretched out his right hand, held it in front of the image of the earth, and made this declaration.

The third update is here')203'\u003eChapter 202: Good boy, don't just pick up things and take them home~

"What is the cause of the abnormality in the earth's veins? Has it been investigated?" In Tulifas City, the leader of the Yggdmilenia clan, Danic Prestone Yggdmilenia, sat next to him. The girl in a wheelchair asked about the abnormal changes in the earth's veins that had occurred within half an hour.

"Yes! The artificial people discovered the source of the abnormal movement in the mountainous area 30 kilometers away from Tulifas. Where there was supposed to be a mountain peak, it has now turned into a huge sinkhole with a diameter of more than a thousand meters! According to It is estimated that the depth of this huge crater is several thousand meters, and judging from the fractured rock formations and fallen trees around it, the time when this crater appeared coincides with the time when the underground spiritual veins experienced abnormal changes." The name is Fiore· The wheelchair-bound girl from Fulvege Yogdomirenia gave her report with a serious look on her face.

Although she is young and has limited mobility in her legs due to a qualitative change in the magic circuit, she has to be trapped in a wheelchair. However, this girl magician who looks cute and dignified has gained a lot of popularity in the second-rate city of Yogurt. Among the Domilenian clan, he is considered to be the most outstanding person, and was even designated as the successor by Danik, the clan leader.

Therefore, this time the task of detecting the abnormality was directly entrusted to her, and she lived up to expectations and found the source of the abnormality in just half an hour.

"A huge sinkhole with a diameter of thousands of meters and a depth of thousands of meters... is it the effect of the heroic spirit's Noble Phantasm?" Danik held his chin in thought.

According to Fiore's description, this level of destructive power is beyond the reach of ordinary human magicians. Could it be a servant summoned by the Magic Association? But why dig such a deep hole in that place? Is it a provocation? Still testing... "No, uncle, I don't think this is caused by heroic spirits!" Regarding Darnik's guess, the wheelchair girl did not blindly agree, but boldly put forward her own different opinions.

"Oh? Tell me what you think!" However, as the patriarch of the clan, Danik did not feel dissatisfied with the girl's objection in person. Instead, he motioned for the girl to continue.

"First of all, I didn't detect any residual magic power near this sinkhole. If it was caused by the attack of heroic spirits, no matter how much, there should be residual magic power!" "No residual magic power?" Danik frowned. He frowned and realized something was wrong.

"Yes, there is no magic left, but I have discovered the abnormal displacement and consumption of the spiritual veins around the sinkhole. Not only has the direction of the earth veins itself changed, but also a large amount of spiritual power in the earth veins has disappeared, as if It's like it was artificially taken away!" "There is no magic left, the displacement and abnormal loss of the spiritual veins..." "And the most important thing is that my familiar found this in the forest around the sinkhole!" Girl! As she spoke, she took out something from under the wheelchair she was sitting on and presented it to her uncle, the clan leader.

"This should be left by the person who created the sinkhole. It looks like some kind of magic gift?" The girl said with some uncertainty.

What appeared in front of Danik was a spherical object the size of a fist, made of metal, plastic and glass of different colors. It seemed to be some kind of machine, but it was impossible to tell what function it was.

However, although he is essentially an old man who is nearly a hundred years old, Darnic's understanding of technological creations is obviously better than that of Fiore, who has almost no knowledge of things other than magic. He can tell at a glance that the things the girl brought back are This thing is not a magic gift, not even a magic creation, but a real technological product! "...Sister, this is not a magic gift, but a technological creation!" A voice full of helplessness came from behind. The girl turned around and saw her brother, Corles, approaching.

The boy who looked very much like his sister covered his forehead with one hand, as if he was no longer impressed by his sister's level of technological idiocy.

"Cores, you're here just in time. Among the magicians of our clan, you are the one who knows the most about the development of science and technology in the outside world. Come and see what this thing is!" Although Danik can see the metal The sphere was a product of technology, but that was all he could see. As for what function this thing had, he was completely confused - after all, he was already nearly a hundred years old! Although he tried hard to keep up with the times, in fact, magic alone took up almost all of his energy. His understanding of modern technology was really not as good as that of the young Cowles.

"This thing..." The boy took the metal sphere from his sister's hand and played with it for a while. Then he didn't know what he pressed. He heard a "click" and the original sphere suddenly unfolded like a flower, revealing the inside. Structure.

"...Is this a camera?" The boy could see the structure inside this spherical machine at a glance.

Well, that's right, this thing is actually a camera that Fang Yuan built remotely on the ground in order to let Yuzuka Satsuki watch the scene of the space city taking off more intuitively.

After completing its mission, it did not contain any sensitive technology and had lost its function. It was directly abandoned by Fang Yuan. It was thrown on the ground in the forest and no one cared about it. Finally, it was picked up by an attentive girl in a wheelchair. return.

"The it for surveillance?" "Surveillance...I found it in the forest around the sinkhole. Could it be that it is monitoring the people who created the sinkhole? Is there another group of people?" " ...No, maybe, this is the message the other party wants to leave us!" Corless said, making Fiore and Danik look at him, no, it's the "camera" in his hand! ".

Buzz - Along with the slight sound of motor rotation, the spherical machine that unfolded like a flower bud suddenly flew up from Cowles' palm and suspended in mid-air.

Fiore: "!" The magician girl, who thought this was the enemy's trick, immediately became vigilant. The magic power in her body was surging, and the offensive magic was ready to go out at any time.

Darnik also immediately raised his cane, ready to perform magic at any time.

Even Cowles was shocked. He thought that what his sister brought back was just a camera with a special appearance. What was really important was the footage recorded inside. Who would have thought that it could actually fly? ​Is this...a drone? "Zi...Zi...Cough! Hello? Sound check! Can you hear me?" At this moment, a slightly distorted male voice came from the drone.

The strange development made the three people present not act rashly. Danik and the two boys and girls looked at each other, and finally it was he, as the patriarch, who spoke: "Who is your Excellency?"')204'\u003e203 Chapter Limited Spoilers \u0026 The Confident Archduke

Crackling——With the sound of electric short circuit, the drone fell to the ground with black smoke.

However, the three people present had no intention of paying attention to such trivial matters. The information just revealed to them by the mysterious figure behind the drone really needed to be digested by them.

"Amakusa Shiro Tokisada... I didn't expect that you are still alive, and you have a body, and you participated in this Holy Grail War!" Darnik, who had always been graceful and confident about winning this Holy Grail War, was gloomy. He grimaced and gritted his teeth as he read out the name.

Yes, the mysterious figure behind the drone just now, that is, Fang Yuan, disclosed this key information to the magician of Yggdomirenia with some malicious intent. No, to be precise, It was revealed to Darnik himself.

This made the "old" magician, who had always thought that the Holy Grail War had been stabilized this time, suddenly became vigilant.

Darnic, who had personally experienced the last Holy Grail War, knew very well how much advantage a Ruler class servant could have in the Holy Grail War, especially when the opponent was Shiro Tokisada Amakusa who was almost going to win the third Holy Grail War! You know, if Darnik had not introduced the Nazi German army in time and snatched away the Great Holy Grail, the real winner of the Holy Grail War should actually be the Ruler of that year, the ultimate named Amakusa Shiro Tokisada. Eastern Saint.

I thought that the other party had returned to the Seat of Heroes after the Holy Grail War, but I didn't expect that the other party actually obtained a body through contact with the Great Holy Grail, and even lived until now 60 years later! With 60 years of preparation time, Tadanik was able to develop the originally unknown Yggdomirenia to its current scale, and even had the confidence to become independent from the Magic Association. What about the other party? With the Holy Church on his back, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, who has been dormant for 60 years and prepared for 60 years, is also obsessed with the Holy Grail. How far can he achieve it? It seems that the strategy has to be changed... As the clan leader, Danik was shocked by the name of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, while as juniors, Fiore and Coles were full of doubts, as if they didn't know the clan leader. Why do adults change their expressions just because of a mere name?

"Amakusa Shiro this name familiar to you, sister?" Corless asked his sister - although a magician should be well-informed and knowledgeable, Cores himself was not a very good one. The magician, who prefers to pay attention to modern scientific and technological knowledge, really has no impression of this name that has almost no sense of existence in world history. He can only judge from the name. He seems to be an Oriental? Perhaps, only those scholars or magicians who have studied Eastern history will have some understanding of this inconspicuous historical figure! "Amakusa Shiro Tokisada... I remember that this was a peasant uprising leader who appeared in the country called Japan hundreds of years ago... No, to be precise, he should be a religious uprising leader! Let me think about it ...It seems to be the Shimabara Rebellion? That’s how it was read, but I can’t remember the details. I need to look up the literature!” As expected, the older sister is the older sister, even though Fiore is an “honor student”. I also can't remember the detailed records of Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, but at least I can still remember some key entries, which is much better than Cores who has no idea who this guy is.

"That is to say... the other party is also a Heroic Spirit!" In fact, Coles didn't care what kind of deeds this Amakusa Shiro Tokisada had in history. He was very pragmatic in nature, and he was more concerned about another thing - the other side of the Holy Grail War had one more Heroic Spirit than their Yugdomirenia side! The original 7vs7 equal battle turned into 7vs8! Coach, someone is cheating!!! "Yes... and from what this mysterious person said just now, we can know that the Holy Relics prepared by the Magic Association for this Holy Grail War are better than ours, and the Heroic Spirits summoned will be more powerful... but it's too late to find and replace other Holy Relics now!" Fiore noticed another piece of information provided by Fang Yuan before - that is, what she just said, the Magic Association spent a lot of money to provide super high-level Holy Relics. According to the mysterious person, the Heroic Spirits summoned by the red side will be one level higher than the Heroic Spirits of their black side in overall strength.

Although I don't know how the other party knows such information, and I don't know whether what the other party said is true, but if we consider it from the worst perspective, the situation of their Yugdomrenia clan in this Holy Grail War is indeed a bit dangerous! "Don't worry about these!" Danic, who stopped thinking alone at some point, heard the discussion between the siblings and said: "With the King of Romania, no matter how strong the enemy is, our Yugdomrenia clan will win!" "That's right, with me, no matter how powerful the enemy summoned by the red side, as long as they dare to invade my territory, they will bear my wrath and will only end up being pierced by iron stakes!" The red and black magic power condensed in the air and turned into a tall human figure with a huge sense of oppression.

That nearly white hair, tall and straight body, noble manners, but also has the temperament of a battlefield general, plus the black eyeshadow like dark circles brings a bit of evil charm - this is the servant summoned by Danic, the Black Lancer, the Romanian hero with other names such as King of Romania, Shield of Christ, Son of the Dragon, and Impaler, Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad III.

As a king who once dominated Romania, his popularity in Romania can rival Hercules of Greece and King Arthur of England.

In Romania, with the addition of local popularity, Vlad III, who was not originally considered a powerful Heroic Spirit, has been strengthened to the level of any first-class Heroic Spirit. He is also the strategic center of the Eugedomrenia family in this Holy Grail War. Even Danic himself, as the master, treats him with the courtesy of a minister to a king (well, another Toki-minister...).

For the King of Romania, everything that had happened here before could be hidden from his eyes and ears, and naturally he also heard all the information given by Fang Yuan.

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