However, even though he knew that the enemy was likely to summon a stronger spirit than his own, the brave and fearless Piercing Lord was not afraid at all.

"Darnic, complete the summoning of the other heroic spirits as soon as possible and officially start the Holy Grail War! Humph! Let me see who the heroic spirits on the red side are!" "I obey, my king!" Darnic bowed deeply. Bow and accept the order gladly.

')205'\u003eChapter 204 Summoning of Heroic Spirits

Geosynchronous orbit, in the space city.

After casually speaking a few words, he passed on some insignificant information to the Yggdomirenia clan on the black side in the Holy Grail War to make them a little more alert, and then gave a small dig to Tokisada, Amakusa Shiro on the red side. Fang Yuan stopped interfering.

After taking a look at the energy detection radar, the number of huge energy radiation sources displayed on it was less than ten. It seemed that the summons of all the followers had not been completed yet.

However, you won’t have to wait too long! Sure enough, that night, a huge energy reaction erupted in Tulifas Castle and the cemetery outside the city almost simultaneously. Fang Yuan knew that the final Servant summons had finally begun.

... "Using silver and iron as raw materials, based on stone and the Grand Duke of the Contract, the color of dedication is 'red'——" In the gloomy cemetery, in a summoning array painted with blood donations, facing the stone A simple altar with broken pieces of wood placed on it, and a vicious man with three scars on his face spoke the lines to summon the heroic spirits.

"Use the wall to block the coming wind——" "Close the four doors——" "Come out from the crown——" "Continuously circulate on the three forked roads leading to the kingdom——" In the majestic ancient castle, four people from Magicians from different families but with the same surname read out the words of the initiation ceremony in sequence.

"I declare here - your body will be my destiny, my destiny will be entrusted to your sword, follow the entrustment of the Holy Grail, if you are willing to follow this intention and reason, then respond!" With a tragic past, burdened by the family The fate of having his bloodline cut off, seeking death with all his heart, lingering in dangerous battlefields all year round, but never being able to die, the man named Shishi Jie Jieli opened his mouth and chanted.

""""I hereby swear that I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds in the world, and I am the one who suppresses all the malice in the world——"""" Having their own misfortune and dissatisfaction, they were ostracized by the mainstream magic groups together, and finally met in the same place The magicians who came together under the call of an idea, had the same name, and became "family" swore in unison.

"You, who are surrounded by three great word spirits for seven days, come to the Wheel of Suppression, Guardian of Libra!" As the last word spirit fell, the high-speed surge of magic power in the magic circuit brought an unbearable sting. , but the man who had been fighting death for many years did not take it seriously at all. Instead, he looked expectantly at the figure gradually emerging from the surge of magic power——..."""Follow the call and come, we are the Black One. Servant, our destiny will be to coexist with Yggdmirenia, and our sword will be your sword! """" The four servants who walked out of the summoning array knelt down on one knee and made an oath to their master to share a common destiny.

"This...this is..." "Heroic Spirits..." The young masters felt the powerful magic emanating from the heroes, as well as the real sense of oppression, and truly felt the power beyond human beings! "King, they are the servants summoned by our Black Master, that is, the king's subordinates!" Danik, dressed in formal attire, bowed and paid respect and loyalty to the ancient king sitting on the "throne".

"Well!" The king named Vlad III nodded slightly, then stood up and raised his head, and said to the half-kneeling heroic spirits below: "Everyone who seeks the Holy Grail and responded to the call, maybe you have your own desires for the Holy Grail. , But this Holy Grail War is different from the past, let us win as the Black camp first!" At the same time, as the leader of the masters, Darnic also said to the masters of the black side: "Summon them! After that, we, Yggdmirenia, embarked on a road of battle from which there is no turning back! "Yes, and it must be a very difficult and bloody road full of setbacks, pain, and sacrifices.

After learning that one of the masters on the red side was Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, Danik no longer dared to underestimate his opponent in this Holy Grail War.

However, here, at this moment, he must assume the responsibility of the leader of the Yggdomirenia clan and show his absolute confidence.

He looked at the Masters who had different expressions, either excited, excited, or serious, and made a declaration of victory in a high-spirited tone: "But! When this war ends, the one who fights as the Master to the end will , we will surely gain infinite glory! There is no need to be afraid! Because we already have the almighty wishing machine... and we have the Great Holy Grail!”… With the crisp sound of the metal armor pieces, The human form summoned from the other side of time and space came into reality.

What emerged from the summoning array was a figure of medium height, wearing heavy armor and a horned helmet.

Although he doesn't look very tall, his body that can be said to be "petite" exudes an unmistakable aura of strength.

"You are..." The necromancer named Lion Jie Jieli looked at the servant he summoned, unable to determine the identity of the other party for a moment.

After all, the catalyst he used to summon the Heroic Spirit was a fragment of the Round Table excavated in Britain, so it would not be surprising to summon any Knight of the Round Table.

However——Accompanied by a sound of metal collision, the knight's head armor flipped and shifted like a delicate exoskeleton machine, transforming into additional armor plates, embedded in other parts of the heavy armor.

At this time, as the Master, he saw the appearance of his Servant clearly——the long golden hair tied into a ponytail, the emerald green eyes, and the delicate and small face...  "I am Mordred! The only orthodox successor of Knight King Arthur Pendragon——I ask you, are you my Master?"  ...  "The actors are finally here!"  Fang Yuan glanced at the fourteen red dots displayed on the screen, and another red dot moving at high speed in the image sent back from the satellite launched to the other side of the earth. He knew that all the participants in this Holy Grail War had finally arrived.

Well, there is still one missing, Fang Yuan knows.

The saint lady who couldn't manifest in the world in her physical form hadn't come yet, but it didn't matter. A girl named Leticia had been found in the French population database. Fang Yuan had already sent a satellite to monitor her 24 hours a day. The green dot moving on the other screen was her.

"But... it seems that something inharmonious has been mixed into this war!" Fang Yuan was thoughtful as he looked at the special targets in the energy detection radar, which had a slightly smaller energy response than the Heroic Servant, but far higher than that of ordinary people or even ordinary magicians.

')206'\u003eChapter 205 The Unknown Third Camp \u0026 the Raging Berserker

"It seems that the people of the Yugdomrenia clan and the Magic Association have completed the summoning of the Heroic Spirits, and the real Holy Grail War is about to begin!" In an unknown dark secret room, several figures hidden in the shadows were talking.

"The Holy Grail, the Universal Cauldron, the manifestation of the Third Law, the path to the origin... Such good things are not only wanted by the Yugdomrenia clan or the Magic Association!" "How are our preparations?" "From more than a thousand experimental subjects, a total of 7 sub-servants who perfectly integrated the power of Heroic Spirits were selected, which just corresponded to the camp of the Holy Grail War. What a coincidence!" "Sub-servants allow humans to have the same power as Heroic Spirit Servants. It is an incredible technology... That group of mysterious people really sent out good things!" "Then, let them participate in this Holy Grail War as the 'White' camp! We must seize the Holy Grail!" ... Fang Yuan, who was far away in the geosynchronous orbit of outer space, certainly did not know that this secret meeting happened somewhere on the ground, but his energy detection radar scanned some special energy reactions.

- Slightly inferior to normal Heroic Spirits, but thousands or even tens of thousands of times stronger than ordinary people and ordinary magicians. Energy radiation density.

There are 7 of them, and from the radar image, they seem to be scattered and lurking in every corner of Tulifas City.

If this energy density is linked to the strength of strength, these 7 unknown beings will undoubtedly become a powerful third party that can influence the final outcome of the Holy Grail War.

It seems that in addition to him, an outsider, there are other people who are also coveting the existence of the Holy Grail! Is it a magician? Is it a dead apostle? Or the Holy Church? Or some other organization? What is their purpose? Is it the third law? Is it the qualification to make a wish for the Holy Grail? Or is it the road to the root? Fang Yuan doesn't know, but he doesn't need to figure it out.

Because he is confident that the power he has is enough to overturn the entire chessboard! Thinking of this, Fang Yuan turned his head and looked behind him. The extremely tall mechanical body cast a large shadow, making it difficult to see its appearance for a while. Only the pair of eyes flashing red light exuded amazing momentum and majesty, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

…  "Horse! Give me a horse! If you give me a horse, I am willing to exchange the whole kingdom for it!"  The playwright named William Shakespeare pushed open the heavy wooden door of the church and shouted out meaningless words, which puzzled the priest and the empress who were discussing strategy.

"Please stop saying these incomprehensible words as usual, Caster!"  The peerless beauty wearing a black dress, with narrow and long ears that were not like those of a human, exuding a decadent atmosphere, the ancient queen Semiramis who came to the world as the Black Assassin, looked at the useless Caster who could do nothing but write with a disgusted expression.

The spirit of the hero, who was revered by later generations as Shakespeare, showed exaggerated body movements like a stage play, and said in ancient English: "Oh, Queen of Assyria! Please don't say such sad words! For Shakespeare, works are life!" "...So, what do you want?" The Queen decided to ignore the other party's nonsense and get straight to the point.

"Ahem!" Shakespeare coughed lightly, and then said: "Actually, Spartacus just ran out to beat someone up!" "What?" The Queen of Assyria suspected that she had heard it wrong.

"So, Berserker went to Black's stronghold to beat up people!" However, Shakespeare, who came to report the news, seemed to have completely failed to understand the seriousness of the matter. He said in a show-like manner: "Oh oh ~It’s like a lover whose brain is boiling!” Amakusa on the other side nodded with a smile on his face, seeming to agree with Shakespeare’s statement.

The Empress was the only one who had a headache and closed her eyes with heartache, and said helplessly: "...The uncontrollable hero is really troublesome..." Then, she looked at the useless drama in front of her with sharp eyes. The writer asked: "Hey, do you have any idea about the reason why Berserker went berserk?" "Huh?" Shakespeare seemed a little surprised that the empress would ask this question, and shifted his gaze to the side with a guilty conscience, and softly "hummed" A sound.

Well, it turns out this guy is causing trouble! If he were not a temporary comrade in the same camp, Semiramis would almost want to poison him immediately! … In the forest outside the city of Tuliphas, an unusual vibration broke the silence here.

Bang-bang-bang-Accompanied by the deafening footsteps like a giant walking, and the dust and fallen leaves raised by the trees being broken and collapsed along the way, the huge muscle giant with twisted muscles, wearing simple armor like slave locks, and with a weird smile like an innocent child, ran straight towards the black side's castle without any concealment.

——This is the red side's Berserker, the strongest swordsman who once launched a large-scale slave rebellion in ancient Rome, Spartacus.

Behind him, two agile figures hid in the shadows of the trees, sighing helplessly while following the running gladiators in front of them.

These are the red side's Archer Atalanta and Rider Achilles, one is a famous female hunter in Greek mythology, and the other is a demigod hero whose reputation resounds throughout the world, nicknamed Cat Tea and Heel.

They were dispatched urgently under the order of the Master, following Spartacus all the way. On the one hand, they were looking after the rampaging Berserker and preventing the lone Berserker from falling into the trap of the Black side. On the other hand, they also had the intention of simply defeating all the members of the Black side in one fell swoop.

——At least that was what Achilles, who possessed the treasure [The Everlasting Flower of the Hero], thought.

… As a matter of course, the Red Berserker attacked so openly that the Yugdomrenia clan had already noticed it. The forests around Tulipas were full of familiars released by the Black side's magicians. The Berserker who rushed straight ahead made such a huge noise that he was discovered by the magicians in charge of monitoring at the first time.

Seeing such a reckless lone charge, although it was not clear whether this was a trick of Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, considering the gap in the level and number of Heroic Spirits between the Red and Black sides, Danic finally decided on the strategy of "capturing the Red Berserker" as in the original plot.

Therefore, except for Archer of the Black side who was left in the castle as a remote support, all the Black side heroes, led by the Grand Duke, went to intercept the Red Berserker in a mighty manner.

But will things really go as they wish? ')207'\u003eChapter 206: White Camp, Join the Battle!

Just as the heroes of both sides in the forest gradually approached, the Red Saber team, which had been acting alone, encountered trouble.

Originally, they just wanted to enter Tulifas City to test the strength of the Yugdomrenia clan, and by the way, buy some clothes for Mordred, who was almost wearing only underwear after taking off his armor. As expected, the Red Saber team ran into the encirclement of androids and clay golems.

However, the mere androids and autonomous golems certainly could not stop the battle-hardened necromancer and Saber, who had the strongest comprehensive strength among the seven classes. After just a few minutes of fighting, all the androids and golems were destroyed.

Pa-pa-pa-  A series of slow applause came from the darkness.

"Sure enough, it is Saber who deserves to be the strongest of the three knights?"   "Who is it?!"   The red Saber, who was fully armored, immediately closed her horn helmet and stood guard with a sword in the dark corner where no one was.

"Since the opponent is also a Saber, then I, the white Saber, will go!"   At this time, another voice came from behind.

Mordred, who was alarmed, stepped forward in an instant, picked up the Master who was also on guard with a gun, and jumped far to the roof in the distance - on the one hand, he wanted to get rid of the bad situation of being attacked from both sides, and on the other hand, he hoped to use the vision from a high place to find the enemies hidden in the dark.

"Oh? Really decisive! It looks like an experienced warrior!"   The second voice just now came again, and the red Saber looked in the direction of the sound, and then saw the figure of the person coming.

"You are..." A figure that looked very familiar appeared in Mordred's eyes. Well, she had just seen more than a dozen people with the same face being killed by their master using various means. How could she not look familiar?

Those red eyes, platinum hair, and a perfect face that doesn’t look like a human being – there is no doubt that this is an artificial human! However, this is no ordinary artificial human, because it is impossible for an artificial human created by the hands of a human magician to have this level of surging magic power and chilling pressure.

This is a powerful enemy! The intuition passed down from her ancestors gave Mordred the most direct warning, allowing her to completely abandon her contempt for the weak androids in her heart, and instead treat her as a heroic servant of her own caliber.

And... there is a certain temperament about the other party that seems to be very familiar to her... "Looking at you, you must be a heroic spirit born as a knight, right? It just so happens that the power I possess also comes from a certain great knight, so let's Let's have a duel between knights!" Before Red Saber could clear her mind, the unknown intruder erupted with huge magic power that was not inferior to that of the Heroic Spirit Servants, and the armor itself was made of pure ether. Emerging, a full-body heavy armor exuding silver-gray metallic luster enveloped this special artificial man.

When the whirlwind caused by the burst of magic dissipated, what stood in front of Mordred was a heavily armored knight wearing armor and holding a sword, almost the same as her! However, what really surprised Red Saber was the weapon in the opponent's hand - "I know your sword! This is... the undestructible lake light!" Mordred was very shocked.

"You are Lancelot? No, that's not right! You are not Lancelot, but you have gained Lancelot's power!" Although he is not a magician himself, Mordred has already Guessed the identity of the person in front of me.

"Oh? It's really amazing. You can actually see the source of the power I hold at a glance? It seems that you are also a certain heroic spirit related to the legend of King Arthur!" Yes, this is exactly what the unknown third force sent. One of the seven sub-servants, Saber calls herself "White". The spiritual base she fuses with is the Knight of the Lake, Lan, who is also a member of the Knights of the Round Table with Mordred and is nicknamed the "Knight of the Yangtze River". Slott.

Bang—— Without waiting for the other party to reply, the fully prepared White Saber stepped on her foot. The inhuman strength far beyond that of human beings instantly caused huge cracks in the roof under his feet, but he himself had disappeared—— No, It’s not that it disappeared, it’s just that the speed is too fast for the human eye to keep up! But the opponent that the White Saber faced was not an ordinary human being, but the Red Saber who descended from the Seat of Heroes! when--! ! ! The sound of metal clashing between sharp swords was heard. The knight wearing a horned helmet held his sword in front, firmly blocking the slash coming from the air.

Bang——! There was another sound of stone shattering, and the figures of the two armored knights disappeared from Lion Jie Jieli's field of vision at the same time, and then reappeared in mid-air the next moment.

Clang--Clang-Clang--Clang--Clang--Clang Clang-Clang-- Several ups and downs, several confrontations, the brilliant sword of the king and the undestructible lake light collided several times, but no one could do anything to anyone. .

The strength of one side is obviously stronger, but the unparalleled martial arts possessed by the other side make up for the lack of strength, allowing them to fight a stalemate in the face of the huge power inherited from the blood of the red dragon.

After a brief confrontation, the two knights who were facing each other with their swords pressed forward in unison, pushing each other away while also distancing themselves.

"Ha!" Feeling the huge force that just came from his hand, the corners of Mordred's mouth curved up under his helmet, and he sneered: "I didn't expect that modern magicians are quite capable. They can't even do this kind of thing. It can be done!" She really didn't expect that in this world, in addition to using the Holy Grail to summon the clones of heroic spirits, there is actually this method of using the power of heroic spirits - summoning the spirit base of the subject from the heroic spirit seat, but it did not Instead of letting it form a physical clone, it possesses the human body and uses some means to suppress the consciousness of the heroic spirit itself, and then the possessed human masters the power that belongs to the heroic spirit.

Yes, she has confirmed that the power possessed by the other party is indeed at the level of a servant. Maybe it is slightly worse than her in power, but the gap is not very big. In addition, the other party is as powerful as nature. Martial arts, this is indeed a powerful opponent! At this moment - whoosh - a sharp arrow struck from the blind spot behind Mordred.

"Little Saber..." Without waiting for the warning from Lion Kaikaili, Red Saber, who possesses the inherent skill of [Intuition], seemed to have expected it, and just turned sideways to avoid the sneak attack from behind.

But in this way, she also lost the posture she had set up before, giving the White Saber in front a gap to attack.

"Archer! What are you doing? Why are you disturbing my battle?!" However, the sword knights of the third camp did not launch a coordinated attack as expected. Instead, they shouted angrily into the darkness in the distance.

"Oh, I said, Saber, don't be brainwashed by your own power! Don't forget our mission. Let's play knight games when you have free time later! What you should do now is cooperate with me to kill Get rid of this lone swordsman!" This was the voice that spoke first. So he was the Archer from White's camp who suddenly appeared! ')208'\u003eChapter 207 Do you think it's Gundam? No! It's Transformers!

"Hmph!" The White Swordsman who possessed Lancelot's spiritual base frowned unhappily and rebuked in a cold voice: "Although we are born as tools, we who have inherited the power of the legendary heroes are essentially the continuation and incarnation of those heroes on earth. This is not brainwashing! Moreover, isn't your despicable mentality also affected by the spiritual base you have fused?"  "Tsk!" The White Archer, who hid his figure in the dark with a cloak named [The Faceless King], curled his lips in dissatisfaction, but he had to agree with what the White Saber said.

Indeed, after claiming to have fused the spiritual base of the heroic spirit named Robin Hood, his way of thinking seemed to be getting closer and closer to that of an unscrupulous sneak attacker. He was not like this before... It seems that he himself was also affected by the spiritual base in his body! However, no matter what, the instructions that were engraved in the body and soul when it was created forced Archer White to continue to execute the orders of their masters - to kill all the servants and masters of the red and black sides of this Holy Grail War, and bring the Greater Holy Grail back to the masters.

Since Saber White did not allow him to disturb the battle between the knights, then he would shift the target to the master!   Thinking of this, Archer White, who had moved to another commanding height, aimed the bow and arrow in his hand at the necromancer who was alone and seemed defenseless.

Whoosh-whoosh-whoosh-  In order to ensure a one-shot kill, he shot three arrows at once, completely blocking the target's escape space.

Chi-chi-chi-chi-  The sound of the arrow hitting the target, like hitting rotten wood, rang out, and the man named Lion Jiejieli was shot in the vitals without any defense, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Archer! You guy!"  Seeing the despicable behavior of his teammates, Saber White became even more furious, and even almost drew his sword to fight with his teammates first.

However, the command engraved in his body and soul restrained his impulse and forced him to calm down.

On the other hand, seeing the desired result, Archer White should be happy. After all, a Servant without a Master cannot exist for long. He can be said to have eliminated a group of Heroic Spirits with this move.

But... why did the Red Saber not seem to panic at all?   The answer was soon revealed - Although he did not have skills such as clairvoyance, as an archer, having a pair of good eyes was the foundation of the foundation. Even in the night, the White Archer could still see that the magician's body lying on the ground suddenly seemed to melt after a few seconds, revealing the true appearance under the skin - it was a dead body made of dead bones, corrupted flesh and blood, and large pieces of magic crystals!   The real Lion Jiejieli actually used magic to transfer himself to another secret place when Saber White appeared, and what was left in the original place was such a lifelike substitute made of necromancy.

This can be said to be the biggest trump card that has kept the necromancer, Lion Jiejieli, alive for many years, and even saved his life more than once.

The reason why Mordred doesn't care about the life and death of her master is because Lion Jiejieli has told her this through the telepathic communication between the master and the servant.

Otherwise, with her skills and eyesight as a Saber, she may not be able to tell whether this substitute is real or fake! Look, there is one who was deceived over there!   【Saber, retreat! The current situation is not favorable for us! I only brought this one substitute, and it will be gone once it is used! And you alone can't deal with the attack of two servants, right? 】  The retreat order of her master came through the telepathic communication, and the red swordsman, who was full of fighting spirit, "tsk" unhappily, but she had to admit that her master made sense.

Regardless of the life or death of the Master, for her alone, the android who possessed the power of Lancelot was already a strong enemy. With the addition of Archer who was hiding in the dark and liked to play sneak attacks, her chances of winning were indeed not high.

[Okay, I'll listen to you this time! ] After finishing the telepathy, Mordred, who was confronting Saber White, instantly leaped back far away, and then immediately became a spirit body, and disappeared from the sight of the two sub-servants in an instant.

Although Archer White wanted to pursue, seeing Saber White motionless and having no intention of cooperating with him to continue fighting, the android sub-servant, who was almost equivalent to another Robin Hood, had to suppress the impulse in his heart, and with a belly full of dissatisfaction and complaints, he also evacuated the battlefield.

... Fang Yuan, who was far away in outer space, watched this sudden battle from beginning to end through satellite photography, but he did not intervene in these inexplicably emerging "white" camps at this time.

On the one hand, he didn't want to alert the unknown forces and scare them away before they completely revealed their true colors. On the other hand, his main focus was currently on another battlefield - yes, that's right, the battlefield where the Black Heroic Spirits collectively "captured" the Red Berserker.

However, this battlefield was not the relaxed and enjoyable "hunting" of the Black Servants in the original work.

Because there are other real hunters, and they hunters have become prey! Boom—boom—boom—! ! ! Continuous huge explosions, accompanied by dazzling firelight, instantly turned the originally peaceful and peaceful forest into a sea of ​​​​fire like a battlefield in the Middle East.

The flames that were difficult to extinguish instantly ignited a large area of ​​forest, turning the originally lush forest into a scorched earth in an instant.

The person who inflicted such atrocities on nature was not any heroic spirit, but a group of uninvited intruders - "Decepticons, assemble!" The steel giant more than ten meters high let out an ear-splitting roar. , following the leader's call, a torrent of metal composed of countless tumbling particles gathered from all directions in the forest, converged on the giant's side, and condensed and reorganized into more steel giants in just a few seconds.

"Starscream!" "Shockwave!" "Barricade!" "Crankcase!" The four Iron Giants who appeared in such a cool way each announced their names.

Then came the leader who summoned them - "I am Megatron, and we are the Decepticons! Following the orders of the Supreme Lord, we will destroy all enemies that stand in front of us!" A total of five steel giants, who call themselves Led by Megatron's giant, they gathered together and surrounded all the heroic spirits present.

"What... is this?!" The magicians far away in the walled city, who saw all this through the eyes of their familiars, exclaimed in disbelief.

This war is becoming more and more chaotic! The third update is here')209'\u003eChapter 208 Transformers vs. Heroes (Part 1)

"" this Transformers? ! ! "" In Tulifas Walled City and Space City, two identical exclamations appeared almost at the same time.

One, of course, is Yuzuka Satsuki who is following Fang Yuan and has almost turned into a small tail; the other is a rare "heretic" among the Yggdomirenia clan, who has rich modern knowledge and likes Cowles, who is online, has also watched a lot of anime works.

Well, let me say here that in this parallel world of the Moon World, most of the history of the surface world is basically similar to the main world where Fang Yuan lives. Therefore, cartoons such as the Transformers series naturally also have of.

Therefore, when they heard that the Iron Giants who had strongly intervened in the battlefield called themselves "Decepticons", the two boys and girls invariably let out incredible exclamations.

"Cores, do you know what this is?" Danik suddenly turned around and stared at the somewhat bewildered young man with a serious face.

"Uh--well...if I heard correctly, they should be characters in a robot animation...I don't know why they came to reality!" Because I know the magicians in the clan, Especially the patriarch Danik himself is basically an old antique who doesn't pay much attention to the changes in the world. Therefore, he didn't bother to explain what Transformers are and what Decepticons are. Instead, he explained them in the most understandable way possible. Everything he knows.

"Animation... fantasy work? Is it some kind of special golem?" As a magician, Darnic instinctively thought about this - in fact, it was not just him, but everyone, including Cowles. The magician, as well as the heroic spirits who faced the Decepticon team on the battlefield, all made such speculations invariably.

Because, except for real magicians like Fiore who know nothing about anything other than magic, the vast majority of magicians still know something about the modern society outside. They naturally know that the outside world Although human technology is advancing rapidly, it is still far from being able to create such powerful humanoid robots.

As for the Heroic Spirits, this is even more true. They have been instilled with common sense about modern society by the Great Holy Grail when they first appeared in the world. Naturally, they will not regard the steel in front of them as an alternative life form rather than a robot. The giants are regarded as creations of outside human technology.

This must be something created by some magician force! Everyone made such an assertion.

Only a certain vampire girl who completely saw Fang Yuan's operations knew that these robots calling themselves Decepticons were not golems, but complete technological creations! ..."Decepticons, attack!" In the forest that had turned into a piece of scorched earth, the assembled Decepticons launched an attack on the heroic spirits in front of them.

The first was Megatron as the leader. Holding a long sword, he took the lead and struck down with his sword. The thick metal sword, which was more than ten meters long, carried huge kinetic energy and "smashed" towards the black followers gathered together.

clang--! ! ! "So heavy!" As a Saber, Siegfried was the first to raise his sword to meet Megatron's crushing attack with his giant sword, but even though he was a dragon-slaying hero with B+ level strength, Siegfried still felt it. Extremely heavy pressure.

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