"Hey! Everyone on the red and black sides, we meet again!" Mordred, who was traveling in plain clothes, said hello in her ruffian tone, and at the same time glanced around with her provocative eyes. Circle, it doesn’t look like he’s here for a negotiation, but rather like he’s here to stir up trouble.

However, she didn’t know whether it was because her master had given instructions before, or because she felt that she had no chance of winning when faced with an attack by a group of servants. In the end, she didn’t say anything provocative, and just walked to a place that did not belong to either red or black side. Another position represents one's "independent camp" identity.

"It doesn't matter, Miss Joan of Arc came just in time.

So you were looking for Red Saber? "Darnic nodded kindly to Joan of Arc, and the Black Heroic Spirit beside him also said hello to the Saint of France. It seemed that the relationship between them was quite harmonious.

"Not only the red Saber, I also went to find the black Assassin who had never shown up before, but..." Jeanne hesitated to speak.

"Oh? The Black Assassin..." Darnic frowned a little when he heard the heroic spirit mentioned by Joan of Arc.

As early as a few days ago, Darnic had learned about the death of Sagara Leopard, the Assassin master originally planned by Black. In other words, the summoned Black Assassin is now under the control of an unknown person, and has never been Judging from the fact that they have not shown up before, it is obvious that the other party, like the Red Saber combination that acts alone, does not intend to join forces with the Black camp.

But what Joan said next let him know that the situation was even worse - "The master of the Black Assassin is not a magician, and the servant himself is not a real heroic spirit but a wraith. In my case, When I found them, the Black Assassin was killing ordinary people to absorb magic power, so I had no choice but to purify her..." Darnik: "..." Damn it, she was eliminated without even showing her face. Yet? And this Ruler, who only killed a few ordinary people, was so ruthless and killed a member of his own team... Which side are you on? ! However, considering that the other party is Ruler, he has the right to correct when an abnormality occurs in the Holy Grail War. The degree of this "abnormality" is obviously controlled by Ruler himself. As long as the will of the Great Holy Grail is not stopped, others can't explain it. go.

So in the end, Danik didn't say a word and acquiesced to Joan's approach.

"That's it for Assassin... The red side has just shared their information, telling us that the force that took away the Great Holy Grail has wiped out another group of outsiders. Other than that, they don't know much more than There are many of us.

Miss Joan of Arc, do you have any other information? "...To be honest, I did find a new clue -" Joan of Arc nodded and said solemnly: "Do you know about a sinkhole in the mountains outside Tulifas City?" " Jeanne d'Arc's words suddenly changed Darnic's expression.

How could he not know about that sinkhole! "Before, I followed the [revelation] in my heart and ran around looking for clues. Finally, I learned from a hunter about the incredible scene he saw while hunting in the mountains not long ago -" "What is it?" "A huge floating float. Empty City, Invisible Floating City!"')251'\u003eChapter 250: Positioning \u0026 Lost News Belt!

"Oh? Did anyone actually see that scene?" Fang Yuan, who had been monitoring the situation on the ground with the "air loop", also heard Joan's words and felt a little surprised.

At that time, he deliberately went to a remote and inaccessible mountainous area, and used his mental power to scan the surrounding area beforehand. He only started to act after confirming that there were no witnesses. He did not expect that something would slip through the net. ? But this is definitely not a matter of bad luck! Joan of Arc found the Orion with the [Revelation] skill, which already explains the problem - Inhibition is thinking of various ways to trick them! "But, so what if you see it? You were looking in the wrong direction from the beginning..." When Fang Yuan heard Joan of Arc calling her space city the Floating City, Fang Yuan knew that this group of people had gone astray again.

Also, this group of old antiques whose vision is still limited to the surface of the planet have never raised their eyes to look at the vast starry sky. Their mindset is there and it is almost difficult to change it.

However, the next development was beyond Fang Yuan's expectation.

... "Has the memory been retrieved?" Danik asked the magician in front of him.

"It has been extracted, please look at -" A scene appeared in the crystal ball, which was exactly what the Orion saw originally.

——After promising to Joan of Arc that he would never harm the hunter, Danik directly sent someone to capture the witness, searched his memory, and found out the scene he saw originally.

And through the eyes of this Orion, everyone also saw what the so-called "Floating City" looked like.

"...To be honest, this is much more powerful and domineering than your hanging garden!" Looking at the huge metal fortress that briefly appeared in the picture, and then comparing it to Semiramis' "hanging garden", Achilles He said to the empress with a somewhat mocking tone.

"Hmph! It's just a fortress made of piled steel. It has no artistic and aesthetic sense. How can it compare with my sky garden!" The empress retorted unyieldingly.

Achilles: "But your sky garden was shot down!" Semiramis: "... I was attacked by surprise!" Seeing that Semiramis was so angry that she was about to tremble, Achilles stopped teasing her with a smile that would make people angry.

--To be honest, he had been very unhappy with this vicious woman for a long time, and had been looking for an opportunity to give her a hard time. Now he finally found an opportunity to ridicule her in person.

Well, this feels really good!   "Very good, with this image, we can do targeted divination!"   Danik was very satisfied with the result.

Yes, the reason why he wanted to search the hunter's memory was to use the image he saw in his memory as a guide to perform the divination method in magic to locate the enemy!   This is really a very smart method! Danik had already arranged for someone to try it. Direct divination of the unknown force was not feasible at all. It also cost the life of a rare fortune-teller in the tribe. This shows that the power behind the scenes of that force is very powerful, and ordinary divination and prediction cannot work on him/them at all.

But if it is divination of dead objects such as "floating city", the situation is completely different.

In any case, dead objects are still dead objects after all. Even if there are some magic shielding methods on them, their resistance to the power of divination and prediction is much weaker.

But divination cannot come out of thin air. Unless it is the kind of clairvoyance or absolute future vision that has been enabled, it needs a primer anyway.

And photos and images are the most common primers.

Type-Moon's divination and prediction magic, except for the clairvoyance and future vision used by those authority dogs, is basically based on concept operations.

And the concepts of "mirror image" and "projection" between the main body and the image are the basis for the effectiveness of this kind of divination magic.

In fact, Danik and his team had conducted divination and positioning on those Iron Golems before. After all, they had seen the appearance of those "Iron Golems" with their own eyes.

But unfortunately, there was no result at all.

——You should know that the Decepticons maintained the camouflage form of vehicles when they were resting, and even their appearance was completely different. The divination positioning based on the concept of "the similarity and correlation between the appearance of the main body and the image" would not work fundamentally.

However, this "floating city" is different. In any case, such a large fortress cannot be deformed...  ...  "The result is out, in... in outer space?!"  The magician in charge of divination and positioning said in astonishment.

"What, outer space?"  Neither the members of the Yugdomrenia clan nor Amakusa and others thought that the other party would be outside the earth!   Everyone couldn't help but look up at the sky that had not yet turned dark, but they saw only blue sky and white clouds. They realized that it seemed that they could not see the scenery of outer space with their naked eyes.

"This is troublesome. Not to mention that we don't know where the other party is hiding in outer space, even if we know, we can't get up!" Achilles smacked his lips and expressed everyone's thoughts.

"No, there is still a way!" At this time, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada expressed a different opinion.

"What way?" Danik looked at the old opponent in front of him who had been entangled for 60 years, and his tone unconsciously carried some expectations.

"We all know that the so-called Heroic Spirits and the so-called Servants are only limited to the planet under our feet. If you want to reach outer space, basically no one can do it.

But have you heard of... Lostbelt?"   "Lostbelt? You mean..."   The concept of Lostbelt has long existed in the magic world.

After all, in the study of the theory of parallel worlds, magicians are indeed ahead of modern technology.

Therefore, it is natural for magicians to deduce the existence of the "unknown, dead end" failed human history from the "existing, known, successful and continuing to the present, and will continue to the future" correct world line.

However, even magicians rarely have a deep understanding of this secret within the secret, especially for those magicians whose research directions have nothing to do with parallel worlds and human history. This concept is just a conjecture on paper and there is no point in paying attention to it.

If it was the former magician Danic, he would undoubtedly be in this category, and he only knew the concept of the Lostbelt.

However, it is not just the magician Danic here, but the new individual who is a fusion of humans and servants-Danic Vlad.

As a servant, Vlad III is only the clone of the real Heroic Spirit, but he does have all the knowledge of the original body on the seat. Naturally, he knows that the so-called "Lostbelt" is real, and he also knows how terrible the existence is in those worlds that have come to an end.

"I know what the Lostbelt is, and I can roughly guess what you want to do.

But the concept of Lostbelt itself is an unknown piece of human history that has come to an end. If you want to summon those powerful heroic spirits that "do not exist", you cannot do it in our world! "No, it's not that it's impossible, it's just that it's difficult to do!" "The corners of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's mouth raised, revealing an intriguing smile.

... In the space city, Fang Yuan also saw this scene, and felt bad in his heart: "Damn it, they don't want to summon that guy!" PS: There are still only two updates today, and they will be made up after the Spring Festival.

')252'\u003eChapter 251 Disaster falling from the sky

"Forget it, are you forcing me to die personally...then let your wish come true!" Fang Yuan knew that whether Amakusa Shirou Tokisada really had the means to summon the exceptional beings in the Lost Belt or not, it didn't matter whether he No matter which heroic spirit you want to summon, you can't let the other party succeed! In this case, we can only take the initiative! "[Friday], separate the landing module and turn on the wide-area information shielding - since you want to come to me, I will come myself!" "Detach the landing module and confirm that the wide-area information shielding has been turned on-" Artificial intelligence Alarm sounds sounded in every corner of the space city, causing the vampire who was sleeping in the bedroom to hide from the sun to suddenly wake up.

"Hey, eh? What happened?" Yuzuka Satsuki jumped up in panic, not knowing what happened for a moment.

However, no one paid attention to her questions at this time.

In the dark and cold outer space, an extremely spectacular scene is taking place - just when the AI ​​reminder is issued, a huge man-made celestial body appears from the dark void.

Then at the next moment - boom - a dull vibration was transmitted into the central control room along the rigid support structure of the space city itself.

And in the silent space, although no sound could be transmitted, the scene that happened next was particularly shocking.

At this moment, the cone-shaped space city that was several kilometers long suddenly separated and disconnected between the cone and the disk-shaped surface at the top.

In this regard, the huge space city is divided into two parts - one is the orbital resident part with the top disk-shaped structure as the main body, and the other is the conical "landing module" several kilometers long.

No, looking at this size, it can already be called "Landing City"! In fact, Fang Yuan borrowed many of the designs of this space city from the Yanglu City that should have appeared in the A/Z world.

However, the plot of that world has been messed up by him. In this kind of animation, the power of landing is comparable to a nuclear explosion. The comprehensive armed platform that severely damaged the United Earth Government at the beginning did not really appear in that world.

But the initial design drawings had already appeared, and had already fallen into Fang Yuan's hands. Then in another world, in another way, the drawings truly turned into real objects.

At this time, this part of the "landing module" separated from the complete space city is the result of Fang Yuan's upgrading and re-modification based on Yanglu City - a comprehensive landing combat platform for planetary strategic strikes.

"Lower the orbit and start the landing operation. The target is Tulifas!" Following Fang Yuan's order, the huge space city like a shuttle moved silently, detached from its position fixed in the synchronous orbit, and entered the gravity control system. Under the control, it fell towards the target on the ground in a nearly straight downward trajectory.

Appearing in space so openly and openly, if Fang Yuan had not turned on the wide-area information shielding system in advance, the man-made space flying object with a length of several kilometers would probably have been discovered by the satellites of various governments.

However, although the existence and movements of the space city can be hidden from the satellites, they cannot be hidden from the heroic spirits with cheats.

Just when Fang Yuan gave the order and the landing module of the space city moved in response, Joan of Arc and Amakusa Shirou Tokisada on the ground looked up to the sky almost at the same time.

The [revelation] given by the gods allowed the two Rulers with the title of "Saint" to simultaneously see the residual scene like an illusion - falling meteors, ignited atmosphere, mushroom clouds rising from the ground, and sweeping shock waves. The broken and burning city in the "natural disaster", countless innocent lives turned into ashes like grass... Although they are just fleeting afterimages, and the time is like an illusion for a short time, the two Rulers know very well that this is their " God’s [revelation], or warning! ​And it’s an extraordinary warning! For Joan of Arc and Amakusa, the [Revelation] skill they possess is not like future vision, which can clearly see what will happen in the future, but is like some kind of idea that suddenly pops up, inexplicable, close to Something similar to intuition.

But this time, unprecedentedly, [revelation] came in such an unusual way, as if the "god" behind them couldn't see through it and directly cheated them to see the future.

"No! We can't stay here anymore, we must stay away from the city!" Joan of Arc spoke immediately. Although Amakusa Shiro Tokisada did not speak, he did not object.

Although in the [apocalypse] they saw, disaster would occur in the city of Tulifas, and the entire city and countless civilians in it would die in the horrific explosion, but the information in the apocalypse also told them , this "meteor" that is about to bring about a terrible disaster, is targeting them, the participants in the Holy Grail War.

In other words, as long as they change their location, they may be able to save those innocent people.

"What happened? What did you see?" Danik Vlad was a little confused when he saw the actions of the two Rulers.

"That floating city... no, it should be said to be a space city, it is falling!" Joan of Arc replied.

"Descending? That should be a good thing. Is there something wrong?" Others do not have the same [revelation] ability as the two Rulers and cannot see the coming crisis, including Danik and his party as well as Aqa. Leus, Karna, Semiramis and others all felt a little baffled by Joan's proposal.

"But when it falls, it will bring disasters like fire from heaven to punish the world. If we continue to stay here, the entire city of Tulifas, and even other surrounding cities, will be destroyed when it falls. Destroyed in the aftermath."

At this time, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada spoke up, explaining Jeanne's words, which was also equivalent to providing strong evidence for the saint's statement.

"...Is it unstoppable? Maybe we can destroy the opponent before it hits the ground? Just like someone's aerial garden?" The speaker was Achilles. He who advocated attack did not like to escape, and he even killed the enemy. He ran away without even seeing her face to face. He was full of aggression when he opened his mouth, and by the way, he even hurt a certain empress again.

"Tsk!" Semiramis glared at Achilles, eyes full of murderous intent.

"If it can't be done, the other party will just smash the entire space city down from the sky. Even if we destroy it, the damage caused by its remains will not be any less than that of the whole thing that remains intact."

Jeanne shook her head, rejecting the idea of ​​a heel.

It's not like she hasn't thought about this plan, but when she considers it, the [revelation] from God will tell her that this is a dead end that is bound to fail.

——Fang Yuan’s space city is no ordinary space return capsule. Even during the landing stage, it still maintains strong attack and defense power.

Although Joan of Arc didn't know this as a Heroic Spirit, the inhibitory power that could observe the timeline did, and nature gave her a clear [revelation].

')253'\u003eChapter 252: A halo of wisdom? nonexistent!

"Oh? You can actually detect the movements on my side?" After seeing the discussion process of the heroic spirits from the "air loop", Fang Yuan was a little surprised by the other party's ability to obtain information.

No, to be more precise, I was surprised at the level of shameless cheating that I had suppressed.

"You actually killed yourself by using the prophet so nakedly? It's so shameless!" Fang Yuan expressed his disdain for the restraint that was almost equivalent to his own fate.

"However, since you don't want to affect innocent people, then I'm not a cold-blooded butcher, so I'll just comply with your wishes!" Fang Yuan snapped his fingers, summoned the AI, and ordered: "Adjust the whereabouts of these heroic spirits in real time. The final location is used as the landing place!" Now that he has decided to enter the game, Fang Yuan cannot let his appearance be too shabby, he must give a "big gift" to those heroic spirits! ​​..."Let's go here!" Amakusa looked at the surrounding terrain and decided to face the enemy that was about to fall from the sky here.

More than ten minutes have passed since Joan of Arc proposed moving the battlefield. With the strength of the heroic spirits, they have now completely left the densely populated city clusters and entered the uninhabited wilderness deep in the mountains.

"Yes, if we start a war here, we don't have to worry about affecting innocent people!" Although Joan of Arc was not very familiar with the terrain of Romania, she had a revelation! When she came here, she knew that the war between them and the force that took away the Great Holy Grail was unlikely to affect innocent people.

There are mountains all around here. Even if the enemy really knocks down the entire space city as shown in the revelation, the vibrations and shock waves set off will be reduced and weakened in the replicated mountain terrain, and the affected area will be larger than Much smaller in plain areas.

... "Here it comes!" Not long after the heroic spirits arrived here, Jeanne d'Arc and Amakusa were the first to notice the change. They raised their heads and looked at the sky - a red meteor was falling towards the ground, and it was far away from where they were. The location is getting closer, getting closer... Boom——! ! ! For the first time, the symbol of nuclear peace rose in the country of Romania. The shining fire could be seen even in cities hundreds of kilometers away.

A few minutes later, violent shaking equivalent to at least an earthquake measuring 9 or above on the Richter scale spread throughout Romania, spread to surrounding areas, and was captured and recorded by seismometers in all surrounding countries.

What arrived in the surrounding cities immediately after the earthquake was felt was a shock wave that was blocked by layers of mountains and trees and slowed down before turning into strong winds.

Even though the huge wind force has been weakened, it is still strong enough to lift an adult. Many pedestrians in surrounding cities were overturned and blown away in this wave of strong wind. It is unknown how many people suffered serious injuries. One's injuries.

However, the impact on the cities in the surrounding areas only ends there. What is truly terrifying is the place where the mushroom cloud rises.

Just when the extremely huge "meteor" was about to fall to the ground - "Everyone defends!!!" "The King of Capital Punishment!" "My Lord is here!" "Right arm: Evil Predator, left arm: Tianhui Jipan! "... Everyone tried their best and used various means to resist the coming impact.

... ... ... A few minutes ago - "Um, uncle, what happened? Why did you suddenly return to the surface?" In the central control room, the vampire girl who was awakened looked at the blue planet getting closer and closer in the sky, He was asking Fang Yuan with some panic.

After getting along for such a period of time, Yuzuka Satsuki has almost grasped Fang's character. This is a person who can use a gun but will never use a knife, can use a long range but will never fight in close combat, and can do conspiracy but will never be confrontational. Everything A guy who puts his own safety first.

According to his character, shouldn't he stay in the sky and delay the Holy Grail War until the end of the Holy Grail War, consuming the heroic spirits on the ground alive? Why are you so excited to play orbital airborne all of a sudden? "You're still too young!" Fang Yuan could see at a glance what this vampire who couldn't hide his emotions was thinking. He shook his head and said, "Do you really think my opponents are just these heroic spirits? If I don't If you take the initiative, some guys will overturn the chessboard!" Yuzuka Satsuki tilted his head: "Is it... restraint?" "Oh, I'm not too stupid after all."

Fang Yuan looked at the vampire girl, and then continued: "Do you think I don't want to use ultra-long-distance bombing in the sky to kill those old antiques on the ground who can't even get out of the atmosphere? After all, although the restraint power of this world is He has no personality, but he does have wisdom. He knows that the third method in the Great Holy Grail will fall into my hands sooner or later, so he gave me a multiple-choice question through the mouth of the heroic spirit. "

"Multiple choice question?" "Yes, multiple choice question."

Fang Yuan nodded: "Either we try to injure both sides by summoning super-standard beings in the Lostbelt, and have a head-on fight with me - to be honest, if the restraint really summons the first emperor of the Zhen Kingdom who unites human intelligence with intelligence, I will also There is no guarantee of victory; either I will take the initiative and play by His rules on His territory.”

"Hey~~ Isn't that very detrimental to you, uncle?" Yuzuka Satsuki exclaimed.

Yuzuka Satsuki is not an idiot. He has heard Fang Yuan talk about suppression before. Naturally, he knows that if he is within the influence of suppression and is hostile to an outsider like him, no matter what he does, Everything will be suppressed, everything will not go well, and your luck will be extremely bad. Not to mention "lucky E", lucky Z can get it for you! And what are the consequences of bad luck? Yuzuka Satsuki, who has watched the Fate anime, knows very well. Just look at the miserable endings of the two lucky E's who fought four and five times in the orthodox timeline.

"Hmph! What's the disadvantage? Although I decided to join the game, I didn't say that I must completely join the game. If I am not sure that I can escape at any time, I would rather drive the space city outside the solar system. Then I will have enough time to deal with the Great Holy Grail. Question!" A confident smile appeared on Fang Yuan's face.

"Hey~~Uncle, aren't you under the suppressive halo of intelligence?" The vampire girl had a suspicious expression on her face.

Fang Yuan: "...Where did you hear this statement?" Even with the halo of wisdom, do you think the door of truth in my head is just a decoration? ! Fang Yuan had a stinky face and no longer wanted to pay attention to the vampire who couldn't say anything nice. Instead, he focused on the upcoming atmospheric penetration - this iconic scene in the A/Z world was given to him by his butterfly wings. No more fanning, this time I can finally experience it for myself! PS: Sorry, this is the second update today.

')254'\u003eChapter 253 Death Flag \u0026 The First War Death

The explosion site was comparable to a nuclear explosion. Thick dust clouds covered the sky and reduced the visibility to extremely low.

However, with the sunlight shining tenaciously through the clouds, the scene here can be vaguely seen.

Huge craters, molten magma and vitrified ground, fallen and charred tree remains... a scorching hell.

Probably only such words can describe it.

"Sure enough, I can't kill you at this level!" Through the energy detection radar, Fang Yuan knew that none of the servants outside were dead.

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