After all, they are Heroic Spirits. It is impossible for them to just sit there and watch a whole space city fall on their heads without doing anything. With their mobility, they are able to evacuate to a distance far enough to survive before the explosion. The various treasures in their hands can also allow them to barely defend against the invasion of high temperature and shock waves, so that they will not be like ordinary people who will only die when facing such a disaster.

However, the situation of these Heroic Spirits is definitely not good after taking the head-on blow of the great collision between heaven and earth.

"[Friday], let's start the war!"  "Understood! Activate the ground combat mode, dispatch the Decepticon team, release the inventory of transformation units, and activate the legion mode--"  The conical "city" that stands on the ground like a thousand-foot cliff begins to crack from the top like a flower, and the four "petals" that occupy nearly half of the total length are transformed from the vertical direction to the horizontal position.

When the platform was completely in place, accompanied by the roar of mechanical operation, countless grid-shaped passages opened on the side of the platform, and hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, and even countless deformation units gushed out from them, like a torrent of metal, rushing into the air, turning into an extremely huge metal canopy that covered the sky and the sun.

And under this canopy, there were five steel giants transformed into human forms, who were the five-member Decepticon group that Fang Yuan copied.

"Decepticons, assemble!" Megatron (fake), the tallest and most powerful Decepticon leader, raised his sword and issued his order.

Kakakakakakaka---The metal canopy that covered the sky and replaced the clouds, countless tiny particles that could not be seen by the naked eye, constantly combined, deformed, and multiplied in the sound of metal collisions, and finally presented to everyone was an army of tens of thousands of Transformers.

Although these Transformers look exactly the same, they are mass-produced products without any personality at first glance. Whether in size or individual combat power, they are far inferior to the five copycat Decepticons with personalized appearance and virtual personality, which are equivalent to "special machines".

However, the number of this army of tens of thousands that covers the sky and the sun makes all these shortcomings no longer important.

"Kill!" Megatron pointed his sword forward and uttered the word "kill".

Buzz——"The sky curtain" fell! Tens of thousands of "soldiers" did not make a sound, but responded with uniform actions.

"... I'm going to fight to the death!" Danic Vlad looked at the enemy who was coming like a tsunami, and the magic light flames visible to the naked eye ignited around him.

"Semiramis, protect yourself..." Amakusa Shiro Tokisada turned his head to look at the woman beside him, gave a warning, and released his treasure again. Layers of rotating circular magic circles bloomed on his arms, absorbing the magic power from the surrounding source, and strengthening the power of the young saint to the limit.

"Oh Lord!" Joan of Arc held the flagpole that had completely lost its face in her hand, and cold sweat broke out in her palm. With such a large number of enemies... "Oh Brahma, curse me!" "King of Punishment!" "Fantasy Greatsword·Devil's Fall!" "Undead Chariot of Raging Winds and Waves!" "Ah--!!!" ← This is Frankenstein who can't talk. "Treason against my gorgeous father!" "Right arm·Evil Predator, left arm·Heavenly Grace Base!" "Wine of the Arrogant King!" "..." ← This is the Centaur Sage who can't release his Noble Phantasm during the day and can only use ordinary attacks. ... At this moment, facing an unprecedented strong enemy, all the servants who can release Noble Phantasms released the Noble Phantasms that should have been their trump cards. Even those who can't release Noble Phantasms also released the strongest attacks in their own ways. The immense magic power turned into various energy torrents, which bombarded the endless enemies head-on. An extremely tragic battle began immediately! … In the center of the space city that fell to the ground and turned into a steel fortress, in a dimly lit hall, Fang Yuan, who had started such a great battle, sat on a huge chair full of technology. Surrounded by countless light screens, the scenes in every corner of the battlefield were displayed, allowing Fang Yuan to grasp the movement of the entire battlefield in real time.

However, the most eye-catching thing in the whole hall was not Fang Yuan, who was in the form of the final boss, nor those projection light screens that looked very high-tech, but the huge sphere with a diameter of more than ten meters behind the huge chair.

The relief of a naked woman with the same appearance as the Saint of Winter, the huge magic power that was almost overflowing, yes, this was the key item in this Holy Grail War, the universal wishing machine that could realize all wishes (doubtful), the actual carrier of the third law, the Great Holy Grail.

"Come on, come on, go through untold hardships, break through numerous obstacles, and kill in front of me, the big devil. Isn't this your favorite script? I, the big devil, am here, waiting for you!" With an intriguing smile on his face, Fang Yuan was like the final boss who didn't know how to live or die and let the protagonist become bigger, and the big devil who would never appear in the devil's city until the end. He said words that were definitely a death flag, quietly waiting for the "brave man" who could finally kill him.

... In outer space, the orbital station module that was "abandoned" after the space city was split into two returned to full stealth after the landing module began its descent operation. Even further, it escaped into the subspace level as a whole with its powerful space control ability, and completely "disappeared" in the real time and space.

… On the ground battlefield, the battle between the Transformers and the Heroic Spirits, no, it should be said that the war, soon ushered in the first victim.

Frankenstein, the second weakest Berserker in this Holy Grail War, was besieged by dozens of mass-produced Transformers. Finally, she bloomed the last brilliance with a full-power [Blasted Tree], ushering in the end, and destroyed 70% of the total number of Transformers that besieged her.

… "Frankenstein..." In the castle of Eugene Domirenia, the boy named Corles looked at the dimming Command Spell in his hand, felt the sudden disconnection in his heart, and for some reason, he suddenly had the urge to cry.

The girl who liked to wander in the sea of ​​flowers died in battle...')255'\u003eChapter 254: Hot lunch box, please check

When the first casualty appeared, death followed.

The second person who was besieged and died was Chiron, the Great Centaur Sage of the Age of Gods, who appeared in the world as an Archer.

Although he was the source of the myth of Sagittarius, and was a complete god born between Kronos, the god of creation and destruction of time and space, and the goddess Philura, he had fallen from the status of a god after giving up his immortal life because he could not withstand the poison of Hydra.

Therefore, when this great sage of the Age of Gods, who had an astonishing background, appeared as a servant, he did not have the strong strength that matched his origin.

Especially his treasure, the instant-kill arrow called [Scorpio Shot], which can be said to be unparalleled in the world in terms of precision and attack speed, but it has a huge limitation - it can only be activated at night when the starry sky can be seen.

And now, although the hard landing of the space city has caused a huge dust cloud to cause darkness here, it is actually still daytime, and the starry sky is still blocked by the sun, and there is no condition to activate the treasure at all.

Therefore, tragically, the Centaur Sage, who could only use bows and arrows and fists to launch ordinary attacks, could not hold out for too long under the siege of many mass-produced Transformers. After Frankenstein who exploded, he became the second Servant to die in this battle.

"What a pity... Puff!" Looking at the metal blade that passed through his chest, Chiron spat out the last mouthful of blood, and then, like other dead heroes, he turned into countless ether spirits and dissipated in the air.

"Teacher!" Achilles, who was driving a chariot and speeding in the chariot, saw this scene, but he was also besieged by countless steel giants and had no power to rescue him. He could only watch his teacher die miserably in the beating, and he could not help but gnashed his teeth in hatred.

"[Small World Surrounding the Sky]!" The demigod hero who was driving the divine car turned into a hurricane and crushed the enemy who was blocking the way in front of him with the weight of a whole "world". Countless mass-produced Transformers were smashed to pieces and scattered in this unreasonable crushing collision, and then reassembled again in the next moment and continued to outflank the predetermined enemy.

... "The situation is getting worse!" Danic Vlad, who protected himself with the power of [King of Punishment] and even had enough to protect Caster Avisbronn, observed the situation on the battlefield.

Seeing that the black side lost two servants just a few minutes after the war started, his heart sank.

"Caster, use that!"  "... Then I'll go!"  Avisbron, wearing a mask, had no expression on his face. He just bowed lightly and then disappeared from the spot - this was when Roger in the back used the command spell to summon him back after receiving Danic's magic communication.

"It takes at least 20 minutes to get here from the castle. If it's the giant described by Caster, it might be faster, but it will take at least 10 minutes... So we have to hold on before that!"  Danic calculated the time a little and felt that he should be able to hold on until Caster's treasure arrived at the battlefield.

However, the next moment, a narrow space channel suddenly appeared above Danic's head, and a scorching ray shot out from it, ignoring the layers of defense composed of thousands of iron stakes outside, and directly penetrated Danic Vlad's brain from top to bottom on the inside of the defense, and even completely destroyed his entire body.

Then, there was an explosion comparable to a small nuclear explosion, and another mushroom cloud rose. The place where Danic was located was completely transformed into a deep pit with flowing lava. The iron stakes that were originally stacked like a steel fortress gradually dissipated with the disappearance of the owner.

——Fang Yuan saw clearly the scene of Danic recovering from the wound that pierced his heart. Naturally, he would not mistake the enemy's vital points like the unlucky sub-servant Lancer who inherited Lucky E. He killed the enemy with one move without leaving any room for maneuver! Danic Vlad, who should have been the mainstay of the black side, died just like that! Of course, what killed Danic Vlad was the space acceleration kinetic energy bomb that had appeared once before! Although it was originally intended to be used as an armament for space interstellar combat, it is also a very useful weapon on the ground battlefield after reducing its power.

Danik, who did not notice the space channel at the first time, fell into this cheating weapon that bypassed the defense directly!   "Mr. Danik..."   Seeing this scene, Siegfried, the only one left on the black side, suddenly felt a surge of pressure.

'It seems that in the end, we can only rely on Caster! '   Thinking so, the dragon slayer once again swung out a dim yellow sword energy, and the powerful force transformed from the God's True Ether once again wiped out a group of enemies in front of him, but in a blink of an eye, more enemies rushed forward and submerged his figure again.

...   Boom——!   Boom——!   Boom——!   Three consecutive energy explosions comparable to small nuclear explosions, the battlefield where the five-machine combined Decepticons and the strongest servant Karna were located was the most heated.

The Son of the Sun, who possesses the golden armor and the immortal blade and the fire of the sun, can face thousands of troops without changing his expression. For such a heroic spirit of extraordinary level, those crudely made mass-produced goods, no matter how many there are, cannot threaten his safety.

Therefore, the only ones who can be hostile to him are naturally the "special machine" different from the "mass-produced machine", the copycat Decepticon with a unique virtual personality built by Fang Yuan himself - Megatron and his four minions.

Facing such a strong enemy as Karna, Megatron and his friends also knew that a single Transformer could not do anything to the opponent, so without hesitation, they activated the combination skill at the first time, transformed into a steel giant with a height of more than 25 meters, twisted the space and entangled, and forced the Son of the Sun, who was burning with the fire of the sun, to suppress him in a corner of the battlefield, and had the upper hand throughout the whole process, and it seemed that he was going to suppress the opponent to death.

"Well, although I want to use that spear on the manipulator behind you, there is no need to be so particular now!" Karna, who was wrapped in the fire of the sun and seemed to be the incarnation of the sun god, said to himself and made up his mind.

"Understand the mercy of the king of gods.

Indra, watch carefully.

Extinction is here.

Burn thoroughly-[Sun disk, submit to death (Vasa-vi Shakti)]!!" The golden armor that was integrated with the body of the Son of God gradually peeled off with the release of the final treasure. The blood-stained armor fragments gradually melted in the sun-like light, and finally turned into a lightning spear that could not be looked at directly.

This is the extinction spear given by the king of gods, which can defeat even gods with only one shot.

The next moment, lightning flashed, and the divine spear that could kill the conceptually [only one] individual, whether it was a living thing, a non-living thing, or even any object, including magic beasts, fantasy beasts, mythical beasts, people, shields, armies, cities, barriers, gods..., pierced the steel giant formed by the fusion of five Decepticons.

PS: Still two updates')256'\u003eChapter 255 The lunch boxes that were not sent yesterday will continue to be sent today

"All members of the Megatron team have been killed, and the personality data has been backed up. Do you want to execute the resurrection procedure?" Fang Yuan heard the reminder sound of [Friday], letting him know that all members of the copycat Decepticon team had been killed, and now only the mass-produced Transformers were left on the battlefield.

In fact, there was no need for a special reminder. Fang Yuan, who was watching the battlefield all the time, saw the scene that just happened with his own eyes.

Facing the extinction stab of the Son of the Sun God, even the five-in-one combined King Kong could not completely defend. The divine power that violated the laws of physics ignored the obstruction of the distorted space, penetrated through layers of defense, hit the body of the steel giant, and caused killing and destruction from the conceptual level.

But at the same time, the loyal Decepticons also seized the opportunity when Karna took off his golden armor and his defense and recovery power dropped to the limit. Before they were completely destroyed, they released all their energy, distorted space, and artificially created a simulated black hole, which involved themselves and the Son of the Sun God on the opposite side, and finally disappeared together in another violent explosion comparable to a nuclear explosion.

In other words, the strongest servant who came in this Holy Grail War and the five top fighters under Fang Yuan died together! Fortunately, for the copycat Decepticons, who were only composed of transformation units + virtual personalities, the death on the material level was nothing big.

As long as the virtual personality data stored by [Friday] is still there and the reserves of the Transformation Unit are sufficient, it can be resurrected in minutes.

However, at this time, Fang Yuan issued a strange order: "Don't revive for the time being. The real big fish has not been caught yet. Don't scare the opponent away!" "Understood!" The AI ​​followed suit and postponed the priority of the resurrection program, waiting for Fang Yuan's further orders.

... The cruel but not bloody battle continued.

With thousands of mass-produced Transformers fearlessly advancing one after another, one servant after another fell on the battlefield, the flesh and blood composed of magic power turned into ether again, and the soul of the hero returned to the seat outside of time and space.

As the price of killing them, dozens or even hundreds of times the number of mass-produced Kongs were completely destroyed, and countless metal parts and fragments composed of functional Transformation Units filled the entire battlefield.

The Assyrian Queen, Semiramis, whose combat power was not that strong, now had lost her Hanging Garden. Besides her treasure [Wine of the Arrogant King], she only had the ability to summon monsters.

However, the poisonous Noble Phantasm, which has great lethality to all living things and even Heroic Spirits, is completely ineffective against mass-produced Transformers, which are essentially mechanical and made of steel and semiconductors.

She used up almost all her magic power to summon the army of summoned creatures, but faced with the Transformers army that was far superior to her in both quantity and quality, she also had little resistance.

In addition, the support of the Master's Command Spell had long been used up, and in the end she could only watch her summoned creatures being killed one by one. Under the siege of dozens of mass-produced Transformers, she had no choice but to end the journey of this Holy Grail War.

Red Saber, Mordred, who claimed to be an "independent camp", was also considered powerful among the servants who descended in this Holy Grail War, but after all, he was not the kind of extraordinary servant who could end the Holy Grail War on his own.

The powerful swordsmanship and the thunder-like release of the Noble Phantasm could not really reverse the increasingly unfavorable situation.

Although her necromancer master wanted to use the command seal to get her out of the battlefield, as a knight, she refused this proposal and would rather die in battle than be a deserter! In the end, the legendary rebellious knight finally ushered in her end after releasing the last red thunder of unprecedented strength, destroying nearly a hundred mass-produced Transformers in one blow, and ended this short journey in the world.

One of the three servants with "immortal" treasures in this Holy Grail War, the great dragon-slaying hero Siegfried, although his combat power and toughness are among the strongest among the servants, his weakness behind him is too obvious.

If it is a one-on-one battle, it is fine. The dragon-slaying swordsman with rich combat experience is almost impossible to expose the back door to the enemy's attack. Even in a melee battlefield, Siegfried can effectively protect the fatal weakness behind him.

However, the enemy he is facing now is not one, nor two or three, but more than two digits, close to the dense siege of three digits of enemies! In such an extremely harsh battlefield, no matter how sharp Siegfried's dragon-slaying swordsmanship is, no matter how powerful his treasure is, and no matter how tight his defense is, he still cannot hold on forever.

When a high-energy particle beam from behind penetrated the vital part of the dragon-slaying hero's vest, the great hero who had never lived for himself in his life and could be called a "living wish-making machine" sighed and ended his false life.

Now, the only ones still alive on the battlefield are the Red Rider, who holds a shield and drives a chariot, and has supported himself to this day with mobility and defense, the demigod hero, Achilles, and the two Rulers who have been on the chariot together since I don't know when.

——Faced with such a powerful enemy, even Achilles, who was very unhappy with Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, had to huddle with the person he hated the most for warmth, and also took a saint who also believed in pagan gods to resist the endless attacks like a tide.

... "What should we do? We can't hold out like this for long!" Driving the chariot at supersonic speed again, rushing out from the gaps of the surrounding enemies, Achilles asked the master behind him with some annoyance.

To be honest, facing such an oversized enemy, even with the treasure [The Immortal Flower of the Brave], Achilles, who is immortal in the face of non-divine attacks, has lost the confidence to win.

The enemy is not a god, nor a hero of the Age of Gods of his generation, nor an epic legendary hero from later history, but it is a hundred times more difficult than the enemies mentioned above!   "Now, apart from the three of us and the several servants who were abducted, there is only Caster on the black side left on the red and black sides.

I saw before that Danic sent Black Caster out of the battlefield before he was killed. Our last and only trump card to turn the tables is on him!" Amakusa Shiro Tokisada explained to his only servant while repelling another wave of enemy attacks with powerful magic and swords.

"Avisbronn's Noble Phantasm... [Crown·Light of Wisdom]? Perhaps this is really our only hope!" Although this Noble Phantasm, which cannot be stopped once activated and can even assimilate the entire world into a "paradise", is equally dangerous, facing such a terrible enemy, these risks should be taken... Jeanne sighed and looked at the huge metal fortress that was looming behind the dust cloud and the robot army.

She could feel that the abducted servants were there, the Holy Grail was there, and the enemies that were required to be eliminated in [Revelation] were also there.

As long as they could break into the fortress and kill the mastermind behind the scenes, they could put an end to this Holy Grail War that had completely gone astray!   Everything depended on whether Black Caster could arrive in time! ')257'\u003eChapter 256: Banishment - Sun Limited (Technology Edition)

As if hearing Joan of Arc's prayer, at this moment, a 60-meter-tall clay giant made of rocks, soil, trees, flowers and plants gradually walked out of the distant mountains.

With every step taken by the giant, large tracts of land that had been scorched and dead due to repeated ravages regained vitality, and tender green plant seedlings seemed to emerge from the ground where no life should exist, and went through the four seasons in a short period of time, and grew into dense meadows and jungles in a few seconds.

"This is... Caster's Noble Phantasm... How did it grow to this size so quickly?!" Jeanne looked at the giant that walked out of the mountains in shock.

According to the information she obtained from the Ruler privilege, this Noble Phantasm named [Crown·Light of Wisdom] should be only 15 meters tall at the initial stage of birth.

Although it can double its size every hour and eventually grow to more than 1,000 meters, it will take at least 7 hours to brew.

But how long has it been now? It has grown to the size after doubling its size at least twice!   Jeanne didn't know that in the castle of Eugdomrenia, far away from the battlefield, the young magician Roger, who was obsessed with puppet magic, had no trace of the Command Spell on the back of his hand.

Yes, this is the effect of the Command Spell.

Just after Caster successfully activated the Noble Phantasm and created the miracle that was not completed before his birth, the news of Danic's death was also passed back to the clan.

Such bad news naturally plunged the Yugdomrenia clan into chaos, and with the subsequent deaths of the servants, the entire black camp fell into a gloomy mood.

At this time, the young magician named Roche, for the first time not as an apprentice, but as a master, issued an order of his own will with the last Command Seal in his hand - to strengthen the effect of Caster's Noble Phantasm and shorten the growth time of [Crown·Light of Wisdom].

Although Caster, who lost the restraint of the Command Seal, would lose the foundation for his descent into the world and would soon dissipate, for Avisbron, who had nothing else to ask for except fulfilling his last wish, seeing the birth of [Crown·Light of Wisdom] was already a wish fulfilled, and he could die without regrets, and he gladly accepted the order of the master.

Even before the final dissipation, he took the initiative to integrate his participating spirit and magic power into [Original Man] to add another boost to the growth of the Noble Phantasm.

Therefore, what Jeanne and the others saw now was a clay giant that had grown to a height of 60 meters in just half an hour.

Well, with this size, it could have played a cameo role in the "Attack on Titan" set next door. Such a huge miracle doll, each step is tens of meters away, just a dozen steps, it has covered hundreds of meters, walked out of the mountains, entered the battlefield, and left a "footprint" full of life green behind.

Such a huge and obvious target naturally attracted the attention of the mechanical army.

Jeanne and the others could clearly see that the enemies who had been chasing and besieging them had directly divided more than half of their number, like a metallic storm, sweeping towards the clay giant that was getting closer and closer.

Zizizi - The mass-produced Transformers that approached a certain distance seemed to have passed through tens of millions of years in an instant. The surface of their bodies that originally shone with metallic luster was instantly corroded beyond recognition, covered with rust spots, and they themselves lost power like a long-disrepaired machine, falling into the "paradise" at the feet of the giant, and continued to rust and corrode within a few minutes, and finally mixed with the soil and rocks on the ground, becoming a raw ore full of metal elements and no longer recognizable in its original form.

In a flash, thousands of robots were transformed into metal ores and completely destroyed.

"The so-called 'paradise' actually has this ability?" Fang Yuan in the central hall saw this scene through the camera and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

To be honest, when he saw this so-called "original man" made of mud, rocks, and trees, he was quite disapproving in his heart - according to the performance in the original work, this huge golem, which has no other abilities except its large size and special attack effect on humans, is not very powerful. Even if the opponent really grows to the limit of one thousand meters in height, it can be solved by a few large-yield nuclear bombs.

However, Fang Yuan now sees a completely different result.

"Not only humans, but also human creations will be returned to the beginning? Special attack on human civilization? Anti-human civilization treasure?" If this guess is true, based on the performance of [Crown·Light of Wisdom] just now, as long as it goes around the world, it can definitely destroy human civilization! And it is a complete extinction without leaving any trace of civilization! 'What caused the change in the effect of the treasure... Could it be that the core used as the furnace core has been changed from an ordinary magician to the original 'destined protagonist', so it has evolved super-evolved? ' Fang Yuan was guessing the reason for the change, but his face did not show any worry about the enemy's strength.

- Since man-made objects will be returned to their original ore form when they enter the "paradise", then we should just get rid of them outside! The next moment, those mass-produced Transformers who were surrounding the [Crown·Light of Wisdom] and dared not approach easily suddenly disintegrated into the smallest transformation units, scattered apart, and within a few seconds, they reorganized and transformed into pyramid-shaped metal structures around the "paradise" that was already thousands of square meters, and together formed a huge hollow cylinder.

The next moment, violent space distortion and fluctuation appeared inside the hollow cylinder, extremely hot, as if the light and heat from the surface of the sun descended on the earth - no, this is the light and heat from the surface of the sun! This is a space channel leading to the surface of the sun! The light from the sun descended on the earth at zero distance. At that moment, the violent energy surging out even made Fang Yuan in the fortress feel throbbing.

——Although the space technology he mastered can transmit any material to a fixed point in the solar system, this is the first time he has opened a space channel to the sun. He is really afraid that the space channel will go out of control at this moment and directly push the entire earth to a place of no return.

Fortunately, the space channel did not go out of control. It was closed again after being opened for a short moment.

When the light and heat dissipated, the giant's trace had disappeared at the original place.

No, not only the giant, but also the lush "paradise" under its feet, all disappeared completely in the moment just now.

')258'\u003eChapter 257 Self-sacrifice? Being self-sacrificed?

"How could it be..." Joan of Arc watched the miracle golem modeled after the [Original Man] appear in full glory, watched it display its power, and instantly wiped out more than a thousand enemies, and then watched it be completely wiped out by some more domineering, more terrifying, and more unreasonable attack in the next moment.

How many methods do their enemies have? !   "Don't be distracted!" Joan of Arc was stunned by the scene just now, and her movements were a little slow, and she was almost knocked off the chariot by an attack, causing Achilles, who was driving, to rebuke her with a little dissatisfaction.

"... Sorry!" The French Saint apologized a little embarrassedly, and then worked harder to defend against the continuous attacks from the rear of the chariot.

"Quick, while their numbers are reduced, rush to the fortress!" Amakusa, who was also struggling to resist, looked at the mechanical army in the sky, which had lost a large part of its number and had a somewhat scattered formation, and said anxiously.

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