She was certain that Miss Natsuyo Senju had indeed "disappeared" at this very moment! Whether it was sounds such as breathing, heartbeat, friction of clothes, or slight touches of limbs, they all disappeared in an instant, coupled with the "invisibility" her sister said... The blind girl could be sure that the other party's actions Definitely not ordinary invisibility, but a more magical power.

The next moment, the stars reunited, and Qianju Natsuyo reappeared in the surprised eyes of her sister Sang - and not only her, but also a dozen sisters in "Valhalla" also appeared together, and all of a sudden It makes this small room very crowded.

"Wow, suddenly there are so many new sisters that I don't know! It's really amazing!" My sister Sang exclaimed when she saw so many girls suddenly appeared.

The blind girl stretched out her hand to hold down her overly excited sister, and looked around with her sightless eyes under the straps, as if she could see these girls who suddenly appeared.

Then she turned her "eyes" to Qian Shou Xia Shi and Fang Yuan, thought for a long time, and then said: "If you really have a way to redeem us, then I hope you can use it on me first..." Then she seemed to notice He said this as if he was suspecting Fang Yuan and the others' ulterior motives, and quickly said in relief: "It's not that I don't believe you, after all, people like us sisters have nothing to lose, and it's not worth your special trip to deceive... But, just treat it as It's just my selfishness as a sister. I don't want to see anything happen to my sister..." "...No problem, you did the right thing!" It was Fang Yuan who spoke this time.

He looked at this sister who still tried her best to protect her sister even though she had lost her light. He sighed again in his heart that the "cursed children" in this world are really too innocent and kind. Except for those like Hiroko Hina who grew up Except for those who have been raised crookedly, there are almost no people who are truly evil in their hearts.

He stood up, stepped in front of the blind girl, stretched out his right hand, touched the girl's head, and said loudly: "But don't worry, I can guarantee you that all the suffering you have experienced is over. What is about to usher in is a new and bright new life!" In the next moment, infinite light flashed through this dilapidated ruins.

Witnessed by more than a dozen girls, a translucent figure with soft brilliance rose up from the thin and broken body of the blind girl. Judging from the shape and figure, it was exactly the same as her body.

The only thing is that the girl who appeared as a soul is no longer blind. Her beautiful red eyes finally reopened after many years, and she looks at the entire world from the perspective of her soul.

At this moment, she finally saw the appearance of Fang Yuan and the girls, and also saw her own body that fell limply to the ground and lost its voice.

She finally understood that Fang Yuan and the others did not deceive her. People do have souls... Of course, what shocked her even more was the brilliant spiritual light emanating from Fang Yuan and the girls. It was extremely dazzling, but also very soft. , as if with vigorous vitality and endless hope - it is a brilliance that belongs to the soul and belongs to the extraordinary. Only a spirit like her now can see it.

However, before she could express her emotion, she saw endless, ocean-like pure power flowing out of Fang Yuan's light, turning into a swimming dragon, entering through the top door of the girl's spiritual body, and the endless energy penetrated instantly To every part of her soul.

Buzz - I don't know when the wind started, and the surging air flow surrounded the girl's glowing spirit body. The sound of hunting wind made the girls watching around couldn't help but move back, but the area of ​​this room was really limited, so they had to exit. In this room, I stretched my head at the door and watched the scenes happening in the room.

——This is the scene of these "Valkyries" giving birth to a new baby. These first batch of "Valkyries" have no chance to see it. Of course, it is a strange sight at this time.

Fang Yuan seemed to understand their thoughts and deliberately accelerated the transformation of the soul into material form. In just ten minutes, the girl's spirit body was instilled with high concentration of pure energy to create a truly materialized perfect body. .

When the light dissipated, what stood in front of everyone was a silver-haired girl who was almost identical to the girl before, but with bright eyes.

"I... saw it again!" The girl turned her head and looked at her sister who was in the corner of the room with a dumbfounded expression. A smile broke out on her face: "I can finally see you again!" It's still the fourth update, please. Please give me votes, please recommend me, please give me rewards, please ask for everything...') 452'\u003e Chapter 451: How should I dispose of my "body"?

After getting familiar with her new body, the silver-haired girl finally relaxed and agreed to let her sister undergo the same transformation.

As the younger sister, the little girl was not afraid at all after seeing the magical scene before, and even happily accepted Fang Yuan's transformation.

"What a magical power... Are you, big brother, the legendary god?" After getting rid of the thin body of the past that was always hungry and trapped, the little girl was happily trying out various features of her new body. With a magical ability, he raised his head and looked at Fang Yuan with a mixture of admiration and reverence.

"Yes, yes! God-sama is God-sama! And let me tell you~ God-sama has also opened up a heaven-like world called 'Valhalla' or something... There is everything you want in there. Yes, come on, I'll take you to see it!" Before Fang Yuan could answer "yes" or "no," someone from the girls on the side jumped out and enthusiastically took his sister Sang into Fang Yuan's inner world. went.

Seeing her sister disappear into spirit form along with several other girls, the silver-haired girl as her sister did not stop her, but looked at this scene with a heartfelt smile.

——Being able to live a carefree life like this is really like a dream... After a long time, my sister Sang, who was going crazy playing in "Valhalla", finally remembered that there was another person outside of her. Sister, then returned to the outside world with an embarrassed expression.

"Sister...I'm sorry, I had so much fun that I forgot about you..." She looks very similar to her sister, but is slightly smaller. She ran to her sister with her short legs and grabbed her. He said with a blush on the other party's clothes.

"It doesn't matter, that will be our home from now on. You can play with your sister then!" The silver-haired girl touched her sister's head with a gentle expression, not caring about her previous "neglect".

——As she said, that "Valhalla" will be their home from now on, and you can visit it anytime.

... In order to welcome the new sisters, a group of little lolita played with each other for a long time.

Finally, the night passed and when the sun rose, the silver-haired sisters were about to say goodbye to this dilapidated house that had sheltered them from wind and rain for many years.

However, just before they left, Fang Yuan asked a question: "Although it is strange to say this, what should you do with your original bodies?" Well, yes, after these sisters reshaped their bodies based on their souls, , the original body infected by the gastroenterovirus has no meaning at all.

Previously, because what Fang Yuan and others showed was too surprising and attracted the attention of the sisters, they never thought about what to do with their old bodies.

However, after being reminded by Fang Yuan, the two sisters looked back at the two voiceless bodies lying on the floor of the room, and their expressions suddenly became strange.

——This situation of looking at one's own "corpse" is really a new experience... As for the other girls, they also looked left and right, looking at each other.

To be honest, because they basically died on the battlefield in their previous lives, they had never thought about their "remains". Now that Fang Yuan reminded them of this, each one of them had a kind of feeling. Indescribable feeling.

——By the way, the bodies of many of them must have been eaten by gasterozoans... Thinking about it this way, it's really creepy! …… Not to mention the girls over there who are imagining what happened to their bodies, the sisters here are also thinking about how to deal with their "bodies".

Buried directly or cremated? If it is cremated, how should their ashes be disposed of? Should you just throw it into the sea or take it with you? ... "...I think it's better to be cremated! After all, we are all 'cursed children', which means we might turn into monsters... If we leave our bodies behind, something bad might happen." End it!" In the end, it was my sister who made the decision to directly burn their "bodies" to ashes, burying everything in the past in the flames.

"As for the ashes... forget it, there's no point in carrying them around, why not just find a place to bury them!" ... So the matter was settled.

In the blazing flames, watching their "bodies" being burned to ashes, the two newly joined girls completely bid farewell to their past lives.

Seeing that the group of little carrot heads around him had lost their lively laughter after watching the cremation process of the corpse, Fang Yuan clapped his hands and asked everyone to turn their attention: "Okay, don't think too much! It's all in the past It's over, now let's discuss what we will do in the future!" "In the future..." When the girls heard Fang Yuan's words, they were successfully diverted and began to think about "the future". The problem.

"Aren't we just going to live in Valhalla and live happily every day?" Some girls who have no ambitions or simply have a salty personality said this.

"That's not true! Such a life is too useless! We are the apostles saved by God himself, and we are going to do big things! If it's like what you said, wouldn't we become pure salted fish? ? ” Well, the previous statement of not being enterprising was immediately refuted without mercy, and the refutational person also claimed to be Fang Yuan’s apostle and claimed to do something “big”... Obviously, Fang Yuan saved Among the group of girls who came down, there were also those who were ambitious or unwilling to be mediocre.

The two groups of girls with different opinions started arguing, and then more girls expressed their different opinions. A group of little carrot heads just started arguing. Only Qianju Natsuyo and the silver-haired sisters who had just joined did not participate. Go in.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing!" Fang Yuan looked at the chattering in front of him and clapped his hands helplessly, asking everyone to calm down first - he found that if it was about this kind of discussion, it would require mature thinking and long-term vision. On the topic, these little girls who have no experience in the world are still too immature to make such long-term plans.

There is no other way, he has to do it himself in the end! "Well, since everyone doesn't have a unified opinion, let me tell you my opinion!" Fang Yuan saw that everyone had calmed down to listen to him, and then nodded: "We all know that in Tokyo There are still many 'cursed children' living in the district. Although many of them have been trained as 'starters' and have more or less stable jobs, which can make their lives a little better. But there are still many girls who are not suitable or dare not fight and cannot become 'starters', but their lives are not good in this city."

Fang Yuan paused and saw everyone looking thoughtful, so he continued: "Then, our task at this stage is to save these children who are living in embarrassment and are even about to die!"')453' \u003eChapter 452: The Degraded Version of the Realm \u0026 Tendo Kikunochori’s Reaction

"Remember, we can't have any compulsion. Whether they want to follow us or whether they want to be reincarnated as a 'Valkyrie' is their personal choice!" Recalling Fang Yuan's instructions before leaving in his mind, After being reborn, the girls immediately came to Fang Yuan's side for the first time and dispersed throughout the outer area to carry out this mission that some middle school girls called the "gospel of redemption."

Of course, these "Valkyries" were not the only ones who needed to take action. Fang Yuan, as "Odin", also took action.

On the one hand, he took Qianju Natsuyo and the silver-haired sisters who were most familiar with the outer area to form a group to look for those helpless "cursed children".

On the other hand, in order to ensure the survival and combat effectiveness of all the girls who went out, Fang Yuan gave each girl a "World Seed" and integrated it into their spiritual bodies.

——This "World Seed" is nothing but a deteriorated imitation made by Fang Yuan based on his own inner world.

And these imitations have only one function, and that is to divert some power from Fang Yuan through resonance with Fang Yuan's inner world, so that these girls can borrow part of his great power.

Otherwise, these girls are essentially just soul-based girls who have reshaped their material bodies. Once they leave Fang Yuan's domain coverage, their combat effectiveness will not be much stronger than when they were alive - just like Fang Yuan in the past. Likewise, great power is limited by the rules of the world and can only be limited to pure physical strength.

But it is different as long as they have this "World Seed" in their bodies. With the help of the resonance linkage between the "World Seed" and the "Inner World", each "Valkyrie" can borrow part of the power from Fang Yuan. , developing a shrunken and degraded version of the "field" centered on himself, in order to control the various forces in the world.

Control water and fire, control wind and thunder, change the terrain, and even influence the celestial phenomena - whatever they want, they can do it! But later it was proved that the power given to them by Fang Yuan really worked.

——But it was not used with gastrea... "You mean, there have been many cases of wounding suddenly in Tokyo?" Tendo Kikunochori raised his eyebrows slightly as he listened to the report from his subordinates, as if he was mentioning this matter. interested.

"Yes, and according to the confessions of the victims, the perpetrators were all little girls under the age of ten..." "Huh! Sure enough!" Upon hearing this, the old man immediately snorted and said bitterly: "I'm just I said, these bug-like things should have died long ago! Keeping them alive every minute is a crime!” , In this series of cases, we have collected an interesting piece of information... Those who hurt others seem to have mastered 'super powers'!" "Super powers?" The old man frowned and asked, "What's going on? "Is it the special physique of those bugs?" "No, it is not the extraordinary strength and rapid self-healing ability of ordinary starters, but the real supernatural power!" The subordinate shook his head and said: "According to the victim, As we said, those suspected starters can all control abilities such as water, fire, wind, and thunder. They feel like the superpowers in the comics in the past..." "Huh! That's nonsense!" The old man said first! He reprimanded this statement and then asked: "So what's the result? Have you investigated what happened?" "Yes, after some investigation, we confirmed the authenticity of some of the victims' words.

And more importantly, regarding the identities of the attackers, we found that they were the original ones who had been confirmed to be 'resurrected from the dead'! "The subordinate replied while handing over a tablet, which displayed a captured surveillance screen. It was a little girl who looked about ten years old, protecting another girl while waving a whip made of flames to drive away. The sight of a bunch of punks.

Switching back, in another video, there is another girl of the same age, wrapped with lightning bolts, electrocuting a tall, fierce man with tattoos until his whole body twitches. Behind her is also a watcher. Dirty little girl up there.

There are similar scenes after that, from water, fire, wind and thunder, to controlling earth and stone, each girl showed her unique skills, beating adults one after another into a mess, and at the same time, she also saved many girls of the same age who were in ragged clothes.

"Is it a super power? Is it some new technology? Which force wants to do something to Tokyo..." Tendo Kikunochori understands the existence of mechanized human transformation, and also knows what black technology like virtual devices looks like. How unrealistic it is, so naturally you won’t be frightened by these sights that look like super powers.

——He will only think that this is some kind of new mechanical enhancement technology. These starters who look like superpowers are just using the power of machinery.

There are not many forces that can possess this kind of technology in the old man's memory.

America? China? Lucia? Or several other areas in Japan? "Which company is it..." After thinking for a long time, he narrowed down a few suspect lists, but there was no way to really confirm it. Tendo Kikunochei had to shake his head, suppress the matter in his heart, and then motioned to the subordinate in front of him to continue the report.

"We found that almost all similar assault cases involved 'cursed children'. The victims who were attacked were themselves guys who liked to bully the weak, and they were often bullying the 'cursed children'. The children were attacked by these former initiates when they were children... These former initiates seemed to be consciously saving and collecting 'cursed children'.

Thinking of the man who appeared last time, maybe these people are planning some conspiracy! "After listening to the report of his subordinates, Tendo Kikunojo stroked his long beard and pondered deeply.

"Sure enough, it's this man again... After collecting the bugs on the battlefield, is he now turning his attention to the bugs in the city... Do you want to protect them? No, it can't be that simple! He must want to use it. What are these bugs doing!" All kinds of thoughts flashed in Tendo Kikunobu's mind, and he finally defined what Fang Yuan and others did as some kind of conspiracy.

"Humph! I won't let you be so happy!" A sinister look flashed in the old man's eyes, and he had a plan in his mind.

...')454'\u003eChapter 453 Edited Video

"What number is this?" Looking at the girl in front of him who believed Fang Yuan's words without hesitation and chose to give up her original body and reincarnate as a "Valkyrie", Fang Yuan turned his head while performing the reincarnation ritual on her. Asked Natsuki Chiju who had been by his side.

"No. 173."

The girl with extremely high IQ and memory ability gave an accurate number almost without thinking.

"This is the 173rd one... It's only been a few days. Almost all the 'cursed children' we met here agreed without hesitation, right? They really have no nostalgia for their past lives. Here!" Fang Yuan said with a sigh.

"It's not almost, it's just that everyone didn't hesitate!" Qianju Xiashi corrected the mistakes in Fang Yuan's words seriously.

"That's not the point!" Fang Yuan gently tapped the girl's head with his free hand, and then said: "What I mean is that you should understand that this world is too harsh on 'cursed children'. Unexpectedly, we just gave them a choice that seemed like a fantasy, and they accepted it without hesitation, without worrying that we would lie to them... How desperate must this life be for them to let it go? It has become like this!" "But, Lord God, you are here, our suffering will soon be over, right?" Qian Juxiao touched the top of his head that was not painful at all, and then raised his head with a serious look on his face. said.

"...Yes, it will be over soon, I promise!" Fang Yuan nodded and said decisively.

... "A large number of 'cursed children' disappeared in Tokyo City? When did it happen?" As one of the few people in the ruling class who truly cares about "cursed children", Seitenzi couldn't sit still after hearing the news. .

"Just in the past week, from various signs, it seems that someone is deliberately collecting these 'cursed children'!" The person who reported this matter to the Holy Emperor was the director of the intelligence department. After seeing him bow slightly, he said: "According to our intelligence, an external force has sent a group of specially modified starters to abduct 'cursed children' who have not been registered as starters in Tokyo. This is likely to be the same as the last time at the Ministry of Defense. It’s related to the man we had trouble with.”

"Wait, transformation?" Sheng Tianzi heard a harsh word and immediately interrupted the other party: "What do you mean? Please explain in detail!" "Yes!" The intelligence director agreed, and then motioned to the subordinates on the side to open the conference room. screen.

After a while, a carefully doctored and edited video was played.

Most of the video is almost identical to what Tendo Kikunochori saw, but in some details, the picture played in front of the Holy Emperor is subtly different from the original version.

For example, the expressions on the faces of the girls who used various powers changed from angry to cold; for example, those who were attacked by the girls changed from ordinary punks to uniformed military police. ; Another example is that the expressions of the girls who were taken away by the girls changed from expressions of gratitude to panic and confusion.

These "trivial" modifications are all done perfectly, and only the most professional appraisers using the most professional instruments can discover the deeply hidden incongruities in the picture.

And if you just rely on the human eye, you will never be able to find that this video has been modified.

But with just such a "little" modification, the meaning of the entire video has undergone a huge change - the original picture looks like it is a brave girl with super powers who jumped out to protect the poor girl who was bullied from the gangsters, and was After the modification, at first glance it looked like a person with powerful abilities who had been trained to violently snatch an innocent girl from the hands of the military and police.

"...They seem to be the initiates who were 'resurrected from the dead' before?" Seeing some familiar faces in the picture, Shengtianzi asked with some disbelief.

"Yes, it is indeed them!" The intelligence chief nodded and gave a positive answer.

"Furthermore, judging from the pictures, these starters have obviously acquired some strange abilities, so our intelligence analysts believe that they should have been transformed in some way... similar to the transformation of Zhizi Yingyin. "

With a serious look on his face, the intelligence chief said in a very sure tone.

Judging from his tone, it seemed that this was no longer a guess, but a confirmed fact.

" this..." As if he suddenly lost something important, Sheng Tianzi's expression looked very depressed.

She looked at the expressionless figures in the picture, bit her lower lip, then closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

Then, she opened her eyes, her expression regained her composure, and said to the attendant below: "Issuing a commission to the Tendo Civilian Security Company and asking them to investigate this matter!" "This... Lord Shengtianzi, this kind of matter should not be handed over to Give it to our intelligence department?" The intelligence director seemed a little surprised by Sheng Tianzi's decision, and couldn't help but ask presumptuously.

"No, just leave it to them. This is my order!" The Holy Emperor, who usually seemed quite weak, really showed the courage of a head of state at this time. His unquestionable tone made the intelligence director below dare not continue. Say one more word.

However, the task that should have been his own was handed over by the Holy Emperor to unrelated civilians, and they were also the notorious policemen. This made the intelligence director's face become very ugly. Even though he could not show off in front of the Holy Emperor, his anger was still there. His expression couldn't be concealed at all.

Finally, under the orders of the Holy Emperor, the intelligence chief had to accept this reality and walked out of the Holy Emperor's palace with a gloomy face.

However, after leaving Sheng Tianzi's residence completely, the look of resentment and dissatisfaction on the face of the intelligence chief immediately disappeared.

He took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said in a respectful tone: "Master Tendo, the things you arranged have been completed. The Holy Emperor has already seen the video... She won't find out! But the Holy Emperor will investigate the mission If it is handed over to the Tendo Civilian Security Company, will this... Well, yes, my subordinates understand! With just a little guidance, their investigation can go in the wrong direction. This is very simple for us. "What happened!" After hanging up the phone, the intelligence manager shook his head and sighed: "I didn't expect the conflict between the eldest lady of the Tendo family and my family to be so deep, that even that adult would set up a trap like this... Well, Anyway, it’s none of my business. As a subordinate, I just need to execute the order!”…Ahem, I apologize again. I clicked the wrong button when I updated it before, so I posted Chapter 452 twice. But it has been changed now. The previous chapter has been changed to Chapter 451. There should be no need to re-subscribe. You can see it after updating.

')455'\u003eChapter 454 What the conspirators fear most is the prediction system

"The widespread disappearance of 'cursed children' in Tokyo... Is this the commission this time?" Rentaro Satomi, who had just received a new arm, just came to the club today and received a new commission from Tendo Kisara. , and it’s a task that gives people a bad feeling at a glance.

"Yes, this is a commission that the Holy Emperor specified for our club to complete, and the reward is very generous. Satomi-kun, you must complete it perfectly!" President Tendo Kisara, who was obsessed with money because of poverty, took the photo He patted Rentaro Satomi on the shoulder and said excitedly: "After completing this order, we will have money to buy steak!" "...This is not just about the steak, okay!" Rentaro Satomi originally thought I was used to the embarrassing behavior of my president, but I still couldn't help but complain.

"The key to the matter is the commission itself! 'Cursed children' are actually disappearing on a large scale... There is obviously a conspiracy in this!" "Ahem! Of course I know there is a conspiracy in this!" After being complained by his own club members, Tendo Mu She coughed lightly and finally regained her eldest demeanor. She took out a document bag and handed it to Rentaro Satomi: "This is relevant information collected by the Ministry of Defense Intelligence Headquarters. Although they don't know much, there is a lot. It should be able to help us somewhat, please take it and take a look."

"Let me see..." The young man took the document bag, opened the seal, took out the information inside, and read page by page.

"First, there were frequent cases of assaults and injuries, and then it was confirmed that the perpetrators were all former starters? Was it because they were deprived of their IP ranking for committing crimes?" Seeing this, Satomi Rentaro raised his eyebrows, somewhat Surprised, but when he continued to look down, he realized that it was not what he imagined: "So it turns out that they were pretending to die in the name of being killed in battle, but they were actually hidden... Later investigation revealed that these former starters All of them have been specially mechanized and can use powers similar to superpowers..." Seeing this, the boy's face became ugly.

Although as one of the mechanical reformers, Satomi Rentaro has never hated Dr. Muroto Sumire, who performed the transformation surgery on him, but he also understands that this kind of transformation and subsequent adaptation itself is a very painful thing.

And now someone actually performs this kind of transformation on those innocent "cursed children"... If you think about the self-healing physique of those children, even anesthetics are difficult to take effect on them, you can know that this kind of transformation surgery Definitely very painful.

...People who do such things will never be forgiven! Snapped! The young man closed the document heavily and looked at Tendou Kisara with a serious expression: "I will accept this request! When will we start taking action?" ... Fang Yuan, who was holding a reincarnation ceremony for his children, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the city.

In his induction, there was a hostile energy coming straight towards him, as if someone wanted to use some conspiracy against him.

——After cultivating the inner world and gaining the domain power of "replacing the heart of heaven with one's own heart", Fang Yuan acquired this instinct of "not seeing or hearing, and avoiding danger when aware of danger" without any teacher, and was able to When the enemy becomes hostile towards you, you will immediately sense it.

In fact, this is not the first time that this kind of unprovoked hostility has appeared. Because of Fang Yuan's previous actions, there are many people in Tokyo who are gnashing their teeth at his existence and want to kill (Harmony) him immediately.

However, this time, Fang Yuan felt something different - this was no longer hostility that only existed in the hearts of some people, but had truly been transformed into reality and put into action! "Let me see who is having these crooked thoughts..." Although Fang Yuan's reaction was because he did not directly unite with the heaven and earth with his original will, but instead used the inner world to create an alternative unity of heaven and man. His ability is not as good as those who can calculate all the enemy's actions in a single thought, but as long as he supplements it with some divination skills, he can still calculate some general situations.

"Someone wants to use Tendo Kisara and Satomi Rentaro against me? What kind of operation is this?" Fang Yuan first felt a little stunned by the results of his induction calculation, and asked the hero and heroine to deal with him? What a creative approach! "Well, but the main characters in this world have too many psychological flaws, and they are indeed easy to take advantage of... Then let me see who is planning all this behind the scenes..." Fang Yuan's side He muttered to himself while running various divination formulas in his mind: "Ministry of Defense Intelligence Headquarters... Holy Emperor... Hmm, it really is Tendo Kiku no Cheng..." When Fang Yuan finally got this result from the divination. , he didn’t feel surprised at all.

After all, he had a fierce fight with the old guy when they first met, and his own stance was completely opposite to that of the other guy. It was normal for him to dislike each other.

In addition, he has revealed many unusual things, especially the "resurrection from the dead" incident of the Initiators and the rescue and containment operations of the "cursed children" during this period. He was watched by the old guy. is a normal thing.

However, Fang Yuan is not false at all about this - with his current power that can plow the surface of the earth in a short time if he is serious, coupled with the increasing number of "Valkyrie" legions, he should be false. It should be the other person! "Well, there is no need to worry about my safety at all. The Valkyries also have the ability to return to Valhalla anytime and anywhere, so there is no need to worry about their safety..." Fang Yuan thought about it and found that there was nothing he could do here. The weakness of being caught.

That is to say, Fang Yuan and the others may make some fuss about taking in the "cursed children", but unless the other party can brainwash all the "cursed children" and make them actively reject Fang Yuan's olive branch, otherwise this will not be possible. No need to worry.

Some people may think of using these "cursed children" as bait and using tactics such as ambush and trapping, but this will not be an obstacle to the "Valkyries" who are no longer human.

In addition, Fang Yuan himself has been paying attention to everyone sent out, so if anything really happens, he can respond immediately.

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