Of course, if the other party is so crazy that they directly attack the "cursed children" in Tokyo and launch a large-scale exclusion and persecution, this is another matter.

At that time, the people of this city will see what real "disaster" and "destruction" are!   ——As for the protagonist who is about to come to the door... It's not that Fang Yuan looks down on them, but Fang Yuan really doesn't take them seriously!   The fourth update is completed. Today is really inexplicable. First, the save button turned directly into a release, and then the original good chapter became broken after it was released... This hedgehog cat has so many background bugs! ')456'\u003eChapter 455 The investigation is completely deadlocked

Not knowing that the intelligence materials he obtained were tampered with, Satomi Rentaro embarked on the road of investigation with a heart full of anger.

Unlike some of the previous commissions, which were all against protostomes, this time they have to deal with humans who should be in the same camp! "Hey, Rentaro, how should we act this time?" As Rentaro Satomi's partner, Enju Aihara naturally participated in this investigation. However, because she had never performed such an investigation mission before, the girl had no idea where to start, so she could only look up and ask her partner, the boy. "... Let's go to the outer district!" Rentaro Satomi thought for a while and gave this answer. "Huh? Why? Didn't the cases mentioned in the mission commission all happen in the inner city?" Enju Aihara was very surprised by the boy's choice. "Well! The matter is actually very simple-" Rentaro Satomi saw the girl's confused expression and had to explain patiently: "Although all the wounding cases happened in the inner city, from the fact that this commission was given to police officers like us, it is obvious that the official intelligence department of the Tokyo District can't find more things." "So?" The girl tilted her head, and the two long hairpins above her ears swayed like real rabbit ears, looking very cute. "So, the possibility of this unknown force hiding in the outer area is much higher than in the inner city - after all, there is no surveillance there, the origins of the residents are also very complicated, and the police rarely patrol there, so it is the most suitable hiding place."

Rentaro Satomi said so.

"Then how should we find it? The outer area is so big..."  Aihara Enju still didn't quite understand what to do.

"Well, there is no way, we can only look for it bit by bit..."  Speaking of this, Rentaro Satomi had to sigh. In a place like the outer area where there is no order at all, it is conceivable how difficult it is to find a group of people who deliberately hide.

Perhaps, the residents living in the outer area can provide some help?   The boy didn't know if his method would work, but this was the only clue he could use at present. Even if it was a stupid method, he could only do this...  ...  Not to mention the needle-in-a-haystack search of the protagonist duo, Fang Yuan, after learning that someone was not very peaceful, didn't care too much.

At this stage, his most important task is to accommodate as many "cursed children" in Tokyo as possible.

In the past few days, with the efforts of Fang Yuan and a group of "Valkyries", most of the "cursed children" in the outer area have been persuaded to join Fang Yuan and accept his protection.

And most of them abandoned their original unfortunate bodies without hesitation and chose to reincarnate as "Valkyries", which made Fang Yuan's "Valkyries" army suddenly expand from a dozen to thousands.

——This is an astonishing number when most of the "cursed children" were taken away by the IISO organization to be trained as starters.

However, given that most of them have not undergone combat training and even have little (harmonious) fighting will, although Fang Yuan has created a perfect body for each "Valkyrie" and a world seed that can resonate with his inner world, not many people can really exert their own strength.

——In fact, if they really let go, the dozen or so starters "Valkyries" that Fang Yuan resurrected at the beginning would be enough to defeat all the remaining girls.

However, as mentioned before, Fang Yuan did not expect to train these girls who should have enjoyed a happy childhood into his own army fighters.

The many powers he equipped these girls with were only to enhance their self-protection ability as much as possible.

Of course, these redeemed little girls did not just accept the favor without knowing how to be grateful.

On the contrary, the girls who had suffered too much were full of gratitude and respect for Fang Yuan who truly saved them. Many of them even took the initiative to find the dozen "Valkyries" who followed Fang Yuan at the beginning and asked them to train them in combat, hoping that they could really help the Supreme God in the future.

So, the manor that Fang Yuan created at the beginning in his inner world was transformed into a huge training ground by the little carrot heads in a blink of an eye. Thousands of petite little girls, led by a dozen "coaches", began to train in combat skills.

"My inner world has really become 'Valhalla'!" Fang Yuan sometimes puts his spirit into his inner world. Looking at the manor that is getting more and more like the authentic "Hall of Valor", he is moved and sighs a little - these children are really too sensible.

"But it's good this way, so that they have their own things to do... Although I can create any material I want in my inner world, I can't give them a real civilized world. They will definitely get bored if they stay there for a long time..." Thinking of this, Fang Yuan did not stop the little girls and let them do whatever they want - anyway, with their current physical condition, they don't have to worry about getting hurt, so let them play around!   ... While Fang Yuan's children were working hard to train themselves, Satomi Rentaro also completed a preliminary investigation.

"Sure enough, all the 'cursed children' in the outer area have been taken away!" After visiting several larger settlements in the outer area, Satomi Rentaro confirmed his guess after asking around.

Sure enough, compared to the movement in the inner city, the mysterious force's movement in the outer area is much larger.

When taking in the "cursed children", Fang Yuan and others basically did not conceal their actions, so many residents of the outer area saw the "cursed children" being taken away one by one.

According to the descriptions of witnesses, the number of "cursed children" they took away in the outer area is more than ten times that of the inner city!   If so many people are really hiding in the inner city, it is impossible not to be discovered.

Sure enough, they are hiding in the outer area!   "But to maintain food and daily necessities for at least a thousand people, this movement can't be concealed at all... But why can't I find any clues at all?"   Racked his brains and used all the training he received in the army in the past, but Rentaro Satomi still found that he seemed to have reached a dead end and could not continue to track down.

——No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think that those "cursed children" who were taken away were no longer in the real world, so how could he find any clues! ')457'\u003eChapter 456 Inexplicable breakthrough \u0026 gift of hidden trap

Just as Satomi Rentaro was looking for clues that did not exist in the outer area like a headless fly, Fang Yuan finally launched a tit-for-tat counterattack.

However, Fang Yuan did not rush into the mansion of the Tendo family to kill Tendo Kikunojo directly, and then launch a large-scale purge of the entire city.

This was too unskilled for him. What Fang Yuan wanted was that this dark city would usher in self-destruction in its depravity, let all the guilty suffer the consequences, and let all the causes and effects be paid.

So, Fang Yuan gave someone a "gift".

…  In a private dojo, Tendo Kimura, wearing a training suit, held a real sword, and stared at the wooden target ten meters away, with his aura rising continuously.

——During the days when Rentaro Satomi and Enju Aihara were both out on missions, she was bored staying in the company alone, so she returned to the dojo to pass the time by practicing swordsmanship.

The next moment, a cold light flashed, and the target ten meters away was instantly cut in half by the invisible sword light. Not only that, but a deep sword mark also appeared on the dojo wall more than ten meters behind the target.

"Huh--" The girl who made this sword seemed to have used up all her strength. She took a breath with some fatigue, and then looked at the sword mark carved on the wooden wall opposite, feeling a little surprised and confused.

'When did my swordsmanship become so powerful? ! ' However, today, she felt that the sword in her hand was indeed different... No, it was not that her sword was different, but that she herself was different from the past!   Tendo Mu could feel that at the moment when she just drew her sword, her whole spirit, energy, and soul seemed to have touched a certain extremely huge and majestic existence.

At the moment of contact with this great existence, a force far stronger than before poured into her body from the void, allowing her to swing a sword move that was more than twice as strong as before.

More importantly, after swinging the sword, she felt a faint heat flow in her body, flowing through the kidneys at her waist, which immediately relieved the pain that had been entangled with her like a maggot on her tarsal bones.

"What is this feeling...?" Tendo Mugen had felt similar power in the past.

In fact, every time she concentrated her spirit and made that all-out sword-drawing slash, she could vaguely feel that she seemed to have a connection with some boundless and huge existence.

But in the past, that connection was only a vague feeling, as if it was an illusion. The power she borrowed could only increase the power of her sword skills, and there was no such feeling of making her body better.

After studying for a long time, Tendou Mugen only came to the conclusion that "it seems that her swordsmanship has improved", but she still had no idea what the improvement was and what the existence she had come into contact with was.

"But... this feeling is not bad!" The girl touched her waist, feeling the almost imperceptible pain in her body, and a smile appeared on her face.

——After her last brief contact with Fang Yuan, she always remembered the last words Fang Yuan said to her, and she also knew that her physical problems had become a serious drag on her improvement in strength.

If her body really recovered and made her stronger, would it be easier to complete revenge...  ...  On the top of a tall building several kilometers away, Fang Yuan looked at Tendou Mugen swinging a knife that was at least several times more powerful than the last time they met, and nodded with satisfaction.

Just now, he used his own domain as a medium to cover Tendou Mugen's body, allowing her to contact his external domain power with a highly concentrated spirit when she was ready to launch the sword-drawing slash.

The consequence of this is that when Tendou Mugen launched the sword-drawing slash and concentrated his spirit to enter the state of "unity of heaven and man", the "heaven" that was combined directly changed from the real external world to Fang Yuan's external domain.

In essence, to be in harmony with Fang Yuan's external domain is to be in harmony with his internal world, and naturally one can borrow a trace of Fang Yuan's power.

So, at this moment, Fang Yuan planted a seed in the spirit of Tendo Mugen through this invisible power practice - yes, it was the "world seed" that all the "Valkyries" under Fang Yuan had.

In other words, Fang Yuan was just standing a few kilometers away, and then the domain was released to cover an area, so that Tendo Mugen unknowingly became an "apostle" who was somewhat similar to the "Valkyries", but different.

Needless to say, the difference is that one is still an ordinary person's mortal body, and the other is a perfect body that has materialized the soul.

The similarity is that they all use Fang Yuan's inner world as the source of power. As long as their consciousness can support it, they can continuously draw nearly endless power - this kind of drawing will not have any negative impact on Fang Yuan. In fact, Fang Yuan himself is passively obtaining more and more power from the outside world every moment, and this diversion is actually helping him to reduce the burden.

Moreover, for Tendo Mugen, Fang Yuan's "gift" has a more important function - healing her injuries.

After all, for a person, damage to both kidneys is already a very serious injury. According to the Taoist practice theory that Fang Yuan knows, such a person is equivalent to a lack of five elements in the body, losing the power of kidney water, and imbalance of qi and blood. Even if dialysis is used to remove the toxins accumulated in the blood every once in a while, the whole person is destined to not live long.

The world seed provided by Fang Yuan is equivalent to an extra patch, allowing the already unbalanced qi and blood circulation to return to normal. At the same time, with another already materialized inner world as a reference, repairing Tiantong Mugen's much weaker "inner world" and gradually restoring her health.

According to Fang Yuan's prediction, it only takes two or three days for Tiantong Mugen's almost completely necrotic kidneys to restore basic functions. After a week, they can gradually reach a balance with other organs in the body under the reflection of qi and blood circulation and world seeds, and truly restore a perfect and healthy body.

Of course, Fang Yuan is not completely doing charity. For him, although Tiantong Mugen's experience is pitiful, it is far inferior to those "cursed children".

Fang Yuan wanted to give her this power because he had his own calculations. You know, the human body and mind can actually affect each other, especially in Taoism, which regards essence, qi, and spirit as one. It is not too difficult to affect people's minds through changes in body qi and blood.

And there is a "world seed" from Fang Yuan in Tendou Mugen's body, which is deeply implanted in her essence, qi, and spirit... For Fang Yuan, it is effortless to influence the other party's emotions and guide them to the direction he wants! ')458'\u003eChapter 457 I help you, without your consent

Well, some people with dirty minds think that Fang Yuan will use this secret mind interference ability to do something dirty? This is of course impossible! In fact, Fang Yuan just magnified Tendou Mugen's hatred for the Tendou family, and slightly suppressed her affection and admiration for Satomi Rentaro, making her behavior more impulsive and aggressive.

Otherwise, if he stayed in this seemingly warm and happy daily life for too long, Tendo Mugen might not be willing to put down everything in front of him and kill his enemy with a knife.

"Emmmmm, how come I seem to have become the villain who instigates conspiracy behind the scenes..." Fang Yuan touched his chin and blinked, thinking that there seemed to be something wrong with his style, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing wrong: "Well, yes, it's not the first time I've been a 'behind-the-scenes manipulator', and there's nothing wrong with doing it again..." It takes some time to promote Tendo Mugen's revenge - although he can use the method of mind interference to influence the other party's behavior, he can't do it too much, otherwise it will be easily noticed by sensitive people - and Tendo Mugen is obviously such a person.

Therefore, Fang Yuan turned his attention to this seemingly peaceful city, or more accurately, to the guardians in this city who were rejected and hated by people.

"The next step is how to deal with these starters..." After taking in all the "cursed children" living on the streets in Tokyo, Fang Yuan's next targets are naturally those who have been collected by IISO. In the bag, the children who became the starters.

However, unlike those "cursed children" who are helpless and homeless, the girls who become starters basically have a stable life, and some have a good relationship with their promoters. Well, for them who already have a "family", it is almost impossible to simply persuade them to join Fang Yuan's camp like before.

A typical example is Aihara Yanzhu, who regards her promoters as lovers. It is even more difficult to ask them to give up everything they have and go to a so-called "heaven" where they don't know whether it is true or not.

As for using force... Fang Yuan is not a human trafficker, so there is no way he would do such a dishonorable thing! After thinking about it, Fang Yuan still couldn't think of a suitable solution, so he could only ask the girls who were following him.

"Well... why bother? Can't we just knock them out and take them away?" "Sir God said, you can't force it! And for those starters who live a very happy life. , If we do this, we will become bad people!” “How about we convince their promoters?” “This is even more impossible! Do we want those promoters to give up their starters? What's the saying...'Destroying a person's wealth is like killing his parents'? Yes, that's right! We did this, it's strange that they don't fight with us!" "..." A group of people were chattering. Yes, but obviously, even Fang Yuan couldn't think of any good ideas. Naturally, these little girls who have never read books can't think of any good ideas. Instead, they have a lot of bad ideas. As soon as they bring them up, they are ignored by the people next to them. Killed for various reasons.

This big discussion even spread to the "Valkyrie" group residing in the inner world. For a while, even their just-started combat training stopped, and thousands of people were divided into many groups. They discussed this matter.

But again, although there were more people, these little girls with limited knowledge could not give really useful suggestions. Instead, they suggested dead ends and wrong paths one after another, making Fang Yuan feel more and more confused the more he listened. Wire.

——No one in this group of little carrots is reliable... When everyone was at a loss, only Qian Shou Xia Shi remained silent and did not speak. When she felt Fang Yuan's gaze over her, she felt something. De raised her head and said in her slightly plain voice: "Well... why do we have to take the initiates away from the promoters?" "Huh?" Fang Yuan heard Qianju Natsuyo's rhetorical question. , his eyes suddenly lit up, and he was shocked to realize that he seemed to be in a corner.

That's right, as Natsu Shi-chan said, why must the initiates be taken away from their promoters? Fang Yuan initially helped these "cursed children" not to form a Loli Valkyrie army around him, but because he felt pity for these innocent children and decided to give them another life choice.

Similarly, for these children who have become starters, except for some unlucky ones who were assigned to facilitators with poor character, they generally have a good relationship with their partners, and some even have as deep a relationship as a real person. The family is average.

For these "cursed children", their misfortune, in addition to the general rejection in society, is mainly the erosion rate that endangers every "cursed child".

After all, these virus-infected bodies, which have obtained supernormal strength by relying on the gastrula virus, push their virus erosion rate towards the limit of 50% every time they use their strength.

But without fighting, it would be impossible for them to escape from their helpless state of wandering and live a relatively normal life. This constituted an insurmountable contradiction.

Of course, it is not difficult to solve this problem from the root. We just need to correct and reverse this abnormal "promoter-initiator" system and abnormal social concepts - well, it is almost the same as everyone in the world. The level of the enemy is quite simple... If this world had nothing to do with Nyarlathotep, Fang Yuan might have done this long ago! However, it is a pity that the reality is that Fang Yuan does not know the purpose of Nyarlathotep throwing himself into this world, nor does he know what the consequences will be if he messes up. Therefore, he needs to be careful in this matter. Picture... Ahem! Let's go back to the previous topic.

It was mentioned before that starters must fight, and that fighting will inevitably lead to an increase in the erosion rate. This is a century-old problem for the indigenous people of this world, but for Fang Yuan, this is actually easy to solve, and he A ready-made example has also been given - it is the means by which the "Valkyries" materialize their souls and reshape their bodies.

This idea is also very simple - since the body is infected with the virus and will turn into a gastrea sooner or later, then just don't use it and get a new one! There is actually no problem up to this point, but Fang Yuan had some misunderstandings before - why must he persuade them to come to his side? Wouldn't it be enough to quietly complete the ritual for them to materialize their souls and reshape their bodies, then let them continue to stay where they want? Anyway, the ritual of materializing the soul does not require the consent of the subject... Four updates have occurred for several days in a row, which has reached the limit... so there are only three updates today.

')459'\u003eChapter 458 Domain Resonance, Thinking Matrix, Group Soul Materialization

So, on a dark and stormy night, Fang Yuan's "Valkyrie" army took action! Thousands of girls, who had already gotten acquainted with their new bodies, silently jumped from building to building and quickly dispersed.

If the final destination of each of them is marked on the map, it can be found that all "Valkyries" are almost evenly distributed and scattered throughout all areas of Tokyo.

And when everyone was in place, Fang Yuan's figure appeared quietly in the center of Tokyo District.

【let's start! 】 It is not a language, but a voice that goes straight into the mind, as if falling from the sky, pouring into the ears of every "Valkyrie".

【【【yes! 】】】Thousands of young voices responded almost simultaneously.

The next moment, a light invisible to the human eye lit up from Fang Yuan's body, and then, like a relay, the girls scattered one after another emitted the same light from their bodies according to the distance.

But this light is just an appearance. In fact, these are invisible fields that are unfolding with each "Valkyrie" as the core.

Feeling that his own domain and the domains of the "Valkyries" were vaguely merging in resonance, Fang Yuan nodded slightly, knowing that his assumption was correct.

Buzz—! The entire space trembled slightly. At this moment, thousands of domains were completely integrated with Fang Yuan's domain as the core.

At this moment, Fang Yuan once again felt the feeling he had when he first mastered the field - in a huge spherical area with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, everything is under his control. He can turn the world upside down with a single thought, and he can be said to be omnipotent. .

However, unlike the last time, Fang Yuan did not feel too much mental exertion. Instead, just like the normal field that was opened normally, consumption and recovery basically maintained a balance.

——This is the credit of those thousands of "Valkyries".

At this moment, with the help of the resonance and fusion between fields, Fang Yuan was able to borrow the thinking abilities of thousands of "Valkyries" that were not used on weekdays, and with his own thinking as the core, they jointly formed an invisible world. The thinking matrix in the field has greatly enhanced his own thinking breadth and mental strength.

It was precisely because of their help and sharing that Fang Yuan was able to expand the scope of his domain to more than dozens of times, covering the entire Tokyo area.

At this moment, Fang Yuan is the true "god" in the space of Tokyo District. No matter how surreal things are, he can do it as long as they do not exceed the scope of Tokyo District! Opening his eyes, what appeared in Fang Yuan's eyes was not just the scenery seen with the naked eye, but everything in the entire Tokyo area - people, buildings, roads, vehicles, and even grass, trees, earth and rocks, everything was there. In Fang Yuan's "eyes".

As Fang Yuan's thoughts turned, his "vision" turned to a special group in the city - yes, it was the Initiators.

With just a thought, Fang Yuan sensed clearly that, apart from those who had been taken into custody by him, there were only 973 "cursed children" left in Tokyo.

‘Less than a thousand...didn’t you expect that the starters in Tokyo only have this amount? ' Fang Yuan was a little surprised. He originally thought that most of the "cursed children" had been taken away by IISO and trained as starters. However, judging from the situation in Tokyo District, the "cursed children" living outside "The ratio to the number of starters is about 1:1, and the number of starters is still relatively small.

But if you think about it carefully, this is quite normal. After all, the requirements for becoming an Initiator are not only the identity of a "cursed child", but also whether the gastrula genes they possess are suitable for fighting, and even the willingness to fight. factors must be taken into consideration.

From these aspects, being able to turn nearly half of the "cursed children" into starters with real combat effectiveness, IISO's efficiency is really not bad.

However, these had nothing to do with what Fang Yuan was going to do now, so Fang Yuan was just a little surprised and then ignored it.

Locking his will on every "cursed child" within the domain, Fang Yuan did not hesitate and directly transformed everyone's soul into material form.

——On this night, I wonder how many people in Tokyo will not be able to sleep...  ...  "Rentaro, am I...going to die?"  Because the investigation in the outer districts yielded nothing, Enju Aihara, who had returned to the inner city with Rentaro Satomi, had just finished washing and was about to go to sleep, but she found that her body suddenly decomposed and dispersed like broken gravel, which frightened her and she looked at the helpless boy in front of her with tears.

"How could it be... Enju..."  In just a few seconds, Enju Aihara, who was originally a living person, shattered her body in front of Rentaro Satomi, and her whole body turned into ashes and dissipated.

However, before he could despair, he saw Enju Aihara's translucent shadow appear at the place where the girl disappeared, and this shadow quickly condensed in just a dozen seconds, and finally turned into a naked body that was no different from the original girl.

"..." A minute ago, Enju Aihara thought she was dead, with tears in her eyes. Now, she looked at her normal body with a silly look, then looked up at the boy in front of her. After confirming that she was still alive, she jumped directly to Rentaro without caring that she was naked.

"Rentaro~~!!! I'm still alive~~ I'm still alive~~!!!" "Yes, yes, you're still alive... Get off me!" After pulling off the girl who was entangled with him like an octopus, Rentaro Satomi quickly picked up the bath towel that had fallen before and put it on Enju Aihara. At the same time, he looked up and down at the other's body carefully and asked with concern: "Enju, how do you feel? What happened just now?" Rentaro Satomi knew very well that the scene just now was definitely not normal. Even if the initiators had the genes of protostomes and showed many powers beyond ordinary people, it definitely did not include the body turning into ashes and then turning into a phantom that seemed to be a soul and then turning back.

Something must have happened just now! "This... It feels no different from before!" The girl clenched her fists and stamped her feet, and found that her strength was no different from before.

"But..." But she frowned immediately, as if she felt something, and said hesitantly: "But I don't know why, I seem to know instinctively now that I will no longer be at risk of excessive erosion rate... Yes! That's it! No matter how much I use my abilities in the future, I will not become a protostomach! In other words, I can always accompany Rentaro in the future!" The girl raised her head happily and sent such good news to her "lover".

')460'\u003eChapter 459 Changed itinerary, changed plot

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