Not only Aihara Enju, the same scene happened in various places in Tokyo. Nearly a thousand initiates in Tokyo experienced the process of body collapse and remodeling at the same time.

Although there is no pain in this process, and after reshaping the body, you can inexplicably know that you will no longer be at risk of turning into a gastrea, but this experience of watching your body turn into ashes and dissipate little by little is really frustrating for these young people. The older and younger girls were terrified.

In fact, not only the initiates themselves, but also most of the facilitators who witnessed this scene were also shocked.

Even for the well-informed police officers, the scene just now was so terrifying and surreal that many people even wondered if they were in a dream.

Of course, there are also those who are indifferent to this change.

For example, in an abandoned building, a girl with dazzling blond hair and eyes shining like an owl in the night just had a dull face at this moment, groping up and down and looking at her new body. .

"The transformation...disappeared?" The foreign body sensation that had always existed in the body because of the mechanical transformation completely disappeared after the body was destroyed and reborn.

While putting on the clothes that had fallen to the ground due to the collapse of her body, the girl picked up a few mechanical parts that had lost their function on the ground.

"Am I... free?" The next day, the changes that happened to the Initiators last night reached the ears of Tendo Kiku no Cheng as expected.

This is not surprising. Although the existence of the civilian police is basically composed of unofficial civilians, in fact, it is impossible for the official governments of various countries to try their best to control this special violent group. Add sand.

Therefore, some promoters in Tokyo District are inextricably linked to the official forces, and many people who are basically members of the military have changed their skins. Once something happens, people in power like Tendo Kikunomagi will be the first to change their skin. You'll know it in no time.

"Those bugs said they would no longer be bothered by the erosion rate?" In the traditional Japanese-style room, the old man was sitting upright on the tatami, listening to the reports of his subordinates, with an uncertain look on his face.

"Yes, and we also urgently arranged for people to test them. The results are indeed true. All the tested starters can no longer detect traces of gastroenterovirus in their bodies, but they miraculously still retain it. The power of the Initiator transcends that of ordinary people.”

The subordinate Quan who lowered his head to report didn't hear the old man in front of him saying that he didn't treat the initiate as a human being. He just did his duty to report.

"...Have you found out what happened and the possible causes?" the old man asked.

"Yes, according to the person involved, around ten o'clock last night, these initiates discovered that their bodies were decomposing for no reason almost at the same time. They soon turned into ashes and dissipated, and then appeared in place like The phantom like a soul finally condensed into substance and became the current body. "

"Soul? Are you kidding?" "No, of course we don't dare to joke about this kind of thing, but after questioning various parties, their confessions are all like this..." The information collected by the intelligence agents was very detailed, even Even every detail of the changes last night was asked clearly.

Although the words "soul" appearing in the confessions of those involved sound ridiculous, a group of unrelated initiators and facilitators gave the same confession, which cannot be regarded as a joke.

Therefore, even if this subordinate bites the bullet, he can only report the relevant information truthfully.

"...Does the soul...really exist? Is this really the handiwork of the gods?...How is that possible!" Tendo Kikunojo subconsciously stroked his long beard with one hand, thinking about the truth of this matter in his heart.

He had no doubts about the intelligence officers' findings.

After all, they are all his loyal subordinates. Even if they want to deceive themselves, they cannot use such a clumsy method.

Therefore, something unknown and supernatural did indeed happen to those bugs last night. Although we don’t know exactly what happened, the result afterwards was very obvious - those Initiators lost control! Yes, in Tendo Kikunochori's opinion, this is the result of this matter.

As the most important force in the battle against gastrea, the Initiators are powerful, but they have obvious flaws.

That is the problem of virus erosion rate.

All "cursed children", the more they use their abilities, the more they will increase the virus erosion rate in their bodies. Once this value reaches 50%, they will irreversibly mutate into gasterozoans and cannot be saved anymore. return.

Even if you don't actively use your abilities, as your age increases, the erosion rate will continue to increase, and in the end you still won't be able to escape death.

The only thing that can delay this time is one thing - virus inhibitors.

However, apart from the international organization IISO, the only countries in the world that have control over the manufacturing methods of virus inhibitors are governments.

After all, governments of various countries, including the international organization IISO, basically rely on virus inhibitors to control the starter group.

For these politicians whose consciences have basically been eaten away by dogs, instead of believing that the feelings between promoters and initiates can tie down these unstable and powerful combat forces, it is better to use methods that can truly threaten the lives of initiates. The dog chains were tied around their necks, so that they would not worry about being hurt by these too strong forces.

However, at least in Tokyo area, this situation is now completely broken! Tendo Kikunochei did not believe that these initiates, who had been treated harshly in the past, would still be loyal to the human government after taking off a layer of shackles.

Especially a certain mysterious force that was investigated before seems to have been collecting "cursed children". Maybe it is related to this matter, if they want to do something with the help of these uncontrolled starters. ... Tendo Kikunochei deeply felt that he seemed to be having a bad time recently, and he was rushing into all kinds of bad things! "Abominable bugs... even if they don't mutate into gastrea, they are still a destabilizing factor for the country's rule!" After shooing away his subordinates, the old man alone said through gritted teeth.

At this moment, Tendo Kikunochori's secretary walked in from outside the room. After bowing and saluting, he knelt down and asked, "My lord, the visit itinerary to the countries in East Asia has been confirmed. Please take a look."

Only then did Tendo Kikunochei come to his senses, took the document handed over by the other party, flipped through it, and thought for a few minutes.

Then, as if he had made a decision, he put the document aside and said: "Cancel the trip. At this stage, I don't feel comfortable leaving Tokyo. I will postpone the visit. I will also inform the diplomats and relevant countries to apologize."

"...Yes!" The young secretary looked at the old man in astonishment. He didn't know why the old man suddenly changed his mind before leaving, but since his boss had spoken, he could only obey.

')461'\u003eChapter 460 Fang Yuan's version of the "Artificial Heaven" plan

In a research institute in the United States, Dr. Ayn Rand, one of the former Four Sages, suddenly found that he had lost contact with the "Black Wind".

The so-called "Black Wind" is actually one of the initiators of the contract with him, whose real name is Tina Sprunt.

She was a starter with the owl factor, and was later transformed into a mechanized soldier by Ayn Rand using mechanized transformation technology. She was good at long-distance sniping and the use of various weapons.

By implanting a chip in the brain to control the small reconnaissance aircraft "Fairfield", it can snipe at ultra-long distances with perfect accuracy. Fighting alone has an IP ranking of 98. Even in the world, it is considered a strong person. Or, for Ayn Rand, it is also a very heavy chess piece.

However, wasn't it because she accepted the commission from Osaka District Qiwu Xuanzong and sent her to Japan to carry out an assassination mission? Why did she suddenly lose contact at this time... "Was she killed? No, if she was killed, there shouldn't be any signs... Could it be a rebellion? But it's impossible, I installed it in her brain The chip is not that easy to take out..." After carefully checking the data transmitted back in real time from the chip in Tina's brain, Ayn Rand could only confirm that the other party had just arrived in Tokyo and was lost before starting the terrain reconnaissance. Contacted.

"Tsk! The chain was dropped at the beginning!" Thinking of the transaction between himself and Qi Wu Xuanzong, Ayn Rand had a headache.

Qi Wu Xuanzong's plan is about to begin, but it will take time for him to send another assassin there, and the time gap provided by the other party is only a few days. No matter how you look at it, it is too late. ...What exactly happened to Tina? All his plans were suddenly disrupted! ​​… Not to mention the troubles caused by the evil scientists in the United States because of the loss of important chess pieces.

On the other side, another country also on the Japanese archipelago, the actual ruler of Osaka District, Qi Wu Xuanzong, is also caught in a tangle at this moment.

"That fellow Tendo Kikunoichi, has canceled his visit?" After confirming with his subordinates again and receiving a positive reply, the cunning tyrant ruler had a sullen face, filled with unwillingness and surprise.

He had already planned to make a surprise visit to Tokyo District while Tendo Kikunoichi left Japan, and take this opportunity to assassinate the Holy Emperor. It is said that the collaborators in the United States have already sent the assassins into Tokyo District. But at the end of the day, something like this happened... "Have you figured it out? What happened in Tokyo District? What is worthy of that old guy Tendo Kikunochori giving up his trip?" Qi Wu Xuanzong asked his intelligence supervisor.

"This..." The middle-aged intelligence director looked a little embarrassed, but he still said bravely: "Our intelligence personnel have not collected enough information about what exactly happened, and they are still unable to give a clear conclusion... " Seeing the displeased look on the face of the always cruel Qi Wu Xuanzong, the supervisor was shocked. Knowing that the master was unhappy, he immediately remedied: "But we did receive some information before, it seems that There is a large number of "cursed children" being collected in Tokyo area. Perhaps the change of schedule of His Excellency Tendo Kikunochori is related to this..." "Collecting 'cursed children'? Interesting..." He himself has an interest in unifying Japan. Qi Wu Xuanzong, who had huge ambitions and always wanted to wipe out the other four countries, had a ferocious smile on his face.

It seems that besides him, there are also people who are interested in this hot spot in Tokyo District. Which force could it be...? While Qi Wu Xuanzong was deep in thought, the foreign minister on the other side asked cautiously: "President, do you still need to send out the application for diplomatic visit to Tokyo District?" You know, according to the original plan, they should The request for visit was issued after Tendo Kikunoichi left Japan, and then he took advantage of the vacuum in the core of power in Tokyo to assassinate the other party's head of state... But now that Tendo Kikunoichi has not left, it seems that there is no need to continue this plan. ! However, Qi Wu Xuanzong laughed coldly and said: "...Say, why not send it! Although it should be impossible to kill that little girl this time, there is an existence that makes me more interested. "Yes, he has put the assassination of the Holy Emperor second at this time, but now it is the mysterious external force that interests him more.

Now that that force has launched an operation against Tokyo District, he cannot lag behind and must go to find out.

As for whether it would be dangerous for him to personally go to Tokyo, where Tendo Kikunochori is in charge... Oh, would he be afraid of this after being assassinated 17 times but still unscathed? ……Fang Yuan didn’t know that the “small” actions he had taken in Tokyo would actually affect some big figures in Osaka and the United States, and the subsequent “plot” development seemed to have gone astray.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care. After all, he never cared much about the plot of this world.

Now, based on the resonance of the field that night, he is trying to further optimize this new power that greatly expands the scope of his ability.

After experiencing an increase in field resonance with thousands of "Valkyries", Fang Yuan discovered that this new way of operating power actually had great potential that could be tapped.

For example, with the help of thousands of people as resonance nodes, he can easily expand his domain to the size of the entire Tokyo area. Then if the number of nodes is increased, the resonance method is optimized, and the power transmission loss is reduced, his domain will continue to expand. If we go on, how far can we reach? Can it cover the whole of Japan? If possible, if all the "cursed children" in Japan are transformed into "Valkyries" and then sent to all over the world, can this increase in field resonance be spread to the entire world? This idea seems familiar, right? Yes, what inspired Fang Yuan was the "artificial heaven" that Reallesta played in the Magical Index world.

In that world with layers of phases, Aleister, who is both a magician and a scientist, developed a new power system called "superpowers", and spread it with the help of the Misaka Network formed by the Misaka sisters and the AIM of all ability users. The force field jointly constructs a "scientific phase", which is intended to block and exclude all magical phases.

In the world where Fang Yuan is now, there is no such thing as phase, and ordinary extraordinary powers cannot be used here. However, Fang Yuan, who is well-informed, finally figured it out with the help of the extraordinary inheritance that already exists in this world. A realm similar to heaven comes.

AIM Diffusion Field-Phase-Field... Although these three are different, they are similar in some aspects. Fang Yuan can't help but want to try, with the help of Aleister's theory, whether he can survive in this world Recreate his plan.

If this can really be achieved, not only will the problem of the "cursed children" be solved, but even the problem of gastrea will no longer be a problem.

And Fang Yuan can also spread his will and power throughout the planet. Whether it is punishing the ungrateful humans in this world or finding the back-up to eliminate Nyarlathotep's unknown conspiracy, it is easy.

The third update is completed')462'\u003eChapter 461 The meeting of two old foxes

Fang Yuan is currently concentrating on studying how to build and perfect the young girl's version of the artificial heaven, and has no time to pay attention to how the so-called "plot" will develop.

However, even if he doesn't care, what should happen will still happen.

So, on this day, Qiwu Xuanzong, the ruler of Osaka District, finally came to Tokyo District in the name of a diplomatic visit.

The ruler of Osaka District came to visit. As the head of state of Tokyo District, Emperor Sheng of course had to personally come to receive him.

However, this time she still had Tendo Kikunoshi standing next to her, so there would be no entrustment of Rentaro Satomi as a temporary bodyguard.

However, after a few polite conversations with the Holy Emperor, Qiwu Xuanzong directly turned the conversation to Tendo Kikunojo: "Oh? It turns out that Tendo's auxiliary officer is also in Tokyo! I received news before that you were interested. I recently visited the opposite mainland, and I thought I wouldn’t be able to meet you this time! But it seems that I am quite lucky this time. Is there anything that has delayed your schedule? "For Qi Wu Xuanzong, who is almost here? Naturally, Tendo Kikunoichi would not have any special reaction to the open test. He just responded in a calm tone: "It's nothing, it's just some small things in the territory. I don't need President Qiwu to worry about it."

"Hmph! Really? I heard that a mysterious organization seems to have appeared in your territory recently, and is looking for the "cursed children" who are wandering outside. This is not a small matter, right?" Seeing the perfect response of Tendou Kikunosuke, Qi Wu Xuanzong, who had fought with him countless times, did not show any surprise, but immediately launched the next round of temptation.

"Hmm?" Tendou Kikunosuke raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he had some reaction to Qi Wu Xuanzong's words, but stopped there, and continued to say slowly: "It's just a few thieves, not a big problem.

However, President Qi Wu is really well-informed. He even knows the little things that happened in Tokyo District clearly. Could it be that you have been paying attention to Tokyo District?" Qi Wu Xuanzong was slightly surprised by Tendou Kikunosuke's indifferent response and counterattack. It seems that although this matter has some impact on Tokyo District, it has not reached the level that Tendou Kikunosuke dare not leave.

In other words, is there any other reason... "Of course, after all, Osaka and Tokyo were both part of Japan in the past, and they were comrades in the same trench in terms of fighting the threat of enteroantigens (harmony). It is normal to care about your friends!" While thinking in his heart, Qi Wu Xuanzong also showed a smile without a smile on the surface, and said something that no one would believe.

Next, the two old fox-level politicians were separated by a conference table, testing each other back and forth. On the one hand, they had to guard against the traps and temptations buried in each other's words, and on the other hand, they had to use the same words to try to make the other party make mistakes and leak out a little bit of key information.

And the Holy Son of Heaven, sitting in the main seat on one side, stared at the two old men with a pair of innocent big eyes, watching the two old men fighting with each other, sighing in his heart, "The two old predecessors are really amazing, I am far behind", and listening and learning attentively.

——This is a live demonstration of political confrontation that ordinary people can't touch. Although the Holy Emperor herself doesn't like to be a pure politician, the position she stands in leaves her no choice. Even if she doesn't like it, she must force herself to learn.

After a long confrontation, Qi Wuxuanzong and Tiantong Kikunojo fought to a draw, and neither of them could catch the other's flaws. They had to stop and drink water temporarily-at an old age, even verbal disputes are quite strenuous.

'Damn it, this old guy is still as watertight as before... But one thing is certain, there is indeed a big problem in the Tokyo District, but we don't know what the problem is yet...' Qi Wuxuanzong raised his teacup to moisten his throat, while thinking secretly in his heart.

As for the other side, Tendou Kikunosuke also felt that the old rival in front of him was also very difficult: 'Why didn't he come earlier or later, but he actually came to Tokyo at this time... Is the change that happened to the initiators related to this guy... Although from the previous test, the other party seemed to be unaware of this matter, this old fox was too cunning, and we can't jump to conclusions! '    The two thoughtful old guys looked at each other and saw the word "difficult" in each other's eyes.

After a whole afternoon of summit meetings, neither side got any results that could be said from the other side. The Holy Emperor and Tendou Kikunosuke returned to the mansion on their own, while Qi Wuxuanzong and his group checked into the most high-end hotel in Tokyo.

——This day full of gunpowder finally ended!    Fortunately, the verbal confrontation between the two actual rulers of Tokyo and Osaka was only a small part of this diplomatic action. The next time was naturally handed over to their subordinates to communicate and start negotiations on commercial exchanges and military cooperation between the two major regions.

Of course, this is just a matter on the surface.

In the darkness that ordinary people have no way of knowing, another battle that is more direct, more brutal, and more bloody than the table negotiation is in full swing.

The spies in the Osaka district, who have become more active because of the arrival of Emperor Xuanzong of Qi, and the counter-espionage personnel in the Tokyo district are engaged in a cruel secret war that is unknown to the public under the cover of the dark night.

One side wants to investigate what happened in the Tokyo district, and the other side wants to eliminate all external prying eyes and ensure the stability of the region. For a time, it is unknown how many people have bled and died.

However, because the incident happened too recently, even if the collective changes of the initiator group could not be concealed, it would take some time before it was completely fermented and made public. Therefore, Emperor Xuanzong of Qi's intelligence personnel did not gain much in this regard.

Fortunately, in another matter, these spies who were not afraid of sacrifice finally sent good news to the ambitious president.

"You mean, it is this man, or the forces behind this man, who are collecting the 'cursed children'?" Looking at the screenshot taken from the surveillance video of the Ministry of Defense handed over by his subordinates, Qi Wuxuanzong showed an interested expression on his face: "Is there anything special about this person?" "Yes! The President should still remember the intelligence he had received before. During the 'Seven Stars Legacy' incident, the Ministry of Defense in Tokyo was broken into and made trouble twice in succession.

We know that one of them is a mechanical cyborg named Hiruko Kagein. According to intelligence analysis, he should be a pawn of Tendo Kikunosuke——" Looking up and seeing Qi Wuxuanzong nod, the subordinate knew that the president was very aware of this, so he continued: "The other is the mysterious man in the photo whose name has not yet been found. He has shown a stronger strength than Hiruko Kagein in battle, and has been witnessed many times working with some Initiates who have officially died, taking away other "cursed children." " "Super soldiers who are more powerful than mechanical cyborgs... Initiates who are officially dead but actually alive... Collecting "cursed children" who are scattered outside... Interesting, really interesting!" Qi Wuxuanzong made a decision. This trip to Tokyo, regardless of other purposes, but he must contact this man, or the power behind this man! ')463'\u003eChapter 462 It really became the Valkyrie Army...

The actual rulers of Tokyo and Osaka have set their sights on Fang Yuan. However, for Fang Yuan, the so-called plots and plans of these politicians are meaningless.

Even if we don't mention Fang Yuan's extraordinary power that can be called a god, just his foresight of "not seeing or hearing, sensing danger and avoiding" will cause him to immediately sense anything anyone wants to do to him. It can be said that he has long been invincible.

But he has no intention of spending his energy on dealing with these politicians, but intends to directly remove the other party's ruling foundation.

-After transforming all the "cursed children" in Tokyo into "Valkyrie" physiques, Fang Yuan will His gaze turned to outside the Tokyo area.

Yes, it was the other four areas in the five major areas of Japan.

Although only half of the "cursed children" in the Tokyo area were truly subordinate to Fang Yuan, the remaining half were almost all still with their promoters, and were unwilling to separate even without the constraints of the virus inhibitors, but Fang Yuan did not need to make them completely his subordinates.

Fang Yuan had optimized and improved the methods of domain resonance and thought matrix. Now, there was no need for the "Valkyries" to actively open the degraded domain to coordinate and resonate with Fang Yuan's domain. Instead, they could directly borrow their domain power and idle thinking ability unilaterally, while increasing Fang Yuan's domain ability, without affecting their own.

——After all, the essence of the soul materialized bodies that Fang Yuan created for all the "cursed children" has far surpassed the humans and starters of this world in all aspects. For these starters who have reincarnated as "Valkyries", they use their bodies with their past thinking patterns and power experience, and actually only exert a very small part of the potential of this body.

Even if Fang Yuan mobilized the hidden domain power and idle thinking ability in their bodies, almost no one would be able to detect it.

In the few days when Qi Wuxuanzong came to visit the Tokyo District, Fang Yuan had sent all his "Valkyries" to leave the Tokyo District and go to the other four regions of Japan.

When After they arrive, they can serve as anchor points and coordinates for Fang Yuan to project his power. Together with the domain enhancement of nearly a thousand other "cursed children" in the Tokyo area, it will be enough for him to expand his domain to the entire Japan in a short period of time.

Then, Fang Yuan only needs to do what he did in the Tokyo area again, and all the "cursed children" in Japan will become his "Valkyries", and his domain will be strengthened again. Not only will he completely control Japan, but he may also continue to expand outward.

Of course, although the whole plan looks very good, it is not without any problems.

The most critical point is... many of these "Valkyries" under Fang Yuan don't know the way!   "Four major districts? Where is that? "This was the question a girl asked when Fang Yuan was assigning tasks.

Looking at the cute and confused look of the ten-year-old girl with her head tilted, Fang Yuan felt helpless at the same time.

Although the number of the "cursed children" who really followed him accounted for more than half of all the "cursed children" in Tokyo, they were basically poor children struggling to survive in the outer areas. They had never been to school, learned to read, and had never stepped out of Tokyo. They couldn't even understand the map. How could they go far?

Fang Yuan had no choice but to suffer and develop new uses for the field resonance and thinking matrix. He used this method, which was originally intended to transmit and increase his own power, as a knowledge entry device for all the "cursed children". The "Cursed Child" completed the accelerated nine-year compulsory education and geography literacy learning.

Fortunately, the "Valkyries" under Fang Yuan have all been transformed into soul materialization physiques. Although they themselves are not aware of it, in fact, their souls and memory thinking abilities have been greatly enhanced. Even Fang Yuan's real cramming education will not make them feel too uncomfortable.

It only took a day or two, and all the thousands of "Valkyries" have digested the knowledge that Fang Yuan has instilled in them.

After solving the first problem, the second problem comes immediately-how can they get to the other four human settlements? It is obviously unrealistic to take a civil aviation flight, and it is even more problematic to go there on the ground by taking Route 11.

Not to mention whether the children can bear such a long journey, the numerous gastrula along the way is a problem that cannot be ignored.

Yes, the children who have been reincarnated as "Valkyries" are indeed powerful. After borrowing Fang Yuan's domain power, they are enough to fight against an entire modern army alone. But if they really fight all the way, even if Fang Yuan can provide them with endless power, the immature "Valkyries" will not be able to persist.

——Although the girls have completed preliminary combat training in "Valhalla" in Fang Yuan's inner world, real combat and playing on the training ground are completely different things. Without experiencing real blood and fire, it is difficult for these children who are only ten years old at most to exert their true combat power.

This has nothing to do with the strength value of the physical and energy levels, but more of a problem of mind and fighting will, and Fang Yuan can't force it.

No, if he really had to force it, he could still do it - just like the IISO organization, taking the "cursed children" away and forcibly giving them various dangerous trials. With the natural physique and precocious intelligence of these children, it would not take a long time to train them into real warriors.

But this approach is obviously contrary to Fang Yuan's idea.

It has been said many times before that Fang Yuan does not regard these children as cheap and easy-to-use quick combat forces. Transforming them into Valkyries is purely to solve their hidden dangers, and he does not want to train them into real iron-blooded warriors.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Fang Yuan decided to directly build a useful and reliable means of transportation for everyone!   Domain resonance, data loading, using the power of the third law to write a brand new program into the spirits of all "Valkyries".

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