Although Shinji Ikari's soul is powerful, it has not reached the level of soul materialization like Fang Yuan - it is not that his soul strength is not high enough, but he just does not have the knowledge and technology in this area.

Therefore, although he has a god-level soul that may be stronger than Adam and Lilith, Shinji Ikari is always limited by the energy source at the material level and cannot fully transform his bottomless potential into strength.

Even if he has obtained the S2 mechanism now, which can exert a power stronger than the runaway Unit-01, due to the limitations of time and the human body, the number of S2 mechanisms he can eventually possess is also limited, and he still cannot fully exert his soul power.

This also made Fang Yuan, who had been worried about whether Shinji Ikari would be too strong, feel a little relieved. If it was only this level, he felt that he should not fail... Well, not should, but definitely not! ……  "Solved..."  Looking at the apostles who were completely destroyed by his own bombardment, Shinji Ikari breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was even more excited - Sure enough, after he obtained the S2 mechanism, his strength was enough to match or even surpass the apostles!   He even felt that as time went by, the S2 mechanism in his body proliferated to a certain limit, and his strength could be increased several times, and neither the apostles nor the EVA would be his opponent!   -Even if the mass-produced EVA group that appeared in the first reincarnation appeared in front of him, he was sure to blow them all up!   "But this is just the beginning! In this reincarnation, I don't know what the specific plan of my father and SEELE is. In addition to killing all the apostles before NERV, what else should I do? What else can I do?"  With the help of the previous violent flash, Shinji Ikari restrained his A.T. force field fluctuations, hid his body and left this battlefield that was bound to be lively, while thinking about the next move in his heart.

If he just wanted to completely destroy SEELE and Ikari Gendō's plan, he only needed to continue killing like this - kill all the apostles, kill all the EVAs, kill all the ambitious people who wanted to complete human beings, completely destroy NERV and SEELE, and everything would be completely over.

However, other things might be fine. Even if he was asked to kill his own father, he would not frown, but to do something to Unit-01... Shinji Ikari really couldn't do it!   After countless reincarnations, the boy had long known that the soul sleeping in Unit-01 was his mother, Yui Ikari's soul. In every reincarnation in the past, it was Yui Ikari's selfless maternal love for her son that drove Unit-01 to protect him through many difficulties again and again.

To destroy Unit-01 is equivalent to asking him to kill his mother with his own hands. Even if Shinji Ikari has become much more mature and indifferent in the endless reincarnation, he still can't do such a rebellious thing after all! However, unfortunately, as the most fundamental core of the Human Completion Plan, the importance of Unit-01 is self-evident. If it is not destroyed, even if he kills all the ambitious people in SEELE and NERV, even if he eliminates all the apostles and other EVAs, as long as Unit-01 still exists, one day, someone will go back to the old path of Ikari Gendō and others and once again set off a terrible disaster that destroys humanity.

"So, what should I do?" Ikari Shinji tried to find a way out with the experience and wisdom accumulated from his endless reincarnation.

But unfortunately, in almost every reincarnation in the past, he was almost dragged to a dead end by various conspirators like a puppet, and he had almost no time and mind to enrich himself. In that seemingly endless reincarnation, the so-called wisdom he accumulated was really limited.

"There is actually a way!" At this moment, a completely unfamiliar voice came into Ikari Shinji's ears, which made the boy who had been hiding himself raise his head in surprise and look in the direction of the voice.

What came into view was a face he had never seen before, looking at Shinji Ikari with eyes that undoubtedly recognized him.

No, it's not that he had never seen it before, but that vague feeling of déjà vu...  "Ah! You are the humanoid apostle!"  Shinji Ikari clapped his hands and said with an expression of sudden enlightenment.

But then he frowned:  "No, that's not right, you are not an apostle! Although you have a powerful A.T. force field, I can't feel the existence of the S2 mechanism in your body... Who are you?"  "...Humanoid apostle? What kind of rude name is that? Well, as you said, I am not a so-called apostle, but I am not an ordinary person either. You can call me... Traveler!"  Fang Yuan first complained about the title given to him by the people in this world, and then introduced himself to the boy in front of him with the code name "Traveler" that he gave himself.

"Traveler...Okay, let's call you Traveler! So what's your purpose in coming to see me?" Shinji Ikari was both wary and curious about this person who had never appeared in his previous reincarnations. Therefore, he didn't pay attention to the other party's insincere self-introduction and asked him straight to the point about his purpose.

——He had a vague hunch that this person might be the key to helping him break the situation! Second update completed')502'\u003e501 Ikari Yuantang's speculation/the consensus of the two "protagonists"/the beginning of a new hunt

Just when the two "protagonists" in different senses met each other, here at NERV headquarters - "Have you found his whereabouts?" Ikari Gendo still maintained his iconic "Commander Ikari sitting posture" with a face. He asked the deputy commander Dongyue who was beside him expressionlessly.

Who this "he" refers to is of course self-evident at this time. It is naturally Shinji Ikari who just showed off his power in front of everyone in NERV.

"...I'm sorry, that kid is better at hiding than we thought!" The old man shook his head and said helplessly: "Whether it's surveillance cameras on the street, drones in the sky, or even satellites The A.T. Field detection device found no trace of him.”

"..." Regarding such a result, Ikari Yuantang just nodded silently - in fact, he had already expected this. After witnessing Shinji Ikari killing the attacking apostle with his own eyes, he It has become clear that he can no longer treat his son as an ordinary 14-year-old boy.

After a long time, Ikari Yuantang gave instructions again: "Continue to search, and at the same time increase the intensity of manpower search, we must find him in the shortest possible time!" After giving this order, Ikari Yuantang waved his hand a little tiredly, Let Deputy Commander Dongyue handle this matter.

Seeing the old man leaving, Commander Ikari, who was sitting alone behind his desk in the huge office, felt a little regretful - if he had known that things would turn out like this, he would never have let Shinji Ikari leave anyway! At this moment, the holographic projection system on the desk flashed a communication request again. Without looking, Commander Ikari knew who was calling, which suddenly made his mood even worse.

——No need to ask, this is of course the question sent by SEELE.

Because of the emergence of this special individual, Shinji Ikari, SEELE's entire plan is facing the risk of getting out of control. As Shinji Ikari's biological father, he is also the key figure who single-handedly pushed him to the position of pilot of Unit-1. Gendo Ikari is very interested in This is a fundamental responsibility.

However, even asking him about this matter is useless! Ikari Yuantang himself is still confused. Why did his son suddenly undergo such a big change? Not to mention the problem of the apostle virus, there are billions of people infected by this virus on the entire surface outside the underground cave, but I have never seen anyone with the power of Shinji Ikari! Therefore, the real problem is not the so-called apostle virus, but Shinji Ikari himself! There must be something special about him that is completely different from everyone else! And being infected with the apostle virus may be just an inducement to bring this specialness to the surface.

But in this case, the question arises - why is Shinji Ikari so special? First of all, of course, it is impossible for him to become so special just because he is the son of Ikari Yuantang - Commander Ikari knows very well that he is actually just an ordinary mediocre person, and there is nothing extraordinary about him, either physically or intellectually. In this place, the only thing he could be proud of was his scheming that was extremely good at figuring out people's minds, and his tenacity that would never give up until he achieved his goal.

So, is Shinji Ikari’s mother special? Ikari Yuantang wanted to say "yes". After all, when he first saw that beautiful woman, he was immediately attracted by her. In Commander Ikari's eyes, his wife was undoubtedly the most important person in the world. The most unique existence in the world.

But obviously, now is not the time to talk lyrically about an old man's past love history, but to think about why Shinji Ikari became so special from a realistic perspective.

From this point of view, although Ikari Wei is a beautiful and intellectual woman, and even from an IQ point of view, there is no doubt that she is at the top of mankind, but she is still just a human being, and does not have that kind of The particularity that can trigger such a change.

"So, is it still related to Unit 1? Just driving for a short period of time had some unknown influence on him, and then under the stimulation of the apostle virus, the originally hidden influence was completely activated, and it became what it is now Like this?" Ikari Yuantang speculated hesitantly, trying to find a logical line from a series of clues, but in the end he only came up with a conjecture that seemed reasonable but was actually completely untenable.

The most critical point is that he has no way to verify this conjecture - he can't just use a limited number of qualified people to do infection experiments just to try this unfounded conjecture, right? Although it is said that in the plan of SEELE and Ikari Yuantang, all human beings in the world will be finished in the end, but before the last moment comes, whether human beings can survive the attacks of the apostles is the key.

Before this, every qualified person who can drive EVA is the most precious asset, and it is impossible to let him experiment randomly like this! After thinking about it, Commander Ikari still couldn't come to a reliable conclusion, so he had to put the matter aside for the time being and turn his attention back to dealing with SEELE.

... On the other side, the first meeting between Fang Yuan and Shinji Ikari also ended in a harmonious atmosphere.

Although both of them kept a lot of secrets to themselves during the conversation, and did not tell each other all their secrets, such a superficial communication still made the two troubled guys feel that they had gained a lot.

For Shinji Ikari, it was the first time he knew that the so-called "Apostle Virus" was actually developed and spread by the mysterious man who called himself "Traveler". Its purpose was said to be to increase the strength of the A.T. force field of each human individual, so as to promote the evolution of humans from group creatures to individual life, so as to avoid becoming a sacrifice without any choice in the final human completion plan.

Although Shinji Ikari still had some doubts about the true purpose of this mysterious "Traveler", based on his experience of countless reincarnations, the other party's approach to the human completion plan was indeed feasible.

However, from the many unknown functions of the Apostle Virus, Shinji Ikari could also see that this "Traveler" was definitely not as selfless as he said, and he must have other plans in secret! But even so, compared with those ambitious people who want to exterminate all mankind to achieve their ambitions, Fang Yuan, whose purpose is unclear, can be regarded as a friendly army! Therefore, although Shinji Ikari has not yet regarded Fang Yuan as a person he can really trust, he has already regarded him as the "enemy of the enemy", barely an ally standing in the same camp.

Of course, what prompted Shinji Ikari to make such a decision was not only Fang Yuan's actions on the apostle virus, but also because of some "truths" about the apostles that he told him.

Well, it was Fang Yuan who saw many settings about the background truth of the EVA world on the Internet in the main world, and even the speculations that the hardcore fans gave themselves to complete - for example, although Adam and Lilith are both called apostles, they are actually two different species, and they are aliens from the depths of the universe; for example, the so-called apostles are actually the results of the species that dominated the earth in the past and were harvested again and again; and there are also things like the power of both Adam and Lilith is contained in the essence of human beings, so they can be completed as gods in the end.

Fang Yuan didn't care whether it was true or not, and revealed all of it to the young Shinji Ikari.

This information coincided with the various clues that Shinji Ikari had collected intermittently in countless reincarnations, and he immediately felt a sense of enlightenment.

Originally, he had never known why the apostles appeared? Why did the Human Completion Plan happen? What exactly is the so-called "Dead Sea Scrolls"? What taboos are written in it?   Although he was willing to collect relevant information in reincarnations, he was really limited by his identity and power. For such confidential information, he could not get too clear information at all. In the end, he could only see flowers in the fog and half understand.

And now, he finally learned the "truth" from Fang Yuan's mouth, and had some fundamental understanding of everything that happened in this world. Naturally, he had some good feelings and gratitude towards Fang Yuan, the provider of information.

...For Fang Yuan, this conversation and meeting with Ikari Shinji naturally brought him the benefits he wanted. After stating that he was also on the opposite side of the Human Completion Plan, Fang Yuan took the opportunity to propose the request to capture the apostles that appeared later.

The sixth apostle (or the seventh apostle according to NERV standards) that appeared before was killed by Ikari Shinji with a cannon. No, not even a slag was left. Although Fang Yuan partially read the principle of this apostle using the A.T. force field to launch high-energy particle beams while watching the battle at close range, it was impossible to conduct a deeper study of the essence of this apostle.

——According to the analysis of some analysis emperors in the main world, this apostle who has been changing its own form, all its deformations seem to be the projection of a high-dimensional cube in three-dimensional space, so its true body seems to be related to high dimensions, but now Fang Yuan can no longer know the truth.

This is a pity for Fang Yuan, who is determined to collect all the apostle biotechnology.

As for this request made by him, although Shinji Ikari was a little worried that the other party might be another ambitious person who coveted the power of the apostles or even wanted to become a god, but when he thought that Fang Yuan had already captured the fourth apostle, and even the missing fifth apostle might have fallen into his hands, this worry seemed a little redundant.

——For ambitious people like the top leaders of SEELE, the unique skills of the apostles are just insignificant details. What is really important is the S2 mechanism as the core, that is, the fruit of life, which is an important element closely related to the human completion plan.

Fang Yuan, who has already obtained a living apostle and even extracted the S2 mechanism, made this so-called "fruit of life" into a virus and spread it to all mankind, wanting to make humans evolve as individuals. Obviously, he is not the same kind of ambitious people.

Well, although his behavior of adding ingredients to the virus does not seem so glorious.

Considering that destroying the apostles was a goal that had to be accomplished, Shinji Ikari thought about it for a long time and finally agreed to Fang Yuan's request - as long as Fang Yuan found the apostles himself, he would decide how to deal with them, but Fang Yuan could not hinder Shinji Ikari's actions to destroy the apostles himself.

In other words, each of them did their own thing.

... "That's fine! I don't believe it anymore. With the virus network as my eyes and ears, is it possible that my efficiency in capturing the apostles is not as good as Shinji Ikari's alone?" Fang Yuan thought like this, and finally no longer had to worry about Shinji Ikari's life. Intervene, and you can continue to search for the apostle with confidence and boldness.

And not long after that, Fang Yuan finally locked in a new target.

However, what he is hunting this time is not the apostle hidden from human sight, but the third apostle that was discovered and sealed by humans long ago! Fang Yuan, who has watched the new theatrical version, knows that this apostle was sealed underground by a certain branch of NERV. The sealed area was also fashionably named "Border Prison" and "Styx" with strong mythological atmosphere. name.

Moreover, the location of this base is actually very easy to find. It is in Europe. When [Ether] took action to locate it, it locked the specific location within a few minutes.

However, Fang Yuan had not thought about starting a head-on war with NERV before, so he never took action against it.

But things are different now. After confirming that the biggest anomaly and variable in this world is Shinji Ikari, and having reached a certain level of consensus with Shinji Ikari himself, Fang Yuan also relaxed his hands and feet and no longer had too many scruples. Unscrupulously launched a attack on NERV's European base.

... "The defense line in the Styx area has completely collapsed, and the enemy has invaded the interior of the prison!" In a command post that was almost identical to the Japanese NERV headquarters, piercing alarms rang throughout the space.

"All troops are pressing forward, and we must guard against it! We must not let the enemy come into contact with the third apostle in the seal!" A middle-aged, balding white man was staring at the enemy's position marked on the big screen. Such a death order was issued.

Moreover, the next moment, he immediately roared in another direction: "Why hasn't the maintenance of Unit 5 been completed yet? Start it quickly! It's too late!" ... And in the EVA maintenance room deep in the base , in the temporarily assembled EVA No. 5 machine that was put on the shelves, a girl wearing a covered eyepiece on her head was twisting her body to relieve the uncomfortable feeling caused by the ill-fitting driving suit, and began to talk to The first synchronization of EVA Unit 5.

"Well...this dress is really...too tight on the chest! But it doesn't matter! It's moving, it's moving! It's great! It's so exciting!" The girl complained, but finally drove a real EVA to bring The excitement still overshadowed the slight physical discomfort, allowing her to devote herself wholeheartedly to the first actual battle after long training.

After more than ten seconds, the girl finally completed all the preparations - "EVANGELION temporary unit No. 5, start!" Two chapters in one, 4000+, this is the chapter for today')503'\u003e502 It's really great to crush and abuse the food!

"Happiness will never come to you on its own initiative~" "Three steps forward~ (One step a day~Three steps in three days~)" "Three steps forward~Two steps forward~Two steps back~)" "Life は~ワン? ツー? パンチ... (Life is like a combo boxing set...)" With the rumble of wheels rolling as background accompaniment, the girl driving the huge "Knight" was cheerfully singing an old song from the 1960s - said she was driving The reason why the machine is called "Knight" is because it is a non-humanoid machine whose upper body and arms are replaced by pliers and drills, and the lower body is simply four mechanical quadrupeds with wheels. This is a relatively small and cramped tunnel in the base. In the environment, it is more suitable for maneuvering than a completely humanoid body.

However, judging from the details of this aircraft body, there is obviously a feeling of "make do". Even a small part of the insertion bolt is exposed. This is obviously a semi-finished product hastily modified in order to cope with the sudden war. .

At this moment, a girl named Makiha Marie Elantrias was driving this semi-finished EVA, speeding along the intricate maze-like tunnels in the base in the direction of the invading enemy.

"Oh, it's coming! Field unfolds!" Not long after, the machine driven by Makiha had arrived at the enemy's location. The girl who was participating in actual combat for the first time slightly arched her body in excitement. The four-wheel maneuverable EVA temporary five The No. 1 machine also lowered its body in sync with her thoughts, and the drill-like spears on its arms were ready to go.

However, when she actually came to the enemy, what came out of her mouth was a cry full of surprise - "'s really a humanoid apostle!" ... And the intruders who were already killing the intruders in the base , after casually crushing the last tank that dared to fire on him into a pile of scrap metal, he also turned his head to look deeper into the tunnel, and happened to meet the No. 5 machine that was speeding towards him.

"It's finally here, the response is quite slow..." The so-called intruder is, of course, Fang Yuan! In the short half hour before, he had completely destroyed all the peripheral defense measures of the entire base, and also cleared all the mobile defense forces inside and outside the base. In the end, only five people were left in front of him. Unit No. 1 can be called his "enemy".

Well, don't think that half an hour is a long time. It seems completely inconsistent with the powerful power Fang Yuan possesses.

The reason why he has been fighting against a group of weak chickens until now, and has not been able to break into the deepest sealed area of ​​the base for half an hour, is not because of how strong the defense here is, but because he wants to get rid of all the bad guys first. Let’s wait until the unstable factors are resolved.

In this NERV base, apart from the more than ten high-yield nuclear bombs buried at the bottom of the base, there is only the EVA Unit 5 that has completed the construction project here.

Naturally, those nuclear bombs have [Ether] to deal with them - as soon as Fang Yuan invaded the base, the conscientious artificial intelligence had already invaded all the networked systems in the entire base, especially focusing on controlling the self-destruction mechanism of the base. Prevent people from NERV from blowing up when they see things are irreversible.

But as the most powerful EVA unit No. 5 in the base, Fang Yuan did not handle it in this way - EVA is a biological organism after all. Unlike ordinary electronic machinery, driving EVA does not rely on electrical signals, but on the soul. Synchronized with the resonance of EVA, it is impossible to use ordinary hacking methods to invade the control.

Of course, Fang Yuan was not unable to do what Ikari Yuantang did to the disobedient Ikari Shinji, by increasing the oxygen content of the LCL liquid in the insertion plug of Unit 5 to stun the driver inside.

But that would seem a bit too sneaky and cowardly, and Fang Yuan didn't even bother to use this method to win.

So, when he saw the non-humanoid EVA Provisional Unit No. 5, charging towards him with a gun like a knight in the Middle Ages, he had no intention of dodging, but calmly stretched out a hand and made a thin line. A thin transparent barrier appeared in front of him.

——Not to mention the usefulness of this A.T. force field in other aspects, but in terms of defense, it is indeed a very useful ability. After Fang Yuan learned how to activate the A.T. force field, he directly Treat it as your regular defense skill.

clang--! A slightly crisp impact sounded in the dark and cramped underground tunnel. The impact force generated by the No. 5 machine's gun charge was deflected by the A.T. force field to a plane perpendicular to the direction of impact. The shock wave that spread out immediately hit the ground. The ruins of this already horrific battlefield were once again devastated.

"What? The A.T. Field was not neutralized?!" The girl in the cockpit was also a little surprised. She did not expect that the opponent's A.T. force field was still so powerful after being neutralized and offset by the A.T. force field deployed by Unit 5. of defense.

"Things are getting a little troublesome...doesn't this mean that I am being beaten unilaterally?" Although the enemy was incredibly powerful, the optimist Makiha did not fall into despair, but tried his best to use his brain to try to Find ways to win that can turn the tide of battle.

At this moment, the enemy's voice came from the audio collector of Unit 5: "Although it seems very ungentlemanly for me to hit a girl, but fortunately you won't really get hurt, so bite the bullet "Hold on!" "Eh?" Through Unit 5's eyes, Mashiba saw the enemy in front of him raising his other hand, and a dazzling ball of light that looked very dangerous appeared on the opponent's side. in hand.

"High-energy reaction detected! Makiha, get out of the way!" The warning sounds from the command staff at the rear pierced her ears, but the girl knew that she couldn't escape - just when she wanted to retreat, she was shocked. Suddenly, they discovered that the enemy's A.T. force field, which was originally deployed as a defensive barrier, was actually transformed into the power of stagnant space at this moment. The huge pressure coming from all directions suppressed all resistance of Unit 5 and firmly bound it. In place! Makiha: "!!!" Zhizhizhi——Three flashes of light flashed in succession, and the girl only felt her (actually Unit 5's) hands and feet suddenly flying away, and then there was a pain that penetrated the bone marrow. severe pain.

"Wow - it hurts!!!" She didn't need to turn her head to see. Just by the synchronized resonance with EVA, she could tell that at just this moment, the arms and four lower limbs of Unit 5 were all hurt. It has been cleanly cut off by the roots.

Thirty seconds after the official engagement, EVA's temporary No. 5 machine was cut into human sticks, completely defeated! ')504'\u003eChapter 503: Those who fish in troubled waters...×2

"How is it possible?! EVA Unit 5... was defeated in an instant?!" In the command room, the balding old white man looked at the battle situation displayed on the big screen with disbelief on his face.

"Sir, what should we do?" A subordinate next to him turned his head and asked in despair.

"...immediately close all the isolation doors in the 'Border Prison', and then...start the self-destruction procedure of Unit 5!" After hesitating for two seconds, the top leader of the base made such a decision.

"...Yes!" The subordinate also hesitated for half a second, but finally accepted the order - although I feel sorry for the child Makiha, in order to stop the intruder, all sacrifices are acceptable! However... "No, no! The self-destruct command was rejected by Unit 5!" The subordinate who was operating in front of the computer gave the worst news.

"What?!" The look of shock on the old white man's face became more intense. The unexpected events that happened one after another had already made him a little confused.

"What is going on?!"  ...  Perhaps only Makiba, who was sitting in Unit 5, could answer the old man's question - if she could still connect to the base.

In fact, she had just watched Unit 5 start the self-destruct command under the control of the command post, but it was overwritten by another command in the next moment, and then the use rights of all the instruments controlling the electrical signals in the body were locked, making her completely lose control of EVA Unit 5.

Of course, thanks to this, she finally recovered from the severe phantom pain of broken hands and feet, and no longer had to endure that torture.

"Ha--! It's really overwhelmingly powerful..."  As the person involved, Makiba knew very well that the one who just stopped Unit 5 from self-destructing was none other than Fang Yuan, who cut her (Unit 5) into a human stick.

This made her feel curious about the changeable power characteristics of this special humanoid apostle, and also deeply grateful - fortunately the self-destruction was stopped, otherwise she would never survive!   After all, this is a battlefield underground! The emergency detachment device carried by EVA Unit 5 is a rocket-propelled disposable drone that can only be used on the open surface. If it is used underground by force... Let alone how miserable the driver inside would be if the plug was dragged by the rocket and crashed into the thick rock wall, even if she really succeeded in activating the emergency detachment device by chance and was not killed, she would not be able to escape the self-detonation range of Unit 5! Thinking of this, Makiwa was originally full of resentment towards the invader who cut her (referring to Unit 5) into a human stick, but now she feels a little grateful... It's really a complicated emotion! ... Fang Yuan didn't care about the feelings of the pilot girl over there, but just threw Unit 5, which had lost all resistance, aside, leaving it to fend for itself, and he continued to move towards the depths of the so-called "Border Prison" and move towards the goal of his action. At this moment, there was no longer any obstacle between him and the third apostle! ... More than half an hour later, with the violent distortion of space and the A.T. force field readings about to explode, Fang Yuan left with the still sealed third apostle.

However, while the humans who survived in this NERV base were busy celebrating and watching the endgame, they did not notice that someone had quietly left the base at this time.

In a transport plane that took off secretly, Ryoji Kaji, wearing a flight uniform, was stroking the suitcase in his hand with a complicated expression, muttering to himself:

"What a surprise! In order to get this thing, I was ready to release the third apostle, but I didn't expect that before I took action, such a thing would happen..." Shaking his head, the man who was a multi-faceted spy was full of emotion. It was true that plans could not keep up with changes... Fortunately, this change was indeed a good thing for him, saving him a lot of trouble! "However, is this humanoid apostle so strong... If the other party turns its target to the Third New Tokyo City, I wonder if that man Gendo Ikari can defend against it?" Recalling the information he had learned about the Japanese NERV headquarters in recent times, Kaji Ryoji's answer was not optimistic.

- After all, although there are two EVAs in the Japanese NERV headquarters, there is only one first-qualified person as the driver. The third-qualified person who was originally scheduled to drive Unit-01 actually gave up his identity as a driver some time ago, which made the defense of the Third New Tokyo City, which was already the focus of the apostles' attack, even more insufficient.

"Unless, that boy can also stand on the side of us humans... But, after becoming that kind of existence, is he really a human?" Although the fact that Shinji Ikari fought against the Seventh Angel (actually the Sixth Angel) with human flesh is a secret among secrets for ordinary people and even senior government officials, it is not a secret that cannot be known to Kaji Ryoji who can obtain a lot of confidential information within NERV.

After watching the video of the battle, the only person he could think of who could fight against Fang Yuan, the "humanoid apostle", was Shinji Ikari, the former EVA pilot.

Well, he didn't know yet that the big devil in his mind had reached an agreement with the expected savior and stood in the same trench...  ...  "Ah, it's really... tragic!"  After finally getting out of Unit 5 that was cut into a human stick with great effort, the girl named Makiba took off the full-cover eyepiece from her head and sighed as she looked at the ruins of the battlefield with casualties.

Although she herself didn't like the atmosphere in this NERV branch and didn't have a good impression of these adults, seeing so many people who might have met once or twice turned into unrecognizable corpses, the rebellious girl couldn't help but put her hands together and bowed to pay her respects.

"I hope you can rest in peace in heaven..." She said this, but in the girl's mind, she thought that these rebels who had violated "divine will" and opposed "angels" might not be able to go to heaven after death. We can only go down to the deepest hell... Bang——" The optimistic girl clapped her hands and immediately regained her mood after paying homage to the deceased. She subconsciously smoothed her somewhat messy hair around her forehead with one hand, which was obscured by her glasses. A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes: "Well! It just so happens that no one is taking care of me now, so I'm going to try the so-called 'apostle virus'! I really don't know what it feels like to release A.T. Field in the physical body. ...?" The second update is over.

I went out to do errands during the day today and was tired all day long, so I will only update this much for the time being.

')505'\u003eChapter 504 Nebuchadnezzar's Key \u0026 The New Apostle's Attack

Japan, Third New Tokyo City, NERV headquarters.

Ikari Gendo, who still had the same gloomy look, was looking at an open suitcase in front of him, staring at what was contained in the box, which looked like a miniature human skeleton specimen.

"The signpost that connects gods and souls, the key to Nebuchadnezzar that opens the door to the completion of mankind, is finally in hand!" However, such a harvest should have made Ikari Gendo feel deeply that his plan has taken another step forward. He was delighted, but at this moment, he only felt heavy confusion and deep pressure! "However, the price was that the Bethany base was captured, the third apostle was taken away, and the No. 5 machine lost its combat capability... Although this does not conflict with my plan, the humanoid apostle actually targeted the third apostle. Apostle, what is the purpose of this guy?" At this time, even Ikari Yuantang himself had doubts about the definition of "humanoid apostle". The guy who targeted the apostle several times was really Apostle? If it were before, he would not have any doubts about this.

But after witnessing his son Shinji Ikari's great power, he finally understood that a simple human being could possess such terrifying power! Thinking about it this way, maybe the "humanoid apostle" is not a real apostle, but like Shinji Ikari, he mutated due to being infected with the apostle virus... to be more precise, is he an "evolved" human being? "No, maybe, even this 'apostle virus' is in the same situation..." Ikari Yuantang thought of the apostle virus that also behaved differently. Maybe it was not a real apostle, but some existence. An existence artificially created for some other purpose! This is not a conjecture created by Ikari Gendo out of thin air, but a conclusion reached by scientists led by Ritsuko Akagi after long-term research - after all, although these apostle viruses have magical effects that can be called mythical, their true structure The essence is not so secret that it cannot be studied.

For scientists who can even put Adam and Lilith on the dissecting table and have even discovered the existence of the soul through scientific means, it is not easy to find traces of suspected human design and manufacture from the apostle virus, but it is actually Nothing is too difficult or impossible.

"Could it be said that besides SEELE, there are other organizations in the world that are also studying the power of apostles? But this kind of technology can be developed under the nose of SEELE. Could it be that it is also a technology passed down from ancient times? A secret society? But even so, it is impossible that there is no relevant information at all..." Ikari Yuantang thought, unaware that although his thinking was very problematic, it was incredibly close to the truth to a certain extent! But what is different from what he guessed is that although the so-called "other organization" does exist, there is only one member - well, one and a half if you include [ether].

Moreover, this "organization" has only existed for more than a month, which is the time since Fang Yuan came to this world until now.

... Not to mention the hesitation and confusion in Ikari Yuantang's heart over there, as time goes by, the plot of this world, although it has been fragmented, but still tenaciously maintains a certain inertia, has finally reached a certain turning point.

On this day, another apostle came across the ocean and faced the intensive artillery fire and missile bombardment of the United Nations forces, approaching the third New Tokyo City in a straight line.

The appearance of this apostle is also very "unique". Countless black angular geometric bodies constitute its body. The entire body is like a super-large "door", but there is an additional pendulum-like hanging hammer in the middle. At the top is a "head" like a clock dial pointer.

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