Every time it takes a step forward, the sea surface that its sharp "feet" touches is instantly frozen. When it launches an attack, under the operation of the A.T. force field, the blood-red seawater turns into a series of sharp-pointed blood-red crosses, nailing the warships that block its way to the top of the cross. This attack method looks very sacred and terrifying.

However, such an apostle who appeared so gloriously is one of the most powerful candidates for the "weakest apostle". Its weakness is comparable to the fifth apostle that Fang Yuan took away before. They are all small characters that can be easily dealt with by a single EVA.

However, for the Japanese NERV headquarters, no matter how weak the apostle is, it is still an apostle. Except for EVA and black technology such as positron cannon, ordinary modern military technology can't deal with it at all.

Therefore, at this moment, the command post of NERV is as busy as ever, and everyone has put 120,000 points of energy into this upcoming war.

"How is Unit-00?"  Misato Katsuragi turned to ask Ritsuko Akagi, with a hint of nervousness and uneasiness in her tone.

There is no way around it. Now that Shinji Ikari has left, Unit-00 driven by Rei Ayanami is the only reliable combat force available at their base.

But given that Unit-00 itself is only a primitive technology verification machine, its combat power is relatively weak among all EVA machines, and its previous actual combat record is also very unsatisfactory, so she can't help but be nervous.

"So far, it has been very stable, and the synchronization rate with Rei is above the standard line, so it can go into battle!"  Ritsuko Akagi glanced at the tablet in her hand and gave such a reassuring answer.

"That's good... What about Unit-01?"  When it comes to Unit-01, Misato Katsuragi's tone becomes more complicated.

"DUMMY SYSTEM has been initially perfected, but it still cannot be started without a driver. Unit-01 itself is rejecting the camouflage signal sent by the puppet system."

This is news that can't be any worse.

The Third New Tokyo City, which was originally the main target of the Angels, only had one most primitive technology verification EVA available for battle at this moment, and its overall combat power could be said to have been reduced to the freezing point.

At this moment, a staff member on the side muttered in a low voice: "... I wonder if Shinji-kun will show up this time... If he is, he will definitely defeat the Angels..." However, even if she spoke in such a low voice, Misato Katsuragi still heard it.

She immediately turned her head, staring at the subordinate with a pair of big eyes and a ferocious expression, and said: "Shinji-kun is Shinji-kun, we are us! Is our NERV so poor that we can't win the war with the Angels without the help of a young man?! Cheer up! Even if there is only one machine, we will definitely win!" ""Yes!""" With the boss speaking, the subordinates naturally did not dare to say anything more, and had to continue working with an even harder attitude.

')506'\u003eChapter 505 Head-grabbing \u0026 the incompetent rage of the ignored

At this moment, the voice of another subordinate came from behind:  "Good news! The EVA No. 2 sent from Germany has arrived in Japanese airspace, and the other pilot has requested to immediately participate in the battle against the apostles!"  "What?"  Misato Katsuragi widened her eyes in surprise. At this moment, a huge flying wing transport plane appeared above the apostles, and flew over the battlefield accompanied by a group of fighters, and at this moment dropped something -  It was... EVA!   At an altitude of several thousand meters, the EVA No. 2, most of its body was wrapped in the fairing, and it was dropped by the transport plane. With a few bangs, the explosive bolts on the fairing exploded. Driven by the airflow, the black fairing was split into two halves, and the EVA No. 2 equipped with airborne accessories jumped out of it! Swish - A giant crossbow adapted to the size of the EVA was launched immediately after, spinning in the sky towards Unit 2.

However... Clang - The crossbow was knocked away by the sudden attack.

It turned out that the apostle below also discovered the enemy above its head at this time, and its head like a dial immediately shot out countless black crossbow arrows, shooting at Unit 2 which was adjusting its posture in mid-air.

However, the pilot of Unit 2 was obviously a real combat expert. Even in the state of falling from a high altitude with nowhere to exert force, she still controlled Unit 2 to perfectly avoid all the attacks of the apostles, and even took back the crossbow that was knocked away during the gap between the apostles' attacks.

The next moment, a special arrow accelerated by the A.T. force field shot out from the giant crossbow, instantly piercing the apostle's raised head and hitting its exposed red "core".

In an instant, the apostle seemed to have been hit in the vitals, and the countless angular geometric bodies that made up its body suddenly collapsed.

"Amazing, it hit the core with one strike!" In the command post, a staff member couldn't help but sigh after seeing this scene.

However, as the combat commander, Misato Katsuragi still maintained a serious look: "No, this is a bait!" As expected, before she finished speaking, the apostle, who seemed to be completely disintegrated, instantly reorganized his body. The huge sphere that was originally hung below as a pendulum was moved to the top, and the black camouflage color on the surface faded and turned red - it turned out that this was the real core of the apostle! The No. 2 machine, which was still gliding in the air without power, was not confused at all. At the moment when the apostle changed its form, it immediately fired seven arrows in succession, and hit the same point with incredible accuracy. In front of the A.T. force field barrier opened by the apostle, the head and tail were connected in a line! Seeing this, the pilot of the No. 2 machine did not shoot in vain, but decisively abandoned the crossbow in his hand, and at the same time controlled the body to roll into a ball, and did more than ten somersaults in a row, accelerating and kicking, with the heel facing the crossbow arrows in a line.

Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding——  With the help of the A.T. force field, EVA Unit 2 pushed the last crossbow arrow to continuously break through all obstacles in front of it, and instantly penetrated the A.T. force field of the apostle with overwhelming momentum, and it was about to kill him in the next moment.

Just then——  Dang——!!!   Crack——!   An extra barrier appeared in front of the apostle, and the last arrow that should have penetrated the apostle's core was installed on it, but it was like a fragile pencil and broke in an instant.

However, Unit 2 still did not give up. Unit 2, which still maintained the kicking posture, kicked the A.T. force field that blocked the way with the huge kinetic energy brought by the high-altitude fall of a giant object like EVA, trying to crush it with brute force.

However, what the pilot in Unit 2 did not know was that the one blocking her at this time was not the original apostle, but another much more powerful existence!   Bang——! The attack of Unit 2 could not even make this thin A.T. force field vibrate slightly. Only the huge impact force spread outward along the plane of the A.T. force field, bringing out waves of shock waves that could blow people away, and slammed obliquely on the sea surface, bringing up waves of bloody waves.

At this time, the pilot of Unit 2, a Japanese-German mixed-race girl named Shikinami Asuka Langley, discovered that behind the A.T. force field, there suddenly appeared a very small humanoid individual.

"Is this... a humanoid apostle?" After the Bethany base was captured by Fang Yuan, Asuka, as a member of the NERV European branch and an EVA pilot fighting on the front line, naturally read the information of this extremely dangerous "humanoid apostle".

The moment she recognized the other party's identity, the chill from the bottom of her heart instantly made the girl's pupils shrink - after all, that was a terrifying existence that could easily annihilate all the defenders of the Bethany base and then defeat EVA Unit 5 in an instant!   But then the girl's unyielding nature dispelled all fears - what if she defeated Unit 5? It was just an emergency machine that was temporarily pulled out for combat before it was completed. It was completely different from her Unit 2, which was fully configured and most suitable for actual combat!   "Go to hell!"   Driven by a strong will, Unit 2's A.T. force field was fully opened, trying its best to neutralize the A.T. force field released by Fang Yuan, with a momentum to annihilate him and the apostles behind him.

However, the gap in strength is sometimes not made up by momentum. Fang Yuan just slightly increased the power of the A.T. force field he opened, and completely offset all the efforts of Unit 2.

Then, he put the challenger who refused to admit defeat behind his mind and turned his attention to the apostle below - he just stopped the last attack of Unit 2 not to save it, but just to grab the spoils.

"Although the ability is a little weak, a mosquito is still meat! Don't waste it!" As he said this, Fang Yuan stretched out his hand, and the A.T. force field surged in his hand, but it did not become a substantial defense field, but penetrated into the space structure, distorting the space-time curvature around the apostle, just like the first time he captured the fourth apostle, using a hyperspace bubble with a static internal time to wrap and compress the entire apostle.

Then, Fang Yuan used the same method to open a space wormhole again, and just took the new "trophy" into it, and disappeared.

On the other side, the Unit 2, or Asuka inside the Unit 2, could only struggle in vain with the A.T. force field that seemed to be broken by a poke, and finally watched the apostle who should have been killed by her being taken away in front of her! However, what hurt Asuka the most was that from beginning to end, Fang Yuan never raised his head to look at Unit 2, as if he had completely ignored it.

"... You guy... remember this!!!" The girl who was so angry that she ran away was furious in the cockpit of Unit 2... ... Or the second update...')507'\u003eChapter 506 A first meeting full of gunpowder \u0026 cracks in the covenant

"Sure enough, the target of this 'humanoid apostle' is other apostles!" In the NERV headquarters, Ikari Gendō, who watched the previous battle from beginning to end, said so.

"The apostle of the Hunting Apostle... Or maybe he is not an apostle at all?" After witnessing the changes in Shinji Ikari, Deputy Commander Fuyue naturally noticed something was wrong and questioned the identity of Fang Yuan, the "humanoid apostle".

"No matter what the other party's identity is, he has already collected at least three apostles. This is a huge threat to us at NERV and to the entire human race!" Standing on his own side, Commander Ikari Yoshimasa Ci Yan made such an assertion, completely ignoring himself and SEELE behind him, which is the biggest threat to the survival of mankind.

... "Tch! That guy actually dares to steal my prey and ignore me! You must give him a good look next time you see me!" A slim figure, fair skin and blue eyes, with golden-red hair tied into two ponytails The girl was currently changing clothes in the dressing room, while she was muttering unhappily, her tone full of resentment.

——This is none other than the pilot who just got off the recovered Unit 2, a 14-year-old girl named Asuka.

And the reason why she was so upset was because she was really angry about what happened today—— She originally thought that her appearance today would be a gorgeous and majestic performance, but she didn't expect that things started out normally. But an inexplicable guy suddenly jumped out from behind and stole her part of the scene, and even put her on the show! Can you bear this? ! "Hmph! What's a 'humanoid apostle'? It must be a human being infected by the 'apostle virus' like the third qualified person who escaped! Do you look down on EVA pilots like me when you have power? Damn it ! You must show off to this bastard! !” The resentful girl changed into her indoor clothes and walked out of the dressing room angrily. Unexpectedly, a figure walked towards her and the two of them almost came face to face. hit.

"Tsk! Be careful! You almost knocked someone down, okay?!" Asuka, who was in a terrible mood, cursed before she could see the figure opposite her clearly.

"I'm sorry -" a soft yet clear voice came from the other side: "But this is not entirely my responsibility just now. Please also pay more attention when walking!" Hearing from the other side Asuka raised her head in shock and saw the figure in front of her clearly - it was a blue-haired girl wearing the same type of driving uniform as her but with a different color, so she immediately understood. the identity of the other party.

At this time, Asuka no longer pursued the issue of the collision while walking, but directly launched a personal attack full of gunpowder: "Humph! You are the pilot of Unit Zero who was chosen because of others' preference. Member, right? I didn’t see you move during the entire battle. Could it be that you were too frightened by the apostle to move?” “…” To Asuka’s obviously provocative words, the Sanwu girl Ayanami Rei did not give any response. , but just walked into the locker room from Asuka's side, closed the door, left the other person outside the door, and changed his clothes on his own.

Asuka: "...(╬ ̄Van ̄)" The girl who was ignored again wanted to hit someone, but since the other person was a girl of the same gender as herself, and at the same time, she also considered that if she took the initiative to provoke, she would look very uneducated, so she I had no choice but to endure it, turned around and left with a stinky face, muttering in my mouth: "Huh! Are the pilots selected by NERV headquarters like this? They are either cowards who run away from battle, or they have a cold face. All the mouthless girls are all such weirdos!" It seems that the first meeting between the two EVA pilots did not go well... ...and as the "coward who ran away from the battle" in Asuka's mouth , but at this time, he was standing beside the previous battlefield, looking thoughtfully at the debris of warships floating in the bay.

"The seventh apostle has appeared. Although the ending is a little different from the previous one, it will not affect the other apostles. In other words, the eighth apostle will appear soon..." Recalling the one who fell from the sky, In essence, he was the apostle of a super-large bomb. It was the three of them EVA pilots who worked together (harmony) to intercept and kill it with the strength of three people.

But this time, because of his departure, the number of EVA available in Japan has been directly reduced to two, and it is very likely to fail when fighting against this apostle! The consequence of the failure of the mission is that the entire Third New Tokyo City and its NERV headquarters, as well as everyone he knows well, will be completely destroyed! After a long time, Shinji Ikari sighed: "Sure enough, I still have to take action!" After reaching an agreement with Fang Yuan not to interfere with each other, Shinji Ikari has been paying attention to the movements of the apostles, and is ready at any time when NERV cannot resist. Take action to eliminate the apostles.

However, the apostle just like this is considered the weakest among all the apostles. Any EVA can kill it one-on-one. Shinji Ikari thinks that he has no need to take action.

As a result, I didn't expect that at the last moment, Fang Yuan actually jumped out and snatched the head... "We cannot let him hunt all the apostles! Especially the eighth apostle who will appear next must not fall into the hands of the 'traveler'!" Shinji Ikari said to himself.

He had very limited trust in Fang Yuan, the mysterious "traveler". Although both sides said that they would rely on their own abilities in hunting apostles, Shinji Ikari did not intend to let Fang Yuan get too many powerful apostles.

Well, it's okay for a weak apostle like the Seventh Apostle (the Eighth Apostle according to the NERV standard of this world), and it doesn't matter if he is a step slower and gives way to the other party, but the next Eighth Apostle is one of the most destructive apostles, so he must not give it up!   …  "So that's it, it's not by relying on low temperature to condense water into ice, but by using the power of the A.T. force field to suppress the molecular atomic vibration of matter within a certain range, so as to create the appearance of 'freezing'..."  Fang Yuan, who was dissecting the newly acquired apostle in the underground base, suddenly raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

Although he should not be able to see anything underground, in fact, his spirit is connected to the "Apostle Virus Network". With the help of countless apostle viruses spread throughout the earth's atmosphere, he can almost sense everything on the earth.

Therefore, when Shinji Ikari mentioned something related to him, Fang Yuan naturally heard it.

In response, he just curled his lips in disdain: "... Humph! The Eighth Angel? I might not even want it if you give it to me!" In Fang Yuan's view, scientific researchers do not simply choose research materials based on the destructive power, but on the knowledge and truth contained in the research materials! That big bomber who has no other means except self-destruction is not worth Fang Yuan's personal effort.

Besides, when it comes to making explosives (harmony), humans who are talented in destruction and self-destruction are much more professional than the apostles. Does Fang Yuan need to learn from the apostles? ')508'\u003eChapter 507 Human Rocket·Shinji Ikari

Sure enough, not long after, the Eighth Angel that Fang Yuan disliked, or the Ninth Angel according to NERV's standards, finally appeared!   "Three minutes ago, the Mauna Kea Observatory has captured the target and is currently calculating its orbit!" The NERV headquarters in the basement of the Third New Tokyo City was busy again.

"The third observation satellite has captured the target image through the optical lens and output the image at the maximum telescopic distance!" As the intelligence officer prompted, a dark sphere with eye-shaped patterns on the surface appeared on the big screen.

"Hiss~~""" There was a gasp in the crowd, and everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

"A.T.Field is so strong that it can even distort light... It's terrible!" Misato Katsuragi looked at the screen and sighed with a serious expression.

"So, where do you predict it will fall?" She asked, but then she gave a bitter smile and gave her answer: "... Needless to say, it must be here!" Sure enough, the next second, the analyst next to her gave the answer: "After MAGI's recalculation, the probability of hitting the headquarters is 99.9999%!" "Tsk!" Misato Katsuragi gritted her teeth and couldn't help but "tsk".

While the people at NERV headquarters were analyzing the enemy's situation, the battle above the earth's orbit had already begun.

Several armed satellites that happened to be near the Apostle's descending orbit finally woke up from a long standby, and dozens of aerial bombs equipped with N2 warheads were launched from the launch box, pouring a large amount of "art" towards the Apostle in front.

However... "No! N2 aerial bombs have no effect at all! The trajectory cannot be corrected!" Even if dozens of N2 bombs with power comparable to nuclear bombs exploded on one side of the Apostle, the shock wave generated by them could not shake the Apostle's falling trajectory at all.

- In the case of not being able to penetrate the A.T. force field, the external force impact will only spread to the plane perpendicular to the attack direction under the defense of the A.T. force field, but will not cause any impact on the objects behind it.

And the Eighth Apostle, who has an A.T. force field that can distort light, is obviously not a defense that can be broken by some N2 bombs.

"The A.T.Field is concentrated at one end of the target, and the huge kinetic energy when it falls will also be added to it..." "The apostle itself is equivalent to a big bomb!" "The explosion scale of the direct bombardment is predicted to be 420,000 units in diameter and minus 15,000 units in the horizontal plane!" "The Third New Tokyo City will be completely evaporated, not to mention the underground space, and the central large vertical trench will be completely exposed!" Bad news came one after another, but Misato Katsuragi still did not despair, but calmly asked another question: "What about Commander Ikari?" "Due to the influence of the apostle, the radio wave state in the upper atmosphere is very unstable, and we can't get in touch now!" Well, because of the inertia of the plot, or that Ikari Gendo's itinerary was arranged like this, when this apostle attacked, he was taking a spaceship with Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki to the moon to check the construction of Unit 6, and has not yet returned to the ground.

"... In other words, I can only rely on my personal judgment here..." In this regard, Misato Katsuragi suddenly felt that the pressure on her shoulders was really as big as a mountain.

After a few seconds of silence, she straightened up and issued an order: "Send a notice to the Japanese government and ministries, and issue Special Declaration D-17 with NERV's authority. All citizens within a radius of 120 kilometers will immediately begin to evacuate!" "No problem!" A subordinate immediately replied: "Government officials have already taken the lead in evacuating!" Well, as this person said, at this time, there were already dense transport helicopters over the Third New Tokyo City, carrying all the dignitaries and staff of the entire government to evacuate to a safe area.

On the ground, both roads and railways were filled with countless traffic, and everyone was scrambling to escape outside the Third New Tokyo City.

Even at the seaside, countless warships temporarily acted as transport ships, transporting buses full of people from the sea.

Moreover, although it looked very busy and crowded, the entire evacuation process was incredibly smooth, as if everyone had already practiced it countless times! ——No, it's not "seemingly". After all, those who dare to live in this disaster-ridden Third New Tokyo City have already experienced many similar events. Every time an apostle attacks, they basically have to deal with the same set of things. It's not surprising that they can have such efficiency.

In addition, it's hard to say about other places in this world, but the efficiency of government departments in Japan on key matters is really high and has not changed. Don't you see, in the "Operation Yashima Plan" that was blown away by Fang Yuan's butterfly wings, NERV concentrated all the electricity in Japan within a few hours to supply the launch energy of the experimental positron cannon! As for whether there will be people who are unwilling to evacuate by relying on their own strength during this period of awakening "superpowers" among the whole people... Well, I think too much! Even if most people in this world have been infected with the apostle virus, and a small half of them have gradually stimulated A.T. force fields of varying strengths, even the most immature people will not think that this can only defend against the defense of police bullets, but can defend against the huge damage caused by meteorites falling from the sky.

Therefore, regardless of whether the citizens had activated their "superpowers" or not, they all evacuated the city as quickly as ordinary people. No one even wanted to use their "superpowers" to forcibly snatch the evacuation quota or cause any trouble.

Or there were, but they were quelled in the shortest time - after all, there were actually quite a few police and military personnel who had awakened the A.T. force field!   In short, with such a high-efficiency evacuation, the entire New Tokyo City was completely cleared in just a few hours. Except for the combat sequence personnel of NERV headquarters, everyone had left the city...   No, not everyone!   When all the high-rise buildings in the entire Third New Tokyo City were stored underground and the surface had been converted into a counterattack position, a figure appeared here.

This was no one else, but Shinji Ikari, who had given up his identity as an EVA driver but fought against the apostles as a human being, and was scorned by Asuka as a "coward"!   And his appearance naturally could not escape NERV's monitoring system.

"Shinji-kun?" Seeing the figure of this young man on the big screen, Katsuragi Misato was a little surprised, but then she felt relieved - Sure enough, when NERV encountered a real strong enemy, he still stood up without hesitation... "What does he want to do?" Someone asked.

"Is there any need to say it? Of course, he is going to fight the apostles!" "Fight the apostles... But the target is in the upper atmosphere close to outer space, right? Ikari Shinji-kun is just a human, how can he fight?" "Have you forgotten the high-energy particle cannon he used last time? With that level of artillery fire, it should be able to penetrate the target's A.T.Field!" "No, the space around the target is too distorted. Even if you use a high-energy particle cannon for sniping, it may not be able to penetrate that level of A.T.Field, right?" A group of people began to discuss, but when Ikari Shinji in the picture began to move, they realized how wrong their previous guesses were.

"Fly, fly up?" Someone exclaimed.

"He had already flown when he appeared last time, right? What's so surprising about that!" "No! This is different! Last time he was just suspended in the air, but now he's flying like a rocket!" Yes, on the big screen, Shinji Ikari, who was standing alone in an uninhabited city, looked up at the sky, his eyes fixed on a target that theoretically could not be seen by the naked eye.

The next moment, clearly visible polygonal force fields suddenly burst out from his feet, shoulders, and palms, stacked in a cone and radiating downward. The thrust generated out of thin air immediately pushed his body to fly high into the sky like a rocket.

——Having experienced countless reincarnations, he certainly knew how difficult this time's apostle was, so he did not choose to catch him on the ground, but planned to fly to the edge of the atmosphere himself and kill the target directly in the initial stage! Second update completed')509'\u003eChapter 508 A clean and tidy kill

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, a red light flashed by.

No, look carefully, this is not a light spot, but a human flying to such a height in the flesh! The boy named Ikari Shinji maintained a flying posture like Iron Man, with a conical layered A.T. force field projected behind him, providing him with a powerful power far beyond any chemical fuel engine.

In front of him was a pyramidal force field shield, also composed of A.T. force field, and the streamlined appearance pushed away the air in the direction of Ikari Shinji's flight.

Although most of the high temperature generated by the friction with the air was converted into mechanical fluctuations by the A.T. force field and transmitted to the direction behind Ikari Shinji, becoming an additional driving force for further forward propulsion, the remaining part still caused the atmosphere along the way to be heated and excited to emit red flames.

If Ikari Shinji had an airspeed meter in his hand, he would know that his current speed had reached at least Mach 5, which was faster than most aircraft in the world today.

However, in Ikari Shinji's opinion, his speed was still too slow! In fact, he was particularly envious of the unknown "traveler" at this time. If he could tear open space and create space wormholes like Fang Yuan, he would not need to fly high in such a troublesome way. He could just open a space wormhole to the side of the apostle! Unfortunately, although he was also a user of the A.T. force field and Fang Yuan himself had performed it several times in front of him, Shinji Ikari still couldn't learn this kind of high-end movement skills all at once.

Yes, he did have the most powerful soul in the world. After obtaining the S2 mechanism, he was also one of the strong contenders for the position of the strongest in the world just by the strength of the A.T. force field he stimulated. Even the A.T. force field use skills like high-energy particle cannons, he just read them a few more times and learned them easily.

However, the use of power like opening a space wormhole, which involves advanced space theory, is not at the same level of difficulty as the "shallow" power use skills of other apostles. After all, it is not something that Shinji Ikari, a poor student who has not even finished high school, can play with.

Therefore, even though he was very dissatisfied with his speed, Shinji Ikari, who had no choice, could only use this seemingly "primitive" method to fly high in the sky and find trouble with the apostle.

More than ten minutes later, Shinji Ikari, who continued to fly at super high speed and was still accelerating, finally arrived at the airspace where the apostle was.

Here, he could clearly see the appearance of the apostle, which was a huge black sphere with countless eye-shaped patterns flashing on the surface.

However, Shinji Ikari knew that this was actually just the A.T. force field deployed by the apostle, but its intensity was high enough to distort light, which was also the most difficult part of this apostle to deal with - Before it actively unlocked this layer of absolute defense, almost no attack could hurt its body, and once it unlocked this layer of A.T. force field, it meant that its altitude had dropped to a low enough level, and it was difficult to take action against it at this time.

In fact, if it really comes to that time, the best response plan can only be the same as the tactics that Misato Katsuragi would propose in every reincarnation - the three EVAs occupy different positions, adjust their positions in real time according to the landing location of the apostle, and finally use the A.T. force field to catch the apostle.

However, to be honest, although Shinji Ikari has experienced countless reincarnations, this apostle is not the first time he has encountered it, but it is precisely because of this that he will know how ridiculous Misato Katsuragi's tactics are, and how lucky they were to succeed in the first place.

——Several reincarnations ended directly in the hands of this apostle! Either Shinji Ikari did not catch up, or the apostle fell in the direction of the other two EVAs, and Rei Ayanami or Asuka did not catch the apostle.

Now, Shinji Ikari himself has long given up driving EVA, and the available combat power in NERV has been directly reduced by one third. The chance of winning by doing this is even smaller, or even directly non-existent! In this situation, whether out of selfishness or sense of responsibility, Shinji Ikari felt that he had the obligation to personally get rid of this apostle, especially now that he had even more powerful strength!   "This position... is almost there!"   As his mind turned, Shinji Ikari slightly adjusted the shape of the A.T. force field around him. The pyramidal force field shield in front of him that served as a fairing became sharper, and the conical layered force field behind him that pushed him to fly at high speed was multiplied. Shinji Ikari accelerated again in the final stage, as if he was going to crash directly into the apostle in front of him!   -- Ordinary attacks could indeed not penetrate the defense of this apostle at this time, but for Shinji Ikari, who possessed a god-level soul and whose A.T. force field was increasing day by day, it was not impossible to neutralize an A.T. force field of this degree! "Now, A.T. Field, full power!" With a loud shout, the A.T. force field, which was several times stronger than the last time it was fully powered, instantly enveloped the apostle, trying its best to neutralize and weaken the opponent's defense.

At the same time, the A.T. force field wrapped around Shinji Ikari became more compact and sharp, like an armor-piercing bullet, heavily bombarding the apostle's body.

Boom——!!!   ... "... Success, did it work?" In the basement of the Third New Tokyo City, at the NERV headquarters, a group of people were staring blankly at a blurry white picture on the big screen.

Just now, they watched helplessly as Shinji Ikari transformed into a human rocket and soared to the edge of the atmosphere, and then crashed head-on into the apostles. After an extremely violent flash of light, the surveillance satellites around the apostles were temporarily disabled due to overexposure of the optical lenses. , we can only wait for it to recover on its own.

"It should...succeed..." Someone prayed like this.

"The picture is restored!" After an extremely "long" dozen seconds, the overexposed satellite lens was finally readjusted, and the picture was restored on the big screen.

What caught everyone's eyes was a blood mist that spread for hundreds of kilometers, and a huge cross of light in the blood mist - this was the corpse of the apostle! "It worked! He succeeded!" "Great! Well done!" Everyone cheered loudly. Only Asuka, who was standing in the corner, had a stinking face because her role was robbed again. Not happy.

"Wait a minute, where is Shinji-kun?" It took several minutes for someone to realize that the apostle had been killed, so where was Shinji Ikari? Where has he gone? "This..." The intelligence officer on the side quickly checked the data of each detection device. After a long time, he said happily: "Shinji-kun is confirmed to have survived. His A.T. Field wave has been moving towards the third new wave after defeating the apostle. Moved towards Tokyo City, but quickly hid."

"Is that so...it's okay!" Misato Katsuragi's heart was finally relieved, as long as the child is fine...')510'\u003eChapter 509 Reactions from all parties

"Data collection completed... Sure enough, we shouldn't expect too much, this apostle can only do this!" On the ground, Fang Yuan released the telescopic analysis technique in his eyes, shook his head, and looked at this apostle. The apostle, who seemed to be huge and destructive, expressed disdain.

What really caught Fang Yuan's attention was another thing - that is, Shinji Ikari's shockingly fast power increase rate.

"I really didn't expect that his progress would be so great. It's only been a few days, and he has become several times stronger... This is too exaggerated!" Yes, in just over half a month, Shinji Ikari's His power is several times stronger than the last time he took action. It's hard to imagine how far he will reach when he grows to the end.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it. Who gave me the opportunity to complete the completion of human beings... Even things like time line travel can be done, so there's nothing wrong with making progress faster..." Fang Yuan comforted himself like this, But in fact, only he himself knows how much envy, jealousy and hatred he feels.

"How about going to SEELE to grab all the information on the human completion plan, and then find a world where you don't like it and complete it again?" Fang Yuan thought about the possibility of doing this, and felt a little anxious in his heart.

... The earth and moon were in and out of orbit, and Ikari Yuantang and Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki, who were rushing back to Earth in a spaceship, also learned about the war situation on the Earth's side after the communication was restored.

"I really didn't expect that it would be that kid who took action this time... According to Captain Katsuragi, if it hadn't been for him, NERV would have probably failed this time!" The old man Fuyuki said with a sigh. It seemed that he was very interested in Ikari. Shinji's rescue behavior is still very favorable.

"Hmph! If it fails, it will be because he gave up the responsibility of driving EVA. What he is doing now is just to make up for his own mistakes!" However, it seems that Ikari Yuantang is very unfazed by his son's actions. , his tone was full of rejection and displeasure.

It's no wonder that when Shinji Ikari gave up driving the EVA, all of Yuantang's plans fell into a deadlock.

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