Fortunately, Riku also had a vague hunch that with such a magical power as psychic energy, he did not believe that the great being who created it would not consider the problem of being stolen. If this Ex-Machina really wanted to forcibly If he had to analyze psychic powers, he might provoke the adult who was suspected of being a god... With such a dark thought, Riku stretched out his hand that exuded a faint radiance of psychic energy in front of the Ex-Machina.

The Ex-Machina, who had the appearance of a young girl, did not doubt that he was there. She reached out and held Riku's hand, making direct physical contact with spiritual energy - in her observation, this was indeed how humans imparted spiritual energy.

Of course, just shaking hands will not have any effect on Ex-Machines who are not human and have not been implanted with "psionic seeds".

Therefore, she gave full play to her functions as an analytical body and tried to copy this power called "psionic power" with the unique analytical copying ability of the Ex-Machina.

Then...she actually succeeded! Riku looked at the spiritual brilliance that also bloomed in the hands of the Ex-Machina in surprise, and panic arose in his heart - he seemed to have done something wrong? However, the next moment, the Ex-Machina in front of her said: "[Error] - The energy was successfully copied, but it was unable to connect to any conscious body and could not communicate with other people's 'hearts'..." However, she did not wait for her. After finishing speaking, her eyes suddenly widened in surprise like a real human being - in her information connection module, an extremely great consciousness suddenly broke into her, and its weight was so huge that she even had a This is an illusion that the core of the calculation is going to be burnt! And Riku, who was very close at hand, also felt that some kind of extremely vast and great consciousness was coming here. This is... that adult? ! Third update completed')557'\u003eChapter 556 The contract is established!

Although he had never seen it with his own eyes, Riku had witnessed the scene of Fang Yuan teaching psychic powers in Iwang's memory. He could feel that the great consciousness that suddenly came here was different from what he had seen in his memory. The two suspected gods are the same existence! This made him feel excited and happy, but at the same time, a trace of worry arose in his heart - it seemed that this adult who was suspected of being a god was indeed paying attention to human beings, and teaching them spiritual powers was not just a whim.

In other words, humans are indeed useful to Him, but this also means that one day in the future, humans will most likely be involved in disputes between the gods... When I think of this, Riku couldn't help but shudder. After all, the entire world had been destroyed in the war of the gods. If humans were involved, there would be many casualties... But then he laughed at himself, Even if we don't take the initiative to get involved in high-level wars, will the human species have an easier time? In the past, human beings were just like mice, carefully hiding in remote corners of the continent, but they were still inevitably affected by the aftermath of melee battles between various tribes from time to time, killing and injuring countless tribesmen.

Nowadays, human beings have the power that truly belongs to them, and they also have a backer that seems to have a lot of background. This is much better than the previous situation where there was no room for struggle! Thoughts like this flashed through Riku's mind one after another, but when that great will really came, he immediately restrained his thoughts in case he accidentally offended the other party - he didn't believe that he could create something. A being with the power of psychic energy wouldn't be able to read minds... Well, Riku guessed right, Fang Yuan is indeed able to read minds. He can even read every tiny thought that flashes through this young man's mind. See it clearly in your eyes.

However, he would not think that the other party had offended him just because of some of his thoughts. He was not that stingy person - not to mention that Riku could think about problems with such a worry-conscious attitude, which Fang Yuan admired One of his reasons.

In fact, Fang Yuan, who came here with his will, paid more attention to this cute and adorable Ex-Machina.

However, although the appearance of this Ex-Machina looks like a delicious little lolita, in Fang Yuan's eyes, her body is just a pile of metal and machinery, and there is nothing that attracts him.

What he really cares about is the inside of this Ex-Machina—or, to be more precise, her soul made of data! [It’s really amazing. Even I can’t do this kind of real soul built with a pure artificial intelligence program. It seems that the god who created the Ex-Machina does have some abilities... Or maybe , is this the result of the Ex-Machina evolving on its own over countless years? 】 Riku and Ex-Machina both "heard" the will's comments in their consciousness, and the admiration and curiosity in the tone were obvious.

To this, Riku's reaction was "Sure enough, he is indeed a divine species" - after all, the only person who can evaluate a divine species in this tone is another divine species.

As the target of criticism, this Ex-Machina, which has not yet received the name "Zhubi" in the original work, did not have any negative reaction to this condescending evaluation. She just insisted on using the computing load close to 100 %'s calculation core asked: "[Question] - What kind of existence are you? [Speculation] - Are you an unknown existence that imparts psychic power to humans?"

[Well, that’s right, I’m the one who imparted “psionic power” to humans. What do you want to say? ] Fang Yuan answered.

"【Request】——Please allow this machine to obtain true psychic power, directly communicate with the human mind, and complete the task of analyzing the 'heart'."

Even at this time, this analytical body, which was considered "broken" by all the Ex-Machinas, was still tirelessly pursuing the secret of the "heart" and directly made a request to Fang Yuan, the existence that created "psychic energy".

In response, Fang Yuan gave the following answer——  【Yes, but what can you pay as the price of equivalent exchange? 】  If the one who made the request was just an artificial intelligence that had not yet formed a soul, Fang Yuan would not agree so readily. After all, his so-called "psychic energy" was actually a meme virus integrated into the soul, and the existence without a soul could not even touch it.

But on the other hand, if it was an artificial intelligence without a soul, it would not be possible to ask for research on the "heart". The occurrence of such an "error" meant that this artificial intelligence had surpassed the scope of machinery and truly possessed a self and a soul - even if it was just a very weak spark.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Fang Yuan to let this Ex-Machina obtain true psychic power, as long as he creates a meme virus that is specifically adapted to the soul of the Ex-Machina.

But as he said, "equivalent exchange", he has no obligation to give his proud creation to an uninvited requester casually, even if this requester is a "female" protagonist who looks cute and has an important role in the original plot.

"... [Answer] - This machine is an abandoned individual and cannot make a promise on behalf of all Ex-Machina, but the power of this machine can be fully controlled. If you think the power of this machine is useful, this machine is willing to become your subordinate and use the power of this machine at will until the analysis of the "heart" is completed."

Obviously, in the eyes of the Ex-Machina, humans and this suspected Old God are in the same camp, so she directly regards herself as a bargaining chip, and gains the opportunity to analyze the "heart" at the cost of joining this new camp.

[Interesting...] Fang Yuan noticed the time limit implied in the words of the Ex-Machina. It seems that at this time, she is still thinking about returning to all Ex-Machina after analyzing the "heart".

But this is actually nothing strange. After all, the Mechas are a race that acts in groups, and their sociality is even higher than that of humans. It is not surprising that they have such thoughts.

But Fang Yuan obviously doesn't care about this - he really wants to see whether this Mechas will choose to stand on the side of humans, or Riku, after obtaining the "heart" in this way that is completely different from the original plot.

[Then, as you wish, I will give you real psychic power, and you will join the humans and obey the orders of the human leader until you truly have the "heart". This is the contract! ] "Contract, established!" The Mechas nodded and signed the contract in their own calculation core, then turned around and stared at Riku, who had been listening for a long time with her inorganic eyes - she knew that the leader of humans was the boy in front of her.

Riku: Eh? What does this have to do with me? ! ! ')558'\u003eChapter 557 Name

Riku, who was running at high speed in the wilderness and returning to the Imanity settlement, occasionally glanced at the Ex-Machina girl beside him who was running at a speed not inferior to his, and his heart was full of entanglement - are they going to take this Ex-Machina back to the settlement?   And Iwan and Yalei, who were running a little slower behind the two (?), were also in a trance, as if in a dream - didn't they just say that we should run away when we encounter Ex-Machina? How come they turned around and took the Ex-Machina back to the tribe? Riku's abduction ability is a bit amazing... Well, not long ago, when Riku, who was thought to be dead, regained his psychic connection with them, Iwan and Yalei were very happy, and the younger Yalei even cried with joy.

However, they soon learned that Riku not only encountered the Ex-Machina, but also encountered the will of the Old God who gave humans psychic power, and finally even gained the loyalty of an Ex-Machina individual...  Their first reaction at the time was "Will Riku's head be injured?", or "Could he be controlled by magic from another race?" Such thoughts.

To be honest, before they saw the Ex-Machina girl following behind Riku, they could not believe that such a dreamlike thing could actually happen to their human race - although the fact that they were given psychic power before was dreamy enough.

Moreover, after they later learned about the agreement reached between the Unknown God and this Ex-Machina on behalf of the human race, they were even more uneasy.

Among them, Yare, who had a slightly weaker concentration, asked directly in the communication of consciousness:  【Riku, is it really okay to give psychic power to the Ex-Machina like this? 】  【There's nothing we can do. This is the will of that Old God. We humans can only obey... I guess that big shot has his own plans! 】  As he said this, Riku sighed helplessly.

——What is the purpose of that god species doing this? The Ex-Machina on the other side was running at the same speed as Riku and others, while tilting his head cutely - she could feel that these humans had just communicated in a network of consciousness composed of psychic energy. But he deliberately avoided her so that she could not know the content of the exchange.

After truly obtaining the "psionic seed" and activating genuine psychic powers, this Ex-Machina discovered the difference in the consciousness connection between the psychic network and the Ex-Machina.

Among the Ex-Machines, unless they are abandoned individuals like her, each individual can communicate with other individuals without reservation through the connector, but the human psychic network is different. Although people and People can directly communicate deeply at the spiritual level through this spiritual connection, but they do not maintain this connection all the time.

In fact, the vast majority of human beings, after becoming familiar with spiritual energy, will basically not activate deep consciousness connections in daily life. At most, they will only temporarily activate it when they go out to explore and fight or transmit some complex information. It's just a pattern.

——After all, no matter how selfless and united the humans in this world are, they have not evolved to the point where they do not need privacy. Being able to feel each other’s shallow emotions through spiritual connections is something that most humans can accept in their daily lives. The limit.

... A few hours later, after a smooth journey back to the heart of the mountain where humans live, Riku stopped at the entrance of the village: "We are here... Yiwang, Yalei, you go in first, This Ex-Machina and I still have something to say.

Also, when you go back, don’t spread the news everywhere. Keep your mouths and minds tight! "——Well, because of psychic powers, simply shutting up does not guarantee that the secret will not be leaked, so Riku emphasized this sentence.

The two of them looked at each other, a little worried, but after seeing the persistence in Riku's eyes, they could only shrug their shoulders helplessly, leaving space for one person and one machine to be alone.

Watching the two people walking away, Riku turned around and said to the Ex-Machina who had been following him: "Okay, before you join us, there are some things that need to be explained clearly!" In this regard , the Ex-Machina girl blinked her big inorganic eyes and said: "[Question] - This machine has already joined the human camp, why do you still say 'before joining'?" "...Ahem! Join our camp. It's two different things than joining our lives! Also, didn't that adult say that you have to obey my orders after joining the human camp? "Just take this as an order!" Riku said with a dry cough.

"[Chengzhi]——Order accepted."

The kind of machine-loving people follow the good and follow the flow.

"First of all... I forgot to ask, what is your name?" Riku asked first.


The Ex-Machina tilted her head, expressing her doubts vividly.

"I'm talking about the name! Don't you have a name?" Riku scratched his hair frantically.

"[Understanding]——Individual identification number uc207pr4f57t9."

The Ex-Machina girl nodded and gave such a string of alphanumeric combinations that ordinary people would never be able to remember after hearing it once.

"...What kind of name is this?! No! Give it a name like a human being!" Riku directly rejected such a "name" that couldn't be called a name at all.

"[Question] - The agreement reached between this machine and the human camp is to obey the orders of the leader of the human species until the intelligence of the 'heart' is analyzed. Is it necessary to conceal the fact that this machine is an Ex-Machina?" Regarding the Ex-Machina? Generally speaking, such meaningless behavior is really beyond her comprehension.

"This is not a cover-up. In fact, I guess I can't cover it up..." Riku said this - if it was before everyone gained psychic powers, he was still confident that he might be able to get over it, but after everyone gained psychic powers, Now... if human beings can tell it immediately by planting a psychic connection, this is just a cover-up! "This is to make you more integrated into the life of our species.

After all, the so-called "heart" can not only be understood through spiritual connection, you also need to truly experience it in our daily lives as humans. This cannot be done without a name! "Riku's reason was very good, and the Ex-Machina girl immediately agreed: "[Question] - Is the name a free setting? " " you like. "

Riku was fine with this.

"...[Answer] - Calling himself 'Zhuwaluze'."

The Ex-Machina thought for a few seconds and gave the answer.

"Too long! It's confusing! It doesn't look like the name!" Riku immediately gave three consecutive denials.

He thought for a while and then said: "Just call...[ZhuVi]!"')559'\u003eChapter 558: An unexpected encounter with the Flügel

When he saw that Riku still named this Ex-Machina "ZhuVi", Fang Yuan knew that things were on the right track. After that, he no longer focused on humans and let others know that things were on the right track. Let them play freely.

He is looking forward to what kind of sparks will burst out when humans who have gained spiritual power gain mechanical power. Of course, he also knew that all changes require time to accumulate, so he temporarily put aside his concern for the human race, and then began to explore other races in this world.

——So far, apart from humans, the only races he has seen are goblins, forest elves, orcs, the Ex-Machina that he sent to his door, and of course, there are also the races that are everywhere in the atmosphere. of elven species.

Apart from this, he has never seen other races.

Those "creatures" ranked below sixth were just that. When Fang Yuan saw them, he just added a few mortal race samples to his species database.

What he really wants to explore is the "life" before the sixth one. The essence of its life is completely different from that of the races ranked below. It is a truly "extraordinary" life form.

What interested Fang Yuan in particular was the fantasy species that formed its own world within its body, which was equivalent to a "living alien world", as well as the gods that were born from concepts, activated their divine essence with faith, and could destroy the world when fully grown. kind.

No matter which of these two races, if one can be tied to Fang Yuan's experimental table, it will bring him immeasurable gains.

But it is a pity that none of the gods still alive today are weak - not to mention the God of War Artho, who is the embodiment of the concept of "strongest" in this world, the remaining God of Forest Cainas and God of Forging Okan , to be able to survive under the hands of the God of War until now, obviously he is not a simple character.

Such a powerful spirit species, with Fang Yuan's current strength, may not necessarily be able to defeat the opponent one on one, not to mention that they also have powerful ethnic groups under their command, and there are even Flügels who can kill each other in groups. The terrifying race of gods...3 This made Fang Yuan have no choice but to give up his desire to take action against them for the time being.

As for the "God of Games" who is being conceived and can be called the weakest god species, at this time, he is only in a semi-activated state of his divine marrow, and he also has a deep connection with Riku himself. Due to the issue of stance, Fang Yuan was unable to take action against him for the time being... So, Fang Yuan lowered his request and temporarily set his target on the Phantasmal Seed.

However, the only fantasy species that actually appeared in the original work is Abant Heim, the apostle of the god of war Artosh and also the mobile fortress of the Flügel. It looks like a floating fortress made of countless blocks. Empty city.

Although it is said that there must be clues about the fantasy species among the elves who can develop the "Void Zero Protection" magic that uses fantasy seeds as bombs, but unfortunately, Fang Yuan did sneak into the capital of the elves. , only to find that he was already late - the fantasy species captured by these long ears had already been skinned by cramps and made into super strategic magic that could be activated at any time! This gave Fang Yuan a headache. Although he had also stolen a lot of information about other fantasy species from the forest elves, for fantasy species that were in an independent world and did not have a specific habitat, , this kind of information can only be said to be better than nothing, and it is basically impossible to find it without spending a lot of energy.

——It’s not that Fang Yuan has never tried, but for some reason, his luck in this aspect is really bad. He failed to find the target several times and could not see the shadow of fantasy species at all... Maybe these fantasy species also felt that What did you think of, so you deliberately avoided him? It's not impossible... Fang Yuan, who was depressed by reality, wandered on the ground blankly, looking up to the sky and sighing - if he hadn't realized that he couldn't defeat Artosh, the God of War, he would have wanted to rush directly to the Flügel base camp and treat the creature as a All the fantasy species in the floating fortress were packed and snatched away.

It's a pity that when he tried to approach the direction of the God of War Artho, the sealed divine side trembled faintly, warning him that if he really approached that side rashly, he might die! Although for the current Fang Yuan, the concept of death has almost disappeared from him. Even in his current state of being divided into humans and gods, killing the human side will only cause the divine side to break the seal and finally become pure. His divine Taoist body ascending to the position of true god will only make him stronger.

But Fang Yuan, who is unwilling to let his humanity self-destruct, does not want this form of "stronger" - he still cherishes his current life.

With no choice, he could only circle around the extreme distance prompted by the sense of crisis, glanced at the fantasy species called "Abant Heim" from a distance, and then reluctantly left. left.

——It’s so painful to be able to see but not get it... However, Fang Yuan, who was lamenting at this time, didn’t know that his act of wandering around just out of unwillingness would actually attract a Unexpected guest... "Oh~! It's really strange! You clearly have the appearance of a 'monkey', but it gives me a full sense of threat. Are you a new species that mutated from that 'monkey'? ? Or is it something else, disguised as a 'monkey'?" A charming but murderous voice sounded. Fang Yuan heard the sound and saw a person with a halo on his head and a pair of wings on his waist. The graceful female figure was slowly floating on a mountain peak not far away.

And the person she was pointing at was undoubtedly Fang Yuan who was standing on another mountain peak.

This is... a Flügel! And this tone of voice, this familiar appearance... Fang Yuan recognized it at a glance. This was a very special "extra individual" even among the Flügel. It was the ultimate creature created by the God of War Artho with the characteristic of "incompleteness". Individual No.—Jibril.

Because of its "incompleteness", although its initial power is very weak compared to other normally born Flügels, it has infinite possibilities and room for progress far beyond other Flügels, and it is constantly learning and evolving. , its strength is getting stronger and stronger, but it has gradually surpassed other Flügel, and can even be compared with the original strongest Flügel individual-Azriel.

Of course, whether it is strong or not is a secondary matter. The biggest impression this Flügel extra-extra individual brought to Fang Yuan was that he was called the "Walking Eighteen (Harmony)" by the protagonists Kong and Bai six thousand years after the original plot. The perverted image of "forbidden".

Unexpectedly, I would meet her here... Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, but also a little surprised - I can't catch the fantasy species, but it seems that I can catch a Flügel and take it back! Third update completed')560'\u003eChapter 559 Xiaoji is miserable

"Yeah, it's really strange that I met you at this time... It's really rare for prey to come to your door by itself!" In response to Jibril's provocative words, Fang Yuan chuckled and responded tit-for-tat. responded.

"Prey..." The girl with an angelic appearance narrowed her eyes slightly - only Flügel had always regarded other races as prey, but she had never seen anyone who dared to regard Flügel as prey. This guy also How bold! Dissatisfied, Jibril gave up the idea of ​​continuing to test with words. She held in her hand a dark scythe made of magic. With the halo above her head and the wings on her back, she looked like an angel of death, emitting... There is an endless breath of death.

——Although the elves' detection magic did not detect any information from the individual in front of her (after all, there was no elves in Fang Yuan's body), the sense of crisis that rushed straight into her soul told her that the appearance in front of her looked like The existence of "monkey" is a real powerful enemy. She has become serious! "Interesting, you just treat me as your enemy..." Seeing Jibril's attitude of starting a fight without saying a word, Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by the opponent's attitude.

However, his movements were not slow. He raised his hand and slowly emerged from the shadow under his feet, a cube emitting a dim glow.

"This place is still too close to Artho, so we have to find a way to block his sight... And before hunting, we still have to set up the site to prevent the prey from escaping..." Saying this, Fang Yuan bluffed. His hand suddenly clenched, and at the same moment, the cube that seemed to be only more than ten centimeters in size instantly deformed and unfolded. In an instant, at the high-dimensional level, the entire area of ​​several thousand meters centered on Fang Yuan was covered and isolated, opening up a vast area. Relatively independent time and space.

Of course, Jibril, who was not far in front of Fang Yuan, was also included.

When the celestial girl came back from her sudden daze, she found that she was no longer where she was, but had arrived in a void with nothing at all.

"Is it the ability to transfer space? Where is this? Which different space? And... there are no elves here!" Jibril understood her situation immediately, knowing that this environment without elves was extremely dangerous. This is an extremely disadvantageous condition for a Flügel that relies on magic.

She immediately wanted to use the remaining elves in her body to activate the space transfer ability to leave this strange space, but she was surprised to find that the space transfer ability could transfer her to any place she had ever been with just a thought. , actually failed! At this moment, Fang Yuan's voice came from the void: "Don't waste your efforts! This super-dimensional space of mine has disrupted and isolated the space-time coordinates of all dimensions, unless you can penetrate all space dimensions with one strike. , the ability to reach the bottom of time and space, otherwise it would be impossible to leave here... Well, in this environment where elves do not exist, you may not even be able to release the 'Sky Strike'! I advise you to just raise your hand! Forget about surrendering~" The pride in that tone made Jibril's teeth tingle when she heard it - she didn't expect that it was just a moment of negligence, and she was directly calculated into such a desperate situation. What a damn guy! "Hmph! It seems that you are indeed arrogant. Being able to create such a degree of alien space, it is no wonder that you have the courage to treat us Flügel as prey... However, it is impossible to make me surrender. , come on! Show up and fight! I will let you know that even without the support of the elves, the Flügel is still a Flügel!" Jibril declared so fearlessly, with burning eyes. It is an extremely pure fighting spirit.

"Really... Well, that's right. No matter how special you are, you are still a Flügel... Then, as you wish!" Fang Yuan's reply came from the void, making Jibril tense up subconsciously. body.

For the first time in her life, she used every bit of spirit in her body carefully, trying not to waste any bit. She barely kept the magic scythe in her hand from dissipating, and at the same time, she also used her full power of the Flügel. That excellent sensory ability is on guard against possible attacks at any time.

However, what was beyond her expectation was that Fang Yuan, who had thought he would play the same conspiracy as before, actually appeared in front of her openly and launched an attack from the front! Boom——! An extremely heavy fist came from the front. Jibril barely resisted it with the handle of the sickle, but found that the opponent's strength was too great. In an instant, he was completely knocked away with the knife. The sickle with a handle made of magic fell apart in an instant, turning into countless free elves, spreading in all directions, and then being repelled by this space to unknown places.

"Hi~~ With this level of power, you can punch me away even outside! After all this, you still want to create this kind of alien space to weaken my strength. What a dark personality you have. !" Jibril, who managed to regain her balance with the power of her wings and stopped her tendency to fly away, rubbed her obviously red and swollen arms while constantly complaining about Fang Yuan's insidious behavior.

boom--! Another punch, again a frontal attack. Fang Yuan's fist instantly broke through the barriers of space and distance, and hit the magic shield that Jibril had barely created. It also broke with one blow, and then forcefully blasted away the Flügel girl. His arms rushed back to defend and punched her in the middle of the heart, causing her to cough up blood and fly backwards.

However, Fang Yuan had no intention of stopping, and continued to punch forward, casually swatting away several of Jibril's counterattack magic spells, and then knocked it away with one punch.

Just like this, punch after punch, Fang Yuan used his force without any tricks to smash all Jibril's resistance from the front again and again, until the elf in her body only had the bare minimum to sustain life. Until I can't muster the strength to resist.

When Fang Yuan stopped his hand, Jibril's body had shrunk into the shape of a young girl, and she collapsed in the void, unable to move a finger - in order to prevent Fang Yuan's punch. With a fierce attack, she squeezed the spirit inside her body to the extreme, even forcing herself to an extremely weak state equivalent to the one after launching the "Sky Strike", and even her appearance was reduced to the form of a child.

"Ahem! So... so strong! Although you... are a bastard who likes to use intrigues, your power is indeed powerful without any tricks... I admit, I lost this time... you want me If you want to live, come and take it!" Jibril, who had squeezed out the last available elf, knew that she had lost this battle, no matter whether the opponent used conspiracy or laid a trap. Well, losing is losing and winning is winning. She has experienced countless fights in the war and cannot understand this.

It's just that I, who have always regarded other races as prey, have finally become the prey of others today... How ironic!

Chapter 560: Tightening Curse \u0026 God of War’s Expectations

"Well, the Flügel's physical strength is pretty good for being able to survive without the support of external elves..." Fang Yuan twisted his neck and shook his shoulders. The one-sided ravage just now, For him, it was just a matter of relaxing his muscles and bones - with his current god-level body, engaging in hand-to-hand combat with a Flügel was indeed bullying.

But it’s a shame that Jibril could grit her teeth and persevere, actually squeezing out most of the magic power that made up her body, and then she gave up until she was completely unable to move... Is it really a fighting race created by the God of War! Looking at the excellent "experimental materials" in front of him that had lost the ability to resist, Fang Yuan gradually stretched out his hand.

Jibril looked at the palm that was getting closer and closer in front of her, and slowly closed her eyes... A few seconds later, the expected pain of death did not come, and Jibril opened her eyes with some confusion.

She's not dead? No, not only was she not dead, she even found that her body had regained some strength and could barely move! Standing up straight, she looked at the man in front of her who had defeated her, tilted her head, and asked: "Why... don't you kill me?" That puzzled look, coupled with her childish appearance at this time, made her look... Looks extremely cute.

However, Fang Yuan would not be fooled by such a cute appearance - he truly knew how cruel a person was hidden under this seemingly cute appearance.

He just said in a calm tone: "I won't kill you because you are still useful to me! But in view of the damage you may cause after your strength is restored, I have imposed some restrictions on you... See for yourself! "As he spoke, he casually created a mirror and threw it in front of Jibril.

The Flügel girl (young girl?) looked at the mirror with some confusion, and then discovered that there was an extra mark on her forehead from unknown time.

Looking carefully, she saw that hundreds of runes she had never seen before were connected with each other to form a pattern like a forehead ornament, occupying less than half of her forehead.

If you look closely, you can even find that these runes extend under her hair, all the way back along the scalp, and finally draw a complete circle on the skin of her head.

"This is...?" Jibril probably guessed what it was, but she still wanted to confirm.

"Well, this is the 'restriction' I'm talking about. It's a restraint created by me based on your Flügel physique. Once you attack, resist, escape, conspire, or anything like that, you dare to disobey my thoughts and actions. , it can cause you to lose all your strength immediately and endure unbearable pain. I call it a 'tightening curse'.

Until I'm sure you're completely harmless, just live with this thing for a while! " Fang Yuan explained the effect of this extremely overbearing "tightening curse" in an understatement.

"Tch, enslavement magic is just called enslavement magic. Why do you have such a weird name... Huh! It's just magic..." Jibril unexpectedly didn't have much anger towards the fact that she was enslaved. , instead he complained about the name Fang Yuan gave to this restriction.

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