Well, if Jibril had read a certain "Journey to the West", she would know the hidden meaning of this strange name.

"It seems that you don't think so, so I'll let you experience it!" Looking at Jibril's indifferent expression, Fang Yuan knew that she still had arrogance in her heart, and perhaps thought that sooner or later she would be able to rely on her magical attainments. This "tightening curse" of Lao Shizi can be broken.

Therefore, he showed no mercy at all and immediately snapped his fingers and activated the "Tightening Curse", allowing Jibril to experience it first.

"Wow, ah ah ah ah ah ah ~~ Pain and pain ... Stop, stop, stop! I recognize me to recognize it !!!" It was only half a minute, and the young girl's form is in the void I rolled around and begged for mercy - the pain bursting out from the core of my soul was indeed unbearable torture.

This also made her truly realize that she was indeed captured by this ridiculously powerful and insidious guy and became his slave.

Fang Yuan snapped his fingers again, stopping the activation of the "Tightening Curse", finally allowing Jibril to catch her breath, gasping and paralyzed in the void, not wanting to move at all.

After several minutes, she finally gathered some strength again, struggled to stand up, and glared at Fang Yuan fiercely with a cute girlish face, while murmuring to herself in a low voice: "Wait and see. Come on! When I regain my strength and break this magic, it will definitely hurt you... Wow, it hurts...!" Before she could finish her cruel words, she screamed and rolled in the void again.

At this time, Fang Yuancai reminded him calmly: "As I said before, no matter if there is any 'behavior' or 'thought' that goes against me, the 'Tightening Curse' will be activated, so you have to pay attention to yourself in the future. "Thoughts~" Jibril: "..." Damn it, it seems that this time I really suffered a misfortune... In the temple composed of countless squares, the great God of War Artho sat on the throne. I don’t know how long it has been.

He was waiting, waiting for the strong man to come up to him and challenge him, waiting for the "defeat" that he didn't know when it would come.

However, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even longer time passed, and he never waited for such an opponent.

However, he still has patience. Although he is only one step away from obtaining the Star Cup, and although he can hold up this authority that symbolizes the supreme power at any time if he is willing, he still chooses to continue to wait... - Until now, he It seems the wait has finally come! "Lord Artosh! Jibril has been missing for a long time, and there is no response to the magic communication she sent. Did something happen to her?" The first individual of the Flügel, the last fragment of Artosh's wings. Yu, the "eldest sister" of all Flügels, Azriel, was kneeling in front of her master, asking for instructions with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry, the extraneous individual is still alive.

Moreover, she will also bring me the opponent I have been waiting for...a being who can grant me defeat! " Artosh, the God of War with eighteen wings, a tall and burly body, showing the masculine side of men, said this with a long-lost smile on his face.

Obviously, Fang Yuan's small actions at the beginning were not completely hidden from the eyes and ears of Artosh, who is considered the strongest in the world, including Fang Yuan's prying eyes, Jibril's appearance, and the final scene where Jibril was defeated and captured. .

He could only see the experience of the middle square element after it expanded into the superdimensional space.

But this kind of "impossibility" has actually piqued the interest of the God of War, who has been invincible for a long time - will this special being who is neither a god nor a god but has the power of a god be his long-awaited opponent? This is the second update today...')562'\u003eChapter 561: Physical examination for suspected driving \u0026 Flügel girl "chasing drama"

"Yeah~~Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally and reverie!" A thought-provoking moan sounded in the closed secret room, a girl with sparse clothes and a hot figure with two wings was tied up by a rope of some unknown material, and her face was full. His body was red and writhing restlessly.

And right next to the poor girl, there was a male figure standing, raising and lowering his hands on the girl who could not escape... Okay, I can't write any more. If I write anymore, it will really become driving without a license.

The real situation is actually... "Hey! By the way, aren't we just giving you a physical examination? Don't make a sound that can easily be misunderstood, okay!" Fang Yuan put away the scanning technique that shined on the girl's wings. , reminded with helplessness.

"Well... there's nothing we can do about it~~ For us Flügel, the wings are the most densely connected place in the Elf Corridor, and they are also the most sensitive. You are shining your magic back and forth like this, as if you are touching me directly. The nerves are the same, I can’t help it~" Jibril, who had six limbs (hands, feet and wings) tied to the experimental table with a force field light belt, gasped slightly and replied, her cheeks were reddish and her eyes were misty. Not to mention how attractive it looks.

However, Fang Yuan, who was the only male present, was indifferent to this and had no intention of being tempted at all - after just ten days of getting along with him, he already had a deep understanding of the Flügel that looked so beautiful in appearance. Under the skin, there was a perverted soul like an uncle, which made him have no interest in eating.

What? Why did Jibril recover from her exhausted infant form to her full form in just a dozen days? This was of course Fang Yuan's work. During this period, he conducted in-depth research on the racial characteristics of the Flügel species, and also helped Jibril recover her severely depleted strength.

Although the Flügel species can essentially be regarded as a magic cast by the God of War Artosh that can exist forever, have self-awareness and soul, and can even grow and evolve on its own, its body structure is completely different from that of ordinary creatures, but this does not pose a problem for Fang Yuan.

——Since the essence of the elves is magic, just treat her as magic to repair her.

Through human intervention, Fang Yuan accelerated the speed of transforming the elves into the Flügel species' bodies by thousands of times, and completed the repair that originally took 50 years to complete in just a dozen days, completely restoring Jibril's strength and body to their peak.

——Just now, Fang Yuan was doing the last check on Jibril, who had completely recovered, to ensure that she would not have any sequelae during this super-speed recovery process.

But now it seems that there is indeed no problem... Well, it cannot be said that there is really no problem. At least for Jibril, there is one thing that makes her feel very troublesome - in this highly efficient recovery process, Fang Yuan's "tightening curse" engraved on Jibril, along with the regeneration and recovery of the body, is more closely integrated with Jibril's soul essence, almost inseparable, and can no longer be easily broken.

This made Jibril feel depressed, and she had to temporarily accept her fate and accept the reality that she had been completely captured.

However, although the "tightening curse" restricted her from any behavior or thoughts of resisting Fang Yuan, she still found a way to cause trouble for Fang Yuan in a way that would not trigger punishment - for example, just a simple physical examination, she was almost turned into an 18 (harmonious) forbidden scene by her "passionate performance". She wanted Fang to be harmonized by an unspeakable existence because of driving without a license. It was really a sinister intention...  Ahem! Let's not talk about these things that cannot be described in detail.

After Fang Yuan untied the force field light belt and put Jibril down from the experimental table, the Flügel girl, who had almost become familiar with the place, ignored Fang Yuan who was sorting out the data on the other side, and jumped to the huge room next door to look at the thousands of projections hanging in the entire space.

The images floating in the air showed the big and small things happening in the human race’s residence at this moment. Each image corresponded to each human race individual, showing every moment of every person’s experience in detail.

——This was the result of Fang Yuan projecting the information he received through the psychic network for the convenience of research. He imitated the effect of the brain wave amplifier in X-Men after it was activated to make such a "monitoring room".

However, this was originally just a place for him to change his perspective and examine human activities from another angle, but now it has almost become Jibril’s special room.

Jibril, who had always been interested in hunting strong men, was watching these weak "monkeys" with great interest and could not take her eyes off them! In fact, she was not interested in the human species itself, but the brand-new power displayed by the human species - psychic power.

When Jibril, whose body had not yet recovered, accidentally saw the screen in this "monitoring room", she was immediately attracted by the brand-new power she had never seen before.

On the one hand, it was her curiosity about new powers and new knowledge as an "incomplete" Flügel species. On the other hand, in this independent space deep in the dimensional dimension, Jibril, whose freedom of movement was limited, had nothing else to do. She was so bored that she could only watch the weak "monkeys" in the screen to relieve her boredom.

And when she later learned that these "monkeys" who should have no power in her impression were granted this unique power by the strong man who defeated and captured her, this aroused her interest even more. Almost every day when she had time, she ran here to observe these species that Fang Yuan seriously called "humans" - just like chasing a TV series.

——She was also somewhat curious. What on earth could this seemingly extremely weak race have that could attract a strong man like Fang Yuan, and even make him spend his energy to personally create a new extraordinary power and bestow it on this race.

‘Could it be just because the appearance of this race looks like him…’ After learning that Fang Yuan’s human appearance at this time was indeed his true appearance, Jibril would sometimes think so nonsensically.

However, this idea was really too outrageous, so even Jibril, who had a whimsical mind, did not take this idea seriously, and only used it to tease Fang Yuan verbally occasionally.

——Her guess was actually very close to the truth, but what she didn’t know was that Fang Yuan did not “look like a human”, but he himself “came from a human”!   But this kind of Arabian Nights-like thing was unimaginable to the Flügel girl who was used to the strong being the strong and the weak being the weak forever.

Chapter 562 It seems to be more and more like the interstellar Protoss…

Although Jibril didn't know why Fang Yuan paid attention to the weak human race, she also found in the following observation that this race was indeed an extremely hardworking race that was very keen on learning and innovation.

Especially after the abandoned Mecha species joined in, the entire human race's settlement could almost be said to change every day.

For the humans in this world, obtaining psychic power only gave them a basic ticket to compete fairly with other races, because psychic power itself needs willpower and imagination to exert its true power. Therefore, in fact, for the previous human race, they still lacked something very important - knowledge! After all, it was an endangered race, and all the achievements of civilization and knowledge accumulation in the past had almost turned to ashes. In this human settlement with only a few thousand people, in addition to basic language and basic mathematical knowledge, there were only some very low-end technologies such as carpentry, leather making, stonemasonry, and simple metal smelting.

——And even this was passed down through word of mouth from generation to generation.

Such a simple knowledge system naturally limits the imagination of the human group. In many cases, they are not "unable to do" but "unable to think of" at all.

Just like the means by which humans use psychic energy, even Riku, the strongest among humans, can only transform psychic energy into a few forms such as light blades, shields, thunder, flames, gravity fields, etc.

Although he also knows that according to the creator Fang Yuan, after psychic energy is cultivated to the extreme, it can also distort space and shake time, but he does not even know much about the essence of space and time, how can he interfere and shake it?   At this time, the knowledge brought by the Mecha race is very important.

Because of the agreement between Fang Yuan and her, the Mecha race girl named "Shu Bi" completely implemented the requirement of "obeying the orders of the human leader".

When Riku asked her to open her knowledge base, Shu Bi agreed without hesitation, without any awareness of intellectual property protection.

As an individual who is also connected to the psychic network, it is very convenient for ShuVi to impart knowledge to humans. As long as she maintains the psychic connection, she can retrieve the knowledge she needs to impart from her own database, and the impartee can naturally receive it quickly from the shared consciousness connection. Its convenience is comparable to the consciousness connection network between Ex-Machinas.

Although with human brain power and thinking ability, even if they receive this knowledge, they still need a long time to digest and absorb it, and they can't learn it instantly like data transmission between Ex-Machinas, but this efficient learning method ultimately allows humans to save most of the extremely boring and inefficient repetitive memorization time, greatly improving their learning efficiency.

Well, because ShuVi has joined the human race for too short a time, many people are still afraid of her as a terrible high-ranking race, and dare not easily contact her consciousness. Therefore, in most cases, this kind of learning is taught by her to Riku first, and then taught to others after Riku has learned it, which invisibly reduces the efficiency a little bit.

But even so, the vast amount of knowledge that suddenly emerged among the human race has revitalized this race that has almost lost its inheritance.

Every day, someone is inspired by this vast amount of knowledge and invents a new way to use psychic energy; every day, with more and more diverse psychic energy usage techniques, more and more new creations appear in the settlements of the human race.

For example, a stonemason who mined and polished pyroxene suddenly had the idea to inject psychic energy into this stone that can react to the spirits and emit light when it comes into contact with water. As a result, he unexpectedly discovered that this stone seems to have the ability to store and guide psychic energy.

After learning some mineral crystallography and energy knowledge from the psychic network, this brainy stonemason, after several days of continuous thinking and experimentation, actually created a special crystal that can stabilize and restrain the external psychic energy.

This is a crystal-clear gemstone that looks like a crystal diamond. It looks completely different from the inferior fluorite-like pyroxene, but it is actually the result of the stonemason repeatedly using psychic energy to wash the pyroxene and then refining it.

When he announced this result on the psychic network, it immediately attracted Riku's attention.

The quick-thinking young leader immediately thought of the use of this crystal - to help the tribe better master the power of psychic energy.

After all, humans themselves have no experience in controlling energy with will, and there is no such part in their physiological structure. Except for a few smart people like Riku, most people cannot really use psychic energy proficiently in a short period of time.

Even Uncle Ivan, who first came into contact with psychic energy, spent a lot of hard work to successfully master the skill of psychic light blade, but he still couldn't keep this light blade stable for too long - this requires too much concentration.

As for many other tribesmen, it is even difficult to condense a stable psychic light blade. The light blades released by most people simply become "light cones", which are very unstable, and their cutting efficiency and lethality are far inferior to real light blades.

But if there is such a crystal, it will be different. After precise calculation and design, the stabilizing and restraining properties of this crystal on psychic energy can be used to create specific psychic auxiliary devices to help unskilled people. Mastering complete psychic skills in advance truly gives every human being the power to protect themselves.

As for the scarce computing and design talents among humans... Riku turned to look at the Ex-Machina girl who had been following him - isn't there one of them? So, just one day later, a "psychic wristband" made of rough bronze, refined pyroxene ground into a special shape, and some leather was freshly baked - this was in Riku Under the requirements of "the structure is as simple as possible, the materials are as common as possible, and the craftsmanship is within the capabilities of human species", it was designed by Zhu Bi and worked together by several craftsmen to create it. It is the first extraordinary weapon in human history.

Its function is also very simple, which is to restrain and stabilize psychic energy, helping unskilled people release a psychic light blade that can truly be used in combat.

After this weapon was created, it quickly became popular among the entire human race. Almost all adult males found a way to configure one - after all, the manufacturing process of this thing is too simple, regardless of the smelting of bronze. Still refining pyroxene, under the premise of sharing knowledge on the psychic network, it only takes a few days of self-study. Coupled with the help of skills such as psychic flames, the processing requirements are further reduced, almost Everyone can rub their own hands.

And this is just the beginning. Inspired by refined pyroxene, in addition to "psionic wrist guards", there is also a "guardian belt" that assists in activating energy shields and assists in the creation of psychic flames and psychic lightning spells. The "casting gloves" of skills, and even the "protective force field generator" that stores a large amount of spiritual energy and releases a large shield to protect the village at critical moments, have all appeared in human settlements one by one.

At this moment, human beings, armed with various new weapons and new equipment, have achieved a transformation like a rebirth. It is almost difficult to believe that this is the same race as the previous group that was so powerless that it could only hide everywhere like mice.

And all these changes happened in just over a month! Today is still the second update')

Chapter 562: It seems more and more like the interstellar gods...

Although Jibril didn't know why Fang Yuan paid attention to this weak race of humans, during the following period of observation, she also

It was discovered that this race is indeed an extremely diligent race that is very keen on learning and innovation.

Especially after the Ex-Machina, which was abandoned by the ethnic group, joined in, the location of the entire human species could almost change every day.

For the humans in this world, gaining psychic powers only gives them the basic ticket to compete fairly with other races, because psychic powers

In order for energy itself to exert its true power, it requires the coexistence of willpower and imagination. Therefore, in fact, for previous human species, they

We still lack something very important - knowledge! After all, it is a race on the verge of extinction. All the achievements and knowledge of past civilizations

The accumulation has been almost reduced to ashes. In this human settlement with only a few thousand people, except for basic language and basic mathematical knowledge,

Apart from that, the only remaining technologies are some very low-end technologies such as carpentry, leatherworking, stonemasonry, and simple metal smelting.

——And this can only be passed down through word of mouth from generation to generation.

Such a rudimentary knowledge system naturally limits the imagination of human groups. In many cases, it is not that they "can't do it", but that they "can't think of it" at all.

Just like how humans use psychic energy, even Riku, the strongest among humans, can only transform psychic energy into light blades, protective shields, etc.

Shield, thunder, fire, gravity field and so on are just a few forms.

Although he also knew that according to the creator Fang Yuan, after spiritual cultivation reaches the extreme, it can also distort space and shake time, but

He doesn't even have much understanding of the nature of space and time, so how can he interfere and shake it? At this time, the knowledge brought by the machine-like species

Knowledge is very important.

Because of the reason Fang Yuan had agreed with her, the Ex-Machina girl named "Zhubi" completely carried out the task of "obeying the orders of the human leader".

Such requirements.

When Riku asked her to open up her knowledge base, ShuVi agreed without hesitation, without any awareness of intellectual property protection.

As an individual who is also connected to the psychic network, it is very convenient for ZhuVi to impart knowledge to humans. She only needs to maintain the psychic connection.

Under this situation, the knowledge that needs to be taught is retrieved from one's own database, and the person being taught can naturally and quickly receive it from the shared consciousness connection.

Its convenience is comparable to the consciousness connection network between Ex-Machines.

Although with human brain power and thinking ability, even if they receive this knowledge, it will take a long time to digest and absorb it, and they cannot do it like

Data transmission between machines is also instantaneous, but this efficient learning method ultimately allows humans to save most of the extremely boring and inefficient tasks.

Repeated memorization time greatly improves their learning efficiency.

Well, but because ZhuVi has only joined the human race for such a short period of time, many people are still afraid of her, a terrifying high-ranking race.

She is afraid of her and does not dare to have conscious contact with her easily. Therefore, in most cases, she teaches this kind of learning to Riku first, and waits until Riku learns it.

Teaching it to others will invisibly reduce the efficiency a little bit.

But even so, the vast amount of knowledge that suddenly emerged among the human race has revitalized this race that has almost lost its inheritance.


Every day, someone is inspired by this vast amount of knowledge and invents some new use of psychic energy; every day, people are becoming more and more diverse.

With the use of psychic abilities, more and more new creations are appearing in human settlements.

For example, a stonemason who was mining and grinding pyroxene suddenly had the idea to inject psychic energy into this stone that could sense the reactions of spirits.

At the same time, on a stone that glows when it touches water, it was unexpectedly discovered that this stone seems to have the ability to store and guide spiritual energy.

After learning some knowledge of mineral crystallography and energetics imparted from the psychic network, this stonemason who loves to use his brain continues to

After several days of pondering and experimentation, a special crystal was created that could stabilize and restrain the emitted psychic energy.

This is a gemstone that looks as clear as a crystal diamond. It looks like two completely different things from low-quality fluorite-like pyroxene, but

This is actually the result of the stonemason's refinement after repeatedly washing the pyroxene with spiritual energy.

When he announced such results on the psychic network, it immediately attracted Riku's attention.

The quick-thinking young leader immediately thought of the use of this crystal - to help the clansmen better master the power of using psychic energy.

After all, humans themselves have no experience in controlling energy with will, and there is no such part in their physiological structure, except for a few like Li

For smart people like Ku, most people can't really become proficient in using psychic powers in a short period of time.

Even Uncle Iwang, who was first exposed to psychic energy, spent a lot of hard work before he successfully mastered the skill of psychic light blade, but he also

It is still impossible to maintain the stable existence of this kind of light blade for too long - it requires too much concentration on people.

For many other tribesmen, it is difficult to even condense the spiritual light blade with a stable image. The light blade released by most people

It simply became a "cone of light". Its existence was very unstable, and its cutting efficiency and lethality were far inferior to that of a real light blade.

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