"Whether you are willing or not today, I am going to take you back, meow!'

As he said this, Azriel's magic power surged and turned into substantial flames. It looked like she was about to take action directly. Jibril sighed helplessly - as expected, she still had to take action...

His eyes suddenly became sharp, and his whole body was also ignited with jet-black magic flames. His aura was almost as strong as Azrael, who was the strongest Flügel in the beginning!

"Well, let's be honest, even without this curse on my head. I don't want to go back to that boring place now! And even though that guy defeated me, he always made me do this and that. It's really frustrating I was very unhappy, but being with him also allowed me to see more unknown and interesting things. I will not leave until my curiosity is satisfied! Well, as the most unique rebel among the Flügels Jibril said the matter of "satisfying one's own curiosity over loyalty to Artosh" without any care, which made Azrael's expression even more ugly. The eldest sister made the final declaration, and the murderous aura in her body became even stronger. On the other side, Jipu said that she was not willing to be at a disadvantage, and immediately retorted: "Just fight, who is afraid of whom? I can't stand it now." Not when I was just born, I will pluck all the feathers and pin my nose later! After all the words have been said, the two sisters who come from the same origin cannot reach a consensus. Then naturally they can only follow the most ancient truth in the world. It depends on who wins! Boom--!!!

The initial attack of the two Flügels was a huge energy impact that even the entire human race could withstand. A blazing mushroom cloud rose from the horizon. The excessive energy conflict instantly killed countless elves in the atmosphere and created large areas of spiritual corpses. The terrain on the earth has also changed as a result. The original mountain peaks have been flattened, the original plains have turned into deep valleys, and large tracts of rocks have turned into magma and flowed under the high temperature. However, more rocks have not even had time to melt and are directly vaporized into Gas! However, what was more dangerous than this seemingly magnificent energy burst was the close combat between the two Flügels.

For the god-killing vanguard carefully created by the God of War Artho, in its heyday, the energy bombing at the level of a mere nuclear explosion was simply at the level of a tickle library. The magic bombing previously used to start the attack, especially the two fighting here, was still One of the strongest among the Flügels was created first and was born with the strongest power among the Flügels. The other was created based on "incompleteness" and continued to learn as he was born weak. , constantly evolving, and finally reaching the same "strongest" level. The two of them know each other's strength very well, and they also know that if they want to defeat each other, attacks like those seemingly powerful energy cannons are useless - they can't be defended or not. Problem, with the mobility of the Tianjiang species, such a large and inappropriate energy bombing can be left behind with a single space transfer. Therefore, what really plays a decisive role in the battle is the close attacks of the two people with real swords and guns. However, these two Flügels are very familiar with each other. They have fought and discussed with each other more than once in the past. As soon as one party starts a move, the other party can see what moves the other party wants to use, and the situation becomes anxious! Finally, after fighting each other for countless rounds, Azrael caught Jibril's weak point and instantly knocked away the magic sickle in her hand.

"You got it, meow!

Although she was as fanatical as a berserker as soon as she entered the fighting state, Azrael still remembered that the person in front of her was her sister, and the fight between them was not to take away each other's sex. Therefore, at the last moment, Azrael The magic weapon in Lil's hand changed its trajectory slightly. It didn't really hit Jibril's vital part.

"I am the one who succeeded!" Jibril, who seemed to have been injured, smiled slightly. His whole body was like a broken crystal, instantly exploding into countless fragments, and then these fragments exploded in such a way that even Azriel could react. Without the speed to come, they quickly reorganized themselves into countless three-dimensional arrays, surrounding Azrael who looked full of love in the middle. The next moment, all the elves in the space surrounded by the magic circle fell silent and could no longer be driven around. Azriel was stunned for half a second before she suddenly realized that she seemed to have fallen into a trap. She was about to use space transfer to escape from this space, but found that she could not even use the elf in her body.

No, don't talk about releasing the magic. Without the response of the elves, she couldn't even fly in the air anymore! The eldest sister of the Flügel flapped her wings twice. Then she fell head first, and those who blocked the elves The grinding circle also followed her free fall, sealing every inch of space around Azi to ensure that she would not have any chance to escape. Along with a burst of smoke and dust, Azrael, who was tricked by Jibril's new trick, finally fell to the ground that had become hot due to the previous energy bombing.

"Ah~ It hurts. Fortunately, the physical strength of the Flügel is really unreasonable. Although it is not as strong as Shangyuan's god-level body, even if he loses the elf power, from such a high place When she fell down, Azriel only had a few big bumps on her head, nothing else happened!

"Okay. I won this time, so don't mention asking me to go back again!"

Outside the three-dimensional magic circle, Jibril's figure emerged from the void and declared victory to her defeated compatriots.

"Tch! Xiaoji, when did you come up with this new kind of flower auspiciousness again, meow? You actually sealed the elves...that's such a cheat, meow!" Azriel rubbed the bag on her head and asked unwillingly.

°Hmph~! You see! These are the new tricks I learned during this period~! And this is only a small part of what I learned from that guy. It really all comes to me. I think even Master Artho would be surprised!'

Jixiril's tone was full of showing off. In just over a few years, she had not been watching the human condition and watching dramas, nor had she been regarded as a real sword specimen and a coolie. She was not stingy with Fang Yuan. Under his guidance, she also learned a lot of new knowledge and skills. The magic circle in front of us that seals the tongues of all elves in an area is one of them - -. This is imitated based on Fang Yuan's super-dimensional cube that completely cuts off the elven corridors. It's just that it has been degraded due to ability issues. This three-dimensional magic circle that seals flexibility does not have the ability to forcefully seal space. But even so, it was enough to deal with just one Azrael! As Azriel finished speaking, bursts of space-shifting light flashed in the sky, and the next moment, hundreds of Flügel sisters were there. Appeared. Formed a neat queue in mid-air.

Obviously, although Azrael seemed a bit stupid, she was not a real idiot. As early as when she and Jibril broke down and started fighting, she quietly sent a message back to the Flügel to let the sisters do what they wanted. She was well prepared for action - after all, she was very aware of the strength of her youngest sister, and she might not be able to win on her own. Therefore, she was unusually smart this time, and actually knew how to prepare for the luxury that Jibril saw in front of her. The lineup. I can’t help but feel a little excited in my heart - she is one of the strongest among the Flügel, yes. Now that Azrael has been defeated, even this "one" can be removed, but to say that she can fight now - Bai Di defeated her own race, and she wasn't that bloated yet.

"Hey, Boss, can you hear me?! If you don't come forward, I'm really going to be taken back by my tribe!" She had no choice but to ask her current boss for help.

Chapter 583: The God of War Artosh takes action!

"Really, I asked you to come out to do things, but in the end you actually asked me to come and wipe your ass.

With such a complaint, the space cracked like glass, and Fang Yuan's figure slowly walked out from the other side of the dimension.

"Oh? Are you the bastard who kidnapped Xiaoji and had the guts to challenge Lord Artosh, nya?"

Azriel, who was still imprisoned in the forbidden magic circle, stared at Fang Yuan standing next to Jibril with unkind eyes, without any awareness of being a prisoner. But her confidence is not without reason - the hundreds of sisters behind her are her strongest backing!

"Sisters, don't worry about me, let's go together and kill this hateful guy, meow!

Azriel even started a fight directly, not caring that the guy in front of her was a super strong man who could capture Jibril on his own and even tame her to the point where she didn't dare to run away.

For her, who has always despised all existence except Artosh and her sisters, even if the gods were fighting in front of her, let alone this little character who appeared out of nowhere in front of her.

"Well, although this idiot Azriel is usually rough and tacky, this time we rarely have the same opinion! How dare you enslave our sisters, no matter if you are a god or something else, Die!" The first half of the Flügel leader in the sky said to Azriel, the elf who was sealed by Ruo, and the second half of the sentence was directed in the direction of Ruo Fangyuan, with his tone and look revealing Ruo Bo's unconcealed murderous intent. For all Flügels, Fang Yuan's behavior of using "enslavement magic" to control Jixiliel has touched their inverse scales, and they are a sworn enemy who must be killed!

"Ah... now we have something good to watch!"

However, Jibril, who is the center of all conflicts, looks very interested at this time. It seems that if she had popcorn and Coke on hand, she would probably sit aside and shout cheers to the two sides who are about to go to war. . However, after Fang Yuan's warning look, Ji Xili suddenly stiffened and made a zipper gesture with her hands on her mouth, not daring to live another day. She didn't want to suffer the "tightening curse" again. And in front of many sisters!

"Hundreds of Flügel... If we rely solely on energy intensity, this kind of power can indeed threaten my life! However, your weaknesses are still too obvious...

With a snap of his fingers, a void of light appeared and swept several kilometers around him in an instant.

The next moment, many Flügels suddenly discovered that they could no longer sense the elves existing in the world, and all their magic power was suppressed. They suddenly fell down like Azriel before.

This is the [Magic-forbidden Barrier] developed by Fang Yuan based on some characteristics of the super-dimensional cube. At the expense of other functions, the "forbidden spirit flexibility" is extremely enhanced, and it does not require the assistance of any equipment or props. It can be activated by thinking, which is a very targeted killing move for the Flügel.

"Wow! What's going on?!

"The elves disappeared?"

No! It's sealing magic! It can actually seal elves!"

A group of Flügels screamed and fell to the ground, making a series of "bang bang" sounds. Countless feathers that were knocked down flew to the ground, looking like a mess.

J, damn meow!" Azriel didn't expect that the helpers she summoned didn't even last a moment, and were wiped out with a snap of their fingers! And looking at the method of sealing the elves, they were completely different from the others. The magic circle that Jibril used against her came from the same source, but it was much stronger in terms of activation speed and range of influence.

"I told you~ You will easily suffer a loss if you rashly go against this guy!" Jixiril knelt down in front of Hazril and said in a tone of "I had expected it". In addition to sighing, there was also a sense of gloating in his expression.

-If Fang Yuan takes such a large group of sisters captive, then she will have company here, and a lot of work can be delegated to others, and she will have a lot more free time... She will have the opportunity to learn new things Wouldn't it be nice to have knowledge and not have to constantly exploit labor force? But doing this seems a bit unfair to Lord Artosh? It's really embarrassing. A certain rebellious Flügel individual was tangled in his heart.

Just when she turned around to ask Fang Yuan what he wanted to do with her sisters, she suddenly discovered that instead of showing relief from defeating hundreds of Flügel, the other party's expression became more solemn.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Your original boss has taken action!

After being silent for half a second, Fang Yuan said in a serious tone. Jibril was startled. Before she could ask clearly, she suddenly sensed that there was a great and familiar will, which brazenly broke through the forbidden demon barrier that Fang Yuan had released before, and rescued those who had lost their A Flügel that lost its power due to elves. She recognized it, this was Artho's will!

That grand and majestic will, as high as a mountain as a prison, as high as the sky, is sacred, and exudes unabashed iron blood, killing, blood, and death. Even Jibril, when she is a little embarrassed now, When his stance came into contact with the will of the God of War, he couldn't help but feel a little heavy on his shoulders.

However, when she inadvertently looked back at Fang Yuan, she found that her new boss had also undergone huge changes that she had never seen before.

His body still looks like the same body, whether it is the trunk, limbs, facial features, hair and skin, it still maintains the human form.

But I don't know why, at this moment, Fang Yuan seemed to have lost all his "human" aura, showing an "inhuman" quality.

When Jibril took a closer look, she even felt that the other person's body was no longer just a body, but a miniature and complete universe, which contained endless power, greater than anything she had ever seen in her life. It is so vast that it even surpasses Artesio, the God of War who created her! Yes, at the moment when the will of the God of War came, Fang Yuan activated his trump card without hesitation, using the method of "praying to himself" , borrowing power from the sealed divine side, allowing himself to advance to the temporary "true god" realm. From this moment to the next ten minutes, he will have the same power as himself after fully becoming a true god. Well, with the current recovery level of his soul injury, maintaining this state for ten minutes is already the limit. . However, even if this was only a temporary emergency situation, Fang Yuan still made this choice without hesitation in order to face this unprecedented enemy.

In front of the God of War Artho, if he dared to hesitate for even a moment, he would be defeated in an instant!

Chapter 584 The first battle with the God of War

[I see, it turns out that this is your true body. " "O foreign god, I have been waiting for a long time! ]

Along with that grand will came the thunderous words of the God of War Artho.

[Everyone, prepare!] All the Flügels who had broken free from their confinement immediately responded to the order, spread their wings one after another, and flew into the sky. The Elf Corridor connection nerves on everyone's body were fully activated, magic power surged around their bodies, and the halo above their heads became even more intense. As a dark and ominous color, they are connected to each other.

This is the all-powerful attack of the God of War, the starting move of [Divine Strike]! Sure enough, the will of the God of War descended on the heaven and earth here, and the sky was filled with white.

The unparalleled divine power flowing from the concept turned into energy that could shake and tear apart the planet. It gathered above the heads of the Flügels and gradually merged with the burning magic power of hundreds of god-killing vanguards.

However, facing the God of War who was about to take action with all his strength, Fang Yuanfa

"Although it is far from the time for me and you to really start a war, since His Majesty the God of War is so interested, I will not hesitate to accompany you!" Fang Yuan's words were as ice-like as jade, and they sounded less and less like the power of the human divine side, but After all, it suppressed his human side. However, he will not care about these trivial matters now that he is facing a powerful enemy. Fang Yuan saw a huge momentum rising from his body, and he was not at a disadvantage compared to the God of War who was accumulating energy to launch a full blow.

In fact, even Fang Yuan's body has changed! His body, hair and skin, which were originally inhuman, even revealed a real phantom of the universe and starry sky at this moment - this is not just inside Fang Yuan's body The effect of the projection of the mental image of the universe is the result of the resonance and mutual mapping between his true god's body and the time and space of this universe. At this moment, he not only used the power of the mental universe that was sealed together with the divine side, but also integrated his body with time and space, drawing endless energy from the origin of the universe and space at this time!

Isn’t it just about using energy and strength? Who is afraid of whom?

However, something beyond Fang Yuan's expectation was that when he absorbed an energy reserve that far exceeded that of the God of War Artesu Strike (Divine Strike) in one breath, the power derived from Artesu also surged out of thin air, and soon reached the level of On par with Fang Yuan's contribution.

Be strong when you meet the strong... Is this something he had saved before, or is the so-called "Strongest 1" concept really allowing Artexu to always hold a power stronger than all existences?" Fang Yuan was a little confused in his heart. , but the situation at this time no longer allowed him to think about it in detail - because both he and Artexiu had already accumulated their energy to the limit, and the extremely huge energy was condensed in their bodies, and they had no choice but to release it!

'That's all, no matter how many times it is, let's fight this blow first and then worry about it! Fang Yuan no longer thinks about it, and uses the spiritual power that has increased countless times after the reunification of humans and gods to control every energy he condensed. The split power, at the moment when the [Divine Strike] on the opposite side was launched, it also poured out, turning into a torrent of energy, and faced it head on!

Boom!!!!!! A violent conflict that has never been seen on this planet! The energy conflict instantly shocked all the existences on the entire planet, whether they were gods or non-gods, upper-level races or lower-level races, they were all torn apart by this. He was frightened by the terrifying energy hedging that split the planet.

"What is that?!" At the elf base camp several thousand kilometers away from the battlefield, Xinkenirbal Company, who was developing new magic, was awakened by a sudden huge energy fluctuation. She looked up and saw an extremely dazzling light suddenly rising from under the horizon. The brightness even made her mistakenly think it was the sun that was about to rise for a moment! However, she knew it was not. The sun of this world has long since disappeared in the endless war. The light rising in the distant sky is undoubtedly an attack from some existence on this planet.

"No, it's not a unilateral crushing attack, it's a stalemate between two equally matched parties!"

Although telescope magic used directly on the eyes cannot see what is below the horizon due to the curvature of the planet's surface, with countless years of research and development by the elves, magic such as over-the-horizon detection is still available. of.

As the leading magic master among the forest elves, Xinkenirbalen can certainly use similar magic. However, because the energy conflict in the place where the incident occurred was too severe, even with her eighth-level magic ability, she could only It can be distinguished that the radiance and energy that shook the planet were caused by two opposing parties that were in conflict.

"One of them is undoubtedly the strongest among the gods, the God of War Artesio. Apart from his [Divine Strike], no other god has such terrifying power... But the other one can fight him. Who is there?"

From the approximate results of the magic depth survey, the energy conflict outside the horizon is undoubtedly in a stalemate. In other words, the opponent whose identity is unknown actually did not fall behind in the battle with the God of War! This is very incredible now that the God of War Artho has been invincible in the world for countless years!

‘Could it be the mysterious god behind the human species?

Not only Xinkenirbalan thought this, but in fact all the beings who were alarmed by this movement, as long as they knew something about the strange changes in human beings, all thought of this invariably.

However, for them to risk being affected by the aftermath of the energy confrontation between the two powerful men is something no one wants to do. With that kind of energy intensity, if it really breaks out, except for the essence of the body located elsewhere, Outside of the divine species of one dimension, even if the fantasy species gets close, they may not be able to survive!

In fact, Jibril, who was at the scene, already wanted to run away. She looked at the energy vortex in the sky caused by the collision of the two great gods, and the premonitions of death in her heart were heard one after another.

However, even if she wanted to use her space movement skills to escape to another safe place, she could no longer move!

Because of the unprecedentedly powerful attacks of Fang Yuan and Artexu, the excessive violent energy has caused the surrounding space to become unstable, and all space movement magic cannot be activated.

Although this energy vortex currently maintains a delicate balance due to the power stalemate between the two sides, everyone knows that this balance will be broken sooner or later, and it may happen in a second or in the next second. This is enough to break the balance. The energy vortex that completely tears the entire planet under your feet will explode. At that time, except for super-standard beings like Artexu and Fang Yuan, even Flügels like her will die!

I'm going to die, I'm going to die! I'm not going to be killed by the energy clash between the two bosses, am I? That would be such an unfair death!

Chapter 585: Deliberate draw, tentative first battle

Not to mention how panicked a certain Flügel was at this moment, the stalemate between Fang Yuan and the God of War finally came to an end. The energy vortex caused by the attacks of the two people, no, the two gods, briefly calmed down for a few seconds, but the delicate balance maintained within it collapsed as expected. Seeing that this huge energy condensation, like the sun falling to the ground, was about to explode, all the creatures on the planet felt a sense of fatal crisis at this moment.

"We can't let this thing explode! The God of War may not care what will happen to the planet after the energy vortex explodes, but Fang Yuan does.

After all, before his goal is achieved, the existence of human beings is necessary, and today's human beings obviously do not have the ability to survive such a disaster that is enough to destroy the stars. Now, he can only find ways to reduce the destructive power of this energy vortex as much as possible while ensuring his own safety. It is best not to add more trauma to this parched planet.

Of course, the truth is that Fang Yuan has another option, which is to use the unprecedented energy mass created by him and the God of War to directly turn into an attack that penetrates the star core, destroying the core of the planet, just like in the original work. Elf Corridor to summon the Star Cup. After obtaining the Star Cup and becoming the only god in this world, he naturally no longer has to fear the power of the God of War. The destroyed planet can be easily reshaped. Even the whole world will become his back garden, and the rules will follow him. You can change it however you want, no one can comment, no one can resist.

But as mentioned more than once before, this is not in line with Fang Yuan's wishes - the state of the divine side. Fang Yuan has many ways to destroy a planet. What's more, just as what the Ex-Machinas were worried about in the original plot, with the strength of the God of War Artesh that is unrivaled on the planet, when the Star Cup is summoned, there is a half chance that Yiri will appear directly on the planet. In front of him, even if Fang Yuan now showed a power that was not inferior to that of the God of War, the probability had not been reduced much. And if the God of War really obtains the Star Cup, then Fang Yuan's plans in this world will naturally come to nothing. He has no other way to go except to evacuate in embarrassment. Even if his true god posture may not be afraid of sitting on the only one. He is the god of war in the position of god, but after all, his state is only a temporary blessing and cannot last long.

Generally speaking, it means the same thing. Fang Yuan is unable and unwilling to deal with the energy vortex that is about to explode by penetrating the star core. He can only find another way! Fortunately, although this energy vortex It was so violent that it could destroy stars when it exploded, but it was still just a mass of dead matter. And as long as it is a dead thing, there is room for guidance, use, and control!

Weng Yit-! He saw that the energy vortex that was about to explode began to vibrate slightly. The balance that was about to lose control was stabilized again under the interference of another force. Even the overall intensity of the entire energy mass was continuously decreasing. one

This was the effect of Fang Yuan's will that penetrated every ounce of energy when he was planning the attack.

Different from the pure energy bombardment that the God of War blasts away and ignores, Fang Yuan, who has already explored a certain distance in the Qi Gate, has initially reached the threshold of "energy immortality", although it is not yet so that every ounce of energy can be like his body. Divinity is generally immortal, but it can also allow every ounce of its power to be deeply infiltrated into its own will, at least not dissipate in a short period of time. Under the control of Fang Yuan's will, which was infinitely close to the realm of the true god, the space barrier that was already crumbling due to the energy collision between the two sides was brazenly broken. Every inch of space in the energy vortex was at odds with the entire planet at this moment. . No, every inch of time and space in the entire world is connected. This is equivalent to opening the pressure relief valve on a pressure cooker that is about to explode. The conflict energy that is about to explode quickly pours out from this sudden space-time connection.

However, just like a drop of ink dropped into a large jar of green water will be diluted quickly, this energy vortex from the hands of the God of War and Fang Yuan. Although the overall energy is very terrifying, the energy cohesion is also very high, just leave it alone and ignore it. If it explodes, it can even destroy the planet, but when so much energy is completely distributed in every inch of time and space in the entire world, this measly amount of energy can only bring a negligible amount of warm wind. Of course, that being said, when this huge energy vortex completely dissipated, the temperature of the entire planet rose by two to three degrees, which shows that its energy intensity is indeed somewhat terrifying - but this is its full impact.

Well, some people may ask, why didn't Fang Yuan take this opportunity to transform this energy vortex into his own attack and directly counterattack the God of War?

This is because Fang Yuan was wary of the sudden and unreasonable increase in the power of the God of War Artho. He didn't want to let his enemy know whether this increase in power was temporary or permanent. He didn't want to let the already difficult power increase. The troubled Artosh became even more troublesome. After all, although he has now borrowed the power of the divine side and theoretically possesses the power of a true god, and can even reach the level of a single universe after fully growing up, this is still only a future achievement after all. At this time, he can only rely on This kind of borrowed power can only maintain the current balance of power with Artesh at most - and there is a time limit! As for Artesh on the opposite side, although he does not know the specific mechanism of his sudden increase in strength, from the side Judging from the current observation results of Yuan, it should be based on the concept of "the most although" derived from "war", and can endlessly draw power from the fairy corridors of the planet to strengthen itself when encountering stronger opponents. Until beyond. And the upper limit of this enhancement is likely to be the upper limit of the Elf Corridor. In other words, Fang Yuan can certainly continue to fight, but unless he can push his power beyond the elves' corridors on this planet within t minutes, he will not be able to win in the battle with the God of War. Really winning. However, to be honest, Fang Yuan really doesn't have much confidence in this now that he has not yet truly become a true god - it will take time to improve his own strength through borrowing force! If he is unlucky, it will most likely be within the ten-minute time limit. It has passed, but Fang Yuan's power has still not been enhanced to the upper limit of the Elf Corridor. Then after he returns to the human body, he will have to face Althe, the God of War, who has been strengthened to the upper limit of the planet alone. Therefore, after eliminating the energy confrontation between the two sides, After the vortex of world-destroying energy was created, Fang Yuan did not take the initiative to attack again, nor did he care about the fantasy species that was supposed to be the target of this trip. Instead, he grabbed Jibril and retreated directly to the depths of the dimension, hurriedly End this unplanned conflict.

Chapter 586: The plan to hunt gods \u0026 the human race that turns into a fragrant steamed bun

"Wow~~! This time is really thrilling~~!"

As soon as she returned to her base in an unknown dimension, Jibril, who thought she was dead, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Although she was created as a god-killing vanguard, she is not afraid of death, but that refers to an upright death on the battlefield, not the previous method of dying in a nest due to the aftermath of the battle between the two bosses. ! Not to mention that the two big bosses were her two bosses. However, Jibril could relax carelessly, and even ran to "follow the show" as soon as she came back, but Fang Yuan did not. Way to relax. In this unexpected battle with Artho, he truly saw the strength of the strongest man in the world, but more importantly, he had a deeper understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of his "True Deification" mode.

"Ten minutes is still too short... If I want to push my power beyond the level of the Elf Corridor, it will take at least half an hour... which is almost the limit of my transformation after the wounds on my soul have fully recovered. ..., but this means that I only have the power of one blow. Only if Artesiu does not dodge and meets him head-on can I possibly kill him. Fang Yuan considered and estimated, and came to this conclusion. .

However, the premise of this conclusion is that the upper limit of Artosh is really the upper limit of the Elf Corridor. If not, then Chi's ability to infinitely increase power from concepts will really be gone... although this possibility is very small. , but Fang Yuan still had to be prepared.

"It would be best to skip this confrontation on the material and energy level and directly destroy his foundation from a more basic essence level to destroy the one-dimensional marrow!" Fang Yuan thought for a long time and finally came up with such a plan. This is exactly how the Mecha in the original work was able to defeat and kill the God of War even though its strength was far inferior to that of the God of War.

"Latching on to the unactivated divine companions and even the goblins can do it, and it's not difficult for me. But if the divine essence has been activated and grown to the level of Artosh, that's another matter - What's going on... Fang Yuan's eyes flashed and he made a decision:

"I need a living spirit species as a sample!" Not to mention the spirit species hunting plan that Fang Yuan is brewing on his side. In the outside world, his battle with Artexu is among many races. There was an uproar. The other gods except Artosh are afraid of this new powerful "comatriot", fearing that this unknown god is a war maniac who is as warlike and bloodthirsty as the God of War. On the other hand, Fang Yuan's strong strength that can face-to-face with Alt and seems to have not lost has also directly broken the balance of power in this world, letting many gods know that the competition in the Star Cup will once again There is a strong competitor. For non-god races, Fang Yuan's high-profile appearance also means that an "unrivaled" force has appeared in the world again, and the human race that seems to be related to it has suddenly aroused the concern of all races. Take it seriously and dare not take it lightly anymore. Especially the orcs who have a big hatred against humans. They were unable to make up their minds to move far away at first, but later they found out that the humans had also moved their bases, and they were even more willing to do so.

But when Fang Yuan, the powerful "god race" suspected to be the backstage of the human race, showed his strength in a high-profile manner, they no longer dared to delay and immediately began to evacuate the mainland.

With such a powerful backer, the human race cannot afford to offend for the time being. Unless they can complete the god-making plan of the "Guardian of Orcs", they should hide overseas first. As for other races that originally had no intersection with humans, they have a strong interest in this emerging race, especially the goblins and forest elves, who even tried to send messengers to humans. On the one hand, they are trying to find out the truth about humans and confirm the relationship between them and the powerful god species, and on the other hand, they are trying to win them over to their side - at least they must not be won over by the group of long-eared/ear mice! Well, in fact, when the forest elves and goblins, who are enemies of each other, found that the other party was also contacting humans, the diplomatic strategy that was originally positioned as "contact" was upgraded to "win" in an instant. In this case, being able to pull humans to their side is a major victory for both the forest elves and the goblins! As the core of the competition between the two sides, humans, without being in a high-profile situation, had to deal with the solicitation of the two powerful races.

'When did we humans become so popular?' This is the thought of most humans who know the situation. In the past, when humans encountered powerful races such as the forest elves and the goblins, even if the other side had only one person, humans, as absolute weaklings, did not dare to resist at all, and even dared not show up. Although humans have now gained extraordinary power and the development momentum is very gratifying, it is far from the point where the two races can compete for it! Only Liku vaguely guessed what was going on.

Since the last time he talked face to face with Fang Yuan in the consciousness space, he had gained some kind of faint feeling. When the energy collision that shook the entire planet broke out, he could clearly feel that one of the two sides in the fight was It was the "god" who had bestowed favor on humans.

Therefore, as the leader of the human race, Riku was not at all disappointed with the wooing of the two races. He was a pragmatist and knew very well how much benefit the contact with these powerful races could bring to humans. The material support was fine. Humans had not lacked the most basic survival materials. But the knowledge from the two powerful races was different. Whether it was the magic of the elves or the mechanical technology of the goblins, even if they only learned a little bit, it would be a great improvement for humans today.

Don't mention the fact that they have Mecha-Machinas. Although the knowledge brought by ShuVi greatly accelerated the development of humans, the technical level of Mecha-Machinas was too high. Many times, it was not that there was no technology, but that there was technology but no conditions to realize it! For humans today, the lower-end technology is more practical.

Chapter 587: Human Diplomatic Icebreaker

"So these monkeys only have this much power? Thousands of people, a special banner that was just obtained not long ago, and an abandoned Mecha-Machina joining... With this level of strength, are you qualified to form an alliance with us elves?" In front of Sinkervalen, the capital of the elves, an equally beautiful female elf was commenting on the information just sent back from the tribesmen who had been sent to humans.

Although Riku and others tried their best to keep it secret and did not let the elves really get in touch with their core secrets, the general situation of humans was still almost known by these long ears who were good at magic.

"Don't be careless!" Sinkervalen, who was more rational, had a different view on the careless contempt of this compatriot who looked young but was actually a "senior":

"You should not only see the current strength of those humans, but also their future potential! Although they are indeed weak now, how long has it taken them to develop since they obtained that strange magic? Ten years? And how long have we developed?"

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