(The elves don't know the real time of the rise of the human race, but they roughly estimated a maximum time based on intelligence, no more than ten years.)

"Humph! So what if they have potential? Their current weakness is a fact. We only need to send a fleet to annihilate them all. What's the use of such a weak race?" The refuted elf elder asked back unwillingly. Due to the natural pride of the elves and their contempt for low-sequence races, she was extremely unwilling to form an alliance with the human race, not to mention that the elves were the party that took the initiative to win over!

"But, do you dare?" Sinkernilvalen was speechless with just this one sentence for the stubbornness of the elder. Indeed, after initially confirming through various channels that the existence who fought against the god of war Art Shushu and was not at a disadvantage was the god standing behind the human race, except for the brainless demons, no lower-level race dared to easily attack humans before figuring out the attitude of the god. After all, among the gods, there are some like Cainas who created their own race and then almost ignored it, and there are also some who are extremely protective of their own race, and sometimes even go out to help the created race eliminate powerful enemies. At present, no one knows what kind of god this mysterious god who suddenly jumped out is.

If it is the former, it is okay, then being an enemy of humans is just being an enemy of humans, which is not a pressure for all races.

But if it is the latter.... It is okay for a race like the goblins whose creator is very active, at least the boss above will definitely take action at the critical moment; but if it is the creator of the elves, Kainas... Even the elves themselves have no confidence in this salty fish god who is so Buddhist that he has almost no sense of existence!

"What's more, from the results of the last large-scale magic traces detected near the human race, it can be confirmed that the human race has currently developed at least one strategic-level magic. Although the strength of this magic may not be comparable to the strategic magic of our elves, it is enough to show that the human race now has the ability to cause harm to us!"

Sinknilvalen is a little helpless about the deep-rooted arrogance of her people, but out of responsibility, she still tries her best to explain:

"And this is just the strength that the human race has developed in just a few years, and the reproductive capacity of humans is far greater than ours. If they are given a few generations, the entire human race will surely expand to a level that is enough to threaten us. In this case, we should not pull them to our side early. Are they waiting for the group of rats to win them over? Yes, after confirming the potential of the human race and not being able to destroy it directly in advance, it is better to turn it into a friend than an enemy. After figuring this out, the elder who has always been contemptuous of humans had nothing to say.

"Humph! Well, you do have a point!"

The elder suppressed her dissatisfaction and reluctantly agreed with Sinkernilvalen's opinion rationally, but then she expressed her dissatisfaction and resentment towards the third party in this matter:

"It's that group of rats, their noses are still so sharp, and they actually targeted that... that group of humans ! Damn it! We have to find a way to stop them!" Sinkernilvalen nodded:

The elves over there are planning to destroy the relationship between their old enemy and the human race, and the dwarves here are also not idle.

Although the dwarves also look down on the weak humans in the past, this race, almost all of whom are mechanical engineers, is much more realistic than the arrogance in their bones in some aspects. For the dwarves, humans without power are indeed garbage. But now that humans have power, and this power is not weak, they are naturally worthy of being treated seriously. Therefore, after also understanding the situation of the human side through various means, the more pragmatic dwarves took the first step to make friends with humans and start trade.

By the way, for the dwarves with highly developed mechanical technology, what is there to trade with humans who have just redeveloped to the Iron Age? It is nothing else, it is the key material Ichthyol crystal that occupies a pivotal position among humans at this time. ! Of course, the goblins knew about pyroxene, but in the past they only regarded it as a low-quality ore that could be found everywhere. After being processed by the magical "magic" of the human race, it actually had incredible energy properties, which naturally attracted the attention of the goblins who were very good at this. However, without psychic power, they conducted various experiments on pyroxene in their own way, but they could not create the same pyroxene crystal. This forced the goblins to give up the idea of ​​imitating it themselves and decided to purchase it from humans.

-It's not that they didn't think about robbing directly. This was not a big deal for the goblins who often hunted lone elves and robbed their forehead soul stones.

However, on the one hand, the strength of the human race is not weak, and the gods standing behind it are indeed strong and powerful, so that the goblins have to be afraid; on the other hand, it is also because the pyroxene crystal is not like the soul of the forest elves. Taking away something that can kill people like stone is just a product processed from ordinary ores, with the possibility of trading. Therefore, after considering many aspects, the goblins decided to solve the problem in the way of civilized people. After all, don’t humans lack everything now? Then use various low-level mechanical equipment mass-produced by the goblins to trade with humans. That way A win-win situation for everyone!

Chapter 588: Humanity’s copycat talent... awakens!

"Tsk, I didn't expect that the goblin technology is still related to machinery at the basic level, but when it reaches the high-precision level, it still relies on magic!" This is after completing the first trade and accepting the goblin transaction. After receiving some mechanical products, Riku sighed.

In the trade with the goblins, humans paid for pyroxene crystals processed by psychic energy, while the goblins gave humans the most urgently needed basic industrial production equipment. Perhaps because they boast that their technical level is unparalleled, or perhaps because the current goblins have no awareness of intellectual property protection, these devices are not encapsulated in any confidentiality. With human psychic power, there is no need to even disassemble the devices. You can feel its internal structure clearly. However, when Riku and others truly understood the structure of these devices, they were shocked to find that although all these devices are the result of mechanical operation from a macro perspective, their core fundamentals still rely on the elves. Drive magic.

Of course, for humans who can now see elves, magic is magic. It is not impossible for them to use it. They just need to convert the spiritual energy into a form that can interfere with the elves, and then reorganize the magic with the interfered elves. The magic can still work. But doing so requires a lot of turning, which is very inconvenient to use. It makes the habitual use of psychic energy directly reach

Moreover, for Riku who has traveled to many different worlds in his dreams, he knows deeply that the so-called elves do not exist in all worlds, and even if we do not discuss the issues of different worlds, this world is the same. The magic of sealing elves has been developed. It can be seen that - all technologies relying on elves are not truly reliable.

Under Fang Yuan's subtle influence, Li Ke at this time not only wanted to let human beings survive in this world, nor just wanted to end this endless war, he also wanted to let human beings truly stand at the forefront of this world. peak!

Therefore, Riku did not allow his clansmen to fully absorb this technology with a weak foundation. Instead, while learning this technology of machinery driven by magic, he led a group of people, led by himself and supported by ShuVi. Our compatriots, who are more agile in mind and learn knowledge quickly, reversely analyzed the principles of these magics, trying to find a way to bypass the elves and activate the same effects.

At least, it is necessary to bypass the overly cumbersome steps of "psionic energy - elf magic machinery" and go directly from spiritual energy to magic, or even directly from spiritual energy to machinery. In the end, you don't even need spiritual energy. 3. Complete them purely with the power of machinery. desired effect. Although it seems very stupid to immediately learn to run or even fly without even learning to walk, Riku, who is very far-sighted, knows that if he does not develop this kind of "self-reliance" from the very beginning, Habits, once humans rely too much on the elven magic learned from other races, after they develop, it will be more difficult to get rid of the shackles of the elves.

After Riku explained this, the tribesmen who questioned him as a "waste of time and energy" also understood. Although they could not believe Riku's ambition and vision, the leader with such a grand goal did make them trust him more. Naturally, he no longer complained, and Gui Yudi struggled to reverse engineer the deep principles of these technologies during the learning process. Just when the goblin species and the human species began to communicate with each other, and the human species also took the first step of crazily copying the technologies of various races, the elf species

"Those ground rats are really fast! They actually started trading with those monkeys!" 8-

In the parliament of the forest elves, it was the female elder who pointed out with dissatisfaction that the relationship between the goblins and the humans was progressing too fast.

"Have you not made a plan to drive a wedge between the two races? If we don't hurry up, those monkeys will be completely won over by the gopher rats!"

"This... is a bit difficult. Because the exchanges between the two parties are limited to material transactions, it is not easy to cause some trouble between humans and goblins. Those humans have made their camps very tight. And With that kind of special magic, even vampire spies have a hard time penetrating; and those goblins are even more outrageous. They send out a floating battleship for every transaction, so there is no way to do anything!"

"No, even if we cannot worsen the relationship between the two races, we must speed up the process of contact with those humans!"

Sinkenirbalian said:

"Aren't those humans trading with the gophers? They can do it, and so can we forest elves! I've seen the intelligence. While humans are strengthening their military strength, they are also working hard to develop agriculture, right? But because of the harsh environment, .So the effect is very poor. But this is our advantage!”

"I disagree! Plant magic is our family's special skill. How can we pass it on to monkeys who are not fully evolved!"

One of the elders slapped the table hard and objected loudly.

"Yes, although this so-called human being has the value of winning over us now, in the final analysis, the gods behind our two races are still competitors, so it is reasonable to win over them at a small price. Being overly endearing to the enemy is obviously not in line with our race. What a benefit!" Another senator nodded in agreement, and what he said was well-founded and convincing. In this regard, Xinkenirbalian gave his own explanation:

"Hmph! Of course I have never thought about passing on truly advanced plant magic to those humans. Their brains will probably not be able to learn it... But we can give them some deliberately weakened and damaged magic. So that they can It gives them a slight taste of the sweetness, but it doesn’t make them too powerful. This at least prevents them from completely falling to the goblins!

Several elders looked at each other, and they all felt that this strategy was quite good. With the magic skills of their elves, they wanted to manipulate a few specific magics. I'm sorry that humans who were magic illiterate not long ago couldn't figure it out. !

"Okay, if that's the case, I have no objection!"

Well, I have no objection either. "

"Let's do it!" So, not long after the goblin's "friendly assistance" arrived, the forest elf exchange team also came, and they also appropriately showed their interest in pyroxene crystal - in fact, they Indeed, there is some interest in this brand new ore - and the "commodity" traded is the plant birth magic that humans also urgently need. For today's humans, it can be regarded as a very important aid. Of course, for the reverse engineering team headed by Riku, having a brand new learning sample doubled their work pressure but also doubled their joy. It was a kind of happy trouble.

Chapter 589 I will just watch you die quietly...

Out of the idea of ​​digging a hole secretly, the plant birth magic that the elves traded to humans was actually not the orthodox plant magic that the elves are using now, but was found out from their past history of magic development. Non-mainstream magic that was eventually eliminated. Compared with the current similar magic of the elves, this kind of magic may have similar effects at low levels, but once it is developed based on it, you will find that the foundation of this magic has problems, and the upper limit of optimization is extremely low. The future is very limited. It is perfect as a bait thrown to mankind! Not to mention, for the sake of progress, it restricts the development of mankind. A group of magic masters headed by Xinkenirbalan are very evil-minded in this Many useless redundant parts are added to the magic and combined with the truly effective parts so seamlessly that it is difficult to see the flaws, which further reduces the power of the magic and increases the difficulty of analysis.

According to the estimates of the forest elves, even if they themselves want to restore this magic to its original appearance without any reference materials, it will take at least more than ten years; and if they want to discover the flaws in the foundation of this magic , it will take at least ten years; to find the right path, it will take about another twenty years.

In other words, it will take at least fifty years in total to start from this magic with limited prospects and develop plant magic with real potential for growth - and this is based on the elves with outstanding magical talents! It would be a human being. , God knows how many times this time will be extended! In the opinion of the forest elves, although this race evolved from monkeys, although it obtained the ability to cast magic from the unknown powerful god, humans themselves have no ability at all. The accumulation of magical civilization has no history of developing and researching magic. If you want to embark on the correct path of magic research like the elves, you don't know how many generations it will take to complete it. And if during this process, the elves provide them with added "friendly assistance" again and again, leading the human magic system to the wrong path step by step, it will directly limit the development of this race. Death, they will never be able to catch up with the development speed of the forest elves!

However, the forest elves think that it is beautiful, but they do not know that although humans have obtained the plant magic that they "precious and important" traded, they do not directly learn it as "technology." Instead, they treat this magic as a "phenomenon" and study it. In the research team headed by Riku and ShuVi, their philosophy is to explore the principles from the phenomena, and then develop technologies from the principles, and ultimately use them in countless ways. With the accumulation of technology, a civilization with extraordinary power that is truly human's own has been built! In other words, most of the traps set by the elf species have no meaning at all to humans, and were directly avoided by Riku and the others from the source. It has passed. However, humans at this time have not yet discovered the sinister intentions hidden by the elves, including Riku, who are still very grateful to the elves for trading plant magic.

After all, although the demand for food on the human side has been greatly reduced because everyone has awakened to spiritual energy, they have not evolved to the point where they do not need a mouth, and the minimum food is still necessary. In this situation where the entire world is covered by spiritual corpses and there are almost no wild animals and plants, agriculture and animal husbandry in closed spaces have become one of the most important pillars of mankind, and crop cultivation is even more important. The most important thing!

In the past, although the scale of land suitable for planting and their farming techniques were not very good, the total number of humans was small and the spiritual power could reduce the burden, so they could barely meet the daily food needs of the whole tribe. But in recent times, after humans really settled down, the birth of a batch of newborns made Riku and others see the hidden worries. After they really gained security, the number of humans grew very fast. If there was not enough food, with their current land and farming techniques, they would sooner or later encounter a day when they would not have enough food! If they did not want to sit and wait for the great famine to come, there were only two ways for humans: to open up more land for planting, or to upgrade their planting techniques.

In fact, humans have been doing the former, but in the current situation where there are spirits in the wild and there is no sun in the sky, the planting space that can be opened up in the belly of the mountain is very limited. And the crops that can grow under weak light sources are very limited, so this road is actually not feasible.

The real key is to upgrade human planting technology, whether it is technology to improve the growth environment of plants or technology to promote rapid growth of plants, as long as it can increase food production, humans will accept it.

Therefore, the "generous" behavior of the elves easily aroused the favor of the human side. If it goes as expected, this favor will last for a long time until the human side discovers the hidden tricks in the magic given by the elves. For the elves, although the effect of curbing human development is not yet visible, the purpose of preventing humans from leaning too much towards the goblins is easily achieved. However, when the elves secretly despised the situation of seeing humans being deceived but not knowing it, they ignored a certain "god" who has been paying attention to humans.

In fact, it cannot be said that they ignored it, but after the elves explored the humans, they found that although there was spontaneous worship of the god who imparted psychic power among humans, there were not many traces of the god's direct intervention.

This made the elves think of their own creator, who was also so indifferent to worldly affairs.

Although the elves did not dare to easily become enemies with humans because of Fang Yuan's overly powerful power, since this god was not always involved in human affairs, he would not be able to see his little tricks! However, the arrogance born from the bones made the elves misjudge the situation again. As Fang Yuan, who was always paying attention to humans, he saw the little calculations of the elves clearly.

But he did not remind humans of this, so Fang Yuan was actually happy to see this harmless "mistake". Besides, the foundation of humans is psychic power anyway, and the little tricks of the elves will not cause much trouble, so there is no need for Fang Yuan to remind them.

As for those evil spirits... Humph! When humans react in the future, they will naturally have their retribution!

Chapter 590: The Game God Who Was Killed

Humans took the first step towards the rise of the village with difficulty under the different attitudes of many races, and Fang Yuan, who was regarded as the backing of humans, was not idle. Because of the short battle with the God of War Artosh before, he had the idea of ​​hunting a God of Gods to study how to lock and attack the activated essence.

However, Fang Yuan was a little embarrassed about this goal of hunting cats.

In the current world, there are only a dozen God of Gods in total, and most of them are in a hurry to hide because of the terrible strength of the God of War Artosh. I don’t know where they hide themselves. Even for Fang Yuan, it is not easy to find them.

The only active God of Gods, in addition to the strongest and most unsolvable God of War Artosh, are the two creators of the Elves and the Dwarves, the God of Forest Cainas and the God of Forging Okan.

These two who can withstand the pressure of Artosh and have been active on the world stage are obviously not ordinary people, and each has his own unique features. The forest god Cainas, although called the forest god, should actually be called the god of nature. He takes the concept of forest as his essence, and then extends the concept of nature, just like Artosh extends the concept of the strongest from war. Generally, as long as there is an ecosystem in this world, no matter how harsh this ecosystem is and no longer suitable for the survival of weak creatures, his power will not be exhausted. The god of forging, Okan, takes the concept of forging as his essence. In theory, all the behaviors of intelligent life to transform nature, make and use tools can bring him power, and he has the power and ambition to forge the world. Judging from the essence of the two gods, they both have the potential to compete for the strongest god in the world, but due to the outbreak of the endless war, the concept of war has been unprecedentedly active, providing the god of war with too much power, allowing him to take a step ahead and occupy an absolute advantage.

In fact, if this world is like Faerun, where there are no major wars but constant small wars and the overall balance is maintained, it is still unclear who is the strongest according to the concept of the age of the three gods! Of course, these are just ifs. Since the current reality is that the God of War took the lead, gained endless power through endless wars, and successfully occupied the position of the "strongest" in the world, then the God of Forest and the God of Forging, who were a step slower, can only be left behind and can no longer catch up.

But even so, in terms of pure divine combat power, the forest god Kainas and the forging god Okan are both in the strongest echelon in this world. If Fang Yuan does not borrow the power of his divine side, he may not dare to He said he would definitely win head-on.

"Take these two species of gods as real objects. The sample strength is enough. But the difficulty of capturing is a bit too high!" If he can take the power of the divine side again, Fang Yuan is confident that he will be killed in a short time. Any one of the forest gods or forging gods, but if you want to capture them alive... the difficulty is completely different from defeating them!

After all, they are high-ranking gods. If they are really about to be defeated and beaten, in order to avoid this humiliation, they are likely to commit suicide directly. After all, it is very difficult for outsiders to touch the divine connections of the gods, but the gods themselves It is very simple to take action against one's own divine fat, just like the suspicious god who committed suicide due to loneliness many years ago. This kind of suicide is difficult for Fang Yuan to prevent.

"In other words, as long as the gods are still alive and have a clear mind, unless they want to, they can directly commit suicide once they fall into a state of being captured. However, I can hardly stop Fang Yuan's god hunting plan. He encountered an almost insurmountable obstacle here. Unless he could directly lock the divine wall and control the foundation of the divine species at a fundamental level, he would have no way to solve this point.

But he wanted to hunt gods because he wanted to obtain the technology to directly lock the divine marrow by studying living species of gods... This directly turned into an endless loop! After thinking for a long time, Fang Yuan even recruited Nifu Erhel and Jibril learned the relevant information about all the other gods in this world, and he finally thought of a way:

Well... I can find the weakest semi-finished divine species, so weak that even the marrow is fully activated, and then find a way to ripen it and complete the research while it is fully activated!

Well, the marrow has begun to be activated, but it has failed to reach the level of complete activation due to various reasons. This situation is indeed rare, but there is exactly such an example in the world.

"The God of Games, Tetu Fangyuan looked through the connection of the psychic network and looked at the looming faint shadow beside Riku that even Riku himself was not aware of. Because all the races in this world... are not If you are busy with war, you are busy preparing for war. Almost no one will spend their free time playing games. It can even be said that only Riku and ShuVi will play chess during their breaks. Fan, just for fun. And only these two people believe in the existence of [Game God]. Therefore, the concept of [Game] in this world is almost completely silent, and the God of Game Tetu is too rare. It cannot be truly conceived. It always remains in this ambiguous state between existence and non-existence.

"However, this seemingly non-existent state is only for mortal races. In my eyes, you still really exist Ruo! In other words, Fang Yuan stretched out his hand to grab it, and the invisible power spanned countless The barrier of space snatched away a certain "being" that had always been attached to Riku, but Riku himself didn't notice it at all.

If he were playing against the imaginary "God of Games" alone now, he might be able to find the problem, but unfortunately, since Zhu Vi appeared, he hasn't played such a lonely game for a long time. And on Fang Yuan's side , when he took back his hand, a phantom that only he could see appeared in front of him, curling up and looking at Fang Yuan who had captured him with incredible strength with a look of horror on his face.

-Although Tetu has not yet truly taken shape at this time, he already has a complete consciousness and self. For him who is so weak that he almost does not exist, being caught in the hands of a powerful being like Fang Yuan can be said to be terrifying. The horror in the world! Fang Yuan said to the comforter, the God of Games, who had not yet been born, but his hand flashed with magical radiance, covering him. This is the divine marrow binding technique that Fang Yuan secretly learned from the goblin species. Although it can only be used to bind the unactivated divine marrow, it is completely useless for the gods that have been truly activated and become the divine marrow. But for this time's goal , but still + points are valid. Before the research officially begins, it is necessary to ensure that the research samples will not run around! Then, the darkest period in the life of the God of Games began!

Chapter 591 Virtual Game

Under the dim sky, in the withered and gloomy dense forest, several figures that were almost integrated with the shadows were running silently, as if they were chasing something, and they seemed to be avoiding something. Just when the team was about to walk out of the forest, the leading figure suddenly stopped. He did not make any sound or gesture. Several figures behind him also stopped at almost the same time, and spontaneously Forming a formation and guarding various warning positions, the group of people understood each other as if they were one person.

However, just as everyone was on alert for what was happening around them, the next moment, the ground in the center of the formation suddenly exploded.


Accompanied by a harsh roar, the ugly and ferocious giant worm sprang out from the ground. While using the vibrations from breaking through the ground to disrupt the formation, the chrysanthemum-shaped mouthparts with countless sharp teeth also opened wide and bit. towards the nearest target.

Seeing that this group of teams was about to be wiped out, at this moment, the team that seemed to be in a dead end suddenly showed its fangs, and several light blades and thunder and lightning flashed out at the last moment, as if they had been waiting for it for a long time. For a long time, seemingly chaotic, but extremely precise, he launched a fatal attack on every enemy. In an instant, all the incoming monsters were slaughtered in just a few seconds, and the huge giant worm was also disemboweled. This group of teams won with almost no damage! Just after the last monster that was still breathing was killed by a warrior, a "ding dong" sound rang out from the writer and a line of human text. The next moment, this gloomy and dark forest and everything in the forest... Gradually faded and disappeared, eventually turning into darkness. Then, Yalei opened his eyes from the darkness and saw the familiar bedroom around him. I couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

"Wow! After dying more than twenty times, I finally cleared this level!" With this sigh, the young man named Ya Lei opened the door and walked to the atrium outside to take a breath, but happened to find that he was next to him. The neighbor's room also opened at this time. The person who walked out of the door was Karl, who was both Alei's neighbor and his teammate in the virtual mission just now.

The two people who went out almost at the same time were just slightly stunned. Then they nodded to each other in a tacit understanding without saying anything. One of them headed towards the square in the center of Ruo Village, and the other headed towards the Ruo food warehouse area.

Judging from his appearance, I'm afraid he may have run out of food reserves.

Ya Lei knew that since the emergence of what Riku calls a "virtual combat game", his neighbor has become so addicted to it that he can even spend several days without going out, spending all his energy there. In the battle of the virtual world. Although Ya Lei, who is also a member of the combat force, appreciates this behavior of putting all his energy into improving his actual combat capabilities, but to this extent, he is a bit too obsessed with it. Obviously, experience The shallow Ya Lei didn’t know that in another world, what would be a more professional name for Carl’s behavior of being overly addicted to virtual games? When did virtual games become popular among humans in this world? Well, indeed , with the current strength of human beings in this world and this era, they really shouldn’t have spare time to spend their energy on unrealistic games. Moreover, it is such a high-end and atmospheric virtual reality game. In order to catalyze the growth of the God of Games, Fang Yuan took the rare initiative to contact Riku and asked him to find a way to promote the game among humans so that the almost completely silent concept of "Yuhai Games" could become more active.

Although his request made Riku a little confused, Riku, who also likes games, agreed without hesitation after thinking for a few seconds. But the next question is a bit troublesome - to be honest, with the current size and strength of human beings, it is far from being able to have time to promote game entertainment. For today's human beings, developing their own strength is the first priority. Agriculture, industry, scientific and technological research, military training, foreign diplomacy... there are endless things to do. How can there be free time to play games? What? Until one day, Uncle Iwang, who was in charge of military training, complained to Riku about the lack of actual combat experience among the warriors. Yes, although many human warriors can already kill low- and mid-level warriors alone in the wild. There are demons, but there are also many human warriors who have never had the opportunity to experience a real battle. Even if they have experience in psychic communication, their actual combat capabilities are really questionable. This incident made Riku very troubled. It wasn't until he returned to the room and subconsciously picked up the chess set on the table that he suddenly realized that he had the ability to simulate and deduce through chess games. Why can't such individual battles work? Riku thought of the consciousness space he saw when he met Fang Yuan - this kind of consciousness space, if it can be freely edited and customized to create various specific environments and enemies, and then put Bringing people in for a battle on a conscious level, wouldn't this not only train everyone's combat skills, but also treat it as a game to kill time?

Riku was overjoyed when he thought of this. He immediately called ZhuVi and asked her to testify whether this approach was feasible. Of course there is a result! As an individual who is proficient in both Ex-Machina technology and human psychic abilities, ZhuVi easily created a virtual world that looks like reality based on the psychic network. The texture of the objects in it is It is highly consistent with the rule setting and the real world, so much so that people can’t even tell whether they are in reality or fantasy. Riku only had a few battles with enemies of various races recreated by ShuVi, and he clearly felt that his experience in actual combat had grown by leaps and bounds. Then, naturally, this new gadget quickly became popular among humans, especially those combatants who focused on military affairs. Almost one by one, they were addicted to this new gadget that could not only increase their combat experience, but also You don’t have to worry about real injuries caused by virtual games.

"Riku, you did a really good job!" Fang Yuan nodded with satisfaction as he saw that Ruo Ruo was getting closer and closer to the fully activated God of Games in his hand.

Chapter 592: Divine Marrow Research Report—The history of blood and tears of a certain researcher

Although Fang Yuan had thought about how Riku would promote the game among humans, he really didn't expect that he would actually think of a virtual game.

After all, from the perspective of ordinary people, things like virtual games only appear when civilization is highly developed and technology is extremely advanced. Human beings have just broken through the technological level of the Iron Age, and they are already making rapid progress. It is really unimaginable that the world has reached this point!

Of course, this world is an extraordinary world with magic after all. Many things cannot be explained by the common sense of a world without magic, not to mention that the spiritual energy given to humans by Fang Yuan is also mysterious. This power that penetrates the soul is used to create virtual In terms of the world, it is indeed very consistent. However, I just don’t know if there will be more internet-addicted otakus among humans if this continues. Well, let’s not worry about whether there will be otakus on the human side. Fang Yuan’s side, after the gradual promotion of virtual games , the God of Games, who was originally just in a state of existence and non-existence, has finally become fully active little by little, and is about to become a true god. During this period, Fang Yuan finally observed the changes in the essence of the divine species during this process.

"No wonder the process of transforming the concept marrow into a spirit species is called activation. This not only refers to the process of unconscious concepts acquiring themselves and becoming life, but it is also a change of the marrow itself in the void dimension! "During the observation, Fang Yuan discovered that the unactivated divine essence is essentially the same as all the conceptual laws in the world. It will only operate regularly with the growth and decline of the conceptual force within the world. Therefore, he wants to capture this Even mortal races like goblins can do it without activating the divine essence. However, when concepts are endowed with faith and the spirit gains its self, this situation changes - the spirit that was originally at the mercy of the growth and decline of concepts will gradually gain dominance over the corresponding conceptual force in the process of gradual activation. The law of change of power has gradually transcended the changes of conceptual force, but has a certain degree of autonomy. With this kind of autonomy, it means that the gods born in the future will be able to transfer the dimensional coordinates of their own divine energy in the void and hide their roots. As the God of Games gradually became fully active, Fang Yuan observed this sign. If Fang Yuan hadn't taken action early, holding the God of Games in his hand before it was truly activated, and locking the opponent's essence, he wouldn't have been able to continue to control Tetu.

With the essence of existence of the gods, they can completely use the "incarnation concept" method, with the help of the concept of intangible matter and ubiquitous essence, to appear in any corner of the world like teleportation! This seems to be the same as the space transfer of the Flügel. It's very similar. But it's actually a more advanced means of movement that's more difficult to block. At least it can't be blocked by a simple dimensional barrier.

Of course, as the God of the Game, Tetu, who had been secretly tricked by Fang Yuan early and locked the divine follower, although he wanted to run away as soon as he was fully activated and obtained the entity, his foundation was pinched by others. . Even if you run away, you will be caught immediately. This is another matter. After studying it for a long time, Fang Yuan finally determined one thing:

"Although a fully activated spirit species can allow its divine eyes to wander between different dimensions to hide its foundation, the dimensions it can contact are limited... This is how many times Fang Yuan deliberately let special plans go. "Escape", and then observe the results while he was escaping and hiding. Perhaps it is because Tetu, the god of games, has just been born and does not have much accumulation, or because his divine power is limited and his strength is too weak. Anyway, Fang Yuan. When I played this "chase and escape game" with him, I discovered that Tetu's ability to transfer his soul can only be limited to the most superficial dimensions. The scope of change and movement is indeed very limited. Therefore, in the end. Yuan doesn't even need to rely on the secret hand set in the opponent's marrow. He can directly use his stronger dimensional perception and computing power to lock Tetu's marrow and lock all his changes.

"However, this does not mean that gods more powerful than him will do the same, such as gods as powerful as the God of War. I will not believe that his divine marrow in the void dimension can be so easily exploited by me. !" This is a matter of course. After all, this method of transferring the marrow and hiding the foundation essentially relies on the force related to the concept of the age of the god as a driving force. If the power is insufficient, the range that can go deep into the dimension is very limited. .And when the power is strong, the sea and the sky will naturally be broad and free.

"Although the God of War has a solitary character, he will definitely hide his divine age foundation, but even so, it is still not easy to find the dimension where his god is located among countless dimensions. This is a chance!" And if you want to deduce the relevant laws from this process of "divine power - interfering with reality", you will naturally have to trouble our respectable children who are being studied. When Fang Yuan's eyes turned to Tetu, who had failed to escape from prison again and was recaptured, the poor god of games couldn't help but shuddered, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart again. This time, this big devil wanted to What to do to him?! Well, don’t worry, the God of Games, whose appearance and character are based on Riku’s imagination, is a male just like in the original work, rather than being forcibly transformed into a female like in some harem fanfics, so There won't be any indescribable plot here. In fact, Fang Yuan just asked Tetu to continuously release his divine power in various ways to observe the relationship between the divine power and the divine marrow.

By observing again and again the brief moments when the gods used divine power as a medium to interfere with reality, Fang Yuan gradually found out the rules. He was able to lock in the essence of Tetu by releasing his divine power from the outside.

Of course, the rules found here are only limited to Tetu and cannot be applied to other gods. After all, the concept of the gods of each god species is different, and the dimensions in which they are located must also be different. Mechanical application of this set of rules is There is no use for it. But after such research, Fang Yuan at least has the experience to analyze the relevant laws. When the war with the God of War starts again in the future, he will be confident to analyze it before the battle. Lock the God of War in the battle.

Chapter 593 Another battle with the God of War!

When Fang Yuan almost mastered the technology of locking the activated divine marrow, he knew that the interrupted battle between himself and the God of War was about to resume! Ever since he came to this world, the arrogant man has been known as the "strongest" in the world for who knows how many years. The God of War of the Moon has always been the object of Fang Yuan's vigilance. And the encounter not long ago made Fang Yuan confirm his own idea - if he wants to develop steadily in this world, he can't do it without killing the God of War first!

However, for the previous Fang Yuan, because he had not yet truly broken through, there were huge restrictions on using the power of the True God. Facing the God of War who had the ability to "become stronger when strong", he would try his best The odds of winning are not too high, so he is a patient person. After enduring so long, he finally no longer has to endure it anymore. Now that he has a way to directly attack the divine marrow, no matter how much the God of War increases his energy level and attack power, his most fundamental foundation will still be a shortcoming that he cannot make up for. The dead end of the hole!

"Jibril, Niflhel, come to me!"

Fang Yuan summoned his men and apostles and told them the news that he was about to start another war with the God of War.

.....Boss, are you kidding?”

As soon as Jibril heard the news, she immediately had the urge to turn around and run away - the last time she witnessed the collision between Fang Yuan and the God of War, she almost died in the aftermath of the battle between the two, but this time...

"Do you think I'm joking?" Fang Yuan asked, his face very serious, and there was no hint of joking at all.

This made Jibril even more confused... The last incident could be said to be an unexpected accident, but this time Fang Yuan made it clear that he wanted to take her to join the war. Then she What should I do when faced with my former compatriots? I can't really kill them, right?

[My lord, are you sure of winning?]

Niflhel was concerned about Fang Yuan's chances of winning. This fantasy species who regarded Fang Yuan as the king of fantasy species was obviously much more loyal than Jibril who had jumped in reverse. It does not object to Fang Yuan going to war with the God of War, but it is worried that Fang Yuan will lose to the God of War and eventually be defeated and die.

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