You must know that the hyperspace gate on the moon is now firmly controlled by Martians. If Fang Yuan wants to study it at close range, he must sneak in quietly.

Once someone discovers it, not to mention his own safety issues, but it will certainly not allow him any room to conduct research.

"It's really heavily guarded..." Fang Yuan looked at the hyperspace gate ahead from the highest point of a crater. It has now been run by the Martians into a fortress group, and there are hundreds of thousands of mechas outside. Several Martian Knights were patrolling and guarding everywhere. Anyone who wanted to approach here would be attacked by heavy firepower from all directions.

"But for me, no matter how tight the defense is, it is meaningless!" The Martians only have a few detection and warning methods, radar scanning, optical lenses, infrared sensors, vibration sensors, laser trigger alarms... These are either overt or covert. All the warning methods were invisible to Fang Yuan, who had a full mental map, and he found ways to crack them one by one.

Therefore, Fang Yuan successfully approached the hyperspace gate without alerting anyone.

Moreover, Fang Yuan's luck was very good this time.

When he arrived here, he happened to encounter the Martians sending more troops to the earth, allowing him to watch the opening of the hyperspace gate up close.

In a regular sixteen-sided square array constructed of hundreds of long strips of unknown metal structures, somewhat resembling a Bagua diagram, more than a dozen blue-white beams of light shot into the sky from each cone-shaped instrument.

When these beams of light reach a certain height, they no longer continue to extend upward. Instead, they seem to have penetrated some barrier and disappear at the other end of time and space.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by undetectable light distortion and spatial fluctuations, more than a dozen cylindrical spaceships appeared above the hyperspace gate out of thin air. The whole process was silent, but extremely shocking.

"The hyperspace gate... is indeed worthy of its name. It is a means of directly interfering with space!" Fang Yuan watched the entire process of opening the hyperspace gate, and immediately became more determined to completely master its secrets.

')112'\u003eChapter 111 The "gift" before leaving

However, it is said that the hyperspace gate is to be studied, but it is obviously impossible for Fang Yuan to be permanently stationed on the moon. Let alone whether he can remain undiscovered during the research process, there is a risk that the hyperspace gate may explode at any time. It was impossible for Fang Yuan to stay here for a long time.

Therefore, there is only one best plan for him, and that is to record all the internal structures of this hyperspace gate first, and then study it slowly when he returns! Recording the internal structure of a hyperspace gate is not difficult in itself.

After all, Fang Yuan has tested it with his mental power, and there is no substance here that can block the penetration of mental power.

This is true even for those Aldnoah cores that can theoretically only be activated by the royal family of the Visor Empire and authorized persons.

Although judging from the performance of Aldnoah's core in the plot, it should be controlled by mental power, Fang Yuan unexpectedly found that his mental power was completely unimpeded in it, and he easily copied the entire structure of Aldnoah's core. When you look down, you can clearly see what elements and how they are combined in the materials that make up its internal parts.

In other words, as long as Fang Yuan is willing, he can use any materials at hand to refine the exact same Aldnoah core at any time, and it is guaranteed to be authentic.

Of course, as for whether this genuine product can be activated, it depends on whether Fang Yuan has cracked Aldnoah's identity authentication mechanism.

As for the hyperspace gate, the only difficulty is how to scan and record every inch of the structure of such a huge device.

For ordinary scientific researchers, this is almost an impossible task.

After all, many structures of this hyperspace gate are not removable, and it is impossible for researchers to conduct destructive research on this precious sample, which is only one. Therefore, even the Martians who control the hyperspace gate have no idea about this ultra-ancient piece at this time. I still don’t know why the device works—it works, and some of its principles can be analyzed, but I don’t know how far it is from a complete analysis, let alone copying.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan also carried [Ether] with him. This super artificial intelligence constructed from pure soul energy has helped Fang Yuan record a lot of information so far, especially the information he brought out from the Gate of Truth. The vast amount of knowledge is so much that even a normal super server array cannot accommodate it.

But for [Ether], its storage capacity seems to be more than enough. At least there is no problem in recording the entire internal structure of the hyperspace gate.

Fang Yuan was responsible for observing and scanning with mental power, and [Ether] was responsible for recording and integrating. The two cooperated seamlessly. It took almost only one day for Fang Yuan to record all the structures of the entire hyperspace gate.

"This is really the same as the Heavenly Book..." After finishing all the recording work, Fang Yuan tried to look through the information stored in [Ether], but found that he couldn't understand it! Not only the hyperspace gate, but even the Aldnoah core. Although Fang Yuan memorized its entire structure and could even make hundreds or thousands of them at will, he still couldn't understand how it worked.

"Is that Lelegalia who founded the nation on Mars a monster? How on earth did this kind of alien technology that has nothing to do with the human technology tree be developed?!" Fang Yuan could be more or less considered a leader at this time. He is a scientist, and he is also an academic master who is proficient in biology, engineering, and materials science. But even he was still confused when he first saw the internal structure of the hyperspace gate and the Aldnoah core. , all I can think about is: What is this? What is this? How does this work? What is the principle? ... "Forget it, let's study it slowly when we get back. Evacuate first! It's not clear in the plot how this door got out of control..." Fang Yuan still remembered that he was standing on a planet that could be destroyed at any time. On the super big bomb that may explode, and the most disgusting thing is that he has no idea when and for what reason this hyperspace gate will go out of control. He doesn’t want to be buried with Lord Moon, so he immediately after completing the mission goal this time Ready to evacuate.

However, before leaving, Fang Yuan suddenly thought of something - "It seems... we can give it a try!" So Fang Yuan's departure was postponed for one day.

One day later, still using full stealth and sneaking as before, bypassing all warning and defense lines, Fang Yuan successfully evacuated the hyperspace gate fortress area.

After refining a batch of propellant using lunar soil as raw material, Fang Yuan controlled the armor to take off from the moon and return towards the earth.

"I don't know what will happen to the plot after I do this..." The hesitation in Fang Yuan's heart flashed away. After flying a certain distance, he said directly to [Aether]: "Detonate it!" "Understood. !” Accompanied by the mechanical electronic sound of AI, the moon behind Fang Yuan, or to be precise, the hyperspace gate fortress group on the moon erupted into dazzling blazing fireballs.

These dazzling fireballs erupted one after another, like a super giant "pearl necklace", surrounding the crater where the hyperspace gate is located.

However, the explosion scale of these explosive fireballs seemed to have been carefully calculated, and the explosion range was cleverly limited outside the crater, without affecting the hyperspace gate itself.

But those fortress groups built around the hyperspace gate did not receive such good treatment.

The explosion erupted from within these fortress groups, wiping out all the Martian troops stationed here almost instantly.

Yes, this was certainly a good thing done by Fang Yuan.

Since he has set a small goal for himself to destroy the Martian Empire, he will naturally start taking action from now on.

Of course Fang Yuan, a super killer weapon like the hyperspace gate that can blow up the entire moon in one go and kill half of the earth's population with a rain of meteorites, wouldn't dare to mess around, but these Martian garrisons around the hyperspace gate can. It’s different.

Before leaving, Fang Yuan walked around the entire fortress group and kindly left some "gifts" inside.

Well, a nuclear bomb tailored according to the location and structure of each fortress, this gift is so thoughtful... Because it was detonated on the moon without an atmosphere, and it was not an underground nuclear explosion, Fang Yuan did not have to worry about the shock wave caused by the nuclear bomb. As for the light radiation and high-energy particle flow that affects the hyperspace gate, under Fang Yuan's precise calculations, it will only cause damage within the fortress group. The amount of radiation that affects the hyperspace gate is not even comparable to that on the moon during the day. direct sunlight.

But for the Martians living in the lunar fortress, a nuclear bomb is enough to turn them all into fly ash.

')113'\u003eChapter 112 Death of the Emperor

"Wow, it's really spectacular!" On the way back to Earth, Fang Yuan turned around and looked at the shining "pearl necklace" on the moon's surface, and Fang Yuan exclaimed in sincere admiration.

"Hmph! I hope those Martians will like the gifts I gave them!" With a chuckle, Fang Yuan accelerated again in the direction of the earth, leaving behind only the mess on the moon... "On the moon... What happened?" Naturally, the Earth Alliance Army also observed the nuclear explosion fireball on the moon.

When they discovered that the location of the explosion was actually at the hyperspace gate, they felt quite baffled.

"...Could it be that the Martians are conducting some experiment with the hyperspace gate?" "Does this look like an experiment? Judging from the photos, the entire ring space gate fortress group has been completely blown up, right?" "Could it be? Is there a rebellion among the Martians? ""It's possible..." Just as the top brass of the Earth Alliance were speculating about what happened on the moon, the Martians were extremely panicked.

The reason was nothing else - their Emperor was in the fortress when the explosion occurred! "His Majesty the Emperor...have you found it?" The person asking the question was Count Kuruteu, who was the original owner of the male supporting character Srein in the plot, and the father of Huang Mao who later married the eldest princess of the empire. At this time Still a young man in his twenties.

Having inherited the title at a young age, he was very loyal to the royal family, so he arranged for personnel to enter the explosion site for search and rescue as soon as the incident occurred.

"...I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Earl...Your Majesty...should have been killed..." His adjutant spoke with some difficulty and told his master the extremely bad news.

"Really..." Kuruteu sighed sadly. He also knew that in an explosion of this level, the chance of the emperor surviving was very slim, and his previous search and rescue was just a precaution.

"...Do you know why His Majesty the Emperor appeared in the fortress?" Kuruteu asked another question that concerned him the most.

You must know that the fortress group surrounding the hyperspace gate itself is not a comfortable and gorgeous palace, but a steel fortress purely for military purposes. As the emperor of the empire, although he visited the lunar frontline in person to boost morale, he should also stay in a better environment. In the lunar city, for some reason, he suddenly came to the fortress group and happened to encounter the explosion... "...It is said to be for the next stage of experiments on the hyperspace gate, but we can't investigate what it is specifically. Got it.”

The adjutant reported what he had learned. This piece of information alone was the result of all the efforts of him and the intelligence department under the earl.

After all, it is wartime now, and all the strength of the Martian army is devoted to the earth, so the collection of intelligence within the country's sphere of influence is naturally much relaxed.

Hearing what the adjutant said, Kurute was speechless.

Is this considered throwing oneself into a trap... Putting aside the thought of rudeness that flashed through his mind, the young earl asked another question: "So, do you know who did the explosion?" Since The emperor is dead, so the next step is to find the murderer. Although the explosion has nothing to do with him fighting on the front line of the earth, but out of noble obligation, he still plans to do his best to find the culprit and punish him with the harshest punishment. sanctions! "It should be the Earthlings... No, it must be the Earthlings who did it!" The adjutant put the blame on the Earthlings without hesitation.

"Earthlings...why are you so sure?" "This explosion was caused by a nuclear bomb! The search and rescue team has confirmed this! We in the Weiser Empire have almost no nuclear-related industries, and the only ones who can use nuclear bombs are Earthlings!" the adjutant said. The reasons are very good and sound reasonable.

But Count Kuruteuo didn't think so.

Although he is young and hates Earthlings very much, he is not stupid and will not throw the responsibility to them for any bad things that happen to him.

If this happened on Earth, without the Adjutant having to tell him, he would immediately assume that it was someone from Earth who did it.

But where is it this time? It’s on the moon! It is a fortress group built around the hyperspace gate! You must know how tight the defense of the ring space gate fortress group is, and there are a large number of fleets patrolling in orbit around the moon. The entire outer space of the earth-moon circle is basically the territory of Martians. How can the earthlings get the ability to bypass the heavy defenses? Go deep into the fortress and assassinate the emperor? If the people on earth had this ability, would they have been suppressed so miserably by these Martian knights with such a small force? But think about it from another angle, if it was done by one of our own people, that would be a different story... Although the Visser Empire does not have a nuclear bomb, it is not because they cannot build it, but because they already have a better one. It's a substitute, so I just don't like it.

If you really want to secretly build a few nuclear bombs, any one of their 37 Mars nobles can do it! Moreover, the explosion occurred directly from inside the fortress group, which further increased the suspicions of our own people - only Martians, and also Martian nobles with high enough status, could have the ability to quietly transport so many nuclear bombs to In the fortress group! Don’t think that His Majesty the Emperor has no enemies in the country! Although for the middle and lower class Martians, His Majesty the Emperor's rhetoric of attributing all social conflicts to the earth is indeed quite convincing, but for them, the Martian nobles who really hold the truth, they are actually very It is clear that the reason why the Weise Empire has various social conflicts that are difficult to reconcile is essentially caused by the royal family's policy of blindly developing military industry.

In fact, among the 37 Martian nobles, many people are secretly dissatisfied with His Majesty the Emperor's governance policy. If someone takes the risk and assassinates the Emperor because of this... Of course, he will not say this speculation, even in front of him. He is his most trusted lieutenant, but he will not reveal a word about such matters involving political differences among the upper echelons of the empire.

"...According to what you said, let's send the report back to the country based on the conclusion that 'Earth spies used nuclear bombs to assassinate His Majesty the Emperor'. As for the follow-up issues, let the royal family solve them themselves..." Kuruteo made made the final decision.

The system of the Weise Empire is very similar to the ancient European enfeoffment system. Although the Martian Knights, as nobles, are loyal to His Majesty the Emperor, they are also lords of one party, and their relationship with the royal family is more like that between major shareholders and small shareholders.

Therefore, after fulfilling his obligations, Count Kuruteu directly returned the mess to the royal family to deal with - anyway, the hyperspace gate fortress complex itself is also under the direct jurisdiction of the royal family, and the culprits cannot be found if something goes wrong. On his head.

On the contrary, he was able to send people to conduct search and rescue investigations as soon as possible after the incident, which can be said to be a very loyal performance.

')114'\u003eChapter 113 Misunderstanding

The Emperor of the Visser Empire died in the nuclear explosion, which was actually an unexpected surprise for Fang Yuan.

He didn't think much about it at the time, he simply wanted to teach these overly arrogant Martians a lesson.

But he didn't expect that when he was doing additional "decoration" on the ring space gate fortress group, he actually discovered the emperor who was traveling in a low-key manner! Although Fang Yuan had not personally seen the second-generation emperor of the Visser Empire who single-handedly triggered the Earth-Fire War, he had seen the video of this guy's war declaration speech, so he recognized him at a glance.

Fang Yuan also spent some extra time monitoring the conversation between the emperor and his entourage, confirming that this was indeed the emperor himself, and not some stand-in wearing optical camouflage. He also confirmed that he himself would be at the ring space gate fortress. The group stayed for more than a month.

This is really...a head that I sent to you. I would be embarrassed if I didn't accept it! Therefore, Fang Yuan deliberately adjusted the detonation sequence of nuclear explosions to ensure that when a series of nuclear explosions occurred, the area where His Majesty the Emperor was located would be the first to be detonated.

Therefore, when he saw from the public channel of the Visser Empire a few days later that the Martians announced the death of the current emperor and claimed that the Earthlings had assassinated His Majesty the Emperor and that the Visser Empire would carry out the war to the end, he was not at all concerned. Not surprised.

After all, Fang Yuan himself is an Earthling, and it is indeed true to say that an Earthling assassinated the Emperor of Mars.

However, after that, Fang Yuan originally thought that the Martian army would intensify its offensive against the Earth coalition forces. He originally thought about changing his clothes and going to the battlefield to meet the Martian knights for a while, but he found that the reality was different from what he imagined. There are some differences.

After the emperor was assassinated, the ordinary army composed of second- and third-class Martian citizens had indeed high morale. Even if they faced an inferior number of Earth coalition forces that were several times larger, they still refused to retreat.

However, the Knights of Mars, who were originally the main force in the war and slaughtered the Earth's army, suddenly reduced the frequency of their appearances, and several Martian nobles even left the surface and returned to space.

The Earth Army and Fang Yuan were at a loss as to what the Martians were going crazy about.

But only those Martian nobles knew that something big had happened this time! Although it was claimed that the Earthlings assassinated the Emperor of Mars, the nobles who had their own information channels knew the truth at that time - His Majesty the Emperor was killed by a series of nuclear explosions in the most heavily defended ring space gate fortress group. ! How could this be done by earthlings like primitive humans! It was obviously done by one of our own people! Just like Count Kuruteu, everyone thought of one thing.

In fact, a secret investigation was launched within the Mars Empire. The imperial royal family, or to be precise, the previous generation of imperial emperors who came back to take charge of the power, directly took action and dispatched the Royal Guards to conduct a thorough investigation of all industries in the territory of the Martian nobles. The investigation, especially the industries related to the nuclear industry, is the focus - after all, the raw materials needed to make nuclear bombs must have a source and cannot be dug out of the ground out of thin air. It is easiest to find the real culprit from this aspect.

... "So, still no clues can be found?" At this time, the first generation of the emperor was not as old as he was bedridden fifteen years later, and could only appear in front of the public with the help of optical projection.

Although he is old now, his body is still strong. At this time, he is sitting on the emperor's throne in his true form, questioning the nobles below with a gloomy face. No one below dares to raise their head and look directly at him.

"...Yes...Yes, no nuclear industry-related factories have been found in the empire, nor any raw materials that can be used to make nuclear bombs. Maybe...maybe..." The noble responsible for investigating the matter hesitated. .

"Maybe what?" The emperor frowned in displeasure.

"Perhaps someone colluded with the people on Earth and obtained the nuclear weapons directly from them..." This is the most realistic guess - since there are no nuclear weapons or nuclear materials in the Martian Empire, and it is impossible for the people on Earth to personally carry out assassinations, then There is only one conclusion: someone on the empire's side, and someone with a high status, colluded with the people on earth, secretly obtained a batch of nuclear weapons and sent them to the ring space gate fortress group, and detonated the nuclear bombs while the second-generation emperor was personally inspecting, carrying out the plan. A foolproof assassination... "...I think so..." There was no expression on the old emperor's face, he just closed his eyes with a solemn expression.

But people who are familiar with him know that this is a manifestation of the old emperor's extreme anger.

"I didn't expect that there would be traitors among the nobles who accepted my gift..." The old emperor opened his eyes, with undisguised murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

He has determined that among the 37 great nobles he once canonized, there are indeed twenty-five young men, and they are the kind who are so bold that they dare to kill their masters! ... "Something is wrong. Who arranged the assassination of the emperor?" This is a dark and dark secret room. Through the weak light source, you can see seven or eight figures sitting around a table. Around the huge round table, it was one of the dark figures who asked the question.

"It's not me!" Another dark figure whose face couldn't be seen clearly spoke immediately to dissociate himself from this matter.

"It's not me!" "It's not me!" "I've always been in the empire, there's no way I could do such a thing!" ... Everyone flatly denied that they had any connection with the assassination of the emperor.

"So, who did this? We all know that without the cooperation of people in the empire, the nuclear bomb cannot be transported to the fortress!" It was the black shadow who asked the question first. He looked around. Although in the dark, his eyes seemed to see everyone's true identity clearly through the blurry optical projection.

"Maybe it was someone else? After all, there may be a noble who disagrees with the emperor's policies and did not join us..." A black shadow whose voice was obviously female said his guess.

"... Maybe there is this possibility... But it is still the most likely that one of us did this!" The black shadow still insisted on his point of view.

In fact, it is not wrong. After all, there are only so many nobles in the Martian Empire. Everyone interacts with each other on weekdays. Although it is impossible to easily understand the various secrets of other nobles, the most basic political tendencies can still be grasped clearly.

The few people sitting here are all nobles who are dissatisfied with the policies of the second-generation emperor. Therefore, they hold together and form a small group within the empire.

In fact, in addition to themselves, other nobles of higher status, and even the emperor himself, are aware of this.

In the past, such political dissatisfaction and even self-grouping were actually nothing.

After all, a country cannot be without opposition. These people with different political views have never thought of rebellion. The second-generation emperor left them alone, which is also a symbol of his broad mind.

But now the emperor has been assassinated! This kind of trivial problem that was not a big deal in the past has suddenly become a fatal death warrant - the reason why they are still alive and discussing countermeasures here is entirely because the war with the earth has not ended, and the old emperor who has returned to power has not found any evidence, so he can't easily deal with them for the time being.

')115'\u003eChapter 114 Butterfly Wings

When Fang Yuan found something wrong and asked [Ether] to spend more time deciphering the encrypted communication of the Martians, he was shocked to find that the Martians' internal judgment on the assassination of the emperor was actually... the Martians themselves? ! Well, Fang Yuan completely ignored the fact that he was cheating, and the more important fact that no one knew about his cheating except himself.

In the eyes of the Martians, what happened in the ring space gate fortress group was no longer something that the earthlings could do. Only the Martians themselves, and they must be Martian nobles who have mastered enough power and status, could accomplish such a big thing.

No wonder, a monster-level existence like Fang Yuan who could sneak into the most important military base of the empire alone without being noticed, and then could easily create a nuclear bomb out of thin air, did not exist in the minds of the Martians!   They would not even think in this direction!   After all, this world is real after all. Although the remains of super ancient alien civilizations sound like science fiction, in the eyes of people in this world, these are facts that conform to the logic of reality.

But individuals like Fang Yuan who traveled from another world and possessed extraordinary powers beyond the understanding of ordinary people really only exist in fantasy in the eyes of people in this world.

"It seems that although the moon did not explode, the war is indeed going to stop!" Fang Yuan could only intercept the Martian communications within the Earth-Moon Sphere on Earth. He was unable to intercept the communications with the Martian Empire because they were too far away.

However, based on the intelligence he obtained, the situation within the Weiser Empire was already very unstable. The old emperor who had returned to power had become suspicious of many nobles, but he could not do anything because he could not find evidence and the war with Earth was not over. The nobles were dissatisfied with the suspicion of the imperial family and the brutal search of the industries in the territory, but they did not resist because of the emperor's absolute control over Aldnoah. However, they had already shown obvious centrifugal tendencies.

It can be said that no matter what the outcome of the war with Earth is, the Weiser Empire is bound to usher in a major reshuffle. Maybe some of the original 37 nobles will be removed.

However, the political struggle within the Martian Empire has nothing to do with Fang Yuan and the Earth Federation - the only thing that is related is that under the pressure of domestic political turmoil, the old emperor is likely to suspend the war with Earth.

After all, the old emperor, who was born on Earth, was not very keen on invading the Earth, which can be seen from the plot.

When his granddaughter died on Earth, the Martian knights in the Earth's orbit arbitrarily launched an attack on the Earth. It was also the old emperor who first proposed a truce with the Earth. In the end, he believed the slander of the treacherous ministers and thought that the eldest princess really died in the hands of the Earthlings, and then restarted the war.

In this assassination of the second-generation emperor, although the source of those nuclear bombs was very suspicious and was most likely provided by the Earth, the real planner and the person who carried out the assassination could only be a real Martian.

At this time, the war with the Earthlings was not the most important thing. The most important thing was to quickly deal with the undercurrent political situation in the country.

"This is really an unintentional act..." Fang Yuan had a clear understanding of the power of his butterfly wings - he did this, and the future plot suddenly turned to a direction that no one knew.

First of all, the most significant Heaven's Fall event is very likely not to happen again.

After all, it was the second emperor who advocated in-depth research on the hyperspace gate. The first emperor, who was an orthodox scientist, actually did not agree with this radical approach.

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