Now that the old emperor is back in power, there will be no more out-of-control hyperspace gates.

Without the out-of-control hyperspace gate, the moon would not explode, Heaven's Fall would not happen, the earth would not lose half of its population at once, and the fiancée of Count Zazbalum in the anime plot would not die either. He will not hate the imperial royal family because of this, and he will not plot a conspiracy to assassinate the eldest princess and frame it for the people on earth... On the earth's side, because there is no Hea_ven's Fall, the Martian armored cavalry named Deucalion will not be killed by meteorites falling from the sky. If it was destroyed, it would be impossible for them to obtain the core of Aldnoah, and it would be impossible to build the flying battleship also named Deucalion... And, more importantly, because the moon did not explode, the Martians suffered no losses. It was so tragic that half of the Earth's population had not died. Even if there could be a truce between the Earth and Mars, the peace between the two sides would not be likely to last for fifteen years.

In other words, when the time period when the plot really begins, it is difficult to say how many of the protagonists and supporting characters will survive until then... It can be said that Fang Yuan's wave of nuclear explosions directly changed the entire A/Z The plot development of the world in the next ten years or so, this ability to influence the direction of the entire future with a small change can be called a model among butterfly wings.

Well, it seems that they directly used a series of nuclear explosions to destroy other people's fortresses and brought an emperor with them. This kind of thing cannot be regarded as a "small" change... After continuing for three months and discovering that the Earth Army could not be defeated immediately, the old emperor decisively ordered a truce. Naturally, the United Earth Army, which was at a disadvantage, could not be foolish enough to fight to the death at this time, and agreed to the truce in a very realistic manner.

After all, although the Earth United Army barely maintained its battle line with its numerical and physical advantages, to be honest, the tens of thousands of casualties every day were really frightening to see.

Now we have the opportunity to temporarily repair and regroup. At the same time, we also have time to further adjust the production systems of various countries to the wartime system. This is a very good thing.

"While saying that the emperor's assassination was caused by people on earth, you choose to cease war with the earth... It seems that the cause of death of the ambitious second-generation emperor is very abnormal!" This is a high-level meeting of the United Earth Government. Discuss the Martian Empire's initiative to cease war this time.

"Our spies among the Martians sent back some intelligence, which mentioned that the current political situation on Mars seems to be somewhat unstable, and there are conflicts between the royal family and the nobility."

"Didn't their Weiser Empire establish an absolute monarchy and aristocracy relying on Aldnoah's authorization? How come there are still nobles who dare to resist the royal family?" "After all, the royal family itself needs the help of nobles to rule the entire empire. That old emperor can't possibly Just execute all the nobles who resisted him, so that the whole country would not be in chaos?" "That is just our speculation in the form of earth politics. What is the situation at the top of the Martian Empire? We have never learned anything. Reliable information..." Many bigwigs who were qualified to participate in such a top-level meeting were talking about it, and the entire conference room suddenly became noisy.

... "No matter what, let's develop ourselves first!" As the host of the meeting and the current chairman of the Earth United Nations, he brought the topic back to business: "We can't control what happens inside the Martians and we can't control it. The only thing we can do is to step up the research and development of new generation weapons and equipment and shorten the technological gap with the Weiser Empire as much as possible! This time we saw the Martian armored cavalry, but they were suppressed miserably!" "Agreed!" "It makes sense!" "Then increase investment in military industry!" "And energy! The key core of the Martian's Aldnoah technology is new clean energy!" "It makes sense! Then, the once stagnant The controllable nuclear fusion project can be restarted!" "Not only controllable nuclear fusion, we also need to strengthen our penetration into the Martian Empire. It would be great if we could obtain an Aldnoah core..." "This is impossible. Well..." "I've never tried it, how do I know it's impossible? "...')116'\u003eChapter 115 Anaheim Company (Part 1)

"Controllable nuclear fusion project, armored cavalry project, space fleet plan, outer space defense network plan..." Fang Yuan saw the actions of the Earth United Government through [ether], and had to admit that the earth politicians in this world made him a little bit I was amazed.

Obviously, when facing the threat of Martians, the countries on earth in this world are not like the machine war world possessed by a certain Showa staff collective, where they are still plotting against each other even when they are about to die.

On the contrary, the top leaders of the United Earth Government in this world are very sober.

They know very well that only by twisting the resources and power of the entire earth into one rope can they have a chance to fight or even defeat those aggressive Martians.

Every major project initiated has the participation of almost all major industrial countries in the world. There is not much hidden secrets, no repeated research that wastes resources, and no obvious stumbling blocks for teammates behind the scenes.

The entire United Earth Government truly operates like a complete government, instead of countless countries coming together to fight each other and become another United Nations.

It can be said that the politicians on Earth in this world are the most qualified Fang Yuan has ever seen!   "However, this alone may not be able to defeat the Martians who have turned on the plug-in. It seems that I have to help you..."  ...  Two years later, at the start-up ceremony of the second-generation controlled nuclear fusion reactor.

"Mr. Brooke, I didn't expect that your Anaheim Group really did it!"  "Haha, this is all because of our boss's good leadership, so that we can have today's results!"  "Give my regards to Mr. Fang..."  "Sure, sure..."  The official acceptance personnel from the United Government and the representatives of the Anaheim Group shook hands and greeted each other. This scene under the spotlight soon spread around the world through the news media, letting the people of the world know that they finally have mature, efficient and clean energy like the Martians.

Well, seeing the name of the Anaheim Group, I think everyone should have guessed that this is of course Fang Yuan's handwriting.

Since the armistice agreement between Earth and Mars, Fang Yuan decided to start a company in order to extend the life of the Earth Federation, which had lost many important opportunities, and to create a good research environment for himself.

On the one hand, he could naturally put various advanced technologies into the Earth market through commercial bidding, and strengthen the scientific and technological strength of the Earthlings. On the other hand, he also wanted to integrate himself more closely into this world. After all, Fang Yuan still didn't know why the Gate of Truth sent him here, so it was better to have a rich and powerful identity than to be an illegal person on the edge of society.

As for the name he gave to his company... After all, this is a world with the Earth Federation (Earth United Government), lunar cities, and extraterrestrial colonies rebelling and establishing a country. It is definitely a replica of the Gundam worldview. So how could there not be an Anaheim Electronics Company?   Coincidentally, there is no Gundam series in this world, and there is no other company in Anaheim City that has taken this name. Fang Yuan used this name without hesitation when he founded this company.

Moreover, Anaheim in the Gundam UC world is called the Death Merchant, who can influence the war situation between the Earth Federation and the Zeon Resistance. Although Fang Yuan is not so cruel, if he wants to send a gift called "Death" to the group of Martians, this name is quite appropriate.

Of course, Fang Yuan named his company this way, which does not mean that he is going to make Gundam.

Let's not talk about whether Fang Yuan can make Gundam. First of all, in Fang Yuan's view, all real giant humanoid robots are garbage! This kind of weapon with a high center of gravity, large frontal area, slow flight speed, slower ground movement speed, weak armor, fragile joints, obvious vital points, and no other advantages except for being easy to show off is completely a brain-dead product designed by weapon designers when they have a second-year disease.

If there is really this ability to make a humanoid robot with practical significance, the technology and resources spent are enough to make more than ten times the traditional weapons with the same combat effectiveness.

It is impossible to make Gundam. Fang Yuan will never make Gundam in his life.

He took out something else——  …  When Anaheim was just established, no one would notice this unknown small company, but when this company launched its first product, the name Anaheim spread all over the world in just a few days, and even the Martians had heard of it.

Well, the first product of this Anaheim company is a bionic prosthesis product that is directly connected to the human nerves. It is said to be able to perfectly simulate the movement and touch of human limbs, so that people with limb disabilities can regain healthy limbs.

For Fang Yuan, bionics is his strong point. The prosthetic technology controlled by nerves is already very mature in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist. Coupled with the massive amount of data stored in [Ether], it is not difficult for Fang Yuan to design a bionic prosthesis that can be manufactured with the processing technology of this world's earth.

When several disabled veterans who lost their limbs in the war showed up at the product launch conference and performed a wonderful basketball game with bionic prostheses on the spot, this company that had just been established not long ago became popular as expected.

You know, the war with the Martians has just ended. There are countless soldiers and civilians with limb disabilities around the world. They have lost their limbs and cannot work. They can only rely on the meager disability allowance to survive every day. Most people even need to be taken care of by others to live a normal life.

Although they lost their limbs in the war, the country and society should indeed give them enough compensation, but objectively speaking, these people who have lost their ability to work and fight have indeed become a burden on the entire Earth Federation.

In fact, these disabled veterans themselves are also very clear about this.

Many of them cannot accept this fact after becoming physically disabled. Most of them are addicted to alcohol and drugs, and some individual extremists even commit suicide directly to seek relief.

Even those who have not fallen into depravity can only live a hard and humble life with their disabled bodies in this turbulent era.

However, the bionic prosthetic limbs provided by the Anaheim company suddenly gave them hope of returning to normal life! In particular, the prosthetic products launched by the Anaheim company are not expensive. Basically, ordinary working-class people can buy them by gritting their teeth and saving up two or three months of salary. Especially since this company has also launched a special product for the disabled. Discount service for military personnel. Any military personnel who are disabled due to war injuries and want to purchase bionic prostheses can get a half-price discount! ')117'\u003eChapter 116 Anaheim Company (Part 2)

This is actually because Fang Yuan has personally seen hundreds of disabled soldiers who have lost limbs crying and crying because of the mutilation of their bodies. He has also personally experienced the life of losing limbs, so he understands the pain of those veterans with mutilated limbs. , even out of pity, he felt that he should do something for them.

This move alone turned Anaheim Company into a world-famous conscientious enterprise, well-known in all countries within the Earth Federation. Even Martians noticed this company - even super ancient aliens. Technology is not omnipotent. The Visser Empire's research on bionic limbs is really not as good as the products launched by Anaheim Company.

But the bionic prosthetic arm alone isn't all there is to Anaheim. It's just the first product for the fledgling company to make a name for itself.

Just when the business of bionic prosthetics was booming around the world, Anaheim directly launched their commercial nuclear fusion reactor plan and made wild claims that it would be able to generate electricity within a year.

At that time, all walks of life believed that Anaheim was inflated after making a little money. It was just a private enterprise engaged in controllable nuclear fusion? It’s better to wash up and go to sleep first, there is everything in the dream... Especially the controllable nuclear fusion project team established by the coalition government, their reaction was particularly fierce. Several experts and scholars with high reputation in the academic world stood up and spoke frankly. Frankly speaking, it is absolutely impossible for Anaheim to succeed. Controlled nuclear fusion is not just a private enterprise at all, and private enterprises without any relevant technology accumulation can afford it by investing a little money! And because of the declarations of these expert media, the entire society believes that Anaheim is bragging, and even the good reputation it has just accumulated through the bionic prosthetic business has been somewhat affected. Many people think that it is a scam company. Instead of trusting the bionic prosthetics it launched, some people even took the lead in the media to question the safety of these bionic prostheses.

However, in less than a year, reality slapped everyone hard.

They actually did it! When Anaheim's first-generation controllable nuclear fusion reactor was officially ignited and output enough power to meet the electricity needs of the entire state of Virginia through the generator set, the whole world was boiling! This matter was really accomplished by a private enterprise! ​And it took less than a year! This TM is cheating! Well, yes, it was indeed cheating.

After all, the boss behind this company is the biggest culprit.

The knowledge Fang Yuan brought from the Gate of Truth was not fake. He himself was the ultimate alchemist who could roll nuclear fireballs with his hands. Designing a truly operational nuclear fusion reactor was not a problem for him. A particularly difficult challenge.

In fact, the reason why Fang Yuan took another year to complete the fusion reactor was that his main focus was on reducing the difficulty of reactor construction.

After all, for him, building a reactor is a direct alchemical process, and many of the materials used are laboratory products that cannot be prepared on a large scale with current earth technology. In order to reduce the actual construction difficulty to the earth's current technological level, Fang Yuan To an acceptable extent, it took more work than he did to design the original version of the fusion reactor.

When the first-generation nuclear fusion reactor was successfully ignited and connected to the grid, Anaheim Company completely rectified its name and became a leader in the joint energy industry of the earth. It embarked on the fast track of development and soon went from A mere Anaheim electronics company developed into the Anaheim Group, and gradually extended its business reach to medical, military, aerospace and other fields, becoming the prototype of a business empire.

However, these operations basically have nothing to do with Fang Yuan himself. Although he has control over the entire Anaheim, in addition to providing various new technologies in research and development, the management is basically handed over to [Ether] and those professional managers.

For example, Brooke from the previous chapter is the head of Anaheim Energy Heavy Industries and is solely responsible for the promotion of fusion energy projects.

In fact, Brooke did a really good job. Fang Yuan had just designed a second-generation fusion reactor that was more powerful and smaller than the first generation. In less than half a year, Brooke built the finished product and successfully Ignition - Not to mention the actual research and development capabilities of this company, at least it shows that their execution and construction capabilities are indeed very good.

And not just in nuclear fusion projects, Anaheim also has outstanding performance in other fields it is involved in.

For example, in terms of aerospace, Anaheim has launched an electromagnetic repulsion levitation engine and a plasma propulsion engine - yes, the same power system used by Fang Yuan when he landed on the moon - these two power devices are used in the joint military won the bid at the space battleship tender in one fell swoop and successfully obtained the vast majority of power system orders for the space fleet being formed.

For example, in the military industry, Anaheim has successively launched mature electromagnetic weapons, laser weapons, individual exoskeleton armor and other advanced equipment, and has also received a large number of orders from the military.

In terms of medical treatment, the series of bionic artificial organs launched by Anaheim is another major initiative after bionic limbs, including artificial eyeballs, artificial cochlea, artificial heart, artificial lungs, artificial liver... In short, in addition to the brain, spinal cord and Apart from the gonads, there is no organ in the human body that Anaheim cannot imitate.

There are even rumors circulating that the military is trying to use Anaheim's line of artificial organs and limbs to secretly develop full-body prosthetics, well, the ones in Ghost in the Shell.

Fang Yuan, who has been intercepting intelligence from the United Earth Government through the [ether] for a long time, said that this rumor is true and that the United Army is indeed conducting research in this area. Fang Yuan is not disgusted by this, even when their research reached an impasse. A secret effort was made.

——Because he found that although the military was conducting human experiments, they were using volunteers and dying people who knew the real situation, and there was no such thing as forcing healthy ordinary people to undergo transformation.

The United Earth Government of this world seems to have a very high moral integrity, at least much higher than that of its counterparts in the Resident Evil world.

As for comparing it to a world where high-level governments from various countries collectively transformed into Showa, the gap is even greater! However, although the moral integrity of the earth's politicians in this world has increased, the moral integrity of the Martians seems to be falling in a straight line.

PS: The third update will be released a little later')118'\u003eChapter 117 The Assassination of Martians

"[Ether], how many times has this been an assassination targeting our company's employees?" "This is the third time."

The AI ​​told the answer that Fang Yuan actually already knew.

"Three people have risen...that means three more families have died because of the Martians..." In front of him, what should have been a well-decorated small villa, but at this time it had turned into a house destroyed by fire. Burnt ruins.

Placed in front of Fang Yuan were the five charred corpses of two adults and three children that had just been found in the fire.

Although they had been burned beyond recognition by the fire, Fang Yuan could still see the obvious gunshot marks on their bodies - especially the heads. Each of them had been shot in the head, causing the five people's skulls to be damaged. Mutilated and mutilated, his death was particularly miserable.

There was no joy or anger in Fang Yuan's expression, but what reflected from his eyes was the violent anger from his heart.

"Martians, Martian spies... you have really offended the wrong person!" Fang Yuan stood quietly on the spot with his eyes closed for a few minutes, then suddenly opened his eyes, turned around, and got into his own car without saying a word. left the scene of the tragedy.

Since you want war, then I will give you war! "[Ether], are there any results from the investigation of the communication records?" After returning to his residence, Fang Yuan immediately asked [Ether] about the results of the investigation.

"No intelligence transmission related to the attack was found. It can be speculated that the other party used cryptic language or did not use information networks to transmit intelligence."

[Aether] is becoming more and more intelligent, and now it even learns to reason on its own.

"So, what about the analysis of the bullet casings remaining at the scene?" "We have compared the government's firearms database and found no firearms with consistent rifling and firing pin characteristics."

"In other words, it is either a privately manufactured gun or a modified gun..." The clue was broken again.

"What about the surveillance near the crime scene?" "The surveillance systems all failed the day before the crime."

"Have any suspicious persons been found before the malfunction?" "In the three days before the incident, the four nearby cameras captured a total of 193 people, of which 176 people have been ruled out as suspects and 17 people have not been ruled out as suspects."

"List all those 17 people and let me see!" The next moment, Fang Yuan's field of vision showed seventeen photos taken from four angles.

"Zoom in the face -" The slightly blurry figures in the field of view are instantly enlarged, and the pixels are automatically optimized to reveal the clearest faces one by one.

"Investigate the identities of these people!" "We have investigated and confirmed the identities of 14 of them, all of whom are ordinary American citizens. The identities of three of them cannot be ascertained."

[Ether] gave a result that surprised Fang Yuan. The three photos were instantly moved to the center of the field of view.

"There are three that cannot be identified? Are they outsiders... Locate their current locations for me, and I will go there myself!" "Understood, they are now..." Fang Yuan stood up, and the black substance came from his body. A little bit of proliferation emerged, and finally merged into a set of pitch-black armor - he really got serious.

... "I found you!" The blood-red forging light flashed away, and Fang Yuan put down the body that had lost its voice in his hands.

"I didn't expect that I was so lucky. This guy actually knew who his boss was, Colt Arriacio..." The figure in the dark armor flashed with light and shadow, and the next moment it disappeared into the air, as if It never appeared, leaving only a dead body lying on the ground gradually becoming cold.

This is the third person Fang Yuan has found.

I don't know if I should call it lucky or unlucky. The two previous suspects were actually illegal immigrants smuggled from Central America, so Fang Yuan could not find their identities.

After searching his memory, Fang Yuan didn't do anything to those two poor guys. He just left them aside and didn't do anything to seal them up - they were almost the same as tramps. They are just illegal immigrants. Even if they tell what happened today, no one will believe it.

Only this third person was indeed a spy sent to the earth by the Martians, and he was also one of the members who carried out the assassination operation. He even shot and killed several of the victims' children with his own hands, so Fang Yuan also Harvesting his life and soul unceremoniously - just assassinating the adults, but not even sparing the children! In fact, this was the reason why Fang Yuan was so angry that he even went so far as to personally investigate.

Originally, although this practice of assassinating each other's important figures during the war was a bit despicable, it could not be said to be excessive. After all, war is about using all possible means. Even Fang Yuan himself had played a trick before. An assassination that shocked the whole world? But this time it was different, they actually attacked a child who didn’t know anything! Yes, there were three consecutive assassinations of Anaheim employees, all of which were brutal methods of killing entire families. Ten underage children alone died! This has far exceeded the bottom line that Fang Yuan can tolerate! ... "Dad, Dad! I've finished reading all the books I bought before!" "Oh~Have you finished reading all these books? Our little angel is really a genius!" This is an ordinary residence in San Francisco. There was an ordinary family of three, a father who was working away from home, a mother who was doing housework at home, and a lovely daughter who was just 4 years old.

Neighbors and passers-by who passed by the courtyard could clearly see and hear that the cute little girl was proudly showing off her achievements to her father, and the father was not shy about his words of praise and kept praising herself. children.

Seeing this scene, everyone smiled heartily. This is really a warm and happy family... However...... Bang -! A figure hit the wall of the room heavily, smashing a big hole in the wooden wall. The young father fell in the ruins of wood and let out bursts of painful groans.

"What a happy family, I was moved when I saw it..." The figure who committed such atrocities stepped closer to the man who fell to the ground: "But, you personally destroyed three families as happy as yours. !" The soldier in black armor grabbed the man's hair, and regardless of the other man's struggle and resistance, he lifted his legs up from the ground. He used his other hand to grab the man's face and pull him hard. His head turned to the side, allowing his eyes to see the mother and daughter lying on the ground behind the man in black armor, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

"Tell me, how should I treat you?"')119'\u003eChapter 118 Minimum Mercy

"No, don't... don't hurt them..." The man begged, trying to get the man in black armor in front of him to let his family go.

"I did this all by myself, and they didn't know it... They had nothing to do with it..." He understood that the assassination he had arranged before was exposed, but the love for his family in his heart made him struggle to let go. The wife and daughter escaped unharmed.

"Ha, so you are still a family-loving person?" The black-armored warrior sneered. He grabbed the man's arm and threw it hard. With a bang, a big hole was made in the floor of the house. At the same time, It also broke the man's spine and shoulder blades, causing him to scream even more horribly.

However, the scream was only halfway out, and the next moment it was blocked by a big foot that stepped down hard.

"Don't worry, I'm not a Martian bastard like you -" The man in black armor turned off the one-way reflective layer in his mask so that the man at his feet could see his face, which was Fang Yuan's face, and he said: " I won't take action against a child who doesn't know anything, but I won't protect her either.

Think about it, what will happen to a child of a Martian spy who loses his father and lives on earth? " Fang Yuan's tone was not sinister, but a chill came over the heart of the man in the audience. He no longer cared about the severe pain in his back and the worry about his lower body that was gradually losing consciousness. He just wanted to think about it for a moment. , you can guess what your lovely daughter will encounter in the following days after her identity is exposed - ostracism, isolation, bullying, or even something more terrifying... No, this is not right! That's it! He is willing to come to Earth to become a spy in order to gain a higher status in the Martian Empire and allow his family and children to live a better life, but not to make his family suffer more. So much suffering! "Uh-huh--" The man seemed to have forgotten his pain and struggled hard, but in this world that follows the laws of physics, ordinary people's will cannot override reality. The injuries of broken and comminuted fractures of his shoulder blade also made his struggle seem feeble. It had no effect at all, and he couldn't even move the opponent's foot away from his face.

"Humph, now you know you're afraid?" Fang Yuan looked at the man's desperate struggle and lost the intention to continue playing and torturing him. He directly stretched out his hand, covered his forehead, and began to collect intelligence - on the earth There is definitely more than just this group of Mars spies. Through this relatively high-status guy, you should be able to get more information about Mars spies.

A few minutes later, when the blood-red lightning went out and another life disappeared from the world, the soul reserve in Fang Yuan's hand increased by another unit, and at the same time, the memory of a man's life was added to the [Ether] database.

Fang Yuan threw down the body that had lost its breathing and heartbeat, turned around and looked at the mother and daughter lying on the ground in the living room. He used an anesthetic needle to put them down as soon as he initiated the action, so they remained Remaining unconscious, he neither saw Fang Yuan nor knew what happened in the next few minutes.

"[Ether], inform the coalition government to send someone here and tell them that there is a dead Martian spy and his family here."

As he said to the dead man before, Fang Yuan would not do anything to his innocent wife, children and family, but he would not protect these "innocents" either. After all, this woman was married to someone else. Given to a terrorist who planned many brutal assassinations, their daughter has also been receiving a pro-Martian education. It is best to leave this kind of person to the people of the United Earth Government to deal with.

Whether he put them under house arrest or brainwashed the children into killers against Martians, it didn't matter to Fang Yuan - anyway, not killing them on the spot was his greatest mercy.

Half an hour later, when Fang Yuan, who had remained invisible, saw that the two unconscious women and children were taken away by government intelligence agents, he turned around and left, no longer caring about the matter here.

As for how they will be treated next, it depends on their own fate! "Jack, you should come and see the body of the deceased!" "What's wrong, Tom, is there anything wrong with the body?" The detective known as Jack heard the sound and came over, a little confused.

"I dare say that the person who killed this poor guy must be a super strong man!" Tom, who had just checked the condition of the body, pointed to the large hole on the marble floor and the broken wooden walls beside it: "Ordinary people can If it can't be done to this extent, I wonder if someone has used illegally modified enhanced prosthetics or directly wore power armor to do it!" Speaking of power armor, Tom had a look of sincere envy on his face. Individual equipment that can turn an ordinary person into a superman in an instant is currently only installed in the elite troops of the United Earth Army. Agents like them who do not have to go to the battlefield cannot use it. As a senior weapons controller, Tom , I can only drool over some photos and brochures on weekdays.

However, after listening to Tom's words, Jack did not take them as a joke: "...Maybe this is really what happened..." "Are you serious?" Tom turned around and saw Jack's expression was very serious. There was no smile at all, and it was immediately clear that he really wasn't joking.

"You forgot, whether it's prosthetic technology or power armor, they all come from the same place -" Jack's words obviously meant something.

"Anaheim..." Tom murmured the name, and then he remembered that the reporting party this time seemed to be Anaheim? "It is said that this time the Martians carried out several assassinations on Anaheim's affiliated researchers. This is probably their revenge..." Jack lowered his voice and expressed his guess.

"...Forget it, us little characters shouldn't delve too deeply into the matter of such a big shot, and be careful to endanger yourself!" Tom nodded and agreed with Jack's guess, but immediately changed his tone to persuade his partner not to Investigate this aspect in depth.

After all, Anaheim can grow from a small local company to what it is now in two years. How can it be a good mistake? Although this company that supplies prosthetic products at low prices enjoys a good reputation among disabled soldiers and the lower class people, those who are truly discerning can clearly see that this company can rise rapidly amidst the competition and suppression of countless opponents. How can it be possible with a little hard power! "I understand! I'm not just starting out. I'd rather leave this kind of thing to the people at the top to worry about!" Jack obviously knows his own weight and has no real intention to become a messenger of justice. .

')120'\u003eChapter 119 The Great Purge

"However, the most pitiable thing is the little girl..." After tacitly agreeing not to talk about Anaheim, Tom, who couldn't sit still, changed the topic and mentioned the family members of the deceased who had just been sent away.

"Yes, a 4-year-old child who doesn't understand anything yet is involved in the war and conspiracy between two planets..." Jack also sighed. He didn't know if the child's mother knew about him. Her husband is a Martian spy, but that child who is still so young must not know anything... "By the way, if it is really the revenge of that... company, they will still keep this guy's family alive. , It seems that there is a bottom line in doing things!" Although Tom said that he would no longer talk about big shots, he still couldn't help but comment like this, but he didn't say the name directly.

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