"That's right..." Jack nodded and said in agreement: "I heard that the Martians didn't even spare children in their assassinations. They killed whole families several times in a row. In comparison, the moral level of us earthlings is indeed higher!" "Yes, these scumbag Martians, who have super technology but have forgotten their roots, and they also like to attack innocent children... They are all a bunch of garbage, bastards..." The two people's topic unknowingly turned to cursing the moral integrity of Martians, and other agents who had been busy around them also interrupted this topic from time to time, and soon it became an all-round denunciation and condemnation of Martians.

... The agents over there cursed the Martians while cleaning up the crime scene, while Fang Yuan here flew all over North America overnight and found all his colleagues in the memory of the spy named Ariashu. After searching the memory one by one, he refined the Philosopher's Stone.

But this is far from the end.

From the memories of these spies, we can know that the spies sent by Martians to Earth are not only those in North America. They have sent dozens to hundreds of spies to major industrial countries around the world. Some have been discovered and arrested by local governments, while others are still lurking among ordinary people waiting for opportunities to create trouble.

Fang Yuan has only cleaned up the spy network in North America. If he wants to remove all the Martian spies on Earth, he will need to be busy for a while.

However, in this process, Fang Yuan also discovered a problem.

In fact, these so-called "Mars spies" are not all Martians.

On the contrary, most of them are actually Earthlings who admire Mars, that is, the so-called traitors and Earth traitors.

The reasons why these people choose to betray Earth are very complicated.

Some of them want to join the Martians to take revenge on society because they have been treated unfairly on Earth. There are even some who want to earn a title in the Martian society by virtue of their merits.

Some of them saw that the Martians suppressed the large number of Earth United Army with very few troops in the war, realized the huge power gap between the two sides, and desperately believed that the Earth side had no chance of winning, so they turned against the Martians.

Others simply had poor brains and were brainwashed by the propaganda of the Martians and the instigation of other spies, and foolishly became the running dogs of the Martians.

However, Fang Yuan, who had searched the memories of those real Martians, knew that these Martian spies who were born on Earth were actually just cannon fodder. Even their Martian colleagues did not really regard them as companions, and did not intend to truly fulfill the promises made when recruiting these people. They were ready to throw them out as bait or kill them directly. The fantasies of these traitors would only be fantasies after all.

But Fang Yuan would not sympathize with them.

These people betrayed their race, betrayed their country, betrayed their planet, and more importantly, they actually took the initiative to provoke Fang Yuan! There was only one end for them - that was death! Now, all the spies in North America, whether they are real Martians or spiritual Martians who admire the Martian Empire, have died in Fang Yuan's hands. By cross-checking everyone's memories, it is confirmed that there are no fish that have escaped.

But in other countries and regions, there are at least thousands of Martian spies active. Although Fang Yuan alone can kill them all, it is too inefficient and too embarrassing to do so - he is now the real owner of the emerging business empire of Anaheim, so there is no reason for him to be busy and take care of everything!   Before he personally took action to kill people in the entire North American region, on the one hand, he was really angry and needed to see blood to calm down, and on the other hand, these spies were indeed hiding very secretly, and Fang Yuan himself had to take action to catch them.

But now he has obtained enough intelligence, so naturally he doesn't need to do it himself.

"[Ether], in the name of Anaheim Security Department, send the list of all spies found to the United Government!" "Understood... Information sent."

Let's leave the next matter to the government. After all, it should be their job to purge spies.

... So, in the next half month, short battles that were not noticeable but were actually closely watched by all the top leaders of the United Government broke out all over the world.

More and more Martian spies were killed or captured by the special operations forces of the United Government and the military. In a short period of time, the number accumulated to thousands. Even with the interrogation of the captured spies, more spies who were hidden deeper were exposed, further increasing this number.

When the entire spy-catching operation came to an end, the United Government found that the number of people, including those killed and captured, exceeded 10,000! Among them, about 8,000 spies were earthlings who were lured to defect. Among these 8,000 people, hundreds of them held public positions in various governments and the United Government, and one of them even sat in the position of a member of a member country! This discovery immediately shocked the entire top leadership of the United Government. They had never imagined that their side had been infiltrated by the Martians to such an extent that even high-ranking officials within the government had rebelled.

As expected, a purge descended upon the entire coalition government. At least thousands of officials suspected of collaborating with the enemy or having huge amounts of unidentified property income were suspended for investigation. A few diehards also tried to contact other Martian spies in a panic, further involving a spy network that was hidden deeper and more secretive.

It can be said that because of the assassination of certain Martian spies against certain company employees, the entire Martian spy network on Earth has suffered an unprecedented blow! ')121'\u003eChapter 120 The Power Struggle of the Martian Empire

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Those lowly earthlings dared to kill Martians? Aren't they afraid of starting a war again?!" This was the roar of a Martian knight after learning about the earthlings' anti-espionage operation.

The big moves of the Earth Coalition Government certainly could not escape the eyes and ears of the Martians - although their spy network was destroyed, with the generational advantage in information technology, all communications on Earth could basically not escape the monitoring of the Martians.

Therefore, many Martian nobles who were still stationed near the Earth-Moon Circle after the ceasefire were immediately furious when they heard about the actions of the Earthlings - even if those Martian spies were third-class citizens in the Weisser Empire, it did not mean that the Earthlings could kill them at will. If they wanted to kill them, they had to be killed by these noble lords!   It was probably this logic that most Martian nobles were furious at the actions of the Earthlings, and some radicals even shouted slogans to restart the war.

However, the old emperor far away on Mars did not seem to want to see the emergence of a large-scale war, and he suppressed these voices forcefully.

His concerns were actually very easy to understand.

Although the Martian knights suppressed the entire Earth Joint Army with their black technology armored cavalry in the previous war, in fact, the war potential of the entire Earth had not yet been fully stimulated, the industrial transformation in all aspects had not yet been completed, and the new equipment and weapons had not been equipped to the troops.

The reason why the Martian knights were able to achieve great results was half due to their black technology, and the other half was that the war was launched unexpectedly, leaving the Earth side with no time to make corresponding deployments.

If the war had been delayed for another year or two, it would have likely developed into a situation similar to that of the European battlefield in the late World War II - the Martian Empire, which had a technological advantage, was crushed by the Earth Union, which had a large number of reserve troops and huge productivity, just as the German Third Reich, which had the most advanced technology in the world, was overwhelmed by the cheap mass-produced equipment of the United States and the Soviet Union's human wave tactics.

After all, the advantage of a small number of advanced weapons cannot completely eliminate the huge gap in resources and population, and the Martians' black technology is not really invincible.

This can be seen from the original plot of the anime. A slightly smarter high school student can use the knowledge learned from the textbook to defeat the Martian knights who rely on black technology one by one. It can be seen that the Martian black technology weapons are strong, but in fact they are all seriously biased, and they are not really all-round. Overwhelming Earth technology.

Therefore, in the case of being unable to completely widen the technological generation gap, the gap in size and number is still one of the biggest factors that determine the final direction of the war.

As the founding emperor who established the Weiser Empire, the old emperor knew better than anyone the strength and fragility of the Weiser Empire - the strength is in terms of military force and technology, and the fragility is in terms of size and economy.

In any case, the Earth United Government is a political, economic and military entity with a population of more than 6 billion. If they really want to fight, the Martian Empire with scarce resources and sparse population will definitely not be able to outlast the Earthlings.

Especially under their previous economic structure that was fully inclined towards the military industry, the economic situation of the entire country was very severe. If they drag it on for a few more years, the economic system of the entire Martian Empire might really collapse completely. At that time, let alone defeating the Earthlings to rule the Earth, even their own people might rebel.

Not to mention that ordinary people's rebellion is meaningless to the rulers who control the power of Aldnoah, sometimes those who take the lead in rebellion are those who really control the power.

For example, those small groups of nobles who once held different political views, and the "internal thieves" who dared to assassinate the emperor, if the country is really in turmoil, these people may not be able to resist jumping out to "come again" assassinate! In fact, another reason why the old emperor was unwilling to start a war right now was that the political power struggle within the Weisser Empire had entered a white-hot stage.

After more than two years of investigation, the assassination of the second-generation emperor had completely become a headless case.

Because there was really no evidence (in fact, there was no evidence), the old emperor could not just dismiss any noble family at will, so he could only find some unlucky nobles to take the blame in the name of "poor protection".

Later, he used various excuses to severely punish the small group of nobles who had once opposed the second-generation emperor, stripped them of their titles and positions, deprived them of their privileges, and took back their territories... All kinds of political tricks made those nobles feel like they were in heaven.

And not only that, the old emperor saw that the current situation in the empire was very wrong. The power of those nobles had expanded too much, and there was a tendency that they could not be cut off. Therefore, he vigorously strengthened the centralization of the empire, actively gathered the control over various key resources of the empire, and slashed the over-expanded power of the nobles, which aroused the dissatisfaction of most of the nobles.

Some of the nobles who were suspected and treated harshly by the emperor were completely alienated from the royal family, but they did not dare to tear their faces openly because of the absolute control of the old emperor over the core of Aldnoah. However, they had begun to obey the old emperor in public and disobeyed him in many things. On the one hand, they pretended to obey the old emperor's orders, and on the other hand, they continued to do their own thing in their own territory, ignoring the central government's orders.

Although there were still a small number of nobles who maintained a high degree of loyalty to the royal family and stood firmly on the side of the royal family in the struggle between the royal family and the noble class, the vast majority of other nobles chose to stand aside in this series of power struggles, neither helping the royal family to reduce their own interests, nor helping those alienated nobles to strongly resist the old emperor.

They will only stand on the side of the final winner.

In simple terms, they are fence-sitters.

In this case, launching a war against the Earth will only keep those greedy nobles away from the sight of the royal family, reduce the royal family's control over the empire, and even give some of the traitors among them more opportunities to collude with the earthlings. To this day, the old emperor still believes that the death of the second-generation emperor was a conspiracy between a certain noble and the earthlings.

Rather, now that there is no evidence, this suspicion has become more firm. If it is not a noble with great power, how could the evidence of such a thing be completely wiped out? In addition, the people who died this time were only some third-class citizens of the empire who were sent to the earth as spies. They died and died! Moreover, most of these spies were sent by various nobles. Seriously speaking, it is really unknown whether it belongs to the power of the empire or the power of those nobles.

For the lives of such a few inferior people, he went to fight with the earthlings to the death. Although the old emperor is old, he is not senile! ')122'\u003eChapter 121 The pink-haired second princess...only three years old now

Although he caused the political chaos on Mars and the purge within the Earth government, Fang Yuan no longer cared about these trivial matters that had nothing to do with him after he had done what he should do.

He had more important work to do.

...  "Who would have thought that this poor little girl was actually the illegitimate daughter of the Martian emperor..."  Fang Yuan looked at the mother and daughter who were struggling to survive in the dilapidated apartment building, or more accurately, at the young girl who was already disabled at a young age.

Fang Yuan has been observing them for quite some time.

This is the moon, the lunar city.

After two years, Fang Yuan once again landed on the moon, but this time he was not there to blow up another emperor, but for another purpose.

Yes, it was for the illegitimate daughter of the royal family of the Weiser Empire who was stranded outside.

To be precise, it was for the Aldnoah activation factor in her body!   It has been quite some time since Fang Yuan got the Aldnoah core.

In his research, he found that some structures of Aldnoah can produce spatial distortion when strong energy passes through, and some energy may even disappear out of thin air - not converted into other forms of energy or matter, but completely disappear! Fang Yuan guessed that this should be Aldnoah connecting the three-dimensional space with another unknown dimension in some way, and this unknown dimension should be its real energy source.

This discovery alone is a huge gain for Fang Yuan.

However, even so, Fang Yuan still failed to really start a complete Aldnoah core. As for how to freely control this connection and energy exchange with the extra dimension, Fang Yuan is still a little helpless.

In the final analysis, Aldnoah's identity authentication and confidentiality mechanism is indeed very good. Fang Yuan has tried to crack it, but there has been no progress so far.

For this reason, he needs a living material that can start the Aldnoah core.

Originally, he thought about whether to sneak into a Martian military base and kidnap a Martian knight, but then he thought that doing so might directly intensify the conflict between Mars and Earth and trigger war again, so he had to give up.

When sorting out the anime plot in his memory again, Fang Yuan discovered something he had overlooked. The second princess who appeared in the plot once said that she was the daughter of the second emperor of the Weiser Empire who made a mistake on the moon. She was also saved by Count Zazbarum after Heaven's Fall.

In other words, before Heaven's Fall happened, she should still be on the moon!   So, Fang Yuan came here, the Moon City, the first extraterrestrial city built by humans after entering the interstellar colonization era.

Because of the war between Martians and Earthlings, the moon has become no longer safe as a war front, especially after the assassination of the emperor, the entire Moon City has become much more desolate.

For those lunar residents, whether returning to Mars or simply descending to Earth, it is much better than staying in this broken place that may be blown up by nuclear bombs at any time.

However, just like there are beggars and vagrants in all countries, this lunar city is not a paradise on earth.

There are also civilians who can't even afford a spaceship ticket. Many people don't want to leave this increasingly desolate city, but they don't even have the qualifications to leave, and can only continue to live a difficult and mechanical life in this city.

For example, this single mother who raised a daughter with congenital leg disabilities, from her daily words and deeds, it can be seen that she used to be a well-educated lady, but now she can only live a hard life with a burden that is destined to bring her double burden, doing some sweeping and servant work.

However, this young mother did not complain or give up because of the hardships of life. Instead, she faced every day positively, worked hard, lived hard, and tried hard to take care of her poor and lovely daughter. Although her face often showed tiredness and worry, she never fell into numbness or despair.

This is really a very strong and great mother.

To be honest, when Fang Yuan saw this woman, he hesitated for a moment, should he not disturb their peaceful life?   But the next moment, he put his hesitation behind him.

He told himself that he did this for the good of the mother and daughter. After all, life in the lunar city was already difficult. His intervention could at least allow them to live a more affluent life, so that they would not have to worry about whether they could have a full meal every day like now.

And even if he did not take action, the peaceful life of the mother and daughter would still be broken-Fang Yuan had discovered that in addition to him, there were actually others who were eyeing this family.

"These people... are not ordinary hooligans!" Fang Yuan monitored the every move of this group of suspicious people through the monitoring screen of the micro drone.

These are three groups of 12 monitors, each forming a four-person team to monitor the mother and daughter in groups, 24 hours a day, uninterrupted, and very professional, and the various props and equipment used are all military grade.

"Has any Martian noble noticed this royal illegitimate daughter..." Fang Yuan guessed the identity of this group of people.

Although Zazbarum, who adopted the second princess in the original plot, did not hate the royal family as much as in the original book because he did not have a dead fiancée, he would not think of looking for this unrecognized second princess as his pawn.

But the current situation of the Martian Empire is not the same as in the original plot. Now that the contradictions between the old emperor and the nobles have intensified, various open and secret struggles between the royal family and the nobles are emerging one after another. In addition, although the fact that the second-generation emperor has an illegitimate child is secret, it is not completely impossible to trace. It is not surprising that someone noticed this royal illegitimate daughter.

Of course, it is also possible that the old emperor himself noticed his granddaughter who was wandering outside, so he sent people to monitor and protect her - but this possibility is really small, because in this case, the old emperor should directly bring them back to Mars. Whether they are hidden under house arrest or directly exposed, it is better than wandering among the people like now.

"But no matter what the situation is, she is my important research material, I can't give it to you!" Fang Yuan did not hesitate and killed all the monitors directly.

After searching the memories of these people, he found that the master behind them was a Martian Count named Reinhardt.

Reinhardt... Fang Yuan had never heard of this name, and it seemed that he had not been mentioned in the original plot, but the 37 Martian nobles in the original plot had never appeared at all, so it was not surprising that a supporting noble who Fang Yuan had never heard of appeared.

Knowing that they were not the old emperor's men, Fang Yuan naturally felt relieved. If the old emperor had known about the existence of this illegitimate daughter and took her away, in order not to directly trigger a war, Fang Yuan would have to spend energy to frame other Martian nobles. Since it has been confirmed that the people who appeared here have nothing to do with the royal family, Fang Yuan naturally has no scruples.

')123'\u003eChapter 122 Negotiation

"Excuse me... Sir, what do you want to talk to me about?" The young mother looked at the man in front of her with some uneasiness.

Although the other party now looks like an ordinary office worker, the woman who witnessed the other party emerging from the air like a ghost could not regard the other party as an ordinary person.

'Is it an agent of the empire? Could it be that the child's identity has been exposed...' The young mother, who did not know the true technical level of the Martian Empire and only knew that they had technology beyond that of humans on Earth, instinctively attributed all incredible phenomena to the super technology of the Martian Empire.

"Don't worry, I mean no harm!" The man smiled warmly, trying to relax the mother who looked like she might run away at any time.

"Is that so?" The mother smiled reluctantly, stammering, "Then, then who are you, sir?"  "Don't worry, I'm not from the Weiser Empire.

Anaheim Company, I think you should have heard of this name, ma'am."

The first half of the man's words made the woman so nervous that she could hardly breathe - if she was not from the Weiser Empire, then she must be from the Earth Union... Could it be that even the Earthlings knew her daughter's identity? What should she do...  But after hearing the second half of the words, she was greatly relieved - it was good that she was not from the Earth Union Army...  But then a question came to her mind - why, why was it Anaheim Company?  Of course she had heard of the name of this company. In fact, almost no one in the entire lunar city did not know about this company.

Whether it was bionic prostheses or artificial organs, these advanced products that did not look like products of Earth technology at all caused a sensation in the entire human civilization as soon as they appeared. Even the Martians had heard of them, not to mention the original Earthlings who were stranded on the moon.

In fact, if it were not for the trade embargo between the Weiser Empire and the Earth, the young mother even thought about whether to use bionic prostheses to replace her daughter's congenitally disabled legs.

"You... Why did Anaheim come to me?" The woman asked with some doubt.

"You actually want to ask, do I know your true identity?" The man seemed to see what the young mother was thinking, and he didn't shy away from telling the truth: "Yes, I do know your identity, especially your child, the illegitimate daughter of the second emperor of the Weiser Empire. She has attracted the attention of many people!" His words startled the woman, and she couldn't help but rush back to the room to take her daughter away, but her final reason made her firmly restrain this impulse.

"... You, what do you want to do with her?" The woman was not a vase that knew nothing. She knew very well what it meant for a royal member of the Weiser Empire to fall into the hands of the earthlings in the current world situation.

But she also knew that she could not escape, nor could she resist. She still remembered how the other party appeared. It must be some kind of super technology, which could not be resisted... "Don't worry! I promise, no one will hurt your child!" The man smiled and shook his head. He said, "On the contrary, I am here to help you. Your child, that girl, is born with disabled legs, right? We can cure her!" "..." The woman did not speak immediately after hearing this. She didn't know whether she should believe what the person in front of her said. Can it really be cured? It should be possible... After all, this Anaheim company is said to have many advanced technologies like the Martians... But will they really help with the treatment? She is not sure, after all, her daughter's true identity is there... However, the young mother knew that she did not have the right to choose, so after a long silence, she nodded and said, "Okay, then, what should I do?" Fang Yuan watched the woman in front of him make a choice, and couldn't help but feel very satisfied with her sense of taste and decisiveness.

To be honest, he himself did not want to do such a shameless thing as bullying orphans and widows, and it was really great that she agreed to cooperate.

"You don't need to do anything more. I will take you and your daughter away from the moon and return to Earth for resettlement.

We will also provide you with a suitable job so that you can live a normal life.

As for your daughter, we will start to treat her immediately after returning to Earth, and guarantee that we will give you a healthy daughter!" Hearing the promise made by the man in front of her, the woman nodded hesitantly. She wanted to ask something, but when the words came to her mouth, she swallowed them back.

She knew that some things might not be answered even if they were asked. The other party had already done their best to give such favorable conditions. No matter what they wanted to do with themselves or their daughter in the future, they had no room for objection.

"Then, go and pack up, take the things you think you need to take away, the journey back to Earth may be beyond your imagination!" As he said this, the man stood up from his chair and motioned the woman to act as soon as possible.

"Ah... OK! I'll go right away..." The young mother stood up in a hurry, looking around the small and cramped shabby apartment in a bit of a panic. She wanted to take away everything she could, but she was worried that it would be a bad idea to take too many things, and she didn't know what to pack for a while.

Fang Yuan looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel more pity for this poor little woman - a young woman in her 20s and less than 30 years old, forced into this state by life... The Martian emperor who was blown to death by himself really deserved to die. Even from the perspective of ordinary people, this kind of guy who played with a woman and made her pregnant but then ignored and let her fend for herself was a complete scum, and it was not too much to die a hundred times! ... In the end, the woman decided not to take anything except a pendant that she was reluctant to wear on weekdays, and followed the man who claimed to be an Anaheim employee.

When she stepped out of the door, she hesitated. Was this a scam? Was the other party from Anaheim? What would the future be like for her and her daughter? ... However, when she looked back at the shabby apartment where she had lived for several years, she threw away all her hesitation, doubt, cowardice and other emotions - how bad could it be? In fact, what she was more concerned about at this moment was the "unimaginable journey" that the man had mentioned before. How "unimaginable" would it be? However, when she really got on the road, she realized that the other party was right. This road back to Earth was indeed beyond imagination! ')124'\u003eChapter 123 Anaheim Technology is the First in the Solar System! (Funny)

"This... Sir, how should we leave the moon?" The young mother followed the man in front of her step by step, but she found that she was not heading towards the airport, but towards the edge of the city? "Don't worry, since I can sneak in here quietly without being noticed by the Martians, I can also take you out quietly."

"Yes, is that so..." Fang Yuan saw the woman's uneasiness, but he was too lazy to explain too much, because she would know it later anyway.

... "Mom, where are we going?" The little girl who had been held by her mother woke up from her sleep, but suddenly found that she was not in the familiar home.

The little girl instinctively began to panic, but when she saw her mother holding her tightly, she immediately felt relieved.

The little girl with beautiful pink hair did not cry like other children of this age. Instead, she was very sensible and well-behaved in her mother's arms, curiously looking at the scenery along the way, and asking her mother all kinds of questions.

"We are going to travel to the Earth, the beautiful Earth with the blue sky and blue sea. There are all kinds of animals, birds, and fish..." Although the young mother was feeling uneasy, she did not show it. Instead, she described the scenery that she herself had almost forgotten to her daughter with her usual gentle smile.

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