The result was a huge disappointment to her. Isn't this no different from an ordinary modern city? However, what made her most uneasy was the unpredictable alchemist in front of her. Where did he want to take her? do what? She really couldn't rest assured if she didn't ask.

"We are going to the place where you appeared!" Fang Yuan did not hide anything and stated his purpose straightforwardly.

"Where did I appear?" The girl was a little confused at first, so she didn't realize it soon. This probably refers to the place where she traveled to this "different world".

"Can you find this too?" the girl asked curiously.

To be honest, even Yuzuka Satsuki himself didn't know exactly what the situation was like when she traveled through time.

In the previous interrogation, she had already said that she fell into a state of confusion due to not drinking blood for a long time in her original world, and when she came back to her senses, she was already tied up in Fang Yuan's experiment. In the room.

In this way, let alone finding the exact place where she came into this world, she is still confused about how she traveled through time.

However, for Fang Yuan, it is not impossible to find the place where this vampire descended. "I have checked all the traffic camera records in this city and have determined that you first appeared in the city. approximate location.

As for what happens next, it depends on luck. "

Fang Yuan said so.

"Luck?" The girl tilted her head, a little confused.

"Yes, luck."

Fang Yuan nodded, and then said something that made the girl even more shocked: "In fact, you are not the first outsider to come to our world."

"Huh?" "Yes, before you, countless creatures from another world have come to our world, but those like you who have human appearance and personality and can communicate smoothly are Found none."

What Fang Yuan is actually talking about is the "advent of fantasy monsters" events that have occurred all over the world. If we look at the two points of inhuman race and extraordinary power, even our vampire lady is also in this category.

After many time travels, Fang Yuan felt more and more that the "traveling of visitors from other worlds" theory proposed by the researcher who was not recognized by most people was probably the real reason why fantasy monsters and even secret realms appeared in this world. reason.

However, as Fang Yuan said, among all the currently known fantasy monsters and otherworldly creatures found in secret realms, only Yumizuka Go is the only one with human appearance and personality who can integrate into human society normally. Month alone.

And, most importantly, she is a named character from a confirmed fantasy work.

This is completely different from any fantasy monster I've ever discovered before! "Does it mean that... I am special?" The girl asked emotionally, even her scarlet pupils were exposed.

"It's really special..." Fang Yuan said this, seeing Yuzuka Satsuki's performance in the rearview mirror, and was a little surprised by her excitement.

"Finally... finally someone said that I am special!!!" The vampire girl looked like she was crying with joy, coupled with the words she said, it was really embarrassing, but also very funny.

Okay, Fang Yuan finally remembered. In the original work, this girl has always been an unnoticed Akarin, with such a low sense of existence that she would be forgotten by her classmates. Now someone says to her face that she is special... "It's really A guy who is easily satisfied..." Fang Yuan chuckled, turned the steering wheel, and drove the car into a deserted alley.

... "Um... uncle, did you bring me here to do something to me?" The girl who looked like a high school student looked at the surrounding environment - at night, in the deserted alley, alone and pitiful. A helpless girl, a tall, powerful, and powerful adult man... This almost has all the elements of some kind of short movie, okay! She was really scared! Although there is no way to read the girl's mind, there is no need to read her mind. Fang Yuan could tell what she was thinking just by looking at her expression. He couldn't help but roll his eyes and said with some displeasure: "Even if I want to do something to you , there's no need to take you outside to do it! Isn't it easier to do it in my base? Besides, there is no part of your body that I haven't seen, a dry little girl, you want to have breasts, you want to do it? A butt without a butt, not attractive at all..." The dry little girl... Wanting breasts but not breasts, a butt but not an ass... Not attractive at all... Although to Fang Yuan, he just used a flat tone. It shows that he is not interested in the body of the vampire girl at all, but to the ears of the person involved, every word Fang Yuan said was a complete personal attack, like sharp arrows piercing her chest, hitting her heart, Arrow after arrow stabbed her until she was bleeding all over the ground... "Yes, I am just such a dry little girl, with no figure and no sense of existence. I am such an inconspicuous person..." Seeing that, The girl with the ORZ shape was about to turn gray. Only then did Fang Yuan realize that he had just hit the girl's pain point hard.

Stepping forward and touching the little girl's head, Fang Yuan said: "Don't be discouraged, don't despair, you are still young, there is still room for development in the future..." At this point, Fang Yuan patted his head as if he had just remembered. : "Ah, I forgot, you have become a vampire, and it seems that you can't continue to develop in the future!" What about the fatal last hit... Yuzuka Satsuki: "...Wow~~!!!" Vampire The girl really cried! First update, today's update is a bit late, please forgive me')192'\u003eChapter 191 Good News and Bad News

"Crying... it's too much..." The dark alley, the tall man, the sobbing girl, this scene makes people who don't know think it is some kind of indescribable aftermath scene.

But this is actually a scene of a vampire girl who will never grow up. After her false illusions were severely shattered by a loveless cold-blooded alchemist, she lost hope and cried bitterly... "Okay, okay, okay." Isn’t it just that the figure can’t continue to grow? It’s so superficial that you can’t even look at such a trivial matter..." Fang, who was not embarrassed at all when he made the girl cry, completely ignored the girl’s full expression. With resentful eyes, he said sarcastic words very calmly.

"It's not a trivial matter!" Yuzuka Satsuki no longer cared about the fear of Fang Yuan in her heart at this time. Being stabbed hard at her pain point, she released all the courage she had accumulated since she was born, and shouted loudly to someone unknown. The bastard who understood the girl's thoughts complained: "This is the dream of young girls! Give me back my hope and my future!!!" Fang Yuan: "..." Could it be that a girl's hope and future is to have a pair of In good shape? Then this hope and future are too cheap! "And what does this have to do with me?" Am I wrong to tell the truth? Fang Yuan wanted to say this, but when he saw the girl's face full of tears, he finally suppressed his words - forget it, let's stop bullying the little girl... After a long time, he finally packed up. The vampire girl kept a low-pressure look, lowered her head, said nothing, and just followed Fang Yuan's footsteps step by step.

They kept walking, and kept walking, until an hour later, the two of them had walked every inch of the streets in the nearby blocks, and Fang Yuan finally stopped.

"Hey!" The girl who had been blindly following Fang Yuan was caught off guard and bumped into his back, letting out a scream.

However, she was not like an ordinary girl who loses her balance and falls to the ground and screams after hitting someone. Instead, she screams because she is worried that she will hurt the person if she hits someone.

You know, with the power of a vampire body, her unintentional collision is enough to knock an ordinary person into a pulp! However, she reacted in the next moment.

The hateful guy in front of her is not an ordinary person, but a mysterious alchemist who is almost omnipotent in her opinion. This small impact will never hurt him - rather, if it really hits him If she dies, then she can just take revenge for mocking her body! Well, in the eyes of the vampire girl, Fang Yuan’s almost personal attack remarks before were even more abominable than killing the girl dozens of times before! Unfortunately, just as Yuzuka Satsuki expected, her "murderous collision" attack did not have any effect.

Even before going out, Fang Yuan had already placed a layer of close-fitting space shield on his body. The girl's "small" collision, like a train crash, was completely absorbed by the twisted and looping space layer without causing any ripples.

"Tch!" The girl spat in a low voice, what a pity... Fang Yuan didn't pay attention to the girl's little movements, but looked ahead with a serious face, where there seemed to be nothing. "Sure enough..." "What's wrong? Did you find anything?" Fang Yuan just used the word "sure enough" in Chinese. The girl didn't understand it, but she could see Fang Yuan's expression and naturally knew what he had discovered.

"Your arrival is indeed special!" Fang Yuan spoke in Japanese this time. Yuzuka Satsuki understood it, but she still didn't know what Fang Yuan had discovered.

"Is there... anything there?" She followed Fang Yuan's gaze and found that there was just an empty space with nothing there. However, thinking of Fang Yuan's identity as an alchemist, could it be that he saw something? Things that ordinary people can't see, such as ghosts and so on... Thinking of this——(\u003e﹏Although she herself is already one of the "monsters" in the eyes of ordinary people, the nature of a Japanese high school girl is still the same The fear of ghosts and other things lingered in her heart... Most girls would be afraid! While the girl was trembling, Fang Yuan was communicating with his AI somewhere out of earshot.

[The distortion of the deep space here is very similar to that near the entrance and exit of the secret realm, but there is no other space bubble outside the surface space, but a healing space rift.

】 【In other words, has there ever been a space passage here? 】 【Yes, based on the existing conditions, this is most likely the space-time channel between the world where Miss Yuzuka Satsuki was born and the main world, but now this channel has been disconnected.",

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