Fang Yuan pulled the vampire girl to stand in the corner of the formation, asking her to stay in the circle at her feet and not move.

"Then what? Will there be a 'pop' next, and I can return to the original world?" Knowing that this is a very serious moment, the girl did not dare to neglect Fang Yuan's request, so she naturally obeyed it obediently, but her... Her uncontrollable curiosity still drove her to ask this question.

"It's not that simple!" Fang Yuan rolled his eyes, and then said: "Okay, don't move around there! It will start soon!" Fang Yuan first dropped a drop in the center of the formation diagram, enough for 22 people. The Philosopher's Stone, and then he walked into another corner of the formation.

Then, he was seen kneeling down, clasping his hands together in a prayer gesture.

After a moment, Fang Yuan opened his eyes and pressed his released hands to the formation diagram on the ground.

The next moment, blood-red lightning exploded in the circulating "circle", and the overflowing dragon vein energy turned into a powerful energy storm, raging throughout the underground testing site. In an unprecedented phenomenon, a seal seemed to be carved in time and space. The towering stone gate above emerged from the void, standing right in front of the two people in the formation.

boom------! ! ! A muffled sound that could not be heard by ordinary people and could only be heard by those extraordinary people whose spirits had already embarked on the extraordinary path resounded throughout the world.

On the surface, due to the arrival of the Gate of Truth, the atmosphere within hundreds or thousands of kilometers near the entire city surged. Thundercloud storms that had been rare in hundreds of years gathered at an unscientific speed. The center of the storm , exactly where Fang Yuan’s underground base is located.

... "This is..." More than a thousand kilometers away in Zhongnan Mountain, the alarmed Taoist priest walked out of the Taoist temple and looked south in the direction he sensed.

Although he did not have the Buddhist clairvoyance, the Taoist priest had developed considerable magic power. Using magic to bless his eyes, he could still see the abnormal gathering of clouds in the distance and the turmoil of vitality hidden under the clouds.

He intended to use the method of fugue to investigate, but the sense of crisis in his heart made him give up the idea in the end.

Although he didn't know what was going on over there, his intuition told him that it was not a good place and should not be touched lightly! Having suffered a big loss in divination last time, the Taoist priest did not dare to neglect his intuition, so he turned back to the Taoist temple, closed the door, and remained silent.

Not just him, but at this moment, the entire earth, any strong person with a certain level of spiritual power can faintly feel the unusual energy riot in East Asia.

"What happened over there in China?" People in the United States, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia... or in cities, in military bases, or in inaccessible mountains and jungles have asked this question.

Of course, without exception, they all felt the sense of crisis that came from deep in their hearts and could not be ignored at all, warning them not to be curious, not to explore, and not to go there in person - that was enough to kill them easily. The horror! ... Fang Yuan, who was underground, didn't know that his summoning the Door of Truth to enter the real world would actually cause such a big commotion, but even if he knew it, it would be useless, because when the Door of Truth came, things could no longer stop. He could only end it all by continuing the ritual and truly opening the door to another world.

However, summoning the Door of Truth is only the first step; the next steps are crucial.

Positioning, this is the most important point of independent travel. If you travel directly without accurate positioning, God knows what kind of world you will fall into after crossing the gate! With the best luck, he may be able to enter a living world. If he is unlucky, he might just open the door and enter a star in another universe.

What's more, if you enter a universe where the basic mathematical laws are incompatible with the real universe, such as 1+1=3, even the basis for the existence of matter may not exist, let alone Fang Yuan. Plant a place to survive.

Therefore, locating world coordinates is a top priority in the process of traveling through the world.

Then, the next key is how to obtain this coordinate.

Originally, there were endless worlds behind the Gate of Truth. No matter which world Fang Yuan wanted to go to, Master Bubble would send him there with great enthusiasm.

However, this time he was going to the world where Yuzuka Satsuki was born.

Of course Fang Yuan knew that she was born in the world of "Yue Ji", which was a parallel world under the so-called Xingyue system world.

The key is, how to sift out that specific water droplet from the endless sea of ​​worlds comparable to countless numbers? So, this needs an introduction.

And this introduction is naturally Ms. Yuzuka Satsuki who was born in that world! As Fang Yuan's thoughts moved, more runes and totems appeared again in the underground formation. The blood-red lightning that originally only circulated in the "circle" was like a spiritual snake, moving with lightning speed. Speed ​​wrapped around the vampire girl's body.

"Eaaaah-" Being entangled by the electric snake, Yuzuka Satsuki, who was shocked by the appearance of the Gate of Truth, instinctively screamed and closed his eyes suddenly.

If she hadn't remembered Fang Yuan's instructions, she almost couldn't help but run away from here.

However, the expected electric shock pain did not come. Although the blood-red electric snake looked like lightning, it was actually just the manifestation of high-concentration refining energy in the outside world.

When they touched the body of the vampire girl, they did not cause any harm to her. Instead, they broke into pieces, one into thousands, and shattered into countless tiny lightnings that were invisible to the naked eye, penetrating from the surface of the body into every cell, every molecule, every atom in Yuzuka Mayu's body, and even into the spatial foundation of the underlying material and the Planck length of quantum mechanics.

These refining lightnings carried Fang Yuan's spirit, allowing him to observe and analyze the vampire girl from the deepest and most basic perspective.

He knew that the space-time coordinates existed in the girl's body.

Finally - the spiritual tentacles that penetrated into the spatial foundation level touched a certain "existence".

It was something that could not be accurately described in words. It was neither matter, nor energy, nor soul. It was information, but it was more vague and difficult to distinguish than ordinary information.

That can be said to be a kind of "record", recording the source and origin of this vampire girl, this body, and this soul.

But it is not the so-called mathematical coordinates - in fact, the world cannot be expressed by mathematical coordinates at all. The so-called "coordinates" are just a synonym used for the convenience of understanding.

As far as Fang Yuan personally feels, this is more like a vague description, containing various special concepts and elements. It seems that as long as you follow the guidance of these elements, you can find the corresponding world in the endless world.

It seems that this is the so-called "world coordinates"! ')196'\u003eChapter 195 Clone, Crossing, Coming

"Now!" After obtaining the coordinates, Fang Yuan did not delay any longer and directly transmitted them to the Gate of Truth through spiritual connection.

Then in the next moment, the tall stone-like portal opened with a bang, and tentacles composed of shadows stretched out from the endless darkness behind the door, entwining the two people in the formation diagram.

"What...what is this!!!" The vampire girl who felt something was wrong opened her eyes bravely, but as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw such a scene of losing San points, and she was so frightened that she couldn't even speak.

"Don't worry, it's okay. No matter what happens next, don't move. If you are really scared, just close your eyes!" Fang Yuan said while looking at his gradually decomposing body, unaware that his current appearance caused more fear to the girl than these shadow tentacles.

However, for him, he didn't know how many times his body had been disassembled and reassembled, and he had seen this scene of the whole body being disassembled and then teleported many times, and he had long been accustomed to it.

Yuzuka Mayu: "X_X" Well, she was completely scared.

Then, the next moment, the two were completely rolled into the door by the tentacles, and the small drop of philosopher's stone in the center of the formation disappeared with them.

The Gate of Truth withdrew its tentacles and slammed shut. Just as it appeared, it gradually turned from a physical entity into an illusion and returned to the other side of time and space. The deserted underground test site finally returned to peace.

... A few minutes later - step, step, step, step, step... With the sound of footsteps, a figure appeared in the deserted underground test site. He looked at the messy scene around him, frowned, and snapped his fingers. After a slight flash of lightning, the entire underground test site returned to its original appearance.

Looking at the man's appearance again, it was Fang Yuan who had just passed through the Gate of Truth!   What happened?   It's very simple. Fang Yuan copied himself again!   This was the inspiration he got from a line in the A/Z world.

At the end of the last time he crossed, he copied another self for self-protection, but unexpectedly, when he returned to the present world, he found that the two selves in the two worlds were still consistent at the soul level.

In other words, he relied on quantum replication to directly make himself have an 100% identical incarnation! According to what Fang Yuan learned from the Taoist priest, the incarnation method is generally a great supernatural power that can only be cultivated after reaching the Yang God realm. Moreover, no matter how high or low the practice method is, it requires extremely precious treasures of heaven and earth as materials, and then supplemented by long-term practice to achieve it. Even the Taoist priest himself has not been able to cultivate it.

However, Fang Yuan, who has just started practicing Taoism, has achieved a similar effect with scientific and technological means!   Of course, Fang Yuan also knows that the incarnation formed by quantum replication is nothing, which is ultimately just a manifestation of the high-dimensional characteristics of the soul itself in 3+1 dimensional space-time.

But the reason why he can keep himself in different worlds consistent with his original body at the soul level is that he relies on the Gate of Truth in his mind as the hub of connection and transfer.

With this ability to easily replicate incarnations, Fang Yuan certainly can't go through it in person like before without leaving any way out, but chooses to let the replicated incarnation replace him to go to another world.

Even if he encountered misfortune in another world and his incarnation died completely, as long as the attack was not able to cross the protection of the Gate of Truth and directly hit the essence of his soul, Fang Yuan's main body would be fine. This greatly improved his ability to survive.

Well, no matter how many worlds Fang Yuan traveled through, no matter how powerful he gained, he did "never forget his original intention" and walked unswervingly on the road of "Gou", and he went further and further. ... ... ... "Eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah--"" The high-pitched girl's scream resounded throughout the forest, startling a large number of birds, and at the same time making the forest full of life. The animals, large and small, raised their heads in surprise and looked in the direction where the screams came from.

Unfortunately, their rudimentary brains prevent them from understanding what is happening over there.

After the screams disappeared, the animals also lost interest in continuing to pay attention, and continued to look for food, fight, and mate... And at the place where the screams came from-" Okay, okay! What are you screaming for?" Standing in front of the girl who had just made a strong noise pollution was a naked man. At this time, he was looking helplessly at the girl squatting on the ground. The little girl—well, she was also completely naked.

"Didn't I tell you already? I'm not interested in movies about little girls like you!" This man was of course Fang Yuan, and he also just realized that after time traveling in the physical body, there would be no clothes - -This is probably related to the fact that he only paid for the 22 souls needed for two "people" to travel through. As for the clothes...there is an additional charge! Therefore, Fang Yuan, who was playing physical time travel for the first time, was fooled. As soon as he landed, he had a "frank interview" with his traveling companion.

However, he can be "a gentleman and magnanimous", but the vampire girl opposite can't stand this - it's not that she can't stand being naked, but that he can't stand the guy opposite with a large piece of his lower body dangling! "You, you, you... this is not the key! Put on your clothes quickly! Don't let me see that kind of scary thing!" The girl covered her eyes and tilted her head, shouting loudly, looking like she was really being raped by Fang Yuan. Weapon” was frightened.

Well, if the gap between your fingers wasn't so big, I'd really believe it! Fang Yuan looked at the "pure girl" who was pretending to be shy speechlessly, but he himself didn't like to bare his buttocks outdoors, so he snapped his fingers and used the dead branches and leaves on the ground as materials to make a suit of clothes that fit him. Well, by the way, I also made a new sailor suit for the little girl opposite, which solved her dilemma.

However, at this time, Fang Yuan frowned.

He felt that in this world, performing alchemy was much more laborious than before.

The dragon veins and earth crust energy that were originally controlled like an arm now seem to have their own independent will, and are exceptionally unruly and unruly. He needs to spend more than ten times the mental power to control the same dragon vein power as before.

"...Sure enough, the restrained world is so troublesome!" When Yuzuka Satsuki finally recovered from the previous series of shocks (including being entangled by tentacles during time travel), Fang Yuan looked at the frightened vampire. girl.

He said: "A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Yuzuka Satsuki: "==_=" Are you doing this again... The third update')197'\u003eChapter 190 Chapter 6: Time Travel Error \u0026 Glowing Vampire Girl

"...So, what's the good news?" Although she had the intention to ignore this evil-minded guy, but thinking about the difference between the strength of the "enemy" and the weakness of the enemy, the vampire girl still endured it and asked obediently.

"The good news is that our time travel was successful, and this is indeed the 'Xingyue' world."

Seeing the little girl being so polite, Fang Yuan didn't put any more pretense and directly told the result.

"Type Moon World..." Yumizuka Satsuki muttered this term. Although he had read all the anime and game novels related to Moon World in the past month or so, and basically understood the meaning of "Type Moon World..." "Moon" world is a two-dimensional word concept, but she is still not used to the fact that "the world she was born and raised in is actually just a game and animation work in another world."

"So, what's the bad news?" the girl asked expressionlessly.

"The bad news is that because the bloodline in your body was activated during the time travel, there was an error in the time and 'location' of our arrival!" Fang Yuan stopped trying to keep it secret and directly told them about their current situation.

He added an accent to the word "position" to let the girl opposite know that the position he was talking about was not a spatial position in the general physical sense.

"Wait... wait!" After hearing Fang Yuan's words, the girl was a little confused: "I can understand that there are errors in time and location. After all, according to what you said, our 'Xingyue' world is There are concepts like parallel worlds... But why do you say it's because of my bloodline? Did I do something wrong? " "Can't you understand? In the past month, I saw you staying at home every day. You are watching anime and playing games online in your room, so in addition to the Moon World series, you must have also watched the "Monogatari" series of anime, right?" "Look... I have, what does this have to do with what you are talking about? "Then you should still remember that the elder sister who turned you into a vampire, Gessute Aselorion Bladeheart, one of her abilities is time travel and parallel world travel. !" When Fang Yuan said this, the vampire girl also reacted, and her face suddenly became panicked: "Is it difficult... Could it be that?" Fang Yuan nodded and said, "Because of the blood in your body. Interference, I made an error in positioning the target world, and did not accurately arrive in the world where you really came from. Now we should be living in a parallel world. "

Yuzuka Satsuki: "..." "Then what should we do? Do we need to hold another ceremony?" the girl asked anxiously.

To be honest, if she really lives in another world and can never return home, that's it. She who is not very stubborn by nature may simply give up her dream of going home and just find a way to live in another world. .

However, in this situation, there is only one step away from truly returning to her own world. The feeling that she has given hope but is just one step away is really a torment for the vampire girl.

Unfortunately, Fang Yuan did not give her the answer she hoped for - "Do you think that kind of ritual can be used casually?" At this time, Fang Yuan had also contacted the main world's deity, and naturally knew the summons. The Gate of Truth triggers a huge vision in the outside world.

This made him immediately alert. It seemed that summoning the gate of truth in the real world was not an insignificant matter! Especially since the world he is in now has the special existence of "inhibition power". Once he makes too much noise, the Heroic Spirit Servants, Magicians and the like may gather together to cause trouble for him.

Although his real body was far away in another world and he didn't have to worry about being beaten to death, even if he was a clone, Fang Yuan didn't want to give it away casually.

"Then...then what should we do now?" After listening to Fang Yuan's story, the vampire girl already knew that the ritual of opening the door to another world was not as simple as it seemed.

"Now? What we should do now is to find nearby cities and determine the time and place of our arrival!" Fang Yuan said.

... A few hours later, the two people who were originally in the woods had appeared in a well-decorated coffee shop. They were sitting on the window seat, drinking coffee comfortably while looking through some street articles. Newspapers bought from newsstands.

"Hmm -" The girl sitting opposite Fang Yuan let out a small groan with pain, as if she was enduring some kind of pain.

The afternoon sun shines on the girl's fair and flawless skin, and the reflected light makes her look as if she is glowing - no, in fact she is glowing! Fang Yuan's superhuman senses could see that the girl's skin under the sun was actually burning and healing all the time, but the speed of burning and healing was too fast. Most people cannot see this process at all, but because of the light emitted during this extremely short burning process, the girl who is essentially a vampire looks like the incarnation of the sun goddess, exuding a beautiful glow.

"I didn't expect your self-healing ability to be so strong! It's already comparable to your 'big sister'!" Fang Yuan sighed.

"But... this really... hurts!" The girl gritted her teeth, resisting the desire to scream, and spoke word by word.

Yes, anyone who is experiencing the burning and self-healing of the body every moment will be in pain to the point of doubting life.

"Then why don't you do what I said and wear a hooded robe that covers your whole body? That way you will feel much better!" Fang Yuan said.

Yes, a few hours ago, when Fang Yuan and the vampire girl walked out of the shadows of the woods and walked into the sun, Yuzuka Satsuki, who had forgotten that he was already a vampire, was directly scorched by the hot sun in the sky. When he was standing, he was suddenly rolling on the ground in pain.

At that time, Fang Yuan was still confused. He had seen the girl walk directly into the sun without any covering up. He thought she was full of confidence in her self-healing ability and thought she could move in the sun. Woolen cloth.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out of the shadow, he would be rolling around on the ground looking so embarrassed... "Would you like to change into some sun-protective clothes?" Fang Yuan suggested at that time.

But the girl, who had been rolling on the ground for several minutes, firmly refused and struggled to get up from the ground.

After rolling on the ground for a few minutes, she discovered that her self-healing ability was indeed strong enough to withstand sunlight. However, she had only been a vampire for too short a period of time and could not adapt to the effects of walking into the sunlight. The kind of pain that feels like peeling off skin.

It was hard for her to imagine that sister Jisi Xiute, who turned her into a vampire, was walking casually in the sun like a normal person, but she couldn't even see the slightest expression of pain. How strong was her spirit? "Since big sister can do it, I can do it too!" said the girl, who was once again strong-willed. She refused Fang Yuan's help and decided to adapt to this pain alone and truly become a person who can walk freely in the sun. A high-level vampire, look after her elder sister! However, the side effect of such persistence is that not only does she have to endure the pain of burning her body all the time, but her whole body is also glowing as if it has been treated with special effects. If the sun hadn't been particularly strong today, the abnormality on her body would have been noticed long ago. People discovered it! ')198'\u003eChapter 197 The despised Fang

"Um... did you find anything?" Although she had no time to pay attention to the outside world due to the severe pain on her body, the girl had somewhat adapted to the feeling of being illuminated by the sun. She saw Fang Yuan flipping through the pages. He asked, half puzzled and half diverted, from one newspaper after another filled with incomprehensible foreign languages.

"First of all, it's the location. The city we are in now is called Bucharest, which is the capital of Romania, an Eastern European country."

Fang Yuan shook a newspaper in his hand and pointed to the words "Bucharest Daily News" written in Romanian on it.

"...I don't understand...this doesn't seem to be English. Uncle, do you understand so many languages?" Although the girl only knows Japanese as her mother tongue and a little bit of Japanese English that foreigners will never understand, she can at least understand it. She could still recognize that the language in this newspaper was from a completely different language family, and it was like a sacred book to her.

"Well, I just learned it!" Fang Yuan said casually.

Yuzuka Satsuki: "..." What I just learned... Do humans have such exaggerated learning abilities? ! Well, in fact, this is Fang Yuan directly transmitting his own body, allowing himself in the main world to "download and install" the Romanian language pack through [Ether], and instantly learned another foreign language - and the body learned it, and the soul The avatars who are intrinsically connected will naturally be able to do it.

So Fang Yuan said that he just learned it, which is indeed correct.

As for why he was so roundabout and asked himself in the main world to go there instead of going directly, it was because Fang Yuan did not carry [ether] with him when he came to this world.

As I said before, the price of the Door of Truth is clearly marked for this time travel. One soul requires one person's soul as the price, and the body is the [ether] of the Philosopher's Stone. If you want to be carried through to another world , also needs to pay a price equal to its soul reserve.

This price was too high, and Fang Yuan couldn't afford it. It would be better to just let the clone travel naked, and after arriving at the destination, it would not be too late to collect souls and reconstruct an [ether].

However, the vampire girl didn't know this. She just marveled that the guy in front of her who claimed to be an alchemist was even more inhuman than a real vampire like her. Is there really nothing he can't do... "Eastern Europe Ah... we are half a world away from Japan..." The girl still thinks about her hometown. Even if this world is not the world she really came from, it is at least a parallel world with the same origin, the Japan of this world. , could there be another self, or even another self's parents... "Why, you want to go to Japan?" Fang Yuan could see the vampire girl's thoughts at a glance - this girl has no evil intentions, she is really easy to understand. .

"Hmm... Are there any taboos? For example, you can't see yourself in a parallel world?" The girl had also read some similar science fiction novels, so she instinctively thought about whether there would be any harm in doing so. Influence.

But Fang Yuan's next words made her feel relieved - "Don't worry, contacting another self in the parallel world is not a fatal thing.

But-" "But? "The girl's heart was lifted again.

"But we have to deal with the uninvited guests first!" "Eh?" The girl looked dumbfounded.

Only then did she realize that she and Fang Yuan were the only two people left in the coffee shop where there were originally many customers, and even the waiters and store managers had disappeared.

No, not just this cafe, but the entire surrounding neighborhood seemed to have been suddenly emptied. Streets that were originally filled with people and cars were now deserted.

Suddenly, her vampire instinct made her turn her head to look in the direction of the store door. There, a tall figure slowly approached in the sunshine. The shadow cast by the sun with his back turned instantly covered the vampire girl's petite body. It made her feel comfortable after enduring the burning sun.

However, physical relaxation does not bring spiritual relaxation——"Hey, look what I found? A dead apostle basking in the sun, this is a great discovery! If you bring your head back to the Cathedral Church, the crazy people in the burial mechanism should be very interested!" The undisguised murderous aura and killing intention of the visitor, mixed with a certain breath that made her, a vampire, feel suffocated, made the vampire girl fall into a dilemma more uncomfortable than basking in the sun in an instant.

"Is this... an enemy?" The scarlet blood pupils appeared in her eyes without deliberate urging. She didn't understand why she had attracted such a terrible enemy just after arriving in this world.

"Ah, yes, this is the biggest and most terrifying enemy of vampires like you in this world-the Cathedral Church... a hound under it!" After drinking a cup of coffee calmly, Fang Yuan slowly popularized the common sense of the inner world of this world to the new vampire who knew nothing.

"No, I can still recognize the people from the Cathedral Church! I saw that priest's uniform and the cross!" The girl said, "Don't think that I just watched anime in the past month. I have also read all the setting collections related to the world view! What I don't understand is why they found us so quickly?" "Oh? Are you wondering why I could find you?" The uninvited guest who interrupted Fang Yuan and Yumatsuka Satsuki's afternoon tea laughed twice, and then said in a tone full of morbid murderous intent: "It's all because the stench of your corpse is too strong. It's too heavy! I was just strolling around, and I found something incredible in this city. The dead who blasphemed the gods were walking in broad daylight! You trash who are enemies of humans, have you invented some tricks to disguise yourself as humans? " "... You keep saying that the corpse stinks, and you call them trash... You are the real trash!" Although Yuzuka Satsuki knew that the clergy of the Cathedral Church hated the Dead Apostles very much, and most of them even held a hatred mentality, her girlish heart would never tolerate the other party's personal slander against her! She is a serious high school girl, okay! How can it smell! "Hehe, it looks like a little guy who has just reached adulthood..." Seeing Yuzuka Satsuki's reaction, the uninvited agent of the Cathedral Church immediately judged that this should be just a young Dead Apostle who had just become a vampire, and it seemed that he had no experience in dealing with church personnel.

He turned his gaze to someone who had been very calm from the beginning, looked at him carefully, and then said with a contemptuous tone: "There is also a bastard who doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, a scum who has deviated from the right path.

That's right, the only ones who can be mixed with these rotten corpses are rubbish magicians like you!" In his opinion, the only one who can remain calm in this situation is not a Dead Apostle, so it can only be a magician.

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