The last time he slipped away from the eyes of the government, and he has not been found by them until now, which also reduced Fang Yuan's fear of the state machine. At least they are not really like what is described in some works. If you use superpowers the day before, the state will come to your door the next day.

In this case, maybe he can take the initiative to contact the relevant people in the government?   Anyway, he now has alchemy in his hands, and changing his appearance is just a matter of thought. As long as the other party does not have any fantasy means such as breath tracking and soul locking, it is still attractive to contact other supernatural people in the country.

However... In which department will the superpowers in the government be?   Fang Yuan must first figure this out.

...  However, the development of things in the world will not always follow your ideas.

Just when Fang Yuan was struggling with how to contact the superpowers in the government in a natural and safe way, he suddenly made a new discovery.

In this city, it seems that there are many more foreigners unknowingly? Well, it shouldn't be said that much. After all, when Fang Yuan went out occasionally, he only saw a few teams of foreign tourists with blond hair and blue eyes or different degrees of black skin, taking pictures in the streets and alleys of this city or playing live broadcasts on their mobile phones.

All this seemed normal, as if a group of foreign tourists who were interested in small Chinese cities suddenly came.

But the premise of saying this is that they are really "tourists"!   Although Fang Yuan's own fighting ability can only be regarded as second-rate among the alchemists, regardless of physical fitness, compared with those real top close combat masters, he can barely parry.

But at least he can tell from a person's walking posture and small movement habits whether this is just an ordinary foreign tourist or a well-trained professional warrior.

And according to Fang Yuan's observations, there is no doubt that the identities of these "tourists" are problematic!   Could it be that there is something special here that is enough to attract foreign spy organizations/mercenary organizations?   Fang Yuan's many years of experience as a novel reader, coupled with the changes that happened to him, made him think of this aspect all of a sudden.

To some extent, Fang Yuan's guess hit the mark.

But unlike his guess, it was not that something "again" happened in this city, but that something that "had" happened before finally reached the ears of some people abroad.

')020'\u003eChapter 20 The greatest value of superpowers is to be studied

"Fuck! Are the people at the customs eating shit? They actually let these suspicious people in casually?!" At this moment, when Fang Yuan was secretly thinking about a series of spy secrets, a guy who also noticed these foreigners began to curse, completely ignoring that her queen temperament was completely destroyed.

Yes, it was the strong female civil servant Captain Liu who almost caused a big disaster before, or had already caused a disaster but fortunately the consequences were not particularly serious.

Because her decision almost caused serious damage to the country's precious resources (Taoists), and an unknown extraordinary strongman appeared in the local area, she was ordered to stay in this small city for a long time. Either she found the unknown strongman to make up for her crime, or wait for her superiors to calm down and transfer her back to the headquarters.

Although her civil servant position and salary were not downgraded, she was almost demoted anyway - after all, in the central and local governments, even if they were in the same position, their status was half a level lower.

What made her so angry that she even ruined her temperament and swore was the foreign "tourists" who suddenly poured into the city.

"...Captain Liu, there's nothing we can do about it! These people's passports are all real, and they don't carry any dangerous items. There is no bad record registered in the past. The customs can't find a reason to refuse visas..." Xiao Zhang, the tall and strong team member with a tough muscular image, was also sent to the city to garrison as Captain Liu's follower. At this time, he was persuading his captain with a helpless face.

"But we know that these people are well-trained combat personnel! Most of them have served in other countries' armies! And they flocked here after the intelligence leak happened at the headquarters. You dare to tell me that they are fine?!" Captain Liu slammed the table hard, and the "bang bang" sound even spread outside the office, causing some passing staff to stop curiously.

"... No one stipulates that foreign veterans cannot come to China for tourism! Captain! After all, they are not like those mercenaries with bad records everywhere. The customs must follow the regulations and cannot do whatever they want!" "... Are you a national security or customs officer? Why do you always talk to those grandsons!" Well, the angry beautiful captain has begun to be unreasonable. This is probably the time when her feminine nature is most obvious.

Xiao Zhang: “…” ...From Captain Liu’s words, it can be seen that she has almost figured out the backgrounds of those foreigners, and even found out the reasons that attracted these people with ulterior motives. However, due to coordination problems between various departments, a large group of foreigners with ulterior motives rushed into the city. No wonder she was so angry that she swore.

But what exactly attracted these foreigners with "special skills" to flock to this small Chinese city that had almost no presence in the past?   The story started two months ago.

When Fang Yuan solved the ghoul, in addition to a piece of his arm, he also left behind an almost intact ghoul corpse and a huge frozen underground river that was six kilometers long.

The former is easy to say, after all, it is not the first time that such a monster that came from nowhere has appeared, and the National Security Headquarters just put it together with general supernatural events.

But the latter, the six-kilometer-long frozen river, really scared many bigwigs in the headquarters. This destructive power is much stronger than most of the known supernatural people in the country.

Especially after the Taoist incident, it immediately attracted the attention of many officials of the National Security.

And the information was leaked to foreign countries by an infiltrated official lurking in the top level of the National Security.

Although the traitor has been arrested and sent to the procuratorate, the leak of information is irreversible. After two months of fermentation, this incident finally attracted the response of foreign forces.

That's right, these people are all here to find Fang Yuan! In fact, it's a little different from what Fang Yuan imagined. Although there are supernatural phenomena and superpowers in this world, superpowers with real application value are actually very rare.

It can be said that it is still unknown whether there are a thousand superpowers in the world.

So, don't be surprised that only Captain Liu and Xiao Zhang were sent to hunt down a ghoul. In fact, most of the similar cases in China are handled in this way. A small number of superpowers with combat capabilities lead a large number of ordinary soldiers who have been specially trained. This combination is enough to deal with most situations.

As for the superpowers of various countries in online novels that organize world wars, it really only appears in novels-any superpower is a very valuable asset to his/her country, and it is often the kind that cannot be replicated and has a limited existence time. No one will be stupid enough to let these precious assets be consumed in meaningless battles.

After all, the destructive power of superpowers in the real world is not comparable to that of large-scale modern armies. The ultimate strongmen in novels who are powerful enough to destroy the world and control time and space do not exist in reality, or at least they have not appeared yet.

In fact, in the eyes of most national regimes, the existence of superpowers is more about being an elite force in small-team combat, responsible for handling special events that most ordinary people cannot handle, and most importantly, being studied as research subjects by scientific researchers.

Yes, being studied, this is what superpowers in most major countries will inevitably experience after being discovered by the government.

However, this is definitely not the slice dissection research imagined by some paranoid patients, but a real, very formal and safe modern scientific research.

This is no exception in China.

For example, Captain Liu and Xiao Zhang, who were exiled to Fang Yuan’s city, were ordered to stay here, and it is estimated that they will have to stay for one or two years if nothing unexpected happens.

But in fact, they are still followed by a small scientific research team, who will check their physical condition and superpower strength every once in a while, and synchronize the data with the research center at the headquarters.

It can be said that while they are combatants, they still retain their status as subjects of research.

But there is nothing wrong with this. Both Captain Liu and Xiao Zhang found that after various inspections and studies, the many professional suggestions given by the researchers have played a huge role in improving their superpowers. The benefits they have gained far exceed the unpleasantness of being studied by others.

Of course, as the leaders of the research, the benefits that governments of various countries will gain will only be more than those of superpowers, not less.

Whether it is the help provided by superpowers of the material interference system in material research, or the deeper understanding of quantum mechanics obtained through research on the phenomenon of "superpowers triggering superpowers", and the promotion of biological and medical research by the genes of physical recovery-type superpowers... These research results that can be popularized are the real core interests of superpowers at the national level.

Therefore, now it seems that a wild superpower who is not under the jurisdiction of the government has appeared in China, and it is said that he is the most mysterious, weird and most research-worthy magician type among all superpowers. All countries that have obtained intelligence can't sit still-they must get this person in their pocket before other countries! ')021'\u003eChapter 21 Perfect Stealth...

Although foreign intelligence agencies are eagerly waiting and some people in China are furious, Fang Yuan still doesn't know that he has become a hot commodity.

He just sits at home with potato chips and drinks Coke, happily "watching" the national security personnel and these foreign suspicious personnel secretly tracking and counter-tracking, monitoring and counter-surveillance, fighting each other, and he also enjoys watching.

Yes, just sitting at home "watching".

Having had the experience of pure spiritual perspective when conducting alternative remote refining, and later studying the soul fixed refining array, Fang Yuan obtained some additional by-products in addition to inventing the "life-extending resurrection refining array".

For example, the "spiritual power amplification alchemy array" he is using now is a kind of alchemy array that modulates and amplifies spiritual power and converts it into a wave that can pass freely in a wide space without material obstacles, and can transmit all the information within the range of the wave back to the main body of the spiritual power.

Although Fang Yuan was almost blown up by the explosion of useless information that swarmed into his mind at the beginning, after filtering and limiting the part of the returned information, he can already use this alchemy array very skillfully to turn himself into a spiritual power radar.

——He is really more and more like a magician now.

Although Fang Yuan cannot spread his spiritual waves without limit due to the limitation of the total amount of spiritual power, it is still no problem to cover at least half of the city, just covering the residence of the group of foreigners - after all, the word "amplification" in the amplification alchemy array is one of the main functions of this alchemy array.

After watching the show for a while, Fang Yuan finally knew what these foreigners who obviously have unique skills were doing.

"...So they're coming for me..." Fang Yuan was really a little surprised. He also learned from those English-speaking foreigners (he only knew English and a little Japanese in modern foreign languages, but he knew more ancient languages...) and some national security surveillance personnel that his previous performance of freezing the six-kilometer underground canal was actually a very powerful performance among the superpowers, which made him even more speechless.

I haven't even exerted my strength yet, and you're already kneeling down and singing "Conquer"? !   --This is probably how he felt.

If those people knew that he could also create a national land refining formation, I don't know what kind of evaluation they would give him...  ...  After understanding the whole story, Fang Yuan didn't plan to just stand there and watch.

The patriotism in his chest that had not yet cooled down made Fang Yuan unwilling to see these malicious foreigners making trouble in his own country, especially when they were coming for him--he decided to teach those people a profound lesson! So that night, Fang Yuan, who had made a set of the same bat suit as Wayne (Nolan version), took advantage of the night to sneak into the roof of a hotel where a group of American agents were located by gliding in the air.

Tonight, he will become justice!   Ahem! Well, this is just the result of Fang Yuan's bad taste and second-year syndrome breaking out at the same time.

On the other hand, Fang Yuan himself also likes the Batman trilogy directed by Nolan very much. He used to be very jealous of the very cool bat equipment in the movie. He bought a lot of peripherals during the movie's hot period. If he didn't have no money, he really wanted to buy a real version of the Batmobile to take home!    (The real car is said to be worth more than 10 million yuan. Anyway, the loser author can only envy it...)   Now Fang Yuan has the ability to make a real bat suit by himself, and he naturally wants to try the feeling of wearing this suit to do justice.

However, when Fang Yuan landed silently on the roof of the hotel, before he took two steps, he suddenly stumbled and almost fell, and then stopped.

Looking back at the dark cloak dragging on the ground behind him, Fang Yuan was silent for two seconds, and then the light of alchemy flashed in his eyes, and the cloak was directly decomposed.

——This cloak is so cumbersome!   Fang Yuan didn't know how Master Wayne did it. Anyway, he couldn't wear this long cloak for close combat - he was afraid of being tripped by this rag even when walking!   After removing the burden, Fang Yuan felt relieved. Although he always felt that something was missing behind him, this light-weight appearance would not hinder his actions.

Wait, isn't it strange that Fang Yuan didn't move when he started alchemy just now?   This is another byproduct he obtained in his previous research.

Maybe Fang Yuan engraved too many alchemy arrays in his body, or maybe it was his talent. In short, he unknowingly found that he could give up the action of putting his hands together to form a circle, and directly use the circle that the human body has to perform alchemy - such as his pupils.

This is very close to the realm of the little man in the bottle before the fusion of truth. It can be said that Fang Yuan has unknowingly reached a certain height on the road of alchemy.

... Back to the topic.

After showing off his true power, Fang Yuan casually destroyed the door lock between the stairwell and the rooftop, and descended along the fire escape all the way to the floor where the group of Americans were - he had thought of breaking into the building directly from the outside of the window, but thinking that this seemed too conspicuous, Fang Yuan, who was determined to act secretly, had to give up this tempting idea.

Along the way, he destroyed all the surveillance cameras with alchemy. In his heart, Fang Yuan apologized to the hotel operator who suffered property losses, and then pushed all the responsibilities onto the group of uninvited foreign agents - who asked you to come to our country to make trouble, you see, you forced me to destroy public property!   Since it was already late at night, Fang Yuan was very lucky not to run into the hotel service staff, and he "sneaked" all the way to the outside of the room of the group of American agents.

I used the mental amplification array engraved in the bat helmet to sense the situation in the room - good, they all looked like they were asleep.

First, use alchemy to turn off the lights in the corridor outside the door, then silently decompose the lock core of the room door lock. Fang Yuan quietly slipped into the room wearing combat boots with silencer insoles. This is truly perfect silent stealth...  Swish——  A flash of knife light flashed in the darkness.

Fang Yuan dodged the blade attacking from behind the door, and instead of retreating, he shoulder-kicked and elbowed the attacker's heart diaphragm with a force that was enough to cause cardiac arrest in an instant.

After Fang Yuan made a strike, he no longer cared about the attacker who slowly slid to the ground, but strode forward, like a blind fighting master in the dark, and knocked down the other two rebels with three punches and two kicks at random.

After hitting them hard on the back of the neck, making them completely unable to resist, and restoring the heartbeat of the attacker who was already in shock, Fang Yuan took out a few pairs of handcuffs from the tactical belt around his waist and handcuffed the three elite agents who tried to kill him. After restoring the lights in the corridor outside the door, he turned back to close the door and fix the lock, turned on the lights in the room, and looked at the three agents lying on the ground in a coma, Fang Yuan felt a little ashamed.

——I was discovered while sneaking... I really didn't practice enough!   PS: I killed the target and there were no witnesses. This should be considered a perfect sneak...')022'\u003eChapter 22 Spies have no human rights

The next day, the national security special agents who had been responsible for monitoring this group of Americans found something wrong.

It was already 10 o'clock in the morning, and those people still didn't leave the room - according to the practice of the past few days, they should have gone out around 8 o'clock.

The special agents simply ignored the possibility that the other party was sleeping in. After all, they were all well-trained soldiers. It was impossible for them to sleep until 10 a.m. during the mission and not get up. Unless it was required by the mission.

But it was obvious that the current situation was not like this. So those people finally started to make trouble? After reporting the situation to their superiors, after a brief discussion, they finally decided to contact the hotel management and let the special agents disguise themselves as waiters to test it.

As a result, when they opened the door, they found that... three foreigners had been stripped naked and tied up like dumplings and fell into a coma.

... When Captain Liu, who was in charge of this mission, came here, she asked the action personnel on the scene: "What did you find?" "I think you should see this."

Following the signal of the special agent, Captain Liu saw a note on the table in the hotel room with a recorder on it.

Picking up the note, he found that it was written in printed font: [To Captain Liu: You should know who I am.

These people are my gifts to you. For specific evidence of conviction, you can listen to the content of the recorder.

As for the agents from other countries, I will deal with them in the next few days.

However, I think it's time to talk openly.

Three days later, at 11 o'clock in the evening, on the rooftop of this hotel, alone.

——The magician you are looking for]  "...Okay, it turns out that we have been watched all the time!"  Captain Liu's face was full of gloom. This feeling of not being able to find someone but being clearly monitored from beginning to end made her angry but unable to vent.

Picked up the recorder and found three recording files in it.

Click on the first one:  【Name? 】  A hoarse and low male voice was asking in English.

【Peter Adams...】  The answerer's voice sounded a little dull and weak, but he still answered clearly.

【I mean your real name! You don't think I will believe that the name you wrote on your passport is real? Answer me!!! 】The voice of the interrogator became very angry, and the low and hoarse voice reminded Captain Liu of Batman in the DC movie that came out some time ago.

[It is... it is Lawrence Charlie Kelvin...] [Very good, this is a good start! Then let's continue - what is the true identity of you and your companions? With what intention did you come to China? Have you done anything illegal here? 】 [I... I can't say...] [Answer me! ! ! ] [It is... it is... an overseas agent under the CIA...] [Very good, continue! ] [Our purpose... is... to recruit someone...] [Recruit who? What is the identity of that person and what is the value of recruiting him? ] [... is a powerful superpower, we don't know the specific identity, there is only an internal code name, called TA Ice Magician.",

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