At this time, "Batman" even sounds like the real Batman.

"Another example is this -" The lightning flashed again, and he turned into Chris Hemsworth's version of Thor again, holding a replica of Thor's hammer in his hand. Against the background of the fine blue lightning, this cosplay really looks similar in form and spirit.

Finally, Fang Yuan restored his image to that of a superman, and then found that the beautiful lady opposite him was completely dumbfounded. Her chin that was about to fall to the ground seriously damaged her original image of a capable working woman, and she looked a little silly and cute. of.

"Ahem!" Captain Liu pressed his chin back, and then stretched out his right hand somewhat helplessly to shake hands: "My name is Liu Lingyun, Lingyun Zhuangzhi, captain of the third detachment of the National Security Special Incident Response Team. I am very happy to meet you. You, Mr. Magician..." Well, we finally know the full name of Captain Liu, who has appeared in several chapters. Liu Lingyun is really a very masculine name... "Hello."

Fang Yuan also shook the other party's hand in a friendly way, and then said: "Let me get straight to the point first! I have my own daily life, and I neither want to be a thug of the state machine nor get involved in those annoying political struggles. "

"...Yes, I understand..." But I don't understand why you want to cosplay into a movie character? Captain Liu tried her best to suppress her desire to complain. With a stiff expression, she directly changed the subject: "So, what do you plan to do..." "I will choose to cooperate with you on a limited basis. After all, I am also a Chinese and patriotic. I still have a heart and stuff.

If you have something you can't handle and need my strength, I'll help.

But correspondingly, I need to obtain your government’s official official information on the supernatural things that exist in the world. "

Fang Yuan put forward his requirements and conditions straightforwardly, and then quietly waited for the other party's reply.

"This... I think I need to ask my superiors for instructions..." Captain Liu was obviously caught off guard by Fang Yuan's request.

The first half of his request is okay. For such a powerful person whose true identity cannot be traced, since the other party has shown some goodwill, the official side will not be aggressive. This limited foreign aid cooperation model is just right.

However, Fang Yuan's subsequent proposal regarding sharing the country's intelligence on supernatural matters was beyond the scope of Captain Liu's authority.

"You can use the tiny headset in your ear to communicate with your superior. I don't mind."

Fang Yuan said indifferently, but after hearing his words, Captain Liu broke out in a cold sweat - it turned out that she had been discovered a long time ago... Yes, although she did come alone as per Fang Yuan's request. , but no one stipulates that she can't keep in touch with the people behind her in real time through the headset! Therefore, Captain Liu, who was a little embarrassed, stopped hiding it and reported the situation directly to the superior on the other end of the communication in front of Fang Yuan.

A few minutes later.

"Mr. Magician, we agree in principle with your terms of cooperation. However, since this is our first cooperation, the level of intelligence we provide may be somewhat limited at the initial stage. When our mutual trust reaches a certain stage, subsequent updates will be made. Only high-level information will be released to you, what do you think of such a request?" Captain Liu suggested with some hope and trepidation.

Fang Yuan, who was facing Henry Cavill, raised the corners of his mouth and stretched out his right hand forward: "Happy cooperation!" "...Happy cooperation!"')024'\u003eChapter 24: Overview of Supernatural Phenomena in the Real World

Bang—— With a somewhat heavy landing sound, Fang Yuan, who transformed into Superman, landed in an uninhabited alley without surveillance.

"Huh-huh-flying with controlled air flow is much more tiring than I thought!" He panted and rested against the wall. Although there seemed to be no physical exertion, the long-term and continuous mental power output caused the dizziness. Fang Yuan almost lost his balance.

In order to have a head start in this face-to-face interview, Fang Yuan chose to appear in a flying posture. For this purpose, he even specially modified the airflow control formation array he had used before to be able to support the human body in flight. Judging from the results of this use, the effect is pretty good.

——It was just that the consumption of mental energy was too great. The flight, which lasted only a few dozen minutes, plus a few transformations to show off, almost drained his mental energy.

"It seems that improving the strength of mental power has to be put on the schedule!" Because the alchemist profession actually relies more on intelligence and knowledge accumulation than mental power, so Fang Yuan didn't really care about improving mental strength before. The problem of strength.

But after once again exhausting his mental power due to long-term alchemy, he finally understood that basic attributes are still very important.

However, the accumulation of mental power does not happen overnight, and the meditation method he learned from the new people is not of a high level, so this is destined to be a long-term task measured in years.

Therefore, after adding two hours of daily meditation to his daily practice, Fang Yuan turned his attention to the first batch of supernatural event information sent from the National Security Bureau.

Because he didn't want to reveal his true identity, Fang Yuan took the initiative to get the information.

Then, the expressions of a large group of national security personnel when they saw the white-robed wizard Gandalf falling from the sky were like this: (⊙?⊙)  Let's get back to the topic.

When Fang Yuan came into contact with the official supernatural event intelligence from the government, he finally had a clearer understanding of the existence of supernatural forces in this world, at least in China.

First of all, from the frequency of events, supernatural events in the real world are actually very rare. The scope of this "event" includes the awakening and discovery of superpowers, haunted supernatural phenomena, inexplicable monsters, strange phenomena that cannot be explained by existing science... and so on.

And these various types of supernatural events have been discovered and confirmed to be true in the more than 60 years since the founding of New China, and more than half of them have only appeared in the past 20 years.

Although the frequency of various supernatural events has been increasing year by year according to statistics, in fact, even when the events occurred most intensively, no more than ten events occurred in a year.

In the classification of relevant government departments, supernatural events are divided into several levels according to the degree of danger, such as safety, minor harm, major harm, and serious threat. However, among some researchers who specialize in studying such events, they have also come up with a set of classification standards from another perspective.

This unofficial standard does not consider the so-called threat, but divides the supernatural phenomena in the world into three categories based on the nature of the event: humans gaining or awakening supernatural powers, ghost and supernatural events based on traditional legends of gods and ghosts, and fantasy monsters that have appeared in the past 20 years due to unknown factors.

The first two are not a big problem in themselves.

First of all, the former, humans who gain or awaken superpowers basically have very limited power strength at the beginning.

Except for exceptions like Fang Yuan and Taoist priests who have systemic power, most of the newly awakened superpowers can only summon a small fireball, release some cold air, or put electric current on their fingers. The power strength can only be used to scare people at best, and it may not even destroy a room. A dozen well-trained police officers wearing targeted protective clothing can easily take them down.

If these awakened people did not cause too much trouble, they would basically either be educated and accept a certain degree of monitoring and then return to their daily lives, or be directly recruited by the relevant departments into the system to become reserve superpower warriors and active researchers - and according to statistics, most of the discovered superpowers chose the latter path.

Then there are traditional supernatural ghost incidents. Fang Yuan was very fortunate to find that at least in the real world, there are no unsolvable supernatural phenomena that distort reality and tamper with the cause and effect level in supernatural horror online articles.

Most of the supernatural ghost incidents discovered are basically earthbound spirits that can only play tricks such as ghost wall or hallucination killing. Each time, they only need to send one or several political commissars with strong will and firm faith to destroy the objects that the ghosts rely on to solve the problem.

And even if they really encounter ghosts of the level of Sadako or Kayako, there will naturally be professionals such as Taoist priests to teach these little ghosts how to be ghosts in the new China.

But the third type - the appearance of fantasy monsters that has only appeared in recent decades, is the most troublesome and dangerous type of supernatural phenomenon.

As the name of this classification indicates, in all confirmed incidents of this kind, various fantasy monsters at the core of the incidents all appeared out of thin air.

Yes, they suddenly appeared in a certain place without any warning, and then caused a big or small mess and commotion before being dealt with by professionals. Every time this happened, many people were killed or injured.

For example, the ghoul that Fang Yuan dealt with before suddenly appeared in a nearby city, and then came to Fang Yuan's city after constant hunting and hiding, and finally laughed and typed GG because it aroused someone's interest.

It can be said that this "sudden appearance" is the biggest feature of this kind of incident, which effectively distinguishes this kind of incident from ghost and supernatural incidents with clear origins and legends.

But this is not the most troublesome point of this kind of supernatural incident.

Note the word "fantasy" in this classification, which is not added casually.

After counting all the incidents of this kind that were discovered, the researchers were shocked to find that all these monsters have prototypes! Whether it is ghouls, werewolves, zombies, vampires, demons, basilisks, orcs, dementors or other random things, if you look carefully, you can find the corresponding sources in movies, TV, animation, and even novels. Some people even speculate that these monsters are from the worlds corresponding to these works. However, given that the fact of crossing is really incredible and lacks evidence, this speculation has not attracted too much attention from the country.

Also because of the "fantasy" characteristics of these monsters, most of the time, ordinary modern weapons are not very effective against them, so more combat superpowers are needed to take action, and sometimes they even need to find specific weaknesses based on their origins in order to effectively eliminate them.

')025'\u003eChapter 25 Sure enough, I still have to pay a pledge of allegiance

"This world is indeed much more interesting than I imagined~" Fang Yuan said thoughtfully, looking at the confidential information in hand.

Regarding the "monster time travel" theory speculated by the unknown researcher, Fang Yuan vaguely thought of the dream he had nearly a year ago.

If those monsters really traveled from various fantasy worlds, then it is theoretically possible that their souls might travel to the world of steel, and then travel back with a door of truth. This is logically It makes sense - but there is no evidence.

However, Fang Yuan was already inclined to believe this conjecture deep down in his heart - after all, the alchemy ability he possesses is really different from the abilities used by most other superpowers, and he is not the kind of person with realistic ideas. This explanation is the most reasonable for local magicians who are inherited from the mysterious side of the world.

But no matter what he thought, he now had no means to prove or falsify it, so after keeping it in mind, he turned his attention to other aspects of the intelligence.

For example, the inheritance of spells in the real world! Although there are only a few words in the information at hand, combined with the conversations he used to mentally monitor the national security agents, he also knew that a spell caster called a "Taoist" had come to this city before, but It seems that he was seriously injured for some reason and went back to the hospital in the capital to recuperate... If he could find this native holder of mysterious side power and have a good exchange, Fang Yuan might be able to understand the nature and source of his power. Learn more! Unfortunately, by the time he knew of this person's existence, it was already too late, as the other person had already left the city.

Should I directly ask for a meeting with that "Taoist priest" the next time I contact you... (At this time, the Taoist priest who was in a hospital in the north, who was called cultivation but was actually fishing, shuddered hard, and then couldn't help but give I added an extra piece of clothing...) However, sometimes, if you don’t look for things, things will find you on their own.

Just when Fang Yuan was still debating whether to shamelessly make another request, the National Security Bureau sent a contact.

... "You have something to do with me?" When she saw Fang Yuan descending from the sky in the form of Doctor Strange, Captain Liu was not surprised at all - she was used to someone changing his appearance every time he appeared.

"There's something... But you really like characters in European and American movies! Either DC, Marvel, or The Lord of the Rings..." In the end, she couldn't help but tease Fang Yuan about the scope of the roles he chose. Politically incorrect.

"If you can let the domestic film industry produce a movie of that level, I will also use oriental characters!" In response to the other party's ridicule, Fang Yuan directly attacked the domestic film industry. He only knows how to deal with the shoddy domestic films. The unscrupulous filmmaker who paid Xiao Xianrou a sky-high salary has given up hope, so don't blame him for not choosing domestic film roles.

"...Okay, what you said makes sense!" Captain Liu deeply agreed with this.

"Okay, let's get down to business! You contacted me just a few days after we reached the cooperation. Are you planning to test my true abilities?" Although Fang Yuan has never worked in a government department, he is still a social person who has experienced the workplace. Naturally, I know the thoughts of some official people - although his previous performances have vaguely revealed that he is not simple, after all, he has not shown a truly powerful force on the surface, and the request he made before involves Knowing government secrets, it was normal to want to give yourself a test or something, and he wouldn't be angry about it.

"...That's really nice of you to understand."

Captain Liu probably also knew Fang Yuan's character, and knowing that this matter was probably done.

“This time we are mainly looking for you not from our side, but from the northwest branch.

They discovered a secret place deep in the desert of Western Xinjiang. They originally wanted to find another occult expert, but unfortunately the expert was injured for some reason some time ago..." Speaking of this, she deliberately After paying attention to Fang Yuan's face, he found that he had no reaction at all, so he could only continue: "...and they couldn't find any other suitable candidates, so they applied for support from the headquarters, and then they happened to know about you. existence, the final result is that you go to Western Xinjiang with us to support - you should listen to what I said above seriously - what do you think? "Obviously, Captain Liu himself was speechless at this poor excuse.

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and then said: "First of all, you have to tell me what a 'secret realm' is! This is a word I have never heard of, and it doesn't seem to have been mentioned at all in the information I gave you before!" "I know it. You would say that!" Captain Liu had obviously expected it: "This is originally a higher level of confidential information, and it is not within the scope of the shared intelligence promised to you before, but this time you need to use your power anyway, so You specifically allow me to explain it to you..." "...The so-called secret realm is actually the same as those monsters that appear all over the world without warning. They also appear suddenly in this world. There are no records or records before. Any traces appear completely out of thin air.

And the reason why these secret realms are called secret realms is because they are in another dimension that overlaps with the real world. They are semi-closed themselves, so they often have independent ecological systems and things that do not exist in the outside world. Many precious resources are one of the important resources that major powers in modern times secretly compete for. "

Captain Liu's introduction opened up a world for Fang Yuan that he had never known before. Her description of the secret realm suddenly reminded him of keywords such as "world fragments", "overlapping planes", "fantasy invasion", etc., which interested him. It immediately improved.

And...has it actually become a national-level strategic resource... "...You said these secret realms are resources that major powers compete for. Does that mean there will be interference from foreign forces this time? You want me to clean them up? Is it clean? I guarantee that as long as they dare to show up in front of me, not even a single atom will be left!" "No, no, no, it doesn't matter! Don't worry, this secret place is completely within the territory of our country, you have to believe it. Our border guards will not let any foreigner with ulterior motives cross the border!" Captain Liu quickly dispelled Fang Yuan's intention to kill. She was afraid that this big boss would really cause some big trouble.

And what she said is true. As the most important border area of ​​the country, the strength of the border defense army there is naturally extremely strong, which is enough to deter all foreign forces that are ready to move. The situation mentioned by Fang Yuan will not happen at all...probably.

')026'\u003eChapter 26: So everything in the movie is real? !

When Fang Yuan stood in the endless sea of ​​desert and looked at the strange scene in front of him that seemed to be a mirage but had obvious differences, he finally understood the so-called "being in another dimension that overlaps with the real world." What means.

Indeed, as the description says, this so-called secret realm does not exist in reality at all. Even if someone walks around in these illusions, nothing will happen. It just looks like an optical illusion.

Trying to use his mental power to detect it, Fang Yuan only felt that his mental fluctuations seemed to have touched something, but after careful sensing, he found nothing at all. It seemed that it was too early for him to analyze this time-space overlap phenomenon. .

"How's it going? Did you see anything?" Captain Liu, who came here with Fang Yuan to act as a support staff, but in fact was probably more to monitor him, came from behind. She saw Fang Yuan standing motionless. He stared at that illusion for a long time, thinking that he really saw something.

Fang Yuan shook his head: "Unfortunately, my ability and expertise are not in the spatial dimension. Apart from what I can see with the naked eye, I can only vaguely feel that there seems to be something there, but it seems to be an illusion... "It seems like you're not really that omnipotent!" Captain Liu said with a sigh of relief: "I thought you would just take out a staff or a hanging ring and draw a circle in front of you." We're inside~" Fang Yuan: "..." I can cosplay as those people, but I can't really have the abilities of those characters! I'm an alchemist, and I'm either a cosp-lay user with the ability to cosp-lay! Although he really wanted to yell out like this, given that Fang Yuan had acted all those things before, now that he was being teased by others, he could only swallow his tears silently.

"No more kidding."

Fang Yuan brought the topic back to the topic: "This so-called secret realm does seem to be in another dimension, so how do you want to get in? Don't tell me that you really have mages here who are good at space abilities! Or maybe it's "Space powers?" "You're overthinking it!" Captain Liu smiled and shook his head: "There are space powers, but his ability is not strong enough to lead people into the secret realm.

Look over there—" Looking in the direction of Captain Liu's finger, Fang Yuan saw a short boy standing next to a pile of large trucks.

“I can’t say his real name due to personal privacy issues, but we all call him ‘Locksmith’. He is one of the very few space powers currently discovered in our country.

His ability is to open a passage to any target..." "Then why not let him just open a door and let everyone in together? "Because the channel he opened is only as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and he can only put one hand in at most!" "...I understand why you called him a locksmith." "

Fang Yuan understood that this kind of ability is indeed quite strong. After all, it is the ability to directly interfere with space. But it is indeed quite weak if it is said to be weak. After all... what can a space door the size of a bowl do? Well, it is indeed quite suitable for unlocking... "Then what should you do? It's impossible to force everyone into strips and crawl through the hole as wide as the mouth of a bowl, right?" "...Just watch. "

Captain Liu simply ignored Fang Yuan's teasing, but tilted his head to indicate for him to continue reading.

I saw that many trucks beside the boy had opened their rear compartments, revealing sections of huge curved mechanical devices.

With the concerted efforts of several cranes, these mechanical components were quickly erected, creating a huge vertical ring more than ten meters high in the open space in front of the illusion.

"......This reminds me of the old movie Stargate. Don't tell me this is what I imagined!" Fang Yuan was really surprised. Could it be that the country has already developed a space gate? Is it going to start the era of colonization of other worlds? He inexplicably thought of several online novels describing the Republic of the Multiverse. This might become a reality! "......Although it is not really interstellar teleportation, this is indeed the prototype of the space gate developed by our country based on the ability of the locksmith. It can magnify the ability of the locksmith to the extent that two armored vehicles can pass side by side. It can be said to be the most important part of this operation!" Captain Liu's tone revealed a full sense of pride, which was the pride and pride from the heart for the strength and progress of the motherland.

"..." Although Fang Yuan was not as bad as her, he was also deeply amazed by the strength of the country.

"Wait! You said this is a prototype?" Fang Yuan suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, that's right, is there any problem?" Captain Liu didn't know why Fang Yuan asked this.

"That means it was developed not long ago, right?" "Maybe..." Captain Liu was not sure, she had not paid attention to the news in this regard before.

"According to what you said before, this phenomenon of secret realm is not the first time it has appeared in China, right?" Captain Liu nodded to Fang Yuan's question.

"Then, before this prototype was invented, what method was used to enter the secret realm?" Congratulations, blind student, you found the point! (Funny) "...I didn't expect you to find this out.

Okay, I'll tell you something else."

Captain Liu cleared his throat and continued, "Although the nature of secret realms is the same in general, they are actually different in details.

Some secret realms, such as the one we are about to go to, are very closed in space. You can't get in without a space ability user or a space door. Some secret realms are almost half-open. From time to time, space cracks will appear nearby to connect to the outside world. This is the only way to enter the secret realm when you can't find a space ability user and there is no space door."

"...Going directly through the space crack, this is a gamble!" Although Fang Yuan has never seen what a space crack looks like, hasn't he read novels and watched movies? The so-called space cracks, space cracks, etc., just hear that they can take lives! "It can't be helped... We are not as lucky as the United States. They have a very powerful space ability user, known as the Mind Jumper. It is said that at his peak, he can carry a building for ultra-long-distance space jumps. It is much easier for them to enter the secret realm than us!" "... Wait, this plot is so familiar, and this name... Isn't this the plot of the movie also called the Mind Jumper?" Fang Yuan seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

"That movie is adapted from the deeds of this superpower!" Captain Liu said slowly with an expression of "You are still too ignorant" that almost petrified Fang Yuan.

——God TM used the real deeds of superpowers to adapt a movie, Hollywood screenwriters are really awesome! ! ! ')027'\u003eChapter 27 The Secret Realm Opened-Everything is normal?

While being shocked by the information that Hollywood actually used the real deeds of superpowers to make a movie, Fang Yuan also truly felt that the life of superpowers is not as far away from ordinary people as imagined.

——God knows how many of the many movies, cartoons and novels he had watched before were also made in this way... But now is not the time to sigh, the first trial run of the space gate that has been set up over there is about to begin.

Captain Liu and the two returned to the camp that was built in just half a day. It has been transformed from a desert wasteland into a huge barracks.

Once again sighing that the country's title of infrastructure maniac is really not false, Fang Yuan came towards a group of people.

The leader is a lady with a strong figure, well-developed muscles, bronze skin, a loud voice, and a huge scar on her face... .

This real female man who is bigger than Xiao Zhang (the muscular man who appeared in the previous chapters) standing next to her and gives people a very deep impression at first glance is the leader of the special operations team in Xijiang.

"What do you think, Mr. Magician? Our motherland is still very strong! Would you like to consider joining the system formally? If you are willing, I welcome talents like you very much!" The elder sister started recruiting, but Fang Yuan was already used to her character in the past few days of contact, so he just smiled and shook his head: "I still prefer to do research quietly by myself, and find something to do to pass the time when I am bored. Forget about becoming a professional civil servant!" "Really? That's a pity..." "Sister Zhang, please don't persuade me. Our Mr. Magician is very independent. Until now we still don't know his true face!" Captain Liu said this directly in front of Fang Yuan. It seemed that she still had some complaints about Fang Yuan's refusal to show his true face, and Fang Yuan could only pretend not to hear and turn his head away.

========The dividing line waiting to open the door======== While chatting and waiting, the final debugging of the space door was finally completed, and the space of the man nicknamed "Locksmith" was finally seen. The superpower stood not far in front of the space door in a zhama stance. He held his hand forward and pointed at the center of the mechanical ring. At the same time, he closed his eyes and seemed to be exerting himself, looking at the man whose face was red and sweating. It looked like she really had no energy to even feed her.

Ten seconds later, a pitch-black hole as big as the mouth of a bowl suddenly appeared in the center of the originally empty huge ring. The space door prototype, which was more than ten meters high, started immediately, and arcs flashed like silver sparks and trees. In the space, the hole, which was originally only the size of the mouth of a bowl, but looked like a small dot from a distance, suddenly expanded, and soon expanded to the same size as the inner diameter of the mechanical ring.

When the entire pitch-black hole, which seemed to lead to unknown darkness, completely stabilized, the "locksmith" responsible for opening the door was so tired that he could no longer stand still.

"What's wrong with him? He's so tired just opening a door?" Fang Yuan was a little confused. If he could be this tired just by opening a space passage, then this space superpower must be too weak! "...Don't think that opening the door in the secret realm is easy! There are two different things when a space superpower interferes with the space in our world and directly interferes with the space in the secret realm. If he can persist until the passage is opened, he has already done a very good job. Yes!" Captain Liu explained to Fang Yuan while rolling his eyes.

'It seems like this secret realm is really extraordinary...' Fang Yuan thought, and he was looking forward to the next action more and more.

... The first person to enter the passage was not Fang Yuan and other explorers, but a crawler-type armored drone with cables attached to the rear.

This is inevitable. After all, this secret realm is a new unknown secret realm. No one can know what is happening on the other side of the passage. Although there are traces of humans and towns in the illusions similar to mirages, it cannot be Make sure you open the door and go there to find a safe place.

If the door is opened to a high altitude, underwater or even a volcano, it will really become a killing situation.

——In fact, Fang Yuan and the others have to thank the locksmith. His space passage can be freely set up between one-way traffic and two-way traffic, so they don’t have to worry about the door opening on the opposite side opening to the bottom of the sea or the lava pouring back and destroying the door. .

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