According to the information she obtained from the Ruler privilege, this Noble Phantasm named [Crown·Light of Wisdom] should only be 15 meters tall at the initial stage of birth.

Although it can double its size every hour and eventually grow to more than 1,000 meters, it will take at least 7 hours to incubate.

But how long has it been now? It has grown to a size that has doubled at least twice!   Jeanne didn't know that in the castle of Eugdomrenia, far away from the battlefield, the young magician Roger, who was obsessed with puppet magic, had no trace of the Command Seal on the back of his hand.

Yes, this is the effect of the Command Seal.

Just after Caster successfully activated the Noble Phantasm and created the miracle that was not completed before birth, the news of Danic's death was also reported back to the clan.

Such bad news naturally plunged the Eugdomrenia clan into chaos, and coupled with the successive deaths of the servants afterwards, the entire black camp fell into gloom.

At this time, the young magician named Roger, for the first time, issued an order of his own will with the last Command Seal in his hand, not as an apprentice, but as a master - to strengthen the effect of Caster's Noble Phantasm and shorten the growth time of [Crown·Light of Wisdom].

Although Caster, who lost the restraint of the Command Seal, would lose the foundation for his coming to the world and would soon dissipate, for Avisbron, who had nothing else to ask for except to fulfill his last wish, seeing the birth of [Crown·Light of Wisdom] was already what he wanted, and he could die without regrets, so he gladly accepted the order of the master.

Even before the final dissipation, he took the initiative to integrate his participating spirit and magic power into [Original Man] to add another boost to the growth of the Noble Phantasm.

Therefore, what Jeanne and the others saw now was a clay giant that grew to a height of 60 meters in just half an hour.

Well, with this size, it can even go to the "Attack on Titan" set next door to play a cameo as a super giant. Such a huge miracle puppet, each step is tens of meters away. Just a dozen steps, it has covered hundreds of meters, walked out of the mountains, entered the battlefield, and left a "footprint" full of life green behind it.

Such a huge and obvious target naturally attracted the attention of the mechanical army.

Jeanne and the others could clearly see that the enemies who had been chasing and besieging them had directly divided more than half of their number, like a metallic storm, sweeping towards the clay puppet giant that was getting closer and closer.

Zizizi - The mass-produced Transformers that approached a certain distance seemed to have passed through tens of millions of years in an instant. The surface of their bodies that originally shone with metallic luster was instantly corroded beyond recognition, covered with rust spots, and they themselves lost power like a long-disrepaired machine, falling into the "paradise" at the feet of the giant, and continued to rust and corrode within a few minutes, and finally mixed with the soil and rocks on the ground, becoming a raw ore full of metal elements and no longer recognizable in its original form.

In a flash, thousands of robots were transformed into metal ores and completely destroyed.

"The so-called 'paradise' actually has this ability?" Fang Yuan in the central hall saw this scene through the camera and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

To be honest, when he saw this so-called "original man" made of mud, rocks, and trees, he was quite disapproving in his heart - according to the performance in the original work, this huge golem, which has no other abilities except its large size and special attack effect on humans, is not very powerful. Even if the opponent really grows to the limit of one thousand meters in height, it can be solved by a few large-yield nuclear bombs.

However, Fang Yuan now sees a completely different result.

"Not only humans, but also human creations will be returned to the beginning? Special attack on human civilization? Anti-human civilization treasure?" If this guess is true, based on the performance of [Crown·Light of Wisdom] just now, as long as it goes around the world, it can definitely destroy human civilization! And it is a complete extinction without leaving any trace of civilization! 'What caused the change in the effect of the treasure... Could it be that the core used as the furnace core has been changed from an ordinary magician to the original 'destined protagonist', so it has evolved super-evolved? ' Fang Yuan was guessing the reason for the change, but his face did not show any worry about the enemy's strength.

——Since man-made objects will be returned to their original ore form when they enter the "paradise", then just get rid of them outside!   The next moment, those mass-produced Transformers who were surrounding the [Crown·Light of Wisdom] and dared not approach easily, suddenly disintegrated into the smallest deformation units, scattered apart, and within a few seconds, they reorganized and transformed into pyramid-shaped metal structures around the "paradise" that was already thousands of square meters, and together formed a huge hollow cylinder.

The next moment, violent space distortion waves appeared inside the hollow cylinder, extremely hot, as if the light and heat of the sun's surface descended on the earth - no, this is the light and heat of the sun's surface!   This is a space channel leading to the surface of the sun!   The light from the sun descended on the earth at zero distance. At that moment, the violent energy that surged out even made Fang Yuan in the fortress feel the throbbing.

——Although the space technology he has mastered can transport any material to a fixed point in the solar system, this is the first time he has opened a space channel to the sun. He is really worried that the space channel will lose control at this moment. Directly pushing the entire earth to the point of no return.

Fortunately, the space channel did not get out of control. It opened briefly and then closed again.

When the light and heat dissipated, there was no trace of the giant in place.

No, not only the giant, but also the "paradise" with lush flowers and grass at its feet, all disappeared in just this moment.

')258'\u003eChapter 257 Self-sacrifice? Being self-sacrificed?

"How could it be..." Joan of Arc watched helplessly as the Miracle Golem Xuanhe, which was copied from the Original Man, appeared on the stage. She watched it unleash its power, destroying more than a thousand enemies in an instant, and then watched it be destroyed in the next instant. A more domineering, more terrifying, and more unreasonable attack was completely wiped out.

How many other methods do their enemies have? ! "Don't be distracted!" She was stunned into a daze because she witnessed the scene just now. Joan of Arc's movements were a little slower, and she was almost shot down from the chariot by an attack. Achilles, who was driving the car, scolded him with some dissatisfaction. Voice.

"...Sorry!" The Saint of France apologized a little embarrassedly, and then worked harder to defend against the continuous attacks coming from behind the chariot.

"Quickly, rush to the fortress while their numbers are reduced!" Amakusa, who was also resisting, looked at the mechanical army in the sky that was much smaller in number and had a somewhat scattered formation, and said in an eager tone.

"You don't need to tell me, I know it!" Achilles swung the reins vigorously, poured in magic power, raised the speed of the chariot to the highest level, and rushed towards the gap in the encirclement at supersonic speed, approaching like a hurricane. Looking at the steel fortress blooming on the ground like a giant flower.

They have never thought about the option of retreat. Although the enemy is hopelessly powerful and they themselves are exhausted and scarred, no matter whether it is Amakusa, Joan of Arc or Achilles, they have only one thought in their hearts - kill. Enter that steel fortress! ……However, ideals are full and reality is skinny. Although the will of the three heroic spirits is extremely firm, this does not change their absolute disadvantage in strength.

A mere supersonic advance cannot allow them to truly break out of the encirclement carefully woven by artificial intelligence.

Even though Achilles relied on his master's abundant magic power and was not afraid of consumption, launching his Noble Phantasm again and again to launch a sprint, but at every critical moment, an extremely precise and powerful attack would hit the little boy. The shield of the world, the huge power penetrated the invisible barrier of the self-contained world, forcing the speeding chariot to slow down from the rush.

The encircling circle gradually narrowed, and just a few hundred meters away from the fortress, the chariot's charge was finally completely cut off.

Seeing that they were about to be completely surrounded, a faint despair surged from the hearts of the three heroic spirits.

"...It seems that my journey has come to an end this time... Ruler... No, let's call you Joan of Arc! Although I think my desire to save all mankind is extremely correct, I also understand , if I am the one who reaches the end, I will definitely not be able to take back the Great Holy Grail... As a Heroic Spirit, even with the bonus of the Ruler class, I am still too weak... Therefore, I will hand the Holy Grail to you, It is better than letting it continue to be possessed by those evil beings.

Everything that follows will be left to you and Achilles! "As he spoke, he used his Noble Phantasm to perform psychic surgery and transferred all the command spells in his hand to Jeanne. Amakusa Shirou Tokisada showed an extremely clear and hearty smile, just like the one who performed miracles and cured believers. The young saint returned to his normal state again, extremely sunny and open-minded, with no trace of gloom at all.

"Amakusa..." Joan of Arc looked slightly absent-mindedly at this saint who had the same beliefs and similar experiences as her, but ended up going the completely opposite path - at this time, he truly had the identity of a "sage". He is no longer the bigot who said he wanted to save mankind, but in his heart he did not believe in mankind at all.

"Don't show such an expression, go and complete your mission! I have to complete mine too... What a pity. I thought I would be able to achieve my wish this time..." The saint from the far east said mockingly Sighing, he stretched out his arms, and the huge magic power was gathering - "[Twin Arm - Big Crunch]!" The magic power of black and white shone on Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's left and right arms at the same time. On the arm, the special magic circuit in the arm that was constantly changing on a second-by-second basis suddenly overloaded and went berserk under the infusion of excessive magic power.

This is originally a unique technique that can only be used by Amakusa, the owner of the Noble Phantasm, after connecting herself with a spiritual vein or some kind of huge magic power condensed body. The overloaded magic power will be condensed under the overload operation of the special magic circuits in both arms. Refined simulated dark matter, eroding and destroying everything around it.

But at this moment, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, who gave up his obsession, gave up his own life, and burned his body and soul as firewood, broke through the inherent limitations of the Noble Phantasm, and used his own body and Servant-level soul to As an alternative, this Noble Phantasm was forcibly activated.

As a price, the body of the young saint decomposed and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, returning from the real flesh and blood to the invisible ether, and then all turned into firewood and added to the already formed "darkness".

When his body and his soul completely disappeared, the "light" of darkness broke out! Although black and light are contradictory in themselves, the scene that appeared on the battlefield at this moment is more appropriate than ever to describe it this way.

Under the final will of its creator, the simulated dark matter that eroded everything shot forward from one side of the chariot like a beam of light. All the matter, energy, light, and sound waves along the way disappeared directly from this world like a pencil drawing erased by an eraser.

From a distance, it looked like a black light, shooting out from the encirclement formed by countless mechanical armies, destroying all enemies along the way, and even directly bombarding the fortress body standing hundreds of meters away, blasting a huge hole in the outer wall made of steel.

"Now!" Jeanne used a command spell without hesitation, stimulating the power of Achilles' treasure to the maximum. The chariot pulled by three divine horses, at a speed beyond the limit, was like a stream of light, following the passage that Amakusa Shiro Tokisada had blasted out at the cost of everything he had, breaking through a distance of hundreds of meters in a short moment, and rushed directly into the breach of the fortress.

…  "Amakusa Shiro Tokisada sacrificed himself voluntarily? It feels a bit strange... Is it the intervention of the inhibitory force again? Forcefully changing the will of a heroic spirit?"  Fang Yuan continued to evaluate the interference ability of the inhibitory force in his heart, and then looked up at the two survivors who finally broke through many obstacles and entered the fortress. After thinking about it, he decided to give them a surprise-  "[Friday], wake up the sub-servant Berserker and teleport him to Achilles-the old grudge in the mythological period, let the 'parties' solve it themselves!"  …')259'\u003eChapter 258 The Amazon Queen who makes the best use of everything

Just after Jeanne and Achilles rushed into the fortress, before they could find a way to go deeper into the fortress, suddenly, a petite figure appeared in front of the two of them out of thin air.

To be more precise, it appeared in front of Achilles.

The newcomer had a delicate appearance, a slender figure, and was wearing very revealing clothes. She was one of the female sub-servants who had fought against the Yugdomrenia clan before and was finally captured by Fang Yuan.

When she first appeared, she seemed to be a little confused by the sudden change in the environment around her, but when she turned her eyes to the front and saw the figure driving the chariot, scarlet madness instantly burst out of her eyes.

"This guy... that breath... is it him... Yes, yes, it's him, it's Achilles! Achilles s ... "She is... Penthesilea? No, a human with Penthesilea's spiritual base... So that's it, is this the intention of the owner here?" Jeanne identified the power contained in the girl who went crazy as soon as she appeared, and soon confirmed who the spiritual base fused in her body belonged to.

When she knew the true identity of the spiritual base in the girl's body, she immediately understood why the other party behaved like this.

—— There is no doubt that this is the bad fate left by the great hero of the God Age.

"Little Saint Girl... No, I'll call you Jeanne, leave this guy to me, you keep going!" Without waiting for Jeanne to speak, Achilles took the lead and asked to fight the enemy alone.

Obviously, although there is no class ability like Ruler, the bad fate causality that has been passed down for thousands of years and originated from myths and legends still made Achilles understand the identity of the other party when he saw the girl for the first time.

He understood that the one who appeared in front of him at this time, showing a frenzy, was not the little girl with the Berserker spirit base, but the real Berserker Penthesilea herself! "...If this is your wish..." Jeanne looked at Achilles, then looked at the Berserker who might come at any time, and after thinking for two seconds, she agreed to Achilles' request.

"Command Spell, strengthen!"

Before leaving, she did not forget to use the [Divine Judgment] that she mastered as a Ruler class to strengthen Achilles to make up for the consumption of the series of battles he had just experienced.

After that, Jeanne left the chariot directly and plunged into the intricate passages in the fortress.

- Although there was no map of the fortress, and the specific location of the passages inside was not clear, with the help of the [Revelation] skill, Jeanne seemed to be really helped by the gods, and she never made a mistake in walking into the correct path, and kept approaching the core of the fortress.

Achilles, who stayed where he was, looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar warrior in front of him. After sighing, he put away the scarred chariot treasure, held a spear, and faced head-on the one he least wanted to encounter. enemy".

"Achilles! Achilles!! Achilles ssssssss-!!!" After Achilles showed his willingness to fight, the human part of the sub-server's body was completely lost. Gaining control of the body, the violent God-era heroic spirit directly broke through the obstacles of magic restrictions and took over the body of the android girl.

Even, under the transformation of the Heroic Spirit Spirit Base, the girl's appearance changed in a short period of time, turning into the appearance of the Amazon Queen of Gods from the inside out.

"It is indeed you, Penthesilea..." Seeing this scene, Achilles finally confirmed his feelings and let out an apologetic sigh again.

"Achilles! Die!!!" Bang -! The Amazon female warrior, whose whole body was filled with hatred and madness, had her body functions enhanced beyond the limit by the [Crazy Transformation] skill. With just one step of her foot, she instantly entered a state of speed that could not be recognized by the naked eye.

The next moment, she appeared in front of Achilles, holding a dark iron chain in her hand at some point. The end of the iron chain was connected to a huge solid iron ball covered with metal spikes.

The meteor hammer was used by Penthesilea as a Berserker. It was a huge and heavy weapon that did not match her petite female figure at all.

But as the Amazon Queen, who has the blood of the God of War and is even more powerful than most male heroes, even though she is only in the state of a sub-server attached to the human body, her power when wielding the meteor hammer is still unparalleled.

Especially now she is facing the heel who killed her and gave her a huge insult after her death (praising her beauty is considered an insult... right?). With the blessing of mad energy, this one dropped from the air. The attack is even more majestic.

clang--! ! ! The collision of spears and meteor hammers resounded through the space at the bottom of the fortress. The fateful battle that had been entangled from the age of gods to the present entered a white-hot state at the first moment.

... Tap tap tap tap - The unique footsteps of metal boots on the metal floor resounded in the corridor. In the end, she turned into a lonely French saint, holding a flag that could no longer be called a holy flag. It was a spear weapon, running along the correct path she had received from the [revelation].

clang--! Although invisible, the [revelation] given by the gods still allowed Joan of Arc to naturally swing a gun, hitting the invisible enemy in the air.

——Since it is said that the so-called "protagonist" must go through many difficulties and numerous difficulties and obstacles before he can meet Fang Yuan, the "big devil", he will naturally not forget to set up many levels and obstacles in his own "Demon King City". Countless defenders ensure that every step Joan of Arc takes is full of blood and sweat.

The invisible enemy in front of Joan of Arc is one of the defenders.

With near-perfect optical invisibility, silent movements without sound, and a mechanical body without the presence of life breath, coupled with the use of a force field to control the air and suppress the airflow, this guardian's invisibility ability is comparable to at least an A-level [Breathe Interruption] ability. , can be called a top assassin.

But this time the enemy it encountered was the nemesis of all assassins - Joan of Arc, who possesses the precognitive ability of [Revelation]. Even if she herself is not aware of the abnormalities around her, the gods who care for her will proactively remind her she.

——No matter how sophisticated your stealth and assassination skills are, you can't stop someone from using Precognition! Therefore, the invisible enemy did not stop Joan of Arc for long. After only three or four fights, she had already locked the enemy's position, and then followed her intuition and shot at it, directly destroying the invisible guardian's energy core.

Bang - Abandoning the invisible guardian that had lost its power and turned into a pile of scrap metal, Joan of Arc didn't take a second look at it. She just waved the flagpole in her hand and continued to rush towards the direction sensed in [Revelation]. Run away.

')260'\u003eChapter 259 The Saint of Red Lotus \u0026 Death of "Fang Yuan"

I don't know how much time passed, but the main entrance of the central hall where Fang Yuan was was blown away by a huge force. Walking out from behind the door was a girl holding a flag (gun) who was covered in blood and looked embarrassed.

Just now, Fang Yuan watched a God's version of "The Queen's Revenge", in which the Amazon Queen, who had "attacked Achilles", won the final victory in the battle with Achilles.

Although from a strength comparison point of view, Achilles is much stronger than Penthesilea no matter what, but on the battlefield, anything can happen, right? For example, the sudden appearance of irregular gravity changes that only affect one person; For example, the inexplicable pits and bumps on the ground that are enough to trip people; Another example is that the lighting at the battle scene suddenly malfunctions. Someone's eyes caused a blinding blow... Well, this is all caused by the aging of the equipment and has nothing to do with Fang Yuan himself! Of course, the victor also paid a price. The android girl who originally housed the heroic spirit spirit was overdrawn to the point of collapse in the wild battle of the berserker who showed no care for her body. Coupled with the injuries she suffered, it was very difficult for her to survive. She came to the end of her life quickly, ending her short life as a tool.

Although it was a pity that there was one less experimental sample, after confirming Achilles' death, Fang Yuan also confirmed that the only one who could finally come to him would be Joan of Arc as Ruler.

Now, she is finally here! "Joan of Arc, the enforcer of restraint, I have been waiting for you for a long time!" In the middle of the hall, Fang Yuan, half lying and half sitting on a huge chair, supported his cheek with one hand, with an intriguing smile on his face, and said with a With a tone of "I've been waiting for you for a long time", he said hello to the saintly lady who had worked hard to get here.

Hearing Fang Yuan's voice, Joan of Arc immediately recalled the puppet who "reported" to her in the restaurant - "It was indeed you..." The heavily injured Joan gasped and spoke with some difficulty.

Although he passed many levels along the way, the traps and various guards set by Fang Yuan were not easily overcome.

Although the invisible guardian she met at the beginning seemed so powerless in front of Joan of Arc who had the [Revelation] skill, on her subsequent journey, she encountered all kinds of strange enemies and traps, which allowed Joan to move forward. Extremely difficult.

Things like laser channels and mechanical guards can only be considered child's play. Gravity traps, time stasis areas, and space mazes can only be considered routine operations. Only things like space annihilation traps and controllable simulated black holes can be considered. It can be regarded as crazy.

Even Joan of Arc, who had divine protection and [revelation] warnings, was forced to near-death situations many times when faced with increasingly exaggerated traps and endless mechanical guards.

Fortunately, "God" does take care of her. Every time she faces a life-and-death crisis, various coincidences will always happen, allowing Joan of Arc to find the only way to survive in an almost impossible situation. , and finally fought all the way to the deepest point without losing any arms or legs, and came to Fang Yuan.

"You are the one who talked to me through the puppet, right? The reason why the Holy Grail War got out of control this time was all your fault, right?" Although it was a question, Jeanne's tone was full of affirmation.

After all, such a big Holy Grail is placed behind Fang Yuan. Anyone who is not blind can see that the man in front of him is the culprit who took away the Great Holy Grail.

However, due to Ruler's duty as a judge and Joan of Arc's own moral habits, she still had to ask this question formally.

“Yes, it was me who reported the violator to you.

But you said that I was the culprit that caused this Holy Grail War to get out of control... I'm sorry that I won't take the blame! This Holy Grail War has been out of control from the beginning. Whether it is the Yggdmirenia clan, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, or the behind-the-scenes controllers of those sub-servants, their violations are all before mine. You are like this I will sue you for defamation if you make random accusations! "Although he knew that Joan was using words to stall for time to recover, Fang Yuan still cooperated with her in a verbal spat for the plan he was about to complete, without any sense of "the villain dies because he talks too much".

"...But you took away the Great Holy Grail and directly interfered with the normal operation of this Holy Grail War. At the same time, you unscrupulously displayed extraordinary power and threatened the lives of a large number of innocent people. There is no doubt that you are evil. I, Lord, In the name of God, I will impose divine punishment on you!" Regardless of the [revelation] in her heart or her own judgment, Joan of Arc has identified the person in front of her as the target that must be defeated and eliminated.

However, she is now at the end of her tether. Although the enemy in front of her does not know how powerful she is, the extremely powerful traps and guards alone are enough to stop her before she gets close, or even kill her. ...So...there is only one choice! Having made a decision in her heart, Joan of Arc dropped the flagpole in her hand, which had lost a third of its length and lost its function as a weapon, and pulled out the sword of St. Catherine from her waist that she had never used before. .

Holding the sword upside down, he cut his palm with the blade and smeared blood on the blade.

Holding the sword blade, he knelt down and prayed: "The heavens are the glory of the Lord, and the sky is the great work of God's hand.

...Conveying language by day, knowledge by night. They can neither converse nor speak, and cannot even hear sounds.

The warm light spreads all over the earth and extends to the end of the world.

Climb up from the end of the sky and go all the way around to the end of the sky.

My end is here, my destiny is here, my life is here.

My life is equal to nothingness, like a shadow wandering around.

My bow cannot rely on me, nor can my sword save me.

With the only thing left, I hope to guard his steps... Lord, I entrust this body to you - After despair, there will be hope! ! ! ” Accompanying the prayers were karmic fires like red lotuses.

This symbolizes Joan of Arc's own experience of being burned at the stake, and it is also equivalent to Joan of Arc's past life. It is the crystallization of her piety and belief in God, and it is also the gathering of the world's legends about her as a saint. A miracle.

But more importantly, this is a divine punishment blow delivered by the omniscient and omnipotent "God" to Joan of Arc, the "enemy of God" identified by God's agent.

In other words, this attack not only contained the power of Jeanne herself, but also represented the will of restraint!   Faced with this Ex-level attack that had already surpassed the evaluation level, Fang Yuan, the target of the attack, unexpectedly did not make any defense, allowing himself to be engulfed by the scorching flames. His fragile body was torn apart by the impact of the flames carrying huge energy, and the blood that splashed out finally dripped onto the ground before being evaporated by the flames.

The next moment, starting from the location where the first drop of blood fell, lines and runes emerged from the ground, instantly covering every corner of the entire hall, even the walls and ceiling.

No, not just the hall, but the entire fortress was filled with extremely complex lines and patterns, forming an extremely huge and complex array diagram.

...  At the same moment when "Fang Yuan" died, another Fang Yuan opened his eyes.

"It's started!" The orbital station section of the space city that had disappeared from the real space and time reappeared from the other side of the space and time dimension to the surface, returning to the normal three-dimensional space and time.

However, the space city that reappeared in the real space and time was no longer one, but a full 50!   This is a special application of space folding technology, similar to the sword skills of a certain gatekeeper swordsman, which is a "multi-dimensional folding phenomenon" achieved by scientific and technological means.

Moreover, unlike a swordsman who chopped swallows with a sword, he could only swing three slashes at the same time at most. With the help of an extremely large semi-perpetual energy source and space manipulation technology from alien technology, this space city achieved an extremely exaggerated 50-fold existence.

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